Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 102 Fei Lei. Juhe One Cut! (Da Zhang asks for a monthly pass)

Shari Port.

half an hour ago,

Higashinohara was carrying a sword box wrapped in black cloth, and was about to go home after walking out of the logistics point.

But he didn't take a few steps to go out, but found that the port suddenly became a mess, and everyone's expressions were hurriedly running and saying something.

Beside the two passers-by he passed by, he vaguely heard words such as "Team Tokugawa" and "attack at sea", he couldn't help but stop and turn his head. A passing person happened to be looking down at the screen of his mobile phone.

"Sorry, what happened?" Higashinohara asked.

Hearing the words, the man handed him the phone directly. The news of NHK was playing on the screen. One after another, battleships like black ghosts appeared around the battleship at sea.

Next, when the third reconnaissance team of the civilian ship moored at Shari port called for sailors to go to support, Higashinohara Kageshun, who was carrying a sword box, bypassed the registration and appeared on the deck.

So this is the scene at the moment, the phoenix in Higashinohara's hand floated across the ocean with two blades, and touched the back of the neck of the army commander Sierle Joe.

However, in the next moment, there was no sight of a long knife passing over the sea and blood spilling into the sky.

A layer of water flow mirror appeared on the back of Sierle's neck at some point, blocking the terrifying slash that was as fast as a fright.

Under the power of the rules, Biyi's sharp-edged sword tip could no longer move forward at all.

But even so, Searle, who had been calm all the time under the black cloak, staggered unexpectedly at this moment.

It was as if someone had knocked a quick and ruthless sap from behind, and almost fell to the ground in front of him, and the other revolutionary troops on the one-horned black boats were immediately stunned.

No one would have thought that the strongest man in the northern army of the Dawn Revolutionary Army, who was always strategizing and calm and calm, would have such a dramatic scene.

The next moment, everyone's eyes moved back, and what jumped into view was a dark golden dragonfly mask.

It's him?

The Disciplinary Committee of New Tokyo?

Although the main base of the northern army of the Dawn Revolutionary Army is currently in the Grand Duchy of Shayash, it is naturally clear about the assassination of Senator Hope on the Rising Sun Island in the neighboring country at the beginning of the month.

And the dark golden dragonfly mask, which has been absent for nearly a month, once again appeared in front of countless people around the world through the news footage of the NHK TV helicopter, which immediately caused an uproar.

Wano Country New Tokyo, Tenren Hotel.

In the hotel suite, the Eleventh Judgment of the Judgment Division made Marcus Rhine look at the LCD screen on the wall, leaning forward slightly unconsciously, his eyes fixed on the dark golden mask.

Is this the goal of this trip?

From dragonfly mask to fox mask, from fox mask to dragonfly mask.

No one knew the true identity of the man, and only relying on the far-out-of-the-ordinary [Shadow Instant] ability and hands-on moves, they guessed that the two masks were the same person.

And today,

The other party put on the dragonfly mask again.

Does it mean that this action still represents justice driven by interest? Or does it hold any other special meaning?

It's just that this time his opponent is an eighth-order demigod-level powerhouse.

Even if it is only the first stage of the eighth stage, and it seems that he is injured under the fist of Tokugawa Kurihu who is about to break the mirror.

But rules are rules.

A human who doesn't even understand the realm,

Can you leverage the power of rules?

Marcus Rhein squinted slightly at the screen, and an unpredictable light flashed in his eyes.

at the same time,

The new Tokyo parliament building in Chiyoda Ward.

A loud bang!

A teacup was smashed to the ground, and the fragments collapsed everywhere. The female assistant next to her walked up cautiously, squatting down, bowing her head and hurriedly cleaning.

"Damn! Trash! A bunch of trash!" Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro scolded for a while.

Originally, when he saw the Tokugawa Lihu falling into the sea with a bloodline on it, his face could be said to be incomparably relieved, and he couldn't help but want to immediately go to the suburban clubhouse to drink tea and drink and be happy.

But when the guy wearing the dark golden dragonfly mask appeared out of thin air, he actually interrupted the last fatal blow of the northern army commander Sirle's "refilling knife".

Amuro Taku was stunned for a moment, and the whole person almost exploded with anger.

