Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 103 Breaking the Record

"Mr. Link Baker, congratulations on becoming the WBA world boxing champion. How are you feeling now?"

After the game, a group of reporters from TV stations and newspapers surrounded Link under the ring.

"It feels great, I'm excited."

Link said with a gold belt hanging on his shoulders and wiping his sweat with a towel.

"Mr. Baker, before the competition, did you ever think that you would defeat Mikkel Kessler and become the world boxing champion?"

"American Express" reporter asked.

"Of course, I have already said that the world boxing championship belt is mine."

Link said loudly towards the media cameras.

"Mr. Link Baker, before the game, you promised to win by KOing all your opponents within 100 seconds, but in this game it took you a full 100 seconds to completely knock out Mikkel Kessler, do you Do you agree that although you won the gold belt, your plan failed?"

A reporter from USA Today asked more pointedly.

"100 seconds?"

Link thought it took longer than 100 seconds, but who knew it was stuck at 100 seconds. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sir, you should know that Mr. Mikkel Kessler is a very powerful boxer. He is stronger than I expected. When I compete with him, I have to do my best. Yes, in this game, I tried my best to defeat him. I am personally satisfied with being able to defeat him in 100 seconds. , and don’t feel like a failure.”

"Mr. Link Baker, after becoming the WBA super middleweight champion, what are your next plans? Will you compete for other gold belts?"

"Ring" magazine reporter asked.

"Of course, I said I would unify the super middleweight gold belts of the four major organizations, and I will definitely do it."

After you have the WBA gold belt, it will be much easier to get the gold belts of other organizations. You only need to contact the winners of the other three gold belts through the promotion company, and have a few unification fights, and the winner will get all four. , just like the match between Mikol and Calzaghe.

After the battle for the WBA super middleweight gold belt begins, competitions from the other three major organizations will also be held in the next six months. At that time, Link can directly challenge the boxing champions of other organizations and get another gold belt.

"Mr. Link Baker, I heard that you privately accepted a match with Tyson. Are you confident that you can beat him?"

asked a reporter from the Miami Herald.

"I'm not sure, Mike is very good, he is a legend in the boxing world and one of my idols, so I don't know if I can beat him, but I will try my best to beat him and pay tribute to him."

Link said while clenching his fists.

When he answered this question, the reporters at the scene looked at the "Miami Herald" reporter in surprise. Link was going to compete with Tyson, who had just come back? A super middleweight boxer taking on a former heavyweight champion?

when did it happen? Why don't we know?

The reporters were sensitive to the smell of big news and quickly asked about the match between Link and Tyson.

Link answered a few questions and left the game surrounded by his coaching team.

Afterwards, Dynasty Promotions held a grand celebration party at the Hilton Beach Hotel, inviting all the celebrities present to attend.

Monopoly Mr. Tom, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, Sports Commission Chairman Avery Brundage, WBA Chairman Gilberto Jesus Mendoza, Anderson Gyllenhaal, Rafael Varane, Coach West, Coach Brooks, James, Michael, Reggie and others all attended the party.

Link also followed Franco and met Mr. Thompson, who praised him a few times and mentioned the eldest princess Ivaca. Mr. Thompson said that she was recording a reality show in New York, otherwise she would come to watch the game.

Mr. Thompson was worth US$1.8 billion in 2008 and ranked 689th on the Forbes list. He is a genuine millionaire and has a high reputation in both political and business circles.

The guests at the scene saw how close he was to Link, and they all became more enthusiastic towards Link.

Shortly after the party, Franco happily approaches Link.

"Haha, Link, guess how much money our company made this time?"

Franco sat on the beach chair and took a sip of cold watermelon juice and said.


Link gave a rough number.

"Haha, the total revenue is nearly 7 million US dollars, including 3 million in HBO broadcast fees, more than 2.2 million in revenue from tickets and surrounding hotels, 1.1 million in advertising revenue, and almost 500,000 in other incomes. Take a look."

Franco threw a file over, and Link opened it and glanced at it a few times. He wasn't good at reading account books, but with accountants and asset managers here, he wasn't worried about any problems.

"So cost aside, we only made one or two million?"

In addition to the 2 million yuan for hosting rights, more than 3 million yuan was spent on publicity and promotion, and the net income was only about 2 million yuan.

"Is 2 million too little? It's quite a lot. Dynasty Promotion is a new company. It can earn 2 million by holding a large-scale competition for the first time. Haha, when I told my father about this, he let out a long sigh. , I heard that it took him almost ten years to earn his first million.”

Franco laughed.

Link shook his head. It was in the 1950s when old Dua entered the boxing world. At that time, inflation was not serious, and one million was worth more than ten million now.

In addition, what Franco said is also good. Dynasty Promotion is a new company. It is the first time to host a large-scale competition. Many problems occurred during the promotion process.

For example, the promotion was not in place. Many boxing fans said that they did not know that the finals were held in Miami until after the game. If they knew earlier, they would definitely go to the scene to support, and the venue with more than 40,000 people would not be full.

"Link, do you think you earn too little? I have another good news. The vice president of Thompson International called just now and wanted to use 8 million to win the right to host your match with Tyson."

"8 million?"

Remember that Tyson returned to play against Roy Jones Jr. in 2020. It is said that the prize money for that match was as high as 20 million US dollars. Three years after retiring, 8 million seems a bit low to compete with this super boxing star?

"In addition to Thompson International, there are currently five companies in contact with us. It is conservatively estimated that the prize money for this match will not be less than 10 million."

Franco smiled and raised a finger.

Link shrugged his shoulders, "You are the president, and you should make the decision on this matter. I have no objection."

"Okay, I will discuss it with a few more companies and wait for my good news."

Franco drank the watermelon juice, took the documents and hurriedly got into the car.

Link turned over and lay under the parasol to continue reading the newspaper.

After the game, there were a lot of reports about the game in the media in the past two days, which were more lively than the news in the few days after the Olympics. There were three key points in the news about him:

First, he won the boxing title at the age of 20 and 4 months, becoming the youngest world champion in the history of WBA super middleweight.

Second, he is the person who became the world champion in the shortest time in boxing history. The New York Post said that he was the first and only person who became the world champion in only 400 seconds.

When Link saw this title at the beginning, he was stunned for a while, and he didn't understand where the 400 seconds came from. After reading the content of the news, he realized that the other party had added it.

Since he changed his job, he has participated in 11 professional matches, and the durations are 6.1 seconds, 4.8 seconds, 5.3 seconds, 9.2 seconds, 7.5 seconds, 5.8 seconds, 21 seconds, 42 seconds, 98 seconds, 91 seconds, and 100 seconds, which add up to about 390 seconds, just under 400 seconds.

When the spectators saw this number, they couldn't help but exclaimed that Link was too fierce. It was legendary to become the world champion in 400 seconds.

The third news is about the records he created in this competition. Although he did not break the seven records of "Cannon" Briggs, Link also created many boxing records.

For example, six consecutive matches ended within 10 seconds; seven consecutive matches ended within 30 seconds, and 11 consecutive matches ended within 101 seconds; 11 consecutive professional matches KOed the opponent in the first round; in the world boxing title battle, the shortest time to win the game and other records.

According to the magazine "Ring", these records can probably not be broken by anyone except Link himself.

In addition to these three news, there is another controversial topic on the Internet, which is the discussion about 100 seconds.

Before the game, Link said that he would defeat all opponents within 100 seconds, but he did not do it in the last game. The game lasted 100.67 seconds, which is rounded to 101 seconds.

The focus of the discussion among netizens is whether Link is a liar?

Some netizens said that it was one second short, strictly speaking, Link did not succeed, he was a liar.

But some netizens said that Link said 100 seconds, 100.67 is also a hundred seconds, strictly speaking, it does not count.

Just to argue about this second, netizens wasted countless seconds.

"Link, a guest called and said he wanted to dive. It was a guest who booked more than a month ago. Do you want to accept the order?"

James shouted at the door.

"Are you kidding? I am a newly-minted world champion, and you want me to go to the sea to teach people to dive?"

Link joked.

"Then I refuse him?"

"Forget it, invite him over, I also want to swim in the sea."

Link put down the newspaper, stretched his shoulders and said.

Thanks to the book friend Grief Mo Yan for the reward, thank you.

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