Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 112 The Young Generation of New Tokyo

This car has a total of seven soft sleeper boxes, three of which are empty, and the passengers on the way have not yet boarded the car.

However, the people who came by pulled the terrified couple out of the carriage this time, pushed them forward roughly, and immediately opened the curtains of the soft sleeper boxes for the two female college students next to Higashinohara. .

"come out!"

A gloomy male voice came.

Unexpectedly, the nervous female college student's voice suddenly came from next door, "I'm not going out! You killed someone! I have already called the police, and the police will come soon when I stop."


There was sneering laughter from the corridor.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of electric current in the ear.

A crisp sound of "Zheng\

,"The gloomy man's sneer stopped abruptly.

I saw blood dripping from the gloomy man's earlobe, a scorched black mark was slapped on the metal skin of the carriage behind him, and a twisted coin slowly fell on the corridor.


The gloomy man raised his hand to cover his ears, and looked with some shock on his face at the pretty and serene-looking short-haired girl sitting beside the bed in the lower bunk, with a handful of coins lying quietly in her hand.

You must know that there are only a few people with abilities in this world. Humans who can awaken innate abilities are all lucky ones who are kissed by gods, let alone power users who have raised their abilities to the fourth rank. .

The gloomy man is also a good knife in the Storm Revolutionary Army.

But in front of the power user, there is no doubt that it is not enough to see. For a while, his face was even more gloomy in front of a few hands, but he did not take a half step back.

Because he saw that this young girl with short hair and beautiful hair is not a murderer without blinking, but a young child who has not left the school, otherwise the coin should be aimed at his neck instead of his neck in that kind of threat. earlobe.

"We just need to cooperate and won't hurt you."

said the gloomy man.

Miyamura Yuko saw that her partner Yonezu Kotomi was so powerful, and she was indeed a super talented girl in the class. She actually shocked the other party, and immediately counterattacked, "We won't go out, cooperate? What you need to cooperate next is The police investigation is the right thing to do!"

"That's nothing to talk about." The gloomy man narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yonezu Kotomi, who was sitting on the lower bunk of the soft sleeper, looked up at him calmly. The coin in her hand began to spin at high speed by the arc, and even the lights in the entire carriage began to flicker and go out.

Just when the situation was about to explode.

The tall man who knocked on the bathroom door noticed the abnormality and came back, frowning slightly and looking at the gloomy man, "What's going on? Didn't you say you shouldn't disturb the unrelated passengers? That's what the captain of your team taught you to do. ?"

"It was her who moved first."

The gloomy man covered his earlobes, pointed at Kotomi Yonezu who had a peaceful face in the sleeper, and said in a malicious tone, "Maybe she was hiding that woman."

The tall man turned his head to look at the two female college students in the soft sleeper box. His eyes stayed on Kotomi Yonezu, who was emitting a zig-zag electric sound, and he said in silence, "Being able to reach the fourth stage and the third stage at this age. , and the country of Wano is indeed full of talents, but we are not bad people, I don’t know if the two of you can cooperate with us.”

Miyamura Yuko, who was traveling with him, saw that the other party was jealous of Yonezu Kotomi, and he calmed down. Hearing the words, he immediately asked back, "Isn't it a bad person?! Did you kill the person in that box?"

The tall man turned his head and glanced at the gloomy man behind him.

After being silent for a while, he looked down at the watch on his wrist, and instructed the gloomy man, "Go open that bathroom and check the situation, I'll deal with it here."

"it is good."

The gloomy man shouted, and the others followed immediately.

The next moment, the tall man looked at Yonezu Kotomi and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to cooperate, then you'll be offended."

Yonezu Kotomi felt the aura of the other party and the oppression of the towering body, but she was still sitting there with a petite figure, raising her hand and gently rolling up the soft hair beside her ears.

Almost at this moment, the coins in her palm that were spinning at high speed in the arc disappeared suddenly, and in the piercing scream, they turned into orange beams and pulled out countless afterimages in the air, attacking the tall man. .

Talent Sequence 47 Electric Shocker!

Although Kotomi Yonezu can be called the leader of the younger generation under the age of 20 in New Tokyo, she vaguely feels that this man is very powerful.

So dare not leave any backhand.

The reality is exactly the same.

In the blink of an eye, the man's arm suddenly flashed black, and it immediately turned into countless blurry shadows.