In fact, at this juncture, the death of Tokugawa Kurito has nothing to do with the personal grievances of the two.

As long as Tokugawa Kurihu does not die, the third investigation team, which is independent of the Metropolitan Police Department, will not be able to be captured by them for a day.

You know, the tempting big cake of the third investigation team is a great help for Amuro Takashi to run for the next prime minister.

Although his reason told him that the eighth-order demigod-level ability was angry, and the miserable appearance of Tokugawa Lihu who fell into the sea could not survive even if he hadn't died, he still felt inexplicably uneasy if he didn't make up for the sword forever.

Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro got up and walked back and forth a little irritably. When the female subordinates finished packing up and left, his face trembled, full of ferocity, and he instructed the tall and thin member of Congress in the group of seven:

"Quick! Call the rats of the Dawn Revolutionary Army now and ask them to ensure the death of Tokugawa Kurito and the guy in the dragonfly mask. It's best to kill them all!"


Cabinet members immediately started making phone calls.

Since they got on the ship of the "Group of Seven" headed by Amuro Takashi, they have been in a relationship of prosperity and loss. If Takashi Amuro can win the next general election, then he can also go a step further, which is related to his own future. How dare you not be conscientious in matters of fate.

Hokkaido Shari County, Koshimizu Town.

In a small fishing village by the sea, two little girls sat in the kotatsu and stared blankly at the TV. Xiaodou Ding Dongye Yukino quietly glanced at Nishimaru Miri next to her.

Nishimaru Miri silently took out her mobile phone, and there was a photo of her and her new father, Tokugawa Kurito, on the screen of the mobile phone.

In the photo, the man with a dignified and resolute face, always meticulous, looked like an ordinary old father after taking off the windbreaker of the third investigation team and putting on his home clothes and apron at home.

Holding a plate of sushi that she just made by herself, she looked at the camera with a simple and honest smile like a big bear on her face. She was standing beside her, who was still a little timid. Tiger's unshaven jaw.

She once asked her eldest brother Higashinohara.

Life is always miserable,

Or is it only when I was a kid?

Higashinohara was silent for a while and told her that it was only like this when she was a child.

Nishimaru Miri nodded in understanding at the time.

Later, I met Tokugawa Lihu, and Nishimaru Miri felt that Higashinohara was right. It turns out that there is a stranger somewhere in the world who is willing to use love to embrace and warm another person.

It used to be Higashinohara.

Now it is Tokugawa Kuri Tiger.

However, at this moment, recalling the scene of Tokugawa Kurihu falling into the sea wrapped in blood, without a shadow of life and death, Nishimaru Miri's long eyelashes trembled a few times.

She seemed about to cry.

But there are no tears

After a moment of silence, Nishimaru Miri turned off the phone, and the screen fell into darkness.

"Are you OK?"

Xiaodou Ding Dongye Yukino didn't know how to comfort people. Seeing Nishimaru Miri's appearance, she scratched her ears and cheeks anxiously, so she could only ask carefully.

Nishimaru Miri raised her head again. She looked at the dragonfly mask figure standing in the heavy rain under the camera on TV. She twitched her little nose and said, her tender and beautiful face that made people feel distressed suddenly showed a smile.

"It's okay! Captain Dragonfly is here, Dad must be okay!"

"En! Captain Dragonfly is the strongest!" Xiaodou Ding Dongye Yukino quickly nodded in agreement.

I have to say that under the live broadcast of the NHK TV helicopter's adventure in the rain, the attack on the warship of the Tokugawa Kurihu Hokkaido New Year's patrol has affected the emotions and heartstrings of countless people in Wano Kingdom.

And at this moment, north of the Nemuro Strait.

On the black one-horned warship that was slowly sinking with billowing flames, Higashinohara stood on the tip of the cocked top, holding both wings and two blades, standing still.

Searle, the commander of the army who was smashed with a sword, did not leap forward in a dramatic way and fell to the ground, throwing a dog to eat mud or a dog to eat shit

But when he stopped his body and turned around, his eyes slowly looked at the figure wearing the dark golden dragonfly mask behind him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a gloomy killing intent that was enough to drip water filled the air. Immediately, it gradually converged into the invisible.

