Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 101 The fist opens the gate of heaven and crosses the ocean to kill you! (7K Da Zhang asks f


The Wano country warship, which was hit by more than a dozen warships, swayed, a red light flashed in a certain part of the cabin, and a gap was blown out of the hull on the right side. It slammed back and rolled back.

There was the sound of a helicopter in the heavy rain. The NHK TV station helicopter above his head pulled up a certain height to ensure a safe distance. The high-speed rotating propeller shredded the rainstorm under the clouds and spilled a circular arc. He sat at the door of the helicopter cabin with a seat belt tied. cameraman zoomed in.

Under the in-focus lens, you can vaguely see the burning flames that are slowly tilting and sinking on the hull of the hull. bloodstained.

A few minutes ago, these young people were chatting with each other to end the routine visit to Beihai. After returning home, where should they accompany their families and take their children to play, to make up for their lack of reunion in their 30s.

And now,

everything is over.

The morning news reporters of NHK TV faithfully transmitted this scene to the TV screens of thousands of households. Looking at these bloody and cruel real pictures, countless viewers sitting in front of the TV in Wano country experienced from stunned to shocked , the process from silence to anger

Shari County, Koshimizu Town.

Sitting in the kotatsu in front of the TV, Nishimaru Miri, who was opening red envelopes and counting money with Xiaodou Ding Dongye Yukino, stopped what she was doing at some point, staring at the TV screen with her big clear eyes, her small face looking slightly Some pale, seems to recall some not so good past.

the more precious things.

Is it easier to catch?

Although Xiaodou Ding Dongye Xuenuo was usually carefree, but now he also noticed that something was wrong.

She secretly glanced at Nishimaru Miri's little face, and couldn't help but said cautiously, "Don't worry, Uncle Tokugawa is so powerful, he will be fine."

Nishimaru Miri heard the sound, turned her head and glanced at Higashino Yukino, twitched her small nose, a smile appeared on her delicate little face, and nodded vigorously.

"Of course it'll be fine. Dad said that he would pick me up to play when he came back. He's got his words! He's never lied to me."

she said so.

At the same time, the attacked sea north of the Genshi Strait was further east.

A skeleton ship with a black dragon flag was sailing on the sea. On the bow stood a man wearing a purple and purple coat with a hell mandala, holding a cigarette pipe in his hand, and looking at the boundless sea in the distance.

As the general commander of the Dragon Pirates of Sakamoto, Sakamoto-sun undoubtedly shoulders the fate of this pirate group's wandering. Over time, the pressure on his shoulders can be imagined.

It's just that this man's angular and handsome face always has a warm smile like a spring breeze, which makes people feel a sense of peace of mind just by seeing it.

Because of this, even on the way to escape from the pursuit of the Judge of the Judgment Division, the Sakamoto Dragon Pirates were still laughing and laughing, and even held a [Red and Blue Song Battle] last night.

At this time, Sakamoto-san leaned against the bow of the boat and held his chin like this, and pinched the cigarette pipe with the other hand boredly, quietly smiling at the laughing crew on board.

At this time, an umbrella appeared above his head.

Hanami Ruri, the captain of the eighth division of the Dragon Pirates of Sakamoto, wore a traditional kimono and held a flower umbrella over Sakamoto's head, and smiled at him gently and gracefully.

Sakamoto-san knocked on his pipe and asked with a smile:

"Liu Li, where do you think we can get out of the current predicament? Shall we leave Wano together, leave the East China Sea, and go to the South China Sea for a vacation?"

Huajian Liuli smiled softly, "Where is the general, where is our way out."

Sakamoto-san smiled a little when he heard the words.

These guys really still believe in themselves so much.

At this time, Hanami Liuli suddenly said, "By the way, General, I just saw the news of Wano Kingdom. This morning, the Wano Kingdom ship that we traded with seems to have an accident while patrolling."

"What happened?"

Sakamoto-san couldn't help frowning and asked, almost subconsciously, the man with a resolute face and always unsmiling appeared in his mind.

"It seems to have been attacked by an unknown gang suspected of pirates. The ship where Tokugawa Kurito, the leader of the third investigation team, was rammed and is about to sink." Hanami Ruri said.

Sakamoto-san was silent for a moment.

The next second, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Tell Qingtianmu in the cab to turn around from now on, return to the location of the transaction and continue driving north."

