Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 104 Deconstruction and Refinement of New Title Skills

Speaking of which, Higashinohara and Tokugawa Kurito have met three times in total, and their friendship is not that deep.

But due to the relationship between the little girl Nishimaru Miri, there is an inexplicable tacit understanding between the two men who are almost thirty years apart in age.

I am afraid that this may also be the real reason why Tokugawa Kurihu gave him the phoenix double-edged sword. This Kyoto Supreme Sword of Twelve Workers was given to Higashinohara by him, and it is a "sword of oath to protect".

Higashinohara has never been fond of Wano country's top cabinet executives.

However, the existence of Tokugawa Lihu, and the "justice without haze" that he ran through the third investigation team from top to bottom, made Higashinohara feel that this man at least lived his own life, not like those A high-ranking official of a vegetarian meal.

But now the man who is called "the most important weapon of the country" is so alive that no one is dead and no corpse is seen.

And behind everything, it all stemmed from a dirty deal made by a senior official in the Wano country cabinet with the revolutionary army for his own selfish desires - Higashinohara quietly returned to the ship and placed the sword box wrapped in black cloth, and he had already inspected it. [Character Image Section Drawing] by Sierle Johou.

For the filthy and gloomy things that Sierle Qiao, a careerist with the banner of revolution, has done behind his back these years in the Grand Duchy of Shayash with the lofty ideal of overthrowing the "Government of Heaven and Human World", the East Nohara was disgusted by this.

In his thinking, the so-called "lofty ideal" cannot be called lofty if the sacrifice of others is regarded as a means and a path to achieve the ideal.

And this "sacrifice\

,"We generally call it "murder".

That's why Higashinohara was so angry about what happened to Tokugawa Kurito.

People are mortal, and living in this world, Tokugawa Lihu, who shoulders the heavy burden of protecting the country and Anbang, can of course die.

But he shouldn't die here, in the despicable conspiracy of cabinet politicians to grab power!

Because of this, Higashinohara, who had only met Tokugawa Kurito three times, felt a sense of loss in his heart, but deep down there was a sense of irritability and anger for no reason.

Is it Takuya Amuro, Minister of Foreign Affairs?

His eyes narrowed slightly.

After assisting the search for a while, the civilian ship was temporarily repatriated to send the survivors who needed medical treatment back to the port for professional treatment. The professional search and rescue ship of the North Sea Guard continued to search and rescue in this storm.

At this time, Higashinohara stood on the deck watching the wind and rain and the sea gradually receding behind him, his heart moved slightly, and he immersed his consciousness into the [Sin Manual] again.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the clearing task]

【Start settlement】

[Attribute point reward: 6]

[Skill Drop Reward: Talent Sequence 23 Ruins. Primary - Elemental ability, which can grab water particles and gather them into a spherical vortex wall that wraps itself. When the vortex explodes, it has terrifying lethality, and the burst of water has an indestructible edge. sharp】

When Higashinohara saw the falling talent, he didn't have many surprises in his heart.

He now has enough innate abilities. Although there are several innate abilities at the top of the sequence, those are the ones that are most commonly used.

In the final analysis, Higashinohara's current attribute points are limited and he can only focus on the speed system first, at least until he is agile enough to protect himself in this world under normal conditions, and then consider specializing in other things.

However, just when Dong Ye Yuan was about to allocate these six attribute points, suddenly, there was an inexplicable mechanical and ethereal voice in his mind.

[Hint: The total number of innate abilities and skills mastered by the host has reached 10, and the current [Follower of Justice] title skill [Decomposition] is unlocked.

[Decomposition: You can deconstruct the talent ability to extract the source power point. The amount of the source power point obtained is determined according to the sequence and level of the talent ability. Once the talent ability is decomposed, it will disappear immediately, please use the host with caution]

Decompose and refine the source point?

When Higashinohara saw this title skill, he immediately recalled the bottom column in the title page attribute panel of the Guilty Manual——[Source Point: 0]

This column is not only "0" now.

From the time when Higashinohara accidentally obtained the Guilty Manual, it has been in the "zero state" and has no way to obtain it except for the "newcomer gift pack" that rewards a little power point at the beginning.

Now he is a little surprised, it turned out that it can only be refined by decomposing talent ability.

It's no wonder that his lower-rank [Crimson Eye] can be directly promoted to the upper-rank sequence [Nine Eyes and Six Paths], which is much more difficult to obtain than attribute points.

While thinking about it, Higashinohara also completed the allocation of 6 attribute points.

[Strength: 21.4 (weak)]+1↑

[Agility: 44.5 (Normal)]+4↑

[Physical: 21.7 (weak)]+1↑ (Blood Embrace+0.1↑)

[Perception: 9.7 (very weak)]

[Will: 16 (extremely weak)]

[Energy particle affinity: thunder, water; fire, light and dark. (0)]

[Innate abilities: Shadowsoon, Nine Eyes and Six Paths, Spiritual Healing, Blood Embrace, Cang Lei, Time Hourglass, Yin Liu Snake, Desolate Ruins]

[Composite ability: Cang Lei * Ying Shun → Fei Lei No Step Slash]

[Skill: Little Sword and Two Swords Secret Skills/Profound Truth. Advanced 70/100, Piano]

[Title Skill: Decomposition]

[Character title: Follower of justice (sin value X10, lasts 30 minutes)]

[Status: Human Body Limiter (Removed)]

Attribute Points: 0

Source Point: 0

Looking at his attribute panel, Higashinohara glanced at the talent ability and skill column, thinking quickly in his mind.

In the end, he set his target on the [Snake of Shadows] dropped from Thiago Murphy, the pirate of the West Sea—this ability was indeed a bit tasteless for Higashinohara.

On the one hand, it is difficult for Higashinohara to have the leisure to urge the ability to perceive the opponent in that super-fast movement; on the other hand, if he really wants to perceive before he starts, the purple epic ability of talent sequence 16 [Nine Eyes and Six Paths] It can undoubtedly be replaced directly.

In this case

【Snake of Yin Flow Locked】

【Do you want to confirm the decomposition? 】


Higashinohara's mind moved slightly.

On the title page of the Handbook of Sin, the [Innate Ability] column, the font of [Snake of Sinister] vibrated sharply, and suddenly turned into blue particles like quicksand, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time, at the bottom of the personal panel is the [Source Point] column.

The original "0" gradually dimmed, and when it became clear again, the one that jumped into view was—[Source Point: 1]

[Instructions for use: It can be used to promote the current talent ability sequence that can be advanced, or to improve the current level of talent ability. The higher the level, the more source power points are required]

Higashinohara pondered a little after reading it.

Except for the [Crimson Eye] of the original lower-rank sequence, all the abilities he currently possesses belong to the ability of the talent sequence [Unadvanced], so this source point is naturally best used to improve the ability level.

The so-called money should be spent on the edge.

After a while, Higashinohara's consciousness focused on his many abilities, the only purple epic ability - talent sequence 16 [Nine Eyes and Six Paths].

He has been unable to improve his perception and will through exercise and battle, and now this purple epic ability level is still in the primary stage of [First Look; First Path].

Then this 1 point source point.

Is it possible to open [one glance at a glance] again?

Higashinohara wanted to try it.

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