However, it is precisely this invisible killing intent,

But often the most deadly.

Under the black cloak, his face was so calm that he was a little indifferent, and he said to Higashinohara in a calm tone, "Captain Dragonfly? New Tokyo's Disciplinary Committee? Or should I call you a fox face? Wouldn't it be a bit rude to say hello like this."

"Dawn Revolutionary Army?"

Higashinohara said suddenly.

Under the black cloak, Searle's face was not too surprised. He just squinted slightly at Higashinohara, and suddenly shook his head and said:

"Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing, but I don't think we seem to have any conflict. In a sense, the world government is hunting you, our goal is also the world government, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend."

Higashinohara's eyes were looking at the sea in the distance. Tokugawa Kurihu, who fell into the sea, had long since disappeared, thinking that Nishimaru Miri might be watching this scene.

His heart suddenly sank slowly.

"Are there only so many last words?"

Higashinohara suddenly interrupted Searle.

"I regret that."

Searle stopped talking.

It's just that he said regret in his mouth, but the expression on his face did not have too much regret, but gradually revealed a smile, "The purpose of the Dawn Revolutionary Army is to unite all forces that can be united. Revolutionary Army, but personally, I appreciate your straightforwardness."

Speaking of this, the smile on Sierle's face gradually narrowed, "I have heard of you, you have assassinated the seventh-order Senator Hope, and you have also killed that idiot Thiago in the West Sea, but you will understand me and Those people... are different."

When Sierle said this, Higashinohara's eyes fell on his attribute panel. Today, his agility attribute has broken through the 100 mark.

[Strength: 20.4 (weak)]

[Agility: 100.5 (good)]+60↑

[Physical: 20.6 (weak)]

[Perception: 9.7 (very weak)]

[Will: 16 (extremely weak)]

[Energy particle affinity: thunder; water, fire, scenery, dark. (0)]

[Talent abilities: Shadowsoon, Nine Eyes and Six Paths, Spiritual Healing, Blood Embrace, Cang Lei, Time Hourglass, Yin Stream Snake]

[Composite ability: Cang Lei * Ying Shun → Fei Lei No Step Slash]

[Skill: Little Sword and Two Swords Secret Technique/Profound Truth. Advanced 60/100]

[Character title: Follower of justice (sin value X10, lasts 30 minutes)]

[Status: Human Body Limiter (Removed)]

Attribute Points: 0

Source Point: 0

Searle's voice fell, and Higashinohara also withdrew his gaze.

He is very clear that once the ability reaches the seventh rank and involves [domain] and [rules], the attribute points cannot be directly equivalently converted to 10 points and one rank like below the seventh rank.

But he still chose to do it.

"No, you are all the same."

Higashinohara interrupted Searle's sarcasm and said softly, "It's all garbage that needs to be removed, that's all, time is running out."

"Just you?"

"Try it."

At this time, most of the battleship that Tokugawa Kurihu was patrolling behind had sunk.

The civilian boat that arrived with Higashi Nohara on the southern sea was not too close, and was keeping a safe distance and throwing life buoys on the boat to the survivors who fell into the sea.

Higashi Yehara's body slumped slightly, the twin blades in his hand flashed a clear light in the heavy rain, and his body was suddenly covered with arcs like dragons and snakes, and the whole person was bathed in violent thunder.

Also at this time,

The flow rate of the surrounding time also started to slow down.

Time Hourglass. Four times slower!

At the execution ground of Port Rising Sun, even though Tokugawa Kurito cooperated with him and acted in a scene, Higashinohara, who knew it well, would not think that the other party was easy.

Since the man in front of him was no match for the Tokugawa Lihu, who was about to break through the ranks, Higashinohara naturally did not dare to be paralyzed, and came up with the strongest move.

The moment when the flow of time slows down!

There was only a shadow left where Higashinohara was, and the arc of light golden jumping sizzled on the eardrum.

The next moment, more and more shadows wrapped in pale golden electric arcs kept flashing around Searle's body, and soon became everywhere.

Eight times. Shadow instant!

Someone in the shadows slashed with a knife.


It's like hitting a splash of water.

Higashinohara slashed on the water mirror again with a knife, and the water flow was invisible, but the rules could block this slashing slash like lightning.

At the same time, Searle's counterattack came one after another, and the raindrops that fell down were crushed into filaments like steel needles by the force of the rules.

However, at Higashinohara's extreme speed of breaking through 100 points of agility, the pear-like frenzy of the torrential rain only burst into a shadow.


Searle raised his eyebrows slightly.

The rules of his control are of course not limited to squeezing raindrops into circles, but also have certain attributes that must be hit, even as strong as Tokugawa Lihu can only be physically shaken.

But the guy in front of him who hadn't even opened up the realm, actually avoided his puncture with his speed.

What kind of speed is this?


A smile appeared on Sear's face.

He likes people who have secrets.

In the next moment, the light of the knife wrapped in a pale golden arc flashed around him one after another.

But no matter how fast the knife light was, it was all taken over by the ubiquitous Shui Jing.

And Sierle's counterattack was also under the different states of the rain, and it kept falling short, constantly condensing and scouring again, which also accelerated the sinking of the half of the black ship under his feet.

However, the figures of Higashinohara and Searle were no longer confined to this ship for a long time.

The figures of the two were like phantom waves, and the dozen or so black unicorn warships gathered around them flickered wildly.

Violent and terrifying slashes and rain washes appeared in every corner, pale golden lightning and clear knife light instantly gathered in everyone's retinas like a web of cobwebs. Frightened to avoid, but there are still some unavoidable unfortunate people who are either dead, or their bones are washed away by the turbulent rain.

Thirty seconds of battle.

It is the limit that Higashinohara can last eight times without pressure.

Thirty seconds later, the pale golden lightning and knife light that filled the eyes of countless people subsided like a shower, and Higashinohara stood on the horn of the bow of a black warship.

Sierle stood not far away with a half-smile and looked up at Higashinohara, and suddenly shook his head and said, "It's just not worthy of your wild words."

"try again."

Higashinohara's words were brief and quick.

I don't know when, light golden arcs appeared on Siller's body, like a mark, and the other end of the mark was connected by countless invisible dotted lines and the shadow representing death.

Profound meaning!

Shadow Flash. Cang Lei!

Eight times. Flying thunder without stepping!

In the light of the electric light, the figure of Higashinohara on the single horn of the bow disappeared, and countless figures with wings and two blades attacked Sierle in the middle.

At this moment, his body melted into the shadows completely lost the concept of speed, as if the law of causality cut out the double swords that must be hit.

Bang bang bang!

Searle's body suddenly splashed with liquid.

However, the liquid was not blood, it was just the rain that was sprinkled one after another.

I saw circular water mirrors appearing one by one on the front, back, left, right, and in all directions of his body. This moment blocked countless terrifying slashes!

"Tsk tsk tsk compound ability? What an amazing talent!"

Searle was really surprised this time.

Higashinohara just now had the sure-shot slashes that were connected like countless invisible threads, but in terms of speed, it was definitely the only one he had ever seen in his life.

Speed ​​to the extreme

It seems to have a bit of the meaning of [domain].

But he quickly shook his head gently again, and said with a tsk tsk, "Perhaps you can beat me with only a few hundred million points? It's a pity that there is no such chance."

Higashinohara quietly stood where he was.

He is not listening to the other party's words, but thinking, thinking about the way to crack and crack.

In a previous life he had seen a sentence:

In the world of martial arts, there is nothing that cannot be broken, but only fast.

Higashinohara doesn't know anything about [domain],

I don't know what the [rules] are.

In this world, he can only trust and rely on his own attributes.

However, that is because his attributes are not fast enough.

Can you go any faster?

Of course it can.

When Higashinohara's Shadow Shun has 90 attributes, he can achieve eight times as much Shadow Shun.

And today, when his temporary attribute broke the 100 mark, Higashinohara touched the boundary of nine times.

It's just that he vaguely felt that once he really released his full strength, I am afraid that with his current physique of more than 20 points, he could not cause damage to the opponent and would not be able to trigger the fighting talent of [Blood Embrace].

Over time, the load on the body may exceed the minimum critical protection given to the body by the [Sin Manual], and it is unknown what will happen at that time.

Is there a way to shorten the time?

