After the match, Link stayed in Miami for more than a week and returned to the Big Apple, New York.

When he returned to New York, the heat of the WBA super middleweight championship had faded.

The news about the boxing match was also about the heavyweight world championship that ended last week. ‘The Rock’ Hashim Rahman challenged WBO-IBF champion Vladimir Klitschko and was technically knocked out in the sixth round and