When Hua Jian Liuli heard the words, she couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

But seeing Sakamoto-sun's smile gradually disappearing from her cheeks, she quickly leaned over slightly, lowered her head and replied, "Yes, I will go to inform Qingtianmu."

In the live news broadcast of NHK TV.

Staring at the heavy figure who stepped on the enemy's black warship alone in the heavy rain under the camera, everyone smelled a cold and stern smell for no reason.

That smell is called "revenge".

At this time, even the Dawn Revolutionary Army on the black warships saw the clue, and the pupils could not help shrinking suddenly, and a shocking and absurd illusion filled his heart.

It seems to be in the eyes of this man.

Not that they surrounded him at this moment,

but he alone,

surrounded them all

It was just such a ridiculous picture, which fell in the eyes of everyone, but inexplicably gave people a strong sense of crisis, and couldn't help but take a half step back.

At this moment, a figure jumped high from the huge black one-horned battleship in the rear, and suddenly fell on the black ship where Tokugawa Kurito was.

Siller Joe was wearing a black cloak and was bathed in the rainstorm. Under the shadow of the cloak, he stared straight at Tokugawa Kuritora.


Tokugawa Lihu ripped off a piece of cloth from his navy blue windbreaker, and divided it into two from the middle. He lowered his head and carefully wrapped it around his palm one by one. The surface of the cloth wet with rain was slightly moistened. A little dark red.

Obviously, King Kong, who had just blasted Zakun with a pair of iron fists, was not without damage to him.

However, Tokugawa Lihu moved his palm, raised his head slightly and stared at the figure under the cloak and said, "I just asked if I could talk about it, but now, I don't think it is necessary."

"It's really not necessary."

In the heavy rain, Searle, the commander of the northern army of the Revolutionary Army of the Dawn, looked down at the water splashing on the deck below his feet, and said in a neutral tone, "If you want to delay time waiting for rescue, then I advise you not to waste your efforts. already."

"I didn't think about supporting, but it's not a waste of effort, I have to fight to find out." Tokugawa Kurihu put his left hand in front of him, his right hand slowly retracted to his waist, and took a deep breath.

In the next moment, his figure gradually increased, and golden light more condensed than before overflowed from the surface of the body layer by layer, and the fists wrapped by the cloth strips also emitted a faint golden color.

At this moment, Tokugawa Lihu's face lost the indifference of the past, as if the angry eyes of King Kong, but also like a colorful tiger descending the mountain, the golden light that lingered and moistened the rain.

For a time, the two of them were like a golden rain falling in all directions.

Field expansion. King Kong realm!

Tokugawa Lihu, who was standing in Yuanding Yuezhi, stepped forward half a step, and suddenly charged up and threw a punch!

At this moment, with a distance of more than ten meters between the two, thousands of rainwater hovered in the air for a moment as if they had suffered some kind of deterrence.

In a matter of seconds, the terrifying fist power swept across the black cloak like a storm, and the countless rainwater in the air suddenly shattered into countless swirling white mists.

Only the realm can fight the realm.

This is a certain consensus of most low-level power users and middle-level power users to absolute power users.

However, in the face of the terrifying power, Sierle under the black cloak just raised his right hand and gently drew an "arc" in the rain. The raindrops in front of Sierle suddenly seemed to be flattened and squeezed. A calm water mirror is formed.

Talent Sequence 23 Water System Ability Ruins.

Rule. Return to the Ruins from the Great Wilderness!

At this moment,

Like a bird in a forest,

It's like a swallow returning to its nest.

Tokugawa Lihu's terrifying punch, which was enough to open mountains and seas, landed on this water mirror, but it was as if a drop of water fell into a bowl of water.

nothing happened

But it was precisely because nothing happened that the scene in front of him was even more shocking, and the crew members who were looking forward to it behind him widened their eyes.

how can that be? !

Tokugawa Kurihu raised his thick eyebrows, his face showing unprecedented seriousness.

In the hands of the man under the black cloak in front of him, he gradually felt a higher-level way of using innate abilities.

That way is called [rules].

If [domain] is an expansion after further understanding of innate ability, then [rule] is the most absolute control of ability after completing the most essential understanding of innate ability.

The expansion of [Field] is limited by the range of abilities, and the strength of [Field] is based on the releaser's understanding and proficiency of innate abilities. However, the use of [Rules] for abilities has nothing to do with the range and strength.

