"Hey Simon, who's that chick? She's got a really nice body."

On the beach, Michael held a beer, looked at Link's figure, bumped into Simon and asked.

"Do you know the Thompson International Hotel in Palm Beach? It belongs to them."

Simon followed the rhythm of the music and kept shaking his head.

"Wow, the eldest lady of the Tomp family? She is a real rich woman. Does Link want to date her? Damn it, I wish I were Link."

Michael looked at Miss Iwaka's hot figure, exquisite dress, and aloof temperament. She was a top-notch white, rich and beautiful woman. No one would want to date such a wonderful woman. Link, the bastard, was so lucky.

"Link is so cool. He has a new girlfriend every month, and all of them are beautiful."

Daniel also looked at Link and Ivaca under the sun umbrella. One was handsome and masculine, the other plump and beautiful. They were obviously a good match.

"Are they really going to date? I don't think it's a good idea. The Tomps are too rich and Link is just a poor kid. They're not a good match."

James said with a frown on his fat face.

"Don't make random guesses, they are just talking about work."

Simon interjected.

"Talking about work does not delay the date."

Michael shrugged his shoulders and shouted to Link: "Hey, Link, come dance and ask your new girlfriend to join you."

"Link won't come over. He likes to sit alone and watch the fun."

Daniel said.

But to everyone's surprise, this time Link came over with Ivaca.

"Link, you...you guys want to dance?"

Michael looked at Link in surprise, and then at the plump Ivaca next to him. He looked so beautiful and hot from a distance that he couldn't help but want to tease her.

Just waiting for the other party to come over and seeing the other party's tall figure, high-end dress, and noble temperament, he felt a little flustered and did not dare to stare at the other party.

"Yes, it's good to move your body."

Link said to Ivaca next to him.

"Link, if you don't know how to dance, don't force it, or you may break your toes."

James said, taking Link's arm.

"Haha, I remembered that last year at the carnival, he wanted to show off in front of Lina, but he twisted his foot."

Daniel laughed.

Iwaka smiled slightly, looked at Link and said, "You want to compete. If you can't dance, don't force yourself."

Link glanced at James and Daniel. It was true that Link couldn't dance, but it wasn't that he couldn't dance.

Someone once said that a boxer who cannot dance is not a good boxer. A good boxer must have practiced dance steps.

For example, "Boxing Saint" Sugar Ray Robinson's fancy dance moves, boxing champion Ali's "Butterfly Dance", and British boxing "Prince" Hamed's crazy steps are all derived from tap dance.

When he is training, he often follows the rhythm of songs and practices steps and rhythms, so dancing is naturally not difficult for him.

But Ivaca was right. He should pay attention to something before the game. He saw the guitar hanging on Michael's body and asked, "How about you dance and I sing?"

"Link, what song do you want to sing?"

Michael handed him the guitar, a regular guitar that cost a few hundred dollars.

Link looked around. This was on the beach. Everyone was dancing Latin dance. Latin dance music was playing on the speakers. There were many hot Latin girls in the crowd.

He suddenly remembered a familiar Spanish song. When he used to practice boxing, he liked to listen to some songs with a strong rhythm. While listening to the songs, he would hit the sandbags according to the rhythm, bang bang bang, and constantly change his steps. This was also his practice. One of the methods of boxing.

The rhythm of that song is very good, with a clear Latin dance style. It is also one of his often used practice songs and has been listened to more than hundreds of times.

At that time, he only listened to the rhythm and had no idea what the lyrics meant. Now that he has learned Spanish through Link, he can instantly understand the meaning of the lyrics when he thinks about them again.

Link asked Michael to turn down the volume of the stereo, strum the guitar strings, and sang while recalling the lyrics:

Oh yeah

Ya ya me estás gustando más de lo normal

Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más

Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro


"Wow, it sounds great. What song is this, Link, why haven't I heard it?"

Michael asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Stop making noise! ​​Listen to Link sing!"

Daniel covered his mouth and said.

Iwaka thought the rhythm was great when she heard it. She couldn't help but shrug her shoulders and sway gently along with it.