Wait until everything calms down.

The tall man stood on the spot, suddenly raised his arms forward, slowly spread his palms and turned over.

clang clang-!

The coins that were fired like cannonballs by the acceleration of the arc were actually caught in his hands by his mixed attribute ability, which had both the speed system and the flesh system. At this time, it fell to the ground.

Talent Sequence 50. The Land of Extinguishing Dust!

Miyamura Yuko was stunned for a while.

She and Kotomi Yonezu have been classmates from high school to university, and the quiet short-haired girl beside her has always been a highly anticipated and talented girl with unlimited potential.

This hand uses the simplest coin fighting skills and is called "the big killing move in small means" by the teacher of the actual combat class, and some people call it "electromagnetic gun" in private.

Such a terrifying power was actually caught by the burly man who was as tall as a stupid bear in front of him. Not surprisingly, the other party must also be a power user, or a power user stronger than Yonezu Kotomi.

"Fourth stage, four stages."

The man glanced at his slightly red palm, put it away calmly, and revealed his level of ability very bluntly.

He looked at Yonezu Kotomi with some admiration in his eyes and said, "You are already very good to have such an ability level at this age."

Yonezu Kotomi didn't say anything.

The man was right, she was indeed at the level of Stage 4 and Stage 3.

Of course, this is just a level of ability.

In terms of real combat experience, the gap between the two is even greater. Even if she reaches Stage 4 and Stage 4, she is not the opponent's opponent. This can only be made up by real life and death combat in the future.

Since lost.

Then of course you have to admit defeat.

Yonezu Kotomi, who had been sitting by the sleeper window from the beginning to the end, slowly got up, and Yuko Miyamura, who was next to her, also quickly stood up. The two walked out of the soft sleeper box first in each other's sights, and stood at the pair who encountered this kind of terror. Next to the middle-aged couple who were shivering slightly after the accident.

The tall and sturdy man didn't say anything more. He raised his legs and walked in. He carefully checked the bottom of the upper and lower bunks in the soft sleeper box, and then walked out with a blank expression.

At this time, his eyes turned to the next soft sleeper box near the door.

Yonezu Kotomi and Miyamura Yuko couldn't help but glance at each other.

When they got in the car, they passed by the box and glanced at it inadvertently, which seemed to be a brother and sister.

The delicate and lovely little girl looked only six or seven years old, and the boy was also a high school student of sixteen or seven years old. She had a gentle and innocent temperament, and was one or two years younger than Yonezu Kotomi.

It's hard to imagine listening to the tall and sturdy man walking towards their box amid the fierce battle just now and the sound of the gloomy man slamming on the bathroom door. In the panic, what kind of childhood shadow will that young girl leave behind?

Mizu Kotomi's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the tall man's back, her right hand slowly reaching into her pocket, holding the last family commemorative coin given to her by her mother, which is said to have been passed down to her by her grandmother.

This means she has one more chance.

Probably the last chance.

At this time, the tall and burly man had already walked to the door of the outermost soft sleeper box, and raised his hand to pull the curtain.


Suddenly, the gloomy man next door who was smashing the bathroom of the train smashed open the door, opened the door with a grin and rushed in.

However, at this moment, the pupils of two college girls, Yonezu Kotomi and Miyamura Yuko, who were standing in the corridor, shrank suddenly, and Miyamura Yuko opened her mouth in shock!

I saw that the door curtain was suddenly blown by the wind, and it seemed that something floated out from under the curtain.

At this time, the burly man's figure stepped back like an enemy, and suddenly slammed into the train glass in the aisle behind him, making a muffled sound.

At the same time, his Adam's apple seemed to have been hit by some kind of heavy object, and it was stinging hot!

It was only at this time that the tall man came back to his senses, and his pupils also contracted suddenly.

I saw that the height of the high school student was as different as him, and his face was full of a kind of harmless and gentle temperament. He held a small dagger in his right hand.

The other hand was holding a small sword, pressed against his chest, and gently pressed it inwardly.


The blade pierced through the shirt.

Gently press against the other's beating heart.

At this time, the young man slowly raised his eyes.

He glanced at Yonezu Kotomi and the others who were being coerced in the corridor, then turned to look at the tall man in front of him, and said softly like a greeting:

"Sorry, my sister is on her lunch break.

If you have something to say outside, you can. "

Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month~

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