Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 110 Blood on the Rails (Part 1)

There was a shooting at the Metropolitan Police?

Hearing this sentence, the first reaction in the minds of everyone in the conference room is what is this kidding? !

But seeing the secretary's hurried face obviously didn't look like a joke, everyone's faces suddenly became serious, and they followed the secretary downstairs quickly.

Walking at the back, Sugita, who was waiting for the next elevator, frowned slightly, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

The third floor of the Metropolitan Police Department.

After the corner at the end of the corridor, the room where the dull sound of gunfire rang through the entire floor just now.

After hesitating and waiting for a while, the door of the office of the deputy head of Hayabusa Matsuo was slammed open by the officers of the Criminal Department who came, and the third investigation team who had just got off the express elevator arrived just in time.

Seeing the presence of Shin Takagi, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, the members of the Criminal Division who slammed open the office door immediately gave way to the left and right politely and respectfully.

Takagi Shin walked in calmly, and everyone behind him followed.

next second,

Everyone's eyes narrowed suddenly.

I saw a large pool of shocking blood stains on the glass window screen behind the office chair, Matsuo Falcon was lying weakly in front of the desk, and the originally clean and tidy desktop was all stained red with blood.

From the scene,

This is obviously a suicide by swallowing a gun!

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

A female secretary rushed in and suddenly saw the crime scene in the office. She wanted to exclaim and covered her mouth subconsciously, and then quickly reported, "Report! There was an email in the mailbox."

An email?

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department, Shin Takagi, did not ask about the content of the email, but walked behind the desk, looking over the corpse on the desk to the sending box on the lit screen.

The content of more than 2,000 words is mostly a description of when I started to change my mind and began to dereliction of duty and taking bribes for so many years after I joined the company. The time is accurate to the exact morning and afternoon of a certain day.

Until the end, Matsuo Hayabusa recounted how he accidentally killed the deputy head Nakagawa Tsuru after arguing, disguised it as suicide in a panic, and tried to leave clues to blame others.

After death.

All confessions and confessions are in this email.

"No one escapes the condemnation of conscience."

After a brief silence, Shin Takagi, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, looked solemn, looked around at the people around him, and said in a low voice, "Although it is a cowardly act to fail to face the judgment of the law, at least it will give others a sense of innocence. , I hope everyone can learn from it.”

After speaking, he walked out of the office first.

just a few minutes

Soon, the news that Hayabusa Matsuo, deputy head of the first section of the search section, committed suicide in fear of crime spread throughout the Metropolitan Police Department.

The case of Deputy Chief Nakagawa Tsuru, who was classified as a suicide, was also reopened. After investigation by the Special Search Section, all the details of the death were consistent with the description of Deputy Chief Matsuo Falcon's pre-death email, and the Metropolitan Police Department also began. A new round of purges against corruption and malfeasance.

As for the captain of the thirteenth division of the third investigation team, Sugitaji, it seems that he has accidentally discovered the vicissitudes of life around him, and he has somehow lost the opportunity to make a final statement.

The captain of the sixth division, Juro Miyano, came to persuade him to give up the investigation. After all, now Kimura Hakutaku has officially become the acting head of the third investigation team, and there are many urgent matters at hand.

If Mr. Sugita was still holding on to it, delaying the matter and not talking about it, it would be easy for people outside to think that Tokugawa Kurito's whereabouts were unknown, and this group of capable people who usually enjoyed various preferential treatment in the Metropolitan Police Department began to fight for power and gain.

Sugita did not answer.

It's just that his face is more indifferent,

The thin face lines are like sharp knives.

If Kimura Hakutaku was just a suspect in his eyes, then after this coincidental death, he was almost completely sure that the guy with a mild smile on weekdays must be the death of Tsuru Nakagawa, or even the deputy classmate Matsuo Hayabusa who just swallowed a gun and committed suicide. Chang and him may not be able to get rid of the relationship!


What is the purpose behind the other party doing all this?

Don't blame others for not being able to understand and believe.

Look at any normal person:

Kimura Hakutaku's prominent family, the halo of being from a prestigious school, and his gentle and friendly personality are all irrelevant to such a dark matter as a murder case.

Inexplicably, Sugita's heart moved slightly, and he thought of the funeral agency at Sakura Crossroads.

The rooftop of the Metropolitan Police Building.

After Kimura Hakutaku expressed his gratitude, he hung up the phone gently, and the smile on his face quickly disappeared-the one who had just spoken to him was Takuya Amuro, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

On the phone, the other party showed off the secret power of the cabinet stability maintenance faction and the "Group of Seven" like a peacock.

In other words, no need to say more.

Naturally, he wanted to absorb him into the opponent's faction.

I have to say that behind this seemingly rude and stupid way, there is a sense of shrewdness, and it is obvious that he wants to urge him to join them as soon as possible through such means.

"What a bunch of greedy guys."

Kimura Shirato shook his head gently, squinted his eyes and calculated the time to come, and sighed secretly, it seems that he needs to step up the "work" at hand.

The year is over.

Time will go very fast.

Hokkaido Shari County, Koshimizu Town.

Higashinohara returned to Hokkaido on the 28th year ago, during which a lot of things happened, but now it's time to say goodbye to his family and return to New Tokyo.

The winter break ends on January 7th.

School will start on the 8th.

When Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri were leaving, their mother, Ryoko Mizue, prepared a lot of seafood and local products from Shari County, and stuffed them into the minivan borrowed by Takeshi Higashino who was taking them to the station. His son Higashinohara was still very reluctant to part with Nishimaru Miri who had only been with him for a few days.

Even Xiaodou Ding Higashino Yukino was teary-eyed - her mother stuffed all her food into the minivan and brought it to Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri.

The salvage and search and rescue work in the Beihai Sea is still continuing these days, but the search and rescue scope has been extended to some deserted islands in that sea area. Although there is still no news from Tokugawa Lihu, the seven-year-old girl Nishimaru Miyake is one year older after the new year. The pears are really ripe.

She bowed gratefully:

"Aunt Shuijiang, Uncle Dongye, I'm very happy here these days. I've caused you trouble. Please take care of yourself."

After saying goodbye, the two got into the minivan and arrived at Shari Station half an hour later.

Many people return to work after the year, and many young people say goodbye to their relatives at the station gate.

Higashinohara saw that the time was almost up.

After he got out of the minivan, he carried things in large and small bags, and after saying goodbye to Nishimaru Miri and his father Higashino Takeshi, he squeezed into the gate and disappeared into the crowd.

But just as Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri were about to return to New Tokyo by car.

In the crowd of people coming and going outside the car.

A few people with apparently alien appearances looked around vigilantly, then hurriedly passed the security check and walked to the waiting hall where Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri were located.

Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month~

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