After returning from the sea and seeing off the boxing fans disguised as tourists, Link turned on his phone and received a congratulatory message from China and two missed calls.

The name marked was Crystal Liu, the Chinese actress he met on the plane when he went to participate in the Olympics.

Link sat back on the beach chair and called the number. He heard a dazed voice on the other end saying, "Link, do you know what time it is in Hanjing now?"

"About eleven o'clock, are you asleep?"

"Of course, I'm still not asleep at eleven o'clock at night. Do you think I'm a night owl?"

"Okay, how about I call you tomorrow?"

Link smiled.

"No, you've already woken me up." The girl on the phone yawned, "What's the matter with you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"I want to learn Chinese from you."

"Learning Chinese in the middle of the night? Hate it, you must be deliberately teasing me, oh, I remember, I just called you before going to bed, I was watching TV at night, and the evening news said that Olympic champion Link won the World Boxing Association gold belt and became the youngest world champion in boxing history. You are so amazing, congratulations, Link."

The girl said in a crisp voice.

"Thank you! It's just a belt." Link said modestly.

"Too modest, I just checked, the world champion gold belt is very rare, the WBA gold belt is the most valuable, you are only 20 years old to become the world champion, you are awesome, when I saw you at that time, I saw you so gentlemanly, I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting."

The girl said happily on the phone.

Link smiled gently. When Chris Liu came to the United States to promote "The Forbidden Kingdom", she happened to take the same flight as him when she returned to Beijing. Link took the initiative to greet him, and the two got to know each other.

"Chris, what are you doing recently? When will you come to the United States? I'll take you diving."

"I don't know when I can come, probably not too long. I haven't been doing well at work recently, so maybe I'll come to Hollywood to develop."

The girl yawned and told him some work things, that is, the production company of "The Forbidden Kingdom" wanted to sign him, but she didn't want to. The two sides had some conflicts and the other party threatened to ban her.

"Come to Hollywood, there are many opportunities here. I forgot to tell you that I am also an actor."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course."

Link told her some things about his filming in the crew.

While chatting, a voice came from the microphone over there, "Fei Fei, why are you still not asleep? Who are you calling in the middle of the night?" Chris Liu heard the shout and hurriedly told Link that my mother is here and we will talk tomorrow.

Link said good night and hung up the phone.

"Link, don't sit there, come and help quickly."

Daniel called him on the middle beach, with Michael, Sarres and others beside him.

I don't know where they found some firewood and piled it in the sand pit. There were also four barbecue grills and several folding tables around, with a lot of drinks and fruits on the tables.

Michael also brought out the full set of speakers in the store, and a noisy Spanish song sounded on the beach.

"What are you doing?"

"Having a party, didn't James notify you?"

Michael turned down the sound and shouted.

"What party?"

"Of course it's a party to celebrate your winning the gold belt. You became the world boxing champion, shouldn't you have a party to celebrate?"

Several people stopped and looked at him and asked.

"The day before yesterday at the Hilton Hotel, wasn't it a celebration party?"

"No, that was just your company's cocktail party, not a party. The party held on the beach is our party."

Daniel laughed.


Link didn't care and let them set up on the beach. Soon, hundreds of people came to the beach, mostly neighbors. Everyone brought food and drinks, wore shorts and bikinis, and held a barbecue party on the beach.

In the afternoon, there were more people on the beach, about three or four hundred people. From the public pier to the Baker's shop, it was a party scene. Link was not stingy and bought dozens of boxes of beer and drinks, and also contributed the yacht so that everyone could have fun.

Mario, Reggie and others got the news from somewhere and drove over to join the party.

A group of people listened to music, drank, danced, and played in the water on the beach, making the scene very lively.

Only Link was still sitting on the beach chair, holding a glass of champagne, watching everyone play.

"Hey, Link, are you having a party here?"

Assistant Simon came down from the sandbar, followed by a tall woman.

The woman had long golden hair, a creamy white Chanel dress, white high heels, and a curvy figure. She always looked heavy when she walked. On her thin wrist was a delicate diamond watch, which sparkled in the sun.

