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Chapter 105 [Second Eye] —— Line of Death

Just try it.

Although this source point is obtained by deconstructing and refining a racial talent dropped by a seventh-order peak powerhouse, it can be said that it is not easy to come by, but Higashinohara will not be stingy in his hand.

[Whether 1 point of source power is consumed to improve the level of nine eyes and six paths? 】


In an instant, the purple [Nine Eyes and Six Paths] in the Personal Attributes Innate Ability column on the title page of the [Sin Manual] trembled, and the lines gradually filled with a purple halo, but in a blink of an eye, it quickly returned to normal.

Higashinohara's consciousness is concentrated on it:

【update successed】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking new abilities]

【Nine Eyes and Six Paths】

Serial number: 16

Current open status: second eye; first pass

Um? Second look?

Can a source point only be opened once?

Higashinohara thought that at least [one glance at a glance] could be opened again.

After all, the source point he obtained from the "Newcomer Gift Pack" directly promoted [Crimson Eye] to a purple epic talent ability [Nine Eyes and Six Paths].

Now it seems that the high probability is still due to the first newcomer reward, but he is not greedy, and his attention is quickly focused on the second glance's annotation.

[Nine Eyes and Six Paths. Second Eye]:

After concentrating, you can see the blurred "dead line" of any object. The dead line represents the pattern of the object that is most easily divided. Applying a slash to this can cause 130% to 200% damage.

Higashinohara was stunned after watching.

meaning is

Can there be a "crit"?

Seeing the annotation of this ability, he subconsciously remembered the blue high-risk ability [Sextant] ranked 26 in the talent sequence list in the talent sequence list. It is said that it can divide the target into equal angles and create flaws. Ability to cut.

If I remember correctly, Mick, the Judge of the Judgment Division who was hit hard by Thiago in the Takehara Minami Private Academy last time, should be the one who has seen the [Sexant] innate ability controller.

In contrast, the [Second Eye] opened by Dong Yeyuan is not easy to say, but it seems to be a real improvement in strength compared to the first look, at least he can use it under normal attributes.

Thinking of this, Higashinohara's regret that he only opened the [Second Eye] and did not open the [Second Path] also dissipated a lot.

Anyway, as long as he can deconstruct and refine another ability, there is a high probability that he will be able to open another one, but it is not clear whether more power points will be required when the [third eye and third path] are opened.

He thought about this in his heart, and his attention quickly fell on the attribute panel again.

You must know that the level of innate ability and the corresponding panel attributes have a "dynamic positive correlation" that affects each other.

Higashinohara used to be very curious, [Nine Eyes and Six Paths] should belong to the spiritual ability, but after acquiring this ability, his perception and will have not been significantly improved. He guessed that it was because he only opened one eye, and the rank was too low. , I didn't think much about it.

But now, through the upgrade of the source power point, Higashinohara opened the [Second Eye] again. Of course, he is now curious whether one of his perception and will will be improved accordingly.

It turns out.

His inference was not wrong.

[Perception: 9.7+5→14.7]

Has perception improved?

There was a thoughtful look on Higashinohara's face. The 5 attribute points were not enough to make him happy, but now that there is a way to improve, it is always a good thing.

It is said that there is a specialization in the art industry, and I can only make special breakthroughs because of my limited ability. However, if all the attributes in front of me are improved one day, then the remaining ones will become shortcomings. Now I finally have someone who can make up for the shortcomings. Method.

I don’t know if the [Second Path] can be turned on next time, will the perception on the attribute panel continue to increase or will it increase?

Holding these fragmented thoughts and the faint sense of sadness in his heart that there was no news of the Tokugawa Kuri tiger falling into the sea, Higashinohara followed the civilian ship to the Shari port.

At the same time, the entire Wano country fell into a huge shock and silence.

Through the live broadcast of NHK TV, everyone saw the attack and the crash of the patrol ship that Tokugawa Rito was riding on. Until now, there is no news, and the hope of survival is getting slimmer.

This news immediately dilutes the joy of the "discipline committee" Captain Dragonfly's timely appearance of the enemy who quickly slashed the messy hands. Many people are worried about the safety of Team Leader Tokugawa and condemned the group of pirates of unknown origin with disgust.

Some people even said angrily online:

If the Beihai Guards let their opponents go in this pursuit when the opponent is leaderless, then all the officers of the Beihai Guards would better jump into the sea and swim back together to apologize.

At present, the NHK TV channel has begun to broadcast the life of Tokugawa Rito, introducing his first half of his life for the establishment and growth of the Third Investigation Team, as well as the establishment of the Third Investigation Team in the local police agencies nationwide for more than ten years. The official capable organization, and has repeatedly been the first in the terrorist attacks in various places, and the last one has protected countless people's deeds.

This kind of report similar to the review of the hero's life immediately aggravated the atmosphere of mourning in the country. For a time, NHK also overwhelmed other TV stations to obtain the first ratings in the same period.

