Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 111 Blood on the Rails (Part 2)

When they returned to Hokkaido a few years ago, Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri took a passenger plane chartered by the head teacher, Mr. Asuka Tatogawa, but when they returned to Tokyo now, they took a railway train.

They need to take the limited express train to Hakodate in Hokkaido, and then transfer from Hakodate to the Shinkansen train to return to the train station in Tokyo. It takes about nine hours to calculate. Higashinohara took into account the young age of Nishimaru and chose two. sleeper.

The change in transportation may be partly due to the fact that no one is now reimbursed for fares.

But having said that, Nishimaru Miri is also considered a "little rich woman" in the strict sense, and you don't need to worry too much about money if you really want to buy a plane ticket.

It's just that Tokugawa Lihu gave him a knife before the Hokkaido attack, with the intention of letting him take care of Nishimaru Miri on his behalf. People always have to pass the test of conscience. Money to buy tickets always made him feel a little uneasy.

Nishimaru Miri is also very sensible. The seven-year-old girl now leaves almost everything to Higashinohara to decide, except for completing cultural lessons every day and training her ability quantitatively. She and her hometown can do things from time to time when she has nothing to do. Compared to Moth's girl of the same age, Yukino Higashino, she is simply well-behaved and a little distressing.

The sleeper in Wano Country is also known as the sleeper train. There are also Odori shops with no partitions and bunks with a little partition. Higashinohara grabbed the last two special tickets. The upper and lower bunks are separated from each other, which is equivalent to the previous life. Soft sleeper box.

After putting away his luggage, Higashinohara looked left and right at the soft and comfortable sleeping compartment.

He was quite satisfied with his choice of an occasional extravagance today. The most important thing was that the package tickets sold by the ticketing software, together with the tickets after the second half of the transfer, were also sleeper berths.

After looking back, Higashinohara found that Nishimaru Miri was staring at the TV news broadcast on the wall of the sleeper box in a daze, and her originally sober and delicate face suddenly turned pale.

The voice on the TV sounded a bit noisy, and what was being told on the news was an anonymous report letter published on the front page of the Asahi Shimbun in recent days:

An anonymous mass, who did not want to be named, made an astonishing exposure of the darkness behind the accident in the waters north of the Nemuro Strait in Hokkaido on New Year's Day in 1122.

In the report letter, it elaborated in detail the direct connection between a cabinet minister and the attack, the behind-the-scenes transactions with the Shayash Dawn Revolutionary Army, and the benefits they expected to obtain.

Although the content published by the Asahi Shimbun concealed the specific name of a cabinet minister in the report letter, as long as any person with a normal head and independent thinking ability in Wano read the whole article, he would soon find that almost every member of the report letter contained A word directed at Takuya Amuro, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Cabinet.

At this time, the picture of the Asahi Shimbun is everything.

I saw a group of well-dressed politicians walking out of the parliament building in Chiyoda Ward. After passing through the green space beside the fountain in front of the building, they were surrounded by a group of media reporters. Countless long guns and short cannons of microphones forced the fat-faced man. in front of the middle-aged man.

"Sir Amuro, we and the public would like to know, what do you want to say about the anonymous report letter published by the Asahi Shimbun?"

"Do we really have a behind-the-scenes deal with the Dawn Revolutionary Army of the Grand Duchy of Shayash? Is there any other secret behind the attack on the Tokugawa leader?"

"I heard that the cabinet set up a special investigation team to investigate the attack on the Tokugawa team leader. Can you share with us the specific progress of the investigation?"

"We all know that Captain Dragonfly or the Disciplinary Committee of New Tokyo appeared in Beihai, does it mean that he has been involved in the incident of Captain Tokugawa, who upholds 'interest and justice', do you think he may find you because of this? "


Under the camera of countless media reporters, a dead winter leaf was falling on the wind. In the face of successive questions from reporters from major TV stations, Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro's face was surprisingly calm.

He stopped and said to the many microphones with a sad face, "The death of the leader of Tokugawa is a painful fact for the entire Wano country. I think everyone's contribution to Wano country in his life. It's obvious to all, and I don't need to go into details."