Compared with the crowd on the beach, her dress was too delicate and her temperament was too outstanding, a bit like a crane standing out from the crowd.

Link stood up and greeted.

"Link, let me introduce you."

Simon walked over and pointed to the woman next to him and introduced, "This is Ms. Thompson, the vice president of Thompson International."

Simon came over and said softly, "Thompson International has increased the prize money to 10 million US dollars, which is higher than the offer of several other competitors. Tyson has agreed. After discussion, we are also ready to agree. Now it depends on your opinion. Evaka said she wants to come and talk to you in person."

Link smiled and stretched out his hand to Miss Ivaka and said, "Miss Ivaka, welcome to Baker's shop."

When Ivaka came over, she kept her eyes on him, shook hands with him and smiled, "Mr. Link Baker, you really became a boxing champion. Your confidence at the beginning was amazing."

Link smiled and said, "Thank you! I told you that I would become a world boxing champion, of course I must do what I said."

Ivaka blinked and raised her red lips slightly, "So your gold belt is also my credit?"

"Yes, you inspired me, please allow me to thank you in person."

Link picked up a glass of champagne, handed it to her and smiled.

"You're welcome!"

Ivaka smiled and brushed the golden hair on her cheek.

Simon, who was next to him, saw that the two were chatting so familiarly, and suddenly felt that he seemed a little redundant here. He simply said hello, picked up a bottle of beer and ran to dance.

Link invited Evaka to sit on the beach chair beside him. Evaka sat down with her skirt brushed, her legs crossed, her figure became more plump because of the sitting posture, and she also smelled of expensive perfume.

"Link, I heard that you are now the vice president of Dynasty Promotion?"

Evaka turned her head and looked at his profile and asked.

She was still a little curious and interested in this boy who was only 20 years old, had no help from his parents, and relied only on his fists to become a multi-millionaire and world boxing champion from a beach boy.

Although she had seen many young and promising people in the upper class, it seemed that no one was as good as Link.

Link chuckled. Vice president was the title assigned to him by Franco, saying that he was asked to help manage the company, but in fact he rarely went to the company.

"Yes, so what do our two vice presidents want to talk about?"

Ivaka found what he said interesting, smiled slightly, took out a document and put it on the table and said: "Link, you are one of the most popular boxers in the current boxing world. Although Tyson's popularity has declined, his fame in the United States is still unmatched.

The match between the two of you is destined to become the most eye-catching event in the boxing world. We, Thompson International, are very optimistic about this match and have the ability to make it a grand event. This is our plan. Take a look."

Link opened the plan handed over by the other party and took a look. Thompson International had obviously done a lot of work. There was a thick stack of information, which was very substantial.

Link took a rough look. At his current level, he could not see any problems, so he would not find fault with it.

"Ms. Ivaka, I have a question. You, Thompson International, have never promoted boxing events. Why are you interested in boxing matches this time?"

Hosting boxing matches is also a kind of boxing promotion, because when hosting a match, if you want to make a profit, you need to expand publicity and need to be noticed by more audiences.

Thompson International has never been involved in this field, so Link asked this question.

Evaka said slowly: "Our Thompson Group has co-hosted many Miss Americas with NBC TV. We also have several casino hotels in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and have held many boxing matches. However, we were partners of boxing promotion companies before. Now we have come to the front and become the organizer. We are not lacking in relevant experience."

Link remembered that this family is big and powerful. There are big hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, New York, Los Angeles, Miami and other places. Boxing matches have indeed been held in those places, but they used to be landlords, and now they have also come to open stores to do business.

Link also remembered one thing. Not long ago, there was a report in the Business Daily that due to the impact of the real estate bubble and the financial crisis, Mr. Thompson's net worth has shrunk significantly, from 2.5 billion announced by Forbes last year to about 1.8 billion US dollars. Thompson International's Thompson Entertainment, Atlantic Casino and other industries have lost hundreds of millions of US dollars and are on the verge of bankruptcy.

The other party may have considered this aspect when suddenly hosting a boxing match.

"Sounds great!"

"So it's a pleasure to work with you?"

Evaka smiled as she extended her soft hand.

"It's a pleasure to work with you!"

Link shook her hand.

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