Other TV stations in Wano Kingdom realized that the broadcasts now were too frustrating, and soon there were TV stations that took a different approach and began to question the attack on the Hokkaido offshore area on the first day of the new year of the Tokugawa Riku.

Asked why Tokugawa Lihu's so important maritime patrol was not protected by escorts; asked why the enemy was able to wait for him so accurately on the route of Tokugawa Lihu, and whether there was a traitor inside; asked why the attack happened Among them, the support of the North Sea Guard is actually slower than that of a civilian ship?

This series of questions instantly exploded public opinion again and became the point that countless people began to pay attention to.

A man can die in battle or because of his own incompetence, but if he is killed by a knife from behind, no matter who sees it, he will be angry and demand a thorough investigation of the truth.

In the face of the sudden hot discussion on the Internet, the cabinet did not bow and apologize for the first time, and did not respond, as if it was a collective silence.

Because there is an emergency meeting going on inside them.

New Tokyo Metropolis.

2-chome, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku.

This is the Wano country cabinet building.

On the oval conference table, Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro put his hands together in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly on his fat face.

His gaze swept across the faces of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Finance and many other members of the meeting in the conference room, and he spoke in a moderate voice:

"The problem now is. The man hiding behind the dragonfly mask appeared in Beihai again. Everyone should be very clear about the attitude of the world government and the purpose of the trip made by the Rhine ruling. The deceased has passed away. I think we should prioritize some things. ."

The voice fell, and the conference room was silent.

The Prime Minister of the Cabinet, Yu Jin Yu, also heard the words, but his face was a little gloomy, and he said in a cold tone, "The search and rescue work on the sea is still in progress, I think the Tokugawa team leader is still unable to determine the death. If you don't give an explanation, the people of Wano country and The Thirteenth Division of the Third Investigation Group could not agree."

Having said that, Gojin Yu raised his eyelids and glanced at Amuro Takuma, "And judging from the attack in Beihai, there seems to be a problem within us. I think we must investigate this thoroughly."

"Of course we need to investigate thoroughly."

Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro nodded lightly, seemed to think for a moment and then took the initiative to speak again, "Since this incident happened in the North Sea and involves national security and internal security, then I suggest that Minister of Defense Watanabe Showa National Security Council be Nagayamaguchi Kosaburo conducted the investigation, and the French Open was thorough and ominous, and I believe the results will be available soon."

"As for us, I think the current focus is to cooperate with the Rhine Judge as soon as possible to complete the arrest of the mysterious man behind the dragonfly mask. What do you think?"

Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro looked at everyone.

"I think Amuro-san is right."

"Yeah, we must learn from the disintegration of the Shayash Grand Duchy."

"Yes, the death of Senator Hope has not been closed for so long. The death and disappearance of Team Leader Tokugawa has just happened, and there is not much time left for us."


There was a discussion in the oval-shaped conference room.

Prime Minister Hiroyuki Gotsu also looked at Defense Minister Watanabe Showa National Security Council Chairman Kosaburo Yamaguchi. According to his intelligence network, these two should not belong to the "stability maintenance faction" of Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro. Department of people, but the position does not seem to favor him.

However, he may not be able to be re-elected in this year's general election, and there are not many people around him who can be trusted. In this case, he can only be reluctantly entrusted to two people who are fairly neutral in the cabinet struggle.

"Are you two confident?"

Gojin Yu also asked in a deep voice.

"I must live up to my trust and find out the truth of the attack on the Tokugawa team leader." The chairman of the National Security Committee, Yamaguchi Kengzaburo, said immediately and decisively.

Not far away, Defense Minister Akira Watanabe was not as full of words, but also got up and said, "I will find out the origin of the pirates as soon as possible to help Yamaguchi-san find internal spies."

Hearing the words of the two, Prime Minister Gotsu Yu nodded slightly with a smile.

At this moment, Minister of Foreign Affairs Takuma Amuro suddenly spoke, "By the way, the third investigation team is an extremely important superpower within our country, and now the leader of Tokugawa is missing, so I want to search and rescue Tokugawa. At the same time as the team leader, it is best to prepare both hands and choose a temporary acting team leader."

Hearing Takuya Amuro's words, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone here knows that although the Third Investigation Team has been affiliated with the Metropolitan Police Department in recent years, it is actually directly responsible to the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister who have served as the top ministers in the cabinet.

It can be said that it belongs to the direct power of the Prime Minister.

The words of Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro now point the finger directly at this force.

Although everyone knows that Takuya Amuro is a strong contender for the Prime Minister in the next general election, the internal struggle between the two factions has never been interrupted, but it is the first time that it is as blatant as today.

Prime Minister Gojin Yu also squinted slightly, looked up at Takuya Amuro with a blank expression, and asked in a low voice, "Who does Amuro think is suitable to be the acting team leader?"

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