This question is a bit embarrassing.

For my armed forces, you recommend me a team leader. Do you think this is appropriate?

Unexpectedly, there was a smile on Amuro Taku's fat face, and his tone was not in a hurry, and he seemed to say with deep meaning:

"Although the third investigation team is the country's third investigation team, I still think that the acting team leader is best selected from within, so that it is better to take over the affairs of the team faster and better before the return of team leader Tokugawa. perform the duties of the acting leader”

Speaking of this, Takumo Amuro paused and continued, "That's why I recommend the fifth division team to come from a famous school, and now the ability level has just broken through the seventh rank and entered the first stage of Kimura Bai Tuo's position as the acting team leader."

Team 5 Captain Kimura Shirato?

Gojin Yu didn't expect that the other party would actually have the face to recommend it, and he didn't expect that the other party's recommendation would be Kimura Hakutaku, the captain of the fifth division.

and many more!

Wasn't that guy only in the sixth stage and fourth stage last year?

When did you get promoted to level seven?

You must know that those who enter the seventh rank and become absolutely capable will be cultivated by the country into the treasure house of "strategic talents". As the Prime Minister, Yujin Yu also has a list in his hand, but he has never seen the name of Kimura Bai Tuo. .

Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro seemed to see his doubts, smiled and said, "Captain Kimura should have just broken through the seventh rank recently, so he hasn't had time to report, and just took this opportunity to include him in the [Strategic Talents]. ], what do you think?"

In fact, Prime Minister Yuzu Gotsu is more optimistic about the acting team leader of the first team. In the third investigation team, in addition to Tokugawa Rito, he has also dealt with Tsukata Zheng several times. He knows that this man is worthy of trust.

However, in the world of able-bodied people, unlike the politicians who talk about seniority in their cabinets, they have always advocated the respect of strength.

If he is truly powerful, even if the elementary school girl adopted by Tokugawa Lihu comes to inherit her father's legacy and becomes the team leader, no one will have any opinion.

In the same way, since the captain of the fifth division, Kimura Bai Tuo, was promoted to the seventh rank and became the first person to break through among the many sixth-rank peak powerhouses of the thirteenth division.

Of course he didn't have any objections.

Thinking of this, Go Jinyu could only helplessly agree, but he was secretly ruthless in his heart.

He vaguely noticed that the accident that happened after Tokugawa Lihu completed the transaction with the revolutionary army in the offshore area of ​​Hokkaido is likely to have something to do with Takuma Amuro, who led the transaction.

Now that the Minister of Defense and the chairman of the National Security Committee have formed a special investigation team, it is believed that Takuya Amuro will be found soon.

When the time comes, as long as the investigation team finds any clues, Go Jinyu will just seize it, and then follow the clues to investigate thoroughly, looking for opportunities to eradicate these worms in Wano!

There is no problem with Gotsu Yuya's thinking.

But he underestimated the extent to which Takuma Amuro, who is good at managing interpersonal relationships, corroded many cabinet ministers.

The meeting in the parliament building in the morning had just ended, and in the afternoon, a new meeting started in a very luxurious clubhouse on the outskirts of New Tokyo.

In the open-air hot spring in the atrium.

At a glance, many familiar figures who appeared in the parliament building this morning were comfortably soaking in the steaming hot spring and enjoying the attentive service of the girl with thin clothes and graceful figure in the pool.

If Prime Minister Hiro Gotsu was there, he would have known how ridiculous his idea was.

Because there are two figures in the hot springs, they are Defense Minister Akira Watanabe, who is in charge of investigating the attack on Tokugawa Rito in the oval conference room today, and Yamaguchi Kosaburo, chairman of the National Security Committee.

Let the murderer investigate the murderer.

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

At this time, a young man with long hair and a feminine temperament was led into the atrium of the club by the waiter.

In the steam-filled hot spring, Takuma Amuro waved with a smile on his face and said, "Come on, come on! Brother Kimura, you are the protagonist today. It's not a gentleman's job to keep a girl waiting for a long time."

The person who came was Kimura Shirato, the captain of the fifth division.

Kimura Bai Tuo quietly looked at the potbellied middle-aged people in the hot spring, with a hint of imperceptible sneer on the corners of his mouth hidden in the rising mist, he quickly pulled away, bowed slightly and said, "Sorry, there is a family gathering this afternoon, I need Go back as soon as possible."

"Oh?! That's still important."

The fat on Amuro's face shook twice, and he said with a smile, "Go back for me to thank your father Kimura-san, thank him for his help, and Kimura's younger brother became the leader of the third investigation team at such a young age, remember to come often in the future. Gather with everyone in the clubhouse.”

"I'm still just the acting team leader."

Kimura Shirato Road.

The voice fell, and there was a burst of laughter around the hot spring.

Amuro Taku's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"I'm afraid your Tokugawa team leader won't be able to come back."

After he finished speaking, he paused, then smiled and said to Kimura Bai Tuo, "Don't worry, from now on, Kimura brother, you will be the leader of the third investigation team. I said it!"

a moment later

Walking out of the door of the clubhouse, with the affectionate wave of a slender hand behind him, he crossed the stone bridge, and Kimura Shirato walked towards the parking lot.

Today, he obeyed the order of the Kimura family father and took the line of Minister of Foreign Affairs Takuma Amuro, but he did not have much resistance in his heart.

It's been like this since childhood.

As the eldest son of the family, Kimura Hakutaku's life is tailored to perfectly inherit the family's industry and connections, which is no big deal.

Everyone has their own world, and Kimura Hakuto also has some "little hobbies" - such as obeying the family arrangement and entering the third investigation team, but at the same time working part-time at the New Tokyo Fruit Ability Research Institute. For him, the two are not in conflict.

But thinking of the Dawn Revolutionary Army he saw in the news today, he couldn't help sighing in his heart - why this time he just had the idea of ​​contacting the other party, and the other party was already buried in the sea.

It seems that another target has to be changed.

But the time is really getting closer


Shari Port Koshimizu Town.

After Higashinohara returned to the port by boat, worried about the state of Nishimaru Miri at home, he hurriedly returned to his home in Koshimizu-machi with a sword case wrapped in black cloth on his back.

The atmosphere at home is really not right.

The mother was comforting Nishimaru Miri, who couldn't restrain her reddened eyes, and the father went up to say a few words from time to time. Even the usual noisy Xiaodou Ding Dongye Yukino walked cautiously now.

At this time, Higashinohara pushed open the door and entered.

Nishimaru Miri raised her head when she sensed the voice.

After discovering that familiar figure, the little girl who had lost her father twice in her short six-year-old life in the morning couldn't hold back the tears in her red eyes, and the pea-sized tears rolled down her delicate little face. Up, the tender voice said with a slight trembling:

"Big brother, dad, he. Will he not come back and take me to play in Hokkaido?"

Ask for a guaranteed bottom ticket~

Ps pushes a new book by a powerful old author, if you are interested, you may try it~

"Into Unscientific"

I have sat down with Newton, and I have walked side by side with Einstein.

I messed up Planck's hairstyle, and I provided a preface to Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases.

All in all, this is a story of a scholar who travels through time and space in ancient and modern China and abroad, and uses the wisdom of predecessors to open up the future of mankind.

What? You say this is unscientific?

No, it's very scientific!

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