It can be very large or very small, and even as long as the capable person is willing, he can use his ability to accomplish many unimaginable things.

This is the supreme rule.

Just like this moment.

Searle "painted" a water mirror in the rain.

It blocked Tokugawa Lihu's terrifying punch that was as heavy as a mountain, and inadvertently dissolved everything into the invisible, quite a bit of a relaxed freehand.

"Eighth-order demigod."

Tokugawa Lihu murmured to himself,

"Those who want to kill me still really look down on me."

New Tokyo Tianren Special Zone.

The 11th Judgment Division of the Judgment Division in the country of Wano who dealt with the assassination of Senator Hope - the eighth-order demigod Marcus Rhine also raised his eyebrows slightly in front of the TV screen.

A demigod capable person?

These high-ranking officials of Wano Country are really willing to work hard.

It's just that this eighth-order ability person seems to be only in the initial stage, and the control of the rules is slightly rough.

Nevertheless, he looked at the unyielding back of Tokugawa Kurito standing on the boat in the shaky footage, almost no different from looking at a dead man.

Nine stages and 5 stages.

first-order mountain

The gap between the seventh rank and the eighth rank cannot be made up by state and courage at all.

But just at this moment, Tokugawa Kurihu's majestic and resolute face on the boat showed a smile, which soon turned into a free and unrestrained laughter.

"what are you laughing at?"

Under the shadow of the cloak, Commander Siller's eyes flickered.

Tokugawa Lihu's smile gradually faded, staring at Searle and said, "If it's only the seventh rank, I will feel despised. This is what those conspirators should look like."

He country is a fierce tiger!

Invincible at the same level, half-step eighth-order.

This is not what was said.

The same seventh-order [King Kong] talent sequence ability Zakuun just now was blown away by Tokugawa Lihu, which is a strong proof.

But at this time, the commander under the cloak, Searle, shook his head gently, "I appreciate your courage to face death, but this battle is already over."

He raised his hand gently, and the pouring rain around the warship suddenly froze and suspended in the air. Every drop of rainwater was like a crystal clear rhinestone, arranged in an orderly manner, reflecting the blurred figure of the black cloak.

Rules. Turn water into sword!


Sirlecho snapped his fingers in the rain.

In an instant, a huge blower seemed to appear between the heavens and the earth.

At the moment when the countless rains fell from the sky, they all swept towards Tokugawa Lihu and the warship behind him. The water droplets that had no shape in the state of flying at high speed have been pulled into a handle. A clear and cold rapier.

Tokugawa Lihu unfolded the [Vajra Realm] field and contracted instantly, melted into his body, and flowed golden light on the surface of his skin.

One-seventh of a second later, like a stormy wave hitting the shore, a terrifying "sword tide" swept over Tokugawa Lihu's body, rushing towards the tilted and sunken warship behind him.

In an instant, the canvas on the sloping mast of the warship was instantly penetrated into countless sieves, and the ferroalloy deck was actually punched with countless mottled holes.

Many crew members still survived on the warship, and countless people were caught by the sword rain and fell into the pool of blood with miserable howls.


Terrifying horror!

Water is the softest thing.

However, at this moment, the raindrops of the changed rules turned into the most violent thing in the world, no matter who saw this scene, I might not be able to help but tremble.

This is the power of rules.

Even if the current Searle is only Stage 8 and Stage 1.

But after controlling such rules, the talent ability of the water system [Ruins] is no longer limited to attributes and forms. Searle can flatten and round the rainwater, show countless forms under the rules, and do anything in battle. Imaginative terrorist attack.

Perhaps because of this,

Only the eighth rank is worthy of being called [Demigod-level ability person].

But at this moment, he heard the miserable howls from the boat behind him, and Tokugawa Kurito, who had shrunk the golden light to his body, suddenly opened his eyes.

Even though the clothes on his body were torn inch by inch, his whole body showed a fierce tiger-like aura, he suddenly shielded his arms in front of his face, and rushed forward against the tide of swords, arousing thousands of people. The rain fell and burst, and at this moment, it seemed that even the heavy rain was trembling.

In a matter of seconds, Tokugawa Kurihu's lofty mountain-like figure rushed in front of Sierle, his fists clenched across the top of the opponent's head, wrapped in terrifying rain and wind pressure in a kind of split mountain. The violent attitude of the sea slammed down,

"Don't you understand yet?"