Simon looked at Link in surprise. He didn't expect that besides being good at boxing, he could also sing so well.

He suddenly felt that this was a good promotional material, so he quickly ran back to the car, took out a handheld video recorder, turned on the pickup, and started filming Link.

Link was holding a guitar, playing and singing while Ivaca, Fat James, Michael, and Daniel gathered around him, shaking their bodies.


You, you are the magnet and I am the metal that is attracted to you

I'm getting close to you and I'm making careful plans

My thoughts drove me to speed up my pace


"Wow, that's cool!"

When other people heard Link singing, they also ran over and danced various Latin dance steps to the rhythm of the music.

"They can't even dance well, but they still have to look to me for the Latin dance."

Mario ran over from the side, stood in front of Link, and shook his fat chest and belly to the camera.

Although he was fat, he danced well in Latin dance and had a good sense of rhythm. He suddenly became the most eye-catching person besides lead singer Link and beauty Ivaca.

Reggie shook his head helplessly and ran to twist. He lived in a Latin community and there was a carnival every year. The young men and women there would basically twist a few times.

Link sang twice, and the song became smoother and smoother. He also sang and danced with everyone. His steps were very flexible and rhythmic, and Ivaca couldn't help but follow his movements and twist her plump hips.

By the fourth time, everyone could remember a few lyrics and started singing along loudly.


Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

I want to breathe softly close to your neck

Deja que te diga cosas al oido

Let me be in your ear and tell you my feelings

Paraque te acuerdessi no estás conmigo


Simon looked at the scene in the camera and couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

In the video, Link stood in the middle, holding a guitar, singing and dancing. Next to him was the hot Ivaca, who was wearing a Chanel knee-length skirt and high heels, shaking her shoulders in a reserved manner.

Next to the two of them, there was the fat James, the thin Daniel, the shirtless Michael who was doing cool hip-hop dancing, the big-bellied Mario who kept stealing the show, and Reggie who was dancing seriously.

There were hundreds of Latinos, blacks, and whites on the beach. Everyone followed the rhythm of the music and danced passionate Latin dances next to the fire.

The graphics look dynamic and fun.

Simon cheered loudly while filming.

After dancing for half an hour, everyone was sweating.

"Link, what song is this? I haven't heard it before. Are there any resources online? I want to play it in the store."

Daniel came over wiping his sweat and asked.

Michael, Sares and the others nodded sharply in agreement.

"It will be kept secret for the time being and I will tell you later."

Link took two bottles of purified water and handed one to Miss Iwaka.

"Whose song is this? I want to buy a record too."

Miss Iwaka's body was dripping with fragrance and sweat, her slim-fitting dress became more body-hugging, her curves became more sexy and hot, and her whole body exuded a strong fragrance.

Link smiled and said, "I just saw everyone dancing, and this song suddenly appeared in my mind. What do you think?"

"Are you serious?"

Ivaca asked in surprise.

Link smiled and shrugged, without explaining much.

"Link, what do you think of this video? I'm going to edit it and post it on YouTube so that your boxing fans can get to know you better."

Simon came over, turned on the video recording and said.

There is a pickup on the camera, and the recording effect is pretty good. The picture and recording are relatively clear.

Link read it again and felt that it was pretty good. "I'll post it in two days. I'll register the copyright first and then help me find a recording studio. I'm going to record a demo."

"Okay, no problem, I can contact you today."

Simon nodded repeatedly. The world champion released an original single, which sounded very gimmicky. In addition, the song sounded great, and there might be a chance of becoming a hit. If the song became popular, Link's fame would definitely rise to the next level.

"Link, sing it again! Sing it again!"

Daniel and Michael shouted loudly.

Link responded, then walked into the crowd with his guitar in hand and started singing.


Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

Deja que te diga cosas al oido

Paraque te acuerdessi no estás conmigo


Ivaca crossed her arms and quietly watched him singing and dancing, so naturally and casually, not at all like a multi-millionaire or world boxing champion. She found this guy more and more interesting.

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