Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 109 Gunshots from the Metropolitan Police Department

The Metropolitan Police Department building in New Tokyo adopts a stern architectural style. The exterior walls are made of blue-gray marble with a square glass curtain wall. The winter sun penetrates in, and even the entire building is square and square. .

This morning, when a meeting was held in the conference room of the third investigation team on the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Building.

The third floor of the Metropolitan Police Building is the floor of the Criminal Division Search Section 1.

In an office behind the corner at the end of the corridor, one of the several deputy heads of the first class was searched, and the deputy head of Matsuo Hayabusa worked here on a daily basis.

Today, as usual, he held a cup of morning coffee from the vending machine downstairs and greeted the beautiful female assistant at the front desk with a smile, and then walked slowly into the office.

After a while, the female assistant came in and wanted to question him because of a case from yesterday.

Unexpectedly, after knocking on the door and entering, he found that the former easy-going and humorous Deputy Head of Falcon Matsuo was sitting with his back to his desk, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, staring blankly at the winter scenery on the street outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The female assistant said a few words, but the other party didn't respond. She just nodded with her back to her. She thought her boss was thinking about a case, so she put down the documents in her hand and went out to close the door.

After the female assistant went out, Deputy Head Matsuo Falcon's eyes fell on the screen of the mobile phone in his hand, and his face became complicated.

It never occurred to him,

Such a thing will happen to me one day.


He shouldn't have joined that organization in the first place.

Turning his head, there is a group photo of Zhang's family of three on the table in Matsuo Hayabusa's office.

I still remember that when I went to work this morning, my five-year-old daughter had a little temper, and he squatted down to ensure that he would bring something delicious home after get off work before coaxing the little princess.

But now.

Deputy Head Matsuo Falcon looked at the email on the computer screen on the desktop with some discomfort in his heart. Since he came to the office in the morning, he has been lying quietly in his draft box - it looks like him Text written by Tian staying up all night in "Painful Confession".

"Twenty years ago, I was just an ordinary graduate of the New Tokyo Central Police Academy. I joined the Metropolitan Police Department under a sacred oath. At that time, I was enthusiastic and the law was sacred and inviolable in my eyes."

"I don't know when my thoughts were eroded, I began to take bribes for dereliction of duty, and I watched others rise step by step, and the sky was rising, but I was still a small deputy head for so many years, and I felt like a fire was simmering in my heart."

"Why! Why can he be promoted to the head of the class?"

"I finally released the fire, and after arguing, I accidentally killed the most competitive deputy head Nakagawa Tsuru, disguised it as suicide, but after this period of time, I fell into extreme confusion and painful repentance. During that time, I began to reflect on myself and what I had done, but I couldn't tell anyone, and the doctor said I had a tendency to depression."

"The condemnation of conscience and the sanctity of the law made me realize that it is too late to look back today, and I want to put an end to this."


Reading the text in his email draft box, Deputy Head Hayabusa Matsuo gently stroked the photo frame with his fingers.

He is not a native of New Tokyo, his family background is ordinary, and his wife is also an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman in Wano country, but slightly different from the family portrait in the photo frame is that now his wife's abdomen is slightly bulging, and she is already pregnant with eight children. It's been a month, and their little family in New Tokyo is about to usher in a new life.

The five-year-old daughter may have suddenly realized this morning that the impending little life in her mother's belly is likely to threaten her status as the little princess at home in the future, so she gave birth to a ventilation to declare sovereignty, but was quickly made happy by his food promise .

Thinking of the cute appearance of her daughter's puffed mouth when she was angry, Deputy Head Matsuo Falcon's face was inexplicably disappointed. He reached out and slowly opened the drawer. His fingertips touched the cold black old-fashioned police gun, which accompanied him a lot. Many years old buddy.

Suddenly, Deputy Head Matsuo Hayabusa's breathing became a little faster.

The top floor meeting room of the Metropolitan Police Building.

After someone said a certain sentence, the atmosphere in the conference room fell into a stagnation for a time.

The captain of the thirteenth division, Sugita, stared straight at the fifth division captain Kimura Shirataka, who was sitting on the right side of the first place.

The latter's face was the same as usual, with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expression was still so melancholy and calm under his slightly longer hair.