Speaking of this, Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro paused, his tone full of endless helplessness and sadness, "But now! Some people with unknown intentions are trying to manipulate us and divide this country through public opinion! To interfere, to prevent us from The investigation of the truth behind it!"

"Here, I would like to reassure everyone that if I am really guilty, then I will personally walk into the prison, and even if I don't enter the prison, the 'Captain Dragonfly' you call me will come to judge me!"

"But as you can see, I have a clear conscience! That's why I'm still standing here today!"

"I don't want it at this time! Because my personal public opinion occupies too much social public resources, I will not answer such questions in the future, thank you."

In the cold wind under the fallen leaves in winter, Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro bowed deeply to the camera.

The news footage on the TV ended here, and TV Asahi cut back to the studio, and the host began to broadcast other news content.

In the soft sleeper compartment of the train.

"He's lying!"

Nishimaru Miri, who was sitting not far from Higashinohara, suddenly raised her little finger and pointed at the TV screen and said neatly, that delicate and fair little face was rarely full of stubborn stubbornness.

After saying this, Nishimaru Miri seemed a little uneasy, and looked up at Higashinohara timidly.

After all, the tone of the minister on TV was too confident, too clear, and his attitude was too sincere. The average melon eater would easily have doubts after watching it.

Is the report letter really fake?

Are we really being used?

What's more, the words of the little girl Nishimaru Miri Cuisheng are more like idealistic accusations, lacking any strong evidence to support, I am afraid that other people will be stunned when they hear it.

However, after hearing what Nishimaru Miri said, Higashinohara's face was still very calm, and he nodded to Nishimaru Miri without thinking.

"I know."

Now it was Nishimaru Miri's turn to be surprised.

But thinking about the incredible power of the big brother, and the "little secret" that the whole world exists only between the two, Nishimaru Miri is not so surprised.

She twitched her small nose, recalled the contents of the report letter just now, raised her head and looked at Dong Yeyuan seriously, "Big brother, does the matter of father really have something to do with that minister?"

Higashinohara remembered what he had seen in the other party's [Character Image Profile] after beheading Searle, the northern army commander of the Dawn Revolutionary Army. Dirty deals.

Before the accident, Tokugawa Lihu had entrusted himself to take good care of Nishimaru Miri in the noodle shop. Naturally, Higashinohara did not want Nishimaru Miri to live in the shadow of revenge at such a young age.

But now I don't know who reported Takuya Amuro through that anonymous letter, and Higashinohara didn't want to deceive the little girl, so he nodded after pondering a little, "It's related, but he's not the only one, I'll investigate and deal with it later. ."

Nishimaru Miri knew the other identity of Higashinohara and how great his big brother was. Of course, he would not doubt anything, and nodded his head without saying a word.

It's just that she made up her mind in her little heart.

Must grow up fast!

In this way, even if she encounters something in the future, she does not always have to rely on her big brother. Now that she has no relatives, she is actually very dependent on Higashinohara, but she does not want to live as a burden.

The train started at a quarter past nine.

With the sound of the melodious female announcer's voice, the people and things on both sides of the platform outside the car window began to gradually accelerate and retreat.

Nishimaru Miri sat cross-legged on the bed in the lower bunk of the box, the slightly curled ends of her pale blond hair swayed as the train drove, and the morning sunlight refracted from the window shone on her delicate little face, which could be seen vaguely. Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly.

She is not Higashinohara, so naturally she can't do any "skull sword training".

In fact, Nishimaru Miri is doing meditation training for the innate ability [Wang Yu] of the psychic power system, which is also a common training method for those with psychic power.

In the past, she took classes step by step at the Takehara South Private Academy, and the speed of improvement was many times faster than other students who were older than her, but Nishimaru Miri was not so eager for strength, so she followed the school's teaching progress slowly. Come.

Now, after the accident of Tokugawa Lihu, the little girl realized that she was lucky, and she had such an excellent dual talent after she died.