Higashinohara shifted his gaze slightly, and looked at the last invisible thread that had not yet been cut off in the shadow of the arc lingering somewhere.

Under the black cloak, Searle's body actually suffered more than just a trauma to his right arm from Tokugawa Kurihu's punch. At this moment, he was just holding on fearlessly in a position of defeat.

Searle wanted to rely on language to leverage the opponent's mind to reveal its flaws, otherwise he would not be able to cause effective damage at the extreme speed he had never seen before.

He can't be delayed here too long.

This is exactly what Higashinohara thought.

Suddenly, Higashinohara put the two knives in one hand, and with a click, the dark golden knives actually merged back to back into a densely patterned double-edged ancient knife.

I saw him slowly put the double-edged ancient saber around his waist, his body lowered slightly, his right thumb gently pressed against the knife, the double-edged ancient saber around his waist was clearly exposed to the air, but inexplicably gave the illusion that the knife was in the sheath. , a terrifying murderous intent instantly locked the black cloak on the opposite side of the deck.

"Wanokuni's sword-drawing technique?"

Searle laughed, and said in a deliberately sarcastic tone, "You don't think you can avoid my defense by changing the way of the knife?"

"Why avoid it?"

Higashinohara asked suddenly.

Concentrate a little bit and get to the top!

Since he can't break through the opponent's rule defense by relying on the flying thunder and no step, he might as well concentrate a little bit and completely smash the water system rules controlled by the opponent!

As soon as the voice of the rhetorical question fell, his figure had disappeared in place and appeared in the last shadow.

The next moment, Higashinohara took a deep breath, followed the last sign mixed with this pale golden arc, the double-edged ancient sword seemed to touch the edge of the invisible sheath, and suddenly launched a lightning fast. Terror quickly cut out a sure hit again.

Shadow Flash. Cang Lei!

Nine times!

Fei Lei. Juhe slashes!

In an instant, the thunderstorm overhead seemed to be cut from the middle, and the heavy rain was cut off by the light of the sword that traversed the sky.

At this moment, Searle's hair stood on end suddenly, and he felt an unprecedented terror.

He subconsciously wanted to raise his right hand, but only then remembered that his right hand was injured and unable to move. At a critical juncture, he could only grit his teeth and face the terrifying knife light that was enough to bruise the retina to unfold the water system rules!

Desolate Ruins. Great Desolation Returns to Ruins!

Leiman explodes!

In a matter of seconds, something seemed to shatter in his ears, and Searle's eyes shrank suddenly, revealing an unbelievably terrifying expression.

"how is this possible?!"

"Do not!!!"

At the rear of the battlefield, the patrol ship that was sunk in Wano country slowly sank, and the turbulent sea water had already submerged to the bow deck - the position where Tokugawa Kurito often stood.

Miyano Juro, the captain of the sixth division, floated in the sea, took a last look at the sunken warship, looked at the corpses of the crew members floating in the sea, turned around without a word, and went to the south to support the ship. The civilian boat swam past.



Suddenly, a startled sound came from behind his ear, as if something had hit him.

Miyano Jurou who was on the sea turned his head, frowned attentively, and instantly froze in the sea.

What is that.

It was clearly a head dripping with blood. When he died, his eyes were wide open, his face was full of anger and unwillingness. The incision at the neck was extremely smooth without the slightest stubble, as if it was cut off by something sharp!

The head rolled into the sea along the sloping deck "bone lulu", causing several waves, and then slowly sinking along with the patrol boat.

This chapter was a bit slow to write at night, sorry~

The last two days at the end of the month, ask for a ticket~

Ps: Push a friend's book.

"Global Reincarnation: My Identity Is Problematic"

The Tower of Reincarnation: A magical place made up of countless fantasy worlds. Everyone has the opportunity to enter it, and with the special status granted by the Tower of Reincarnation, they will fight and fight in each derivative copy to make themselves stronger.

Zhang Fang, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were extremely difficult for everyone were all novels, films, and games that he had read in his previous life.

And those so-called strategies that are circulated on the Internet, which have been called golden rules by countless people, are nothing more than blind men touching elephants and peeking at leopards!

As a result, Zhang Fang realized that his day of soaring into the sky had finally arrived!

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