Under this terrifying punch, Searle still had time to raise his head slightly.

He glanced at the huge fist that fell from the top of his head, and sighed softly, "What you are doing now is just making the coming death more painful."

Searle didn't raise his hand, but a crystal clear water mirror had already condensed above his head.


The broken and flying water splashed up.

This time, it wasn't like the previous fist power dissipated in the air, Tokugawa Kurihu smashed the sky-shattering hammer on the water mirror, and actually felt a terrifying shock force that was almost comparable to his strength.


The anti-vibration erupted, and Tokugawa Lihu was instantly shaken, his arms raised, he stepped back a dozen steps, slammed into the bow of the ship with a bang, and the alloy rail behind him was bent a piece.

Zakun, the deputy commander of the army who was blasted into the sea by the Tokugawa Lihu Bengquan, was picked up from the sea by his subordinates at some point.

At this moment, he was sitting on the deck of the big ship, his face flushed and panting heavily, but when he looked up and saw the angry face behind this scene, he suddenly showed a smile.

"This guy. In front of the army commander's return to the ruins, a guy like him who only uses brute force is just a dead end."

However, after Tokugawa Kurihu's punch was deflected by a terrifying force, his arm was numb, but his face did not change, he just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth lightly, and Wei'e's body rushed up again with great strides.

The next moment, the golden fist overflowing with terrifying wind pressure and water pressure blasted out countless deafening terrifying collapse fists around the black cloak in just a few seconds.

The overhead NHK TV helicopter captured the picture, and everyone could even see the white mist-like terrifying sound cone behind Tokugawa Kurihu when he punched out.

King Kong Realm. Ten Thousand Burials Collapse Fist!

Every blow of that fist contains a terrifying force that is enough to crack mountains and rocks. If it hits the remaining jet-black hull, it will probably smash a hole!

But at the moment, the all-conquering collapse fist only hit the water flowers, and the anti-shock force Tokugawa Kurihu endured caused blood-colored mist to rise from his whole body.


The last punch fell!

In the heavy rain, the bow of the tens of tons of black warship under their feet was suddenly pressed down a little by a naked eye, and the stern lifted up as if it had turned over, and immediately fell into the sea again. Countless waves.

At this time, Tokugawa Lihu seemed to have blood oozing from every pore on his entire body, and his whole body seemed to be stained with a layer of red, and it was difficult for even the rain to wash away for a while.

His terrifying collapse fist slammed violently, and how heavy each punch was, he would have to endure the same terrifying force in the next instant. If it was another person, he would have already shattered his bones and turned into a blood mist in the heavy rain.

"It must be painful, right?"

Under the black cloak, Searle raised his eyes slightly and said indifferently, "You should be very clear, you are not my opponent, is it worth making yourself suffer so much?"

Tokugawa Lihu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes passed through Searle in front of him and looked at the undulating sea in the torrential rain in the distance, but the quiet and beautiful face appeared in his mind, and he remembered that rainy day when he was on the beach with his own hands. Send her one last ride.

"Because she looked at me in the sea, it would be a shame to lose here." Tokugawa Kurito said softly.

At the same time, his lofty body was slightly lowered, his left uppercut hung in front of him, his right hand was stored on the chest and abdomen, and he took a deep breath of the moist air full of blood.

A sense of terror and oppression fell from the sky in the heavy rain inexplicably!

At this moment, even the Dawn Revolutionary Army disguised as pirates on the surrounding ships felt a little difficult, as if an invisible Wanjun mountain fell from the sky, pressing the air on the sea to an extreme that ordinary people could not bear. , every breath seemed to be filled with a sticky feeling.

Such pressure! ?

Zakun, the deputy commander of the large one-horned black ship at the rear, raised his head suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Tokugawa Kurito lightly took a half step.

This half step is not forward.

but up! ! !

Towards the eighth order above the seventh order,

Half a step away! ! !

"This punch, try again."

The voice fell!

The Tokugawa Kurihu Fist is like a dragon.

Ride the wind and the rain!

This punch seemed to smash the invisible mountains that fell from the sky, breaking the shackles of the Heavenly Gate at the top of the head!

It's short! Its strength is fierce!

Like a broken arrow piercing the heart! Like a landslide!

King Kong Realm. Fist opens the gate of heaven!