In addition, I was immersed in the hard work of Higashinohara's usual training, and I couldn't help thinking that even someone as powerful as the big brother worked so hard, and now I don't want to relax for a moment.

Tonohara didn't say much about it.

in this world,

The harder you work, the luckier it is by no means an empty phrase.

Although Nishimaru's efforts were a little early, he lost the childhood that a normal child should have.

But since fate had already made arrangements for her, if she didn't try to grab something against her fate, it would be a bit of a loss for her to live.

Higashinohara is thinking about whether to do "intracranial sword training" too, and brush his Xiaotachi two swords to the [Grandmaster level] as soon as possible - now his progress is stuck at 77/100, but the following progress has become abnormally slow, Higashinohara is still trying to figure out what went wrong.

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps in the aisle outside the sleeper box. Four blue eyes, concave eye sockets, and a high nose, a strong and tall white-skinned man passed by their box.

The four of them looked inside vigilantly, and after seeing a half-old boy and a little girl at the age of high school students, they were obviously relieved, but their eyes stayed on the little girl's pale golden hair for a second and then Look away quickly.

Higashinohara, who was sitting in the lower bunk, didn't open his eyes, but now he opened his second glance at [Nine Eyes and Six Paths], and he was very aware of the wind and grass around him, but the other party seemed to be just passing by, although he was a little wary. But he didn't care too much.

According to their appearance, these people should have come from the Shayash Grand Duchy in the north. Recently, the Shayash Grand Duchy has disintegrated, and several forces within the country have launched a fierce struggle, trying to regain power in the cold land that is frozen all the year round.

Throughout history, the most miserable thing in any country has to be the common people.

Therefore, there have been a lot of people from the Grand Duchy of Shayash who have smuggled over legally or illegally in Hokkaido recently. As for the few people just now, whether they belong to the former or the latter, it is not within the scope of Higashinohara's concern.

However, behind the four men seems to be followed by a woman wearing a hat, the brim of the hat is lowered to cover her eyebrows, the facial curves are very soft, the most eye-catching is the pale golden hair, like the sparkling sea in the sun .

Xiaoweili's hair may be like this when she grows up.

Higashinohara had such an idea in his head for some unknown reason.

When he came back to his senses, a group of five people had already passed their box and came to the box on the innermost side of the corridor, opened the door and walked in.

In the soft sleeper box, a blond woman with her hat lowered sat on the inside, and four men sat on the outside, guarding the door like a door god.

Inside, a man who looked a little older sat down with difficulty, covered his reddish belly, took a deep breath and said:

"Madam, please rest assured, we should have gotten rid of those hyenas of the Storm Revolutionary Army. As long as we arrive at the capital of Wano Kingdom, someone will pick us up soon. The birthday of the Emperor of Wano Kingdom is this month, and someone will arrange it then. Let's enter Sakurada Gate."

Hearing his words, the woman's voice said softly, "That will trouble you."

"It is my honor to do my best for Madam." The man said sincerely.

The voice fell, and the soft sleeper box fell into silence again.

Because they know very well:

Even if it really escapes the pursuit of the Storm Revolutionary Army,

However, after the contemporary Grand Duke of Shayash was brutally attacked by the northern army of the Dawn Revolutionary Army, he still wanted to rely on the bloodline of the previous generation of the Grand Duke to beg the world government to re-intervene in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Shayash. The road to bloodline recovery is also full of thorns and ups and downs.

A careless.

Maybe make wedding dresses for others.

However, it has come to this point under the pursuit of the three largest revolutionary army forces in the country, the Storm Revolutionary Army.

From now on they have only the road ahead,

There is no back.

I don't know how long it took.

In the soft sleeper compartment.

Higashinohara recovered from the state of [Intracranial Sword Training], the tip of his nose twitched slightly, his brows were slightly frowned, and he inexplicably smelled a faint smell of blood.

For the first time, he glanced at Nishimaru Miri next to him, who was still in the middle of meditation training, and felt a little relieved.

The faint bloody smell seemed to come from the inside of the aisle of the carriage, and in Higashinohara's mind subconsciously, the people from the Grand Duchy of Shayash who passed by when he got on the bus appeared subconsciously.

