Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 113 Justifiable Defense

uninvited guests,

Never be liked.

It's just that in most cases, it is difficult for people to make too many strong responses in the face of these uninvited guests.

However, at this moment, the two small swords in the hands of the gentle boy under the sun, which exuded endless chilling and sternness, were radiating a chilly chill under the reflection of the noon sun outside the car window.

Although the boy didn't say much, he has undoubtedly made the strongest response, expressing his dislike very bluntly.

The tall man who was pressed against his Adam's apple and heart by Higashinohara looked at the handsome and gentle boy in front of him, and couldn't help but squinted slightly.

He joined the Storm Revolutionary Army in the Grand Duchy of Shayash when he was twelve years old. In the past ten years, he has seen too many people and things.

For example, when he met Kotomi Yonezu, the college girl who made people feel calm and indifferent, he was obviously good enough at this age, but he didn't feel the slightest pressure.

But at this time, facing the gentle smiling young man in front of him, the tall man's heart was indescribably frightened.

It seems that as long as he shows a clear hostility, the two knives that the opponent touches his vital point will advance coldly and silently, without any tremors and unnecessary explanations.

I have to say, this kind of cold and stern aura and the gentle smile on the boy's face not only shocked the tall man under the blade, but even Kotomi Yonezu and Yuko Miyamura, who were being coerced in the corridor next to him, felt it. An indescribable sense of inconsistency.


Suddenly, a woman's exclamation came from the toilet of the train.

Immediately afterwards, a woman with pale blond hair in her thirties was dragged out of the bathroom by the gloomy man, grabbing her hair with a grin.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone in the corridor were immediately drawn to the past.

And when the gloomy man walked out of the bathroom and saw this sudden scene in the corridor, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Although the gloomy man didn't like that tall man's pretentious manners and inexplicable sense of justice, but he knew the opponent's strength, otherwise he wouldn't be the captain of the Stormwind Revolutionary Army, and he was just the vice-captain of another squad.

Because of this, he was even more surprised.

How could that young and gentle high school student be able to subdue him? Could it be that he, like the few people who were killed in the carriage just now, were secretly protecting this woman from the faction of the Grand Duchy of Shayash who was trying to restore the country through the blood of the branch.

In the blink of an eye, the gloomy man quickly put the short knife in his hand against the woman's neck, and the sharp blade tore the woman's smooth and delicate skin surface, oozing with wisps of bright red blood.

He knew that the tall man was the strongest fighting force on his side, and he could not rely on his body to retreat after completing the task, so he said to Higashinohara in a gloomy tone:

"Let go of him, otherwise, she will die."

Higashinohara squinted slightly and looked at the crowd at the door of the bathroom, together with the gloomy man holding the woman, there were a total of six, and each of them drew a knife from their waist, exuding a faint bloody aura.

For some reason, the [Guilty Manual] in my mind still did not trigger the generation of random tasks.

Is it because these people are not up to the standard of sin worth?

Or haven't hurt the lives of innocent people?

Or some other reason?

While these thoughts flashed in Higashinohara's mind, his consciousness fell on his own attributes in the Handbook of Sins.

Now, under normal conditions, his [Agility] has reached 44.5, which is roughly equivalent to the level of a power user of the fourth stage and second stage of the speed system, which is one stage lower than that of Yonezu Kotomi behind him.

However, the reason for such a big gap in the battle between the two is naturally due to Higashinohara's experience in frequent life-and-death struggles with those with high-level abilities. The attributes of ordinary second-order abilities also play a complementary role.

In addition to this, there is no need to go into details about the various abilities of his current innate abilities.

Therefore, the current level of Higashinohara's actual combat ability, which is about the fourth stage and the second stage, is not even certain for him.

But if he takes the tall man of the fourth stage and fourth stage under his blade as the "reference standard", Higashinohara feels that if he encounters the power user of the fourth stage and fifth stage, he may also have the power to fight.

In the train corridor, Higashinohara's silence fell in the eyes of the gloomy man holding the woman with pale blond hair, which undoubtedly "confirmed" his guess - this young man was probably really responsible for secretly protecting the woman in his hands.

those stupid Zionists

The gloomy man sneered in his heart, stared at Higashinohara and said, "Since we all have hostages in our hands, why don't we let go at the same time and give each other a chance."

Hearing the voice coming into his ears, Dong Yeyuan seemed to have recovered from the state of being dazed and dazed. He turned his head and glanced at the other party with those clear and warm eyes.

The gloomy man raised his eyebrows and waited for the other party's answer, but Higashinohara suddenly shook his head.

"Do not bother."

In just five words,

Say it in an instant.

However, in fact, when the word "no" first entered his ears, the gloomy man only felt a shadow flash in front of his eyes.

Higashinohara has disappeared in the corridor,

Disappeared in the light that slanted in from the window.


Blood splattered everywhere!

At a critical juncture, the gloomy man holding the pale-blond-haired woman had no time to move the short knife in his hand. A shadow flashed in front of him. The short knife in his hand fell off along with his wrist, and the blood rushed to the sky. A shrill cry.

The faces of the companions all around turned pale instantly!

At this moment, the grass and winter trees and other things on the side of the road quickly swept past the car window, and the end of the ray of sunlight that slanted into it did not know when to freeze the faces of angry or frightened faces.

In an instant, the five words in the boy's mouth all fell, and the sharp light of the knife had already shattered the clear winter sunshine.

In the corridor behind Higashinohara, the moment the tall man who had been held against his vitals disappeared from Higashinohara abruptly, he couldn't help but "squeak" in his heart, and there was some kind of bad premonition.

The next moment, his face changed instantly.

With his vicious eyes, he had previously guessed that this gentle boy who looked like a high school student in the Wano country should have had an experience that was different from ordinary people, so he could give him this sense of oppression far beyond that of his peers.

However, at the moment when the knife light jumped in the shadow, he knew that he still guessed wrong, or that he had far underestimated the danger of this handsome and gentle boy in front of him.

But it was too late.

Among the six people in the corridor, some were like the gloomy man. The bones on their wrists were separated, and the blood was splattering. Some people were severely stabbed in the thigh and lost their ability to move. Incomparably fell into a pool of blood.

The pale blond-haired woman standing in the pool of blood then reacted, and gave Higashinohara a blank look. The latter's gaze swept across her face. She subconsciously took a step back, and then she mustered up her courage and thanked her in a low voice.

Higashinohara nodded slightly, turned around, and returned to the tall man before, looking down at the watch on his hand.

Well, we will arrive at Hakodate Station soon.

Higashinohara had previously heard what one of the two female college students next door meant. She should have called the police. The police probably surrounded the next station platform, so now that he is really showing his face, it is naturally not easy for him to kill.

Although the opponent moves first,

He is in self-defense,

But it's not always good to kill everyone as a defense.

There was a brief silence in the aisle of the train, Higashinohara stared at the tall man standing in the corridor, tilted his head slightly and said:


There are two window seats on the aisle of every two soft sleeper boxes in this car, probably for bored passengers to come out of the box to enjoy the scenery along the way, and to provide a space for chatting with fellow travelers.

The tall man is not a big idiot, and he will not think that the other party didn't kill him just now, but he just didn't dare to kill himself.

He had no doubt that once he tried something outrageous, the two bright small swords in the opponent's hand would cut his throat without hesitation.

The dripping wounds on the bodies of those who fell in a pool of blood have said too many things.

So he sat down by the window.

The small sword in Higashinohara's hand vibrated slightly with blood, and the dark red blood fell off and splashed like rain on the umbrella. He walked back with the small sword and sat opposite the tall man.

The two sat opposite each other, silent for a while.

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