"court death!"

The tone of the shadow under the black cloak finally changed, his hands suddenly opened and closed, and countless rains suddenly gathered towards his hands like a frenzy, and then he staggered forward and punched the same punch.


There was an explosive roar between the heavens and the earth!

At this moment, the sea water in all directions rolled and swirled all around like an angry dragon rising to the sky, and the deck of the black ship beneath his feet was cracking inch by inch!

In the end, it slammed into two halves, and the middle part was raised high toward the sides!

At the same time, the terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions in an instant, and the few revolutionary troops on the nearby one-horned black ship came close to watching the battle.

This is the battle of the eighth-order powerhouse!

The terrifying collision of personal might!

Through the live broadcast of NHK TV, this scene instantly shocked countless people at home, and they were shocked as if they had lost their ability to express themselves.

The next moment, there was an exclamation from NHK news reporter Zhou Ducheng in their ears.

Everyone came back to their senses and took a closer look, and their hearts suddenly hung in their throats.

I saw the sleeves on the arm of Tokugawa Lihu, known as "the most important weapon of the country", shattered in an instant, his coat swelled behind him, and Wei'e's body flew out with a tragic bloodline, and smashed into the distance with a bang. On the sea surface, the heavy rain caused thousands of water splashes.

Life and death are unpredictable for a time, and there are more fortunes than fortunes.

On the other hand, looking at the commander Sierle, who was standing on the broken ship, half of his sleeves were also shattered into pieces, his arms seemed to be slightly bent, and his eyes flickered under the black cloak.

The next second, Searle suddenly raised his hand again!

In an instant, as if the scene reappeared, countless raindrops were suspended in the air.

It's just that this time, under the power of Searle's rules, those cool and chilling raindrops converged and merged together, and finally turned into a terrifying huge water-colored spear aimed at the distant sea.

he wants to

In an instant, even the ordinary people who were thousands of miles apart in front of the TV felt the terrifying killing intent of Sierle!

This eighth-order powerhouse is really angry!

The hearts of everyone suddenly hung in their throats, and the girl whose face was pale the moment the Tokugawa Lihu fell into the sea in front of the TV, her eyes turned red all of a sudden.

However, just at the moment of the close call, there seemed to be a slight movement in the distant rain curtain.

The people around the battlefield seemed to have noticed something, and they couldn't help but turn around and look at it in a daze.

Under the drowsy sky behind, a white awn that almost covered the sky swept across the sky like a bird.

In the terrifying sound of a hurricane passing through, the sea water was inexplicably separated into two white waves, splashing, and the undulating waves pushed along the sea in a certain direction.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the half of the cabin behind Searle suddenly exploded!


With the deafening rumbling sound, a terrifying fire surge rose into the sky on the sea!

Exactly at this time.

In the inexplicable sight of countless people.

A step late, Higashinohara wore a dark golden dragonfly mask on his face, and held a phoenix in both hands.

Two dazzling white lights that almost covered the sky and the sun instantly cut through the layers of upside-down rain curtains on the sea.

Cut off the waves of light and fire,

In his rage, he took the back of the black cloak.

Xiao Taidao two swords flow. Flying swordsmanship!

The yin and yang stop!

At this moment, the [Guilty Handbook] in Higashinohara's mind also stayed on page 010.

【Name: Searle Joe】

【Race: Human】

[Talent Ability: Talent Sequence 23 Ruins]

[Level of Ability: Stage 8 and Stage 1]

[Evil value: 6 stars]

[Character image profile drawing (click to open)]

【Random optional tasks】

Almost at the same time, the battleship of the Dragon Pirates of Sakamoto, which came from the East China Sea, was also attracted to this battlefield by the impact of the explosion just now.

Sakamoto-san leaned against the bow of the boat, staring at the flames rising into the sky in the distance.

At this time, someone suddenly reported:

"General, there seems to be something floating in the sea ahead."

"Oh! It's a corpse!"

"Tsk tsk. It doesn't seem to be dead yet."

Sakamoto-sun turned his head and frowned, his half-opened and half-closed eyes narrowed slightly, and then he ordered in a gentle tone, "Get him, let's leave Wano and leave the East China Sea."


The last two days at the end of the month are spicy, ask for a ticket~

There will be an update in the second half of the night, and the grandfather of the book friend who goes to bed early can get up and read it tomorrow.

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