Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 102 World Boxing Champion

"Hello Mikol! Welcome to the Miami game."

On the ring, Link greeted the opponent.


Mikol nodded expressionlessly.

The referee came over and read out the rules of the game. After confirming that the two had no objections, he waved his arms vigorously.


After the referee waved his arm, the cheers on the scene became quiet like strings that were suddenly cut short.

But the two still people on the ring suddenly started to move.

After hearing the referee's order, Link stepped forward, waved his fists and attacked Mikol first. Almost at the same time, Mikol also attacked him, swinging his fists to attack Link's head. The punches with both fists were no heavier than Link's. Difference.

Link had already studied with Coach Brooks and Coach West before the game regarding Micol's offensive rather than defensive approach.

Although Mikol has a professional record of 41 fights, 40 wins and 32 KOs, and seems to be a very high-level boxer, in the eyes of old boxing experts, his boxing is also flawed.

His fists are very heavy, which also leads to his over-reliance on heavy punches. His technique is a little rough, and his fighting style is not flexible and delicate enough. His best fighting style is very similar to Link's, a series of heavy punches, using heavy punches to suppress the opponent. Take advantage of the opponent's weakness and KO with one punch.

Link's advantage over his opponent was not in punch weight, but in technique and abundant physical strength.

Seeing the opponent's heavy punch, Link immediately retracted his fist, blocked his arms in front of his body, and switched from an all-out attack to a defensive attack. This was also the first time he switched from offense to defense in the WBA championship series.

Bang bang bang!

Mikol took the opportunity to catch up and attacked his defense with both arms wildly, hitting more than 20 punches in a row within 6 seconds. Link used his arms to block, changing positions while punching, and received all the opponent's heavy punches. .

Bang bang bang!

Mikol continued to attack, punching harder than the last. The weight of the punch was at least 1,200 pounds, no less than Link's punch. The punch made Link's arm numb, and he received two punches on the shoulder and left side of the abdomen, which was also very uncomfortable. Feel good.

"Why is Link defending? Can he defeat Mikol in 100 seconds?"

Dino asked, rubbing his chin.

"Look carefully, this is Link's tactic."

Simon said.


Dino raised his eyebrows. Fighting like Link, he would definitely not be able to win by KO within 100 seconds, and he could earn pocket money.

"Look, I said he has regressed. He used to take the initiative in games and never waited to be beaten. Now he is beaten by Mikol and can't fight back. Huh, he asked for it. Who told him not to take it? I'm going to New York."

Mario snorted coldly with his big nose raised.

"The game has just started, why are you anxious?"

Morales said with a sidelong glance.

"Isn't what I said the truth? A good sparring partner is crucial to a boxer. If I were here, Link would definitely be stronger than he is now, and you can't compare to me at all."

Mario said, bumping Morales away with his shoulder.

Morales curled his lips and stood next to Reggie.

Bang bang bang!

Mikol's physical strength was very good. He punched more than 80 times in less than 40 seconds. Link only punched 8 times in the first 40 seconds. The rest of the time he defended with all his strength and made his defense watertight.

"Link, fight back quickly, the 100 seconds are coming."

someone in the audience shouted.

But Link was still playing defensive counterattack, and his expression showed no urgency at all.

"Did Link change his tactics? Don't you want to win by KOing Mikkel within 100 seconds?"

Editor-in-chief Raphael Varane said, rubbing his chin.

"Could this be a tactic arranged by Link in advance? Make an agreement with everyone for 100 seconds to create pressure on the opponent, forcing the opponent to defend or take the initiative to attack? If others defend, he will attack crazily, his fists are very heavy, and he will bomb His offensive style is also suffocating. There are very few people who can defend against his continuous attacks within 100 seconds.

It was probably out of this consideration that Mikol chose to take the initiative to attack and use offense instead of defense to survive 100 seconds? "

Doug Fisher said thoughtfully.

"Is that so? If Link doesn't win within 100 seconds, what will happen?"

asked Miami Herald director Anderson Gyllenhaal.

"Haha, of course the game continues. Have you noticed that Link only said that he would win by KOing everyone within 100 seconds, but he never said that he would give in after more than 100 seconds."

Raphael Varane laughed.

"Is that so? Then Link is too cunning."

People around him exclaimed.