Has something happened?

At this time, Nishimaru Miri also seemed to sense something was wrong. She opened her eyes and looked at Tonohara with a little uneasiness on her small face, "What's wrong with big brother?"


Higashinohara suddenly raised her index finger, and Nishimaru Miri stopped her words immediately, and then she realized something was wrong, and footsteps came from the other side of the corridor.

blah blah-!

It seemed that someone came over.

The next moment, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

Tonohara narrowed his eyes slightly.

He realized that the owner of that footstep should have stopped in the soft sleeper box next to them.

The next moment, there was the sound of the curtain being pulled.

Quiet and silent.

Higashinohara calmly took out his knives from his backpack—the two small swords he bought from the second-hand market, and placed them lightly on the inside of his thighs.

After a while, the door curtain was gently lowered.

"Feel sorry."

A voice sounded.

no respond.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps sounded again, this time towards the soft sleeper box where they were.

Nishimaru Miri gave Higashinohara a nervous look, Higashinohara shook her head gently, smiled at the little girl, and said it was all right.

After a while, the footsteps stopped in front of their soft sleeper door.

One hand opened the door curtain from the outside, revealing the figure of a tall man with concave eyes and a high nose bridge. The top of his head was almost touching the top of the carriage above, at least one meter nine.

Those blue eyes were a little indifferent, and the body was full of chills, which gave ordinary people a huge sense of oppression.

Higashinohara and his eyes crossed in the air.

He thought that with the smell of blood, the [Guilty Manual] in his mind would trigger something.

But strangely there was no response this time.

The moment the other party lifted the door curtain, his eyes swept across the narrow soft sleeper box very quickly, quickly retracted his sight, put down the door curtain, turned around and continued forward.

Listening to the sound of footsteps leaving, although the two sides didn't say anything at that moment, Higashinohara read out a message:

The other party is obviously looking for someone.

Looking for someone?

This was something he didn't know.

Just at this moment, the nervous whispers of two girls came from the berth next to them.

The soft sleeper box next door.

A chestnut-haired girl with double ponytails swallowed nervously, her face full of wanting to lift the curtain to look outside, but she was afraid that the person would not dare to lift it if she hadn't gone far.

She said to the female companion next to her with refreshing short black hair covering her ears and her pretty face inexplicably giving off a sense of tranquility and comfort, "Qin Mei, did that guy kill someone just now?"

Mijin Kotomi shook her head slightly when she heard the words, but that clear and beautiful face did not show too much tension, her eyes flashed a little and said, "There is no blood on his body."

She is 18 years old this year. She graduated from Tianming Private Academy, one of the four major academies in New Tokyo. She is now a student of the Special Recruitment Class for the New Tokyo University.

This time, I came to Hokkaido for a holiday with Yuko Miyamura, a high school and college classmate who had lost her love.

Miyamura Yuko was stunned for a moment, and soon realized something, and said nervously, "That is to say, he may have a comrade, Kotomi, what should we do now? Those guys won't shut up, right? By the way! You are us The most talented person in the class, that person just now shouldn't be your opponent, right?"

Mizuko Miu shook her head.

As an outstanding graduate of the New Tokyo Four University Park, Kotomi Yonezu's talent has not been concealed after entering the talented Dongda University, but when facing that man, she felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

If not necessary,

She really didn't want to fight that man.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door at the other end of the corridor.

dong dong dong-!

dong dong dong-!

Not in a hurry, very rhythmic.

He was knocking on the door of the toilet in the carriage.

Miyamura Yuko was stunned for a moment, then realized something quickly, and said in shock, "It's that woman, I seem to have seen her go to the bathroom just now."

A soft sleeper compartment separated by a wall.

Higashinohara was reluctantly forced to listen to the "whispering" next door - no way, the soundproofing that I only saw in the box on the sleeper train was really bad.

But at this time, the knocking on the door of the train bathroom seemed to have caught the attention of the man at the other end of the corridor and his companions.

Soon, there was a sound of neat and powerful footsteps over there.

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