Just as Miyano Juro, the captain of the sixth division, said that the "ideal type" of the third investigation team that is most popular with girls in the Metropolitan Police Department building are these two men.

And one day, when the two were fighting each other, for some girls, it might be a little deer in their hearts, and they were so excited that they could make up the content of hundreds of thousands of words that were harmonious.

But for those present in the conference room, the surrounding air seemed to drop to freezing point all of a sudden.

"Cough cough."

The captain of the first team, Tsukada Masaaki coughed dryly.

As the right-hand man of Tokugawa Kurito, Tsukada, who is generous in size and majestic, has a bit of Tokugawa Kurito's shadow.

In the past, Tokugawa Lihu was on a business trip, and he represented all the affairs of the third group of New Tokyo. Strictly speaking, the sudden emergence of the fifth division captain Kimura Shirataka took his place.

However, at this moment, Tsukata Masa's gaze turned to Sugita, the captain of the 13th division of the third group, and said in a serious tone:

"Sugita, the whereabouts of the leader of Tokugawa are unknown now. I don't want anyone to affect the unity within the group. This is also what the team leader does not want to see. Any accusation without evidence is a slander that affects the unity."

The captain of the sixth division, Juro Miyano, once discussed this issue with Sugita in private when Judge Simic Joya first arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

In the end there was no evidence.

But Juro Miyano never thought that Sugita, the youngest of the 13th Division, would have such a straight personality and would take the initiative to bring it up at such an important meeting today.

Is he still investigating this time?

Or have you found any solid evidence?

Miyano Jurou was thinking so, but Sugitaji's next sentence made him stunned.

"I don't have direct evidence, but I can prove to you through a series of reasoning that Captain Kimura of the Fifth Division is the biggest suspect in the murder of Deputy Division Chief Nakagawa of the Second Division."

Hearing his words, Masa Tsukada, the captain of the first division, could not help frowning.

Any reasoning without evidence, no matter how rigorous and self-consistent the logic is, is just an assumption.

Tsukada Zheng knew that because he had been helping Tokugawa Lihu on behalf of the third investigation team, many people regarded him as the successor of the next team leader, and their hearts were biased towards him.

Now the Tokugawa team leader just had an accident, but the person who was pushed up was a part-time job at the Fruit Ability Research Institute on weekdays.

There is inevitably some resistance in the hearts of the people.

But this is no reason to split the three groups.

What's more, Tsukada is actually the same as Tokugawa Lihu in his heart, and he is more optimistic about the little girl with dual talents he adopted. Under the personal training of the Tokugawa team leader, he has unlimited room for growth in the future.

He didn't want to affect the internal unity of the third investigation team because of such petty emotions and the irrelevant position of acting team leader, and he would be ashamed when Tokugawa Lihu came back.

"Sugita, the case of Deputy Chief Nakagawa has been closed. If you have evidence, you can provide it to the Special Investigation Section, but today is the ceremony of Captain Kimura's inauguration as the acting captain. I hope everyone can unite and not disappoint the team leader. expect."

Tsukada said to Sugita with a dignified face.

Sugita took a deep breath and raised three fingers.

His eyes swept across the people around the conference table with different expressions, and finally fell on Kimura Hakutaku, whose face was still calm, and said in a neither light nor heavy voice:

"I just don't want to live up to the expectations of the leader of Tokugawa, and I don't want to insult his justice. That's why I stand up. I only need three minutes."

At this moment, Shin Takagi, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, who temporarily helped preside over the meeting and announced the position of acting team leader, suddenly said with a serious expression:

"But you have to know that any reasoning is based on evidence."

"I understand, I only hope that after listening to my words, the relevant departments can reopen the case of the death of Deputy Section Chief Nakagawa, and I will personally investigate to the end."

"Okay, then I'll give you three minutes."

Shin Takagi turned his head and glanced at Kimura Hakutaku, remembering the intertwined family forces behind the other party, and said with careful words, "No matter what misunderstandings there are, I think Team Leader Kimura should also need a chance to prove his innocence."

Kimura Shirato nodded lightly, turned his head to look at Sugitaji calmly.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the conference room.

After a while, the door opened.

The secretary outside the door said anxiously, "There seems to be an accident down there. A colleague from the search section called to say that there was a sudden shooting incident on the third floor of the Metropolitan Police Department."

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