"Haha, I have said before that Link is a smart guy. He always uses his brain to play the game, never just relying on his fists."

Raphael laughed.

In the boxing ring, Link was focused on the game, only following his own feelings, not caring about anything else, and not caring about 100 seconds. The most important thing at the moment was to win the game and win the game in the shortest time, but he needed a chance. An opportunity to counterattack.

Bang bang bang!

When the game lasted eighty seconds, Mikol punched more than 110 times in a row and hit Link more than ten times.

But he continued to punch hard, which consumed a lot of energy. At the end of the first round, his attack speed slowed down, he was sweating a lot, and he was out of breath.

Seeing that the opponent was reducing the frequency of attacks, Link knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately launched a counterattack, swinging a jab and hitting the opponent on the head.

Mikol reacted quickly and raised his arm to defend. Seeing Link's counterattack, he also punched Link in the face with a straight punch.

"Be careful!"

Someone shouted from the audience.

Ignoring the opponent's fist, Link threw his drooping right fist forward and hit the opponent's head at a speed faster than his opponent.

"Wow, backflip!"

Someone exclaimed.

Yes, backflip. Link took advantage of the opponent's inability to defend and hit the opponent's raised left forearm with a backflip, hitting the left side of Mikol's face with huge inertia.


Mikol's head was hit by the backflip, his left face suddenly deformed, his mandible deviated to the right, and his hair and saliva suddenly swung to the right.

The speed suddenly increased.

Mikol fell sideways on the boxing ring with a plop.


The audience was silent for more than a second, and suddenly a huge exclamation broke out.

Everyone was surprised and delighted by the sudden knockdown.

Just now, Link was in a passive position, but in a blink of an eye, he punched back and hit his opponent's head with a famous trick, the back throw.

"Can Mikkel still stand up?"

"Come on, Mikkel, stand up quickly!"

Dino couldn't help shouting.

Franco and Simon suddenly turned their heads and looked at him suspiciously, which side are you on?

Dino quickly closed his mouth, clenched his fists, and silently cheered for Mikkel.

Mikkel supported the ground and slowly stood up, his steps were a little staggering.

Link's back throw is one of the most lethal punches.

In amateur competitions, with headgear protection, many people are often knocked out by his punch. In professional competitions, without the cushioning of the headgear, the lethality of the back throw is doubled.

Ordinary people can't digest the 300-400-pound impact force.

But Mikkel is not an ordinary person. He has excellent resistance to blows. He struggled on the ground for a few seconds, supported the ground with his arms, and slowly stood up.

The referee walked in front of Mikkel and asked him if he could continue the game.

Mikkel stared at Link and nodded.

Link also secretly admired him, what a tough guy.



The game started again.

Mikkel pounded his chest and looked at Link with murderous intent.

Link also stared at the opponent, waving his fists to attack Mikkel actively. The opponent had consumed a lot of energy in the first 80 seconds of attack, and it was a good opportunity to counterattack.

He attacked Mikkel's double-arm defense with one punch after another.

After Mikkel was hit by a few punches, he found that he couldn't defend against him, so he gave up defense and launched a counterattack.

Bang bang bang!

Both of them gave up defense, swung heavy punches, and attacked each other hard, hitting each other with every punch.

"Come on! Come on, Link!"

"Come on Mikkel! Hold on, Mikkel!"

Seeing the two fighting, the shouts of the audience were deafening, almost enough to lift the roof of the Hard Rock Stadium.

Because Mikkel attacked first, he consumed more energy than Link and was slower than Link. As his strength was lost, his defensive skills became more lax.

Less than three rounds into the fight, Link gradually gained the upper hand.

He seized the opportunity and a sharp jab broke through Mikkel's defense from the left side, hitting his chin hard, causing Mikkel to fall back and a line of saliva spurting out of his mouth.

Good opportunity!

Almost as Mikkel retreated, Link stepped forward and hit the opponent's left face with a right straight punch.

Mikkel was also a very powerful guy with a very strong ability to withstand blows. After being hit, 90% of other opponents would fall to the ground, but he was not knocked down after being hit by Link's heavy punch.

He grabbed the ropes, stabilized his body again, bent down, and hugged his head with both arms to protect it.

Mikkel's coach also shouted "defense", "full defense", "hold on, the first round is about to end" from the stage.

Link didn't want to give his opponent a chance to regroup, nor did he want to be called a 'mouth gun'. He bit his braces, flexed all his muscles, and launched a bombing attack on his opponent, punching one after another, and within 3 seconds, he threw 8 heavy punches in a row.


A hook hit Mikkel's side face, followed by a straight punch, hitting Mikkel's forehead again.

Mikkel's eyes rolled back, his body shook, and with a bang, he fell to the ring.

Link retracted his fist and looked at his opponent who was lying on the ground, wondering if he could stand up.

If he stood up again, this round would be over. In the end, even if he won, it would not be a complete victory if he exceeded the 100-second agreement.

"10, 9, 8, 7"

The referee came over to count, from 10 to 1, Mikkel supported the ground, struggled a few times, and couldn't stand up for more than 10 seconds.

"Yeah! Link won!"

The audience was silent for two seconds, then stood up and cheered loudly. Tens of thousands of people cheered together, like a tsunami.

Link breathed a sigh of relief and raised his fists high.

"I declare that the winner of this match is Link Baker!"

The referee raised Link's arm high.

"Link is the champion!"

"Mikol lost? Lost with one punch?"

Dino was stunned for a moment, then quickly grabbed Simon's arm and looked at the time. The time showed 100 seconds.

100 seconds? How could it be so coincidental? Did he bet right or wrong?

"I declare that the WBA Super Middleweight Championship is over, and the new WBA Super Middleweight World Champion is Link Baker!"

WBA Association President Gilberto Mendoza held the gold belt and announced loudly to everyone.

Then he handed the gold belt to Link, and a check of 800,000, which was the prize money for the competition. Whoever wins will get the biggest share. This part of the prize money is the money WBA gets from auctioning the right to host the competition.

"Mr. Link Baker, congratulations on becoming the WBA world champion. I hope you can achieve more in boxing in the future."

Chairman Mendoza shook Link's hand and smiled.

"Thank you!"

"Link, well done, it was a wonderful match."

Miami Sports Commission Chairman Brundage, Americas Association Vice President Lynn Walker, Florida Boxing Association Chairman and others also walked onto the ring, holding Link's hand to congratulate him and taking photos with him.

Link thanked several people, took the gold belt, and raised it high to the audience.

"Link Champion! Link Champion! Link Champion!"

James, Michael, Reggie and others jumped and shouted.

"Boxing champion Link! Boxing champion Link!"

The audience stood up, clapped their hands, and shouted loudly.

Link looked at the golden boxing champion belt under the incandescent light.

His eyes were a little dazed. From the dark mine, to the darker underground boxing ring, and then to the American boxing arena, he had fought for two lifetimes, and finally today, on the world-class boxing ring, he lifted the world boxing champion gold belt and became the world boxing champion.

The past efforts were not in vain, the past blood and sweat were not in vain, and all the efforts were worth it.

"Link, you are the world boxing champion."

Morales, Reggie, Simon, Mario, Dino and others rushed to the boxing ring with a roar, lifted Link high, and threw him several times in a row.

Link laughed out loud. I guess after tomorrow, all the major media in the world will report that he has become the WBA champion. I wonder if Lao Liu will sigh that this kid is really amazing when he sees this news.

"Even Mikol is not his opponent?"

In the audience, Greg Cohen frowned as he looked at Link on the boxing ring.

Originally, he wanted to use Pascal, Jermaine, and Mikol to suppress Link's arrogance, let him encounter setbacks in the game, and then find a way to win him back.

Now even the former world champion Mikol has lost to Link. It is extremely difficult to continue to suppress him.

"Mr. Cohen, Link is too strong, and he will also take advantage of the situation to create momentum. For such a boxer, it is best to cooperate with him. If you want to suppress him, it is only possible after more than ten years when his strength declines."

The assistant said.

Greg Cohen tapped his knees with his fingers, his rhythm was fast, and he was very irritated. If he had agreed decisively when Link proposed a 70% share, he would not have missed this cash cow in vain.

Based on Link's ability to become a world boxing champion at the age of 20, his potential is indeed no worse than Mayweather and De La Hoya, and giving him a 70% share is not too much.

Unfortunately, I still underestimated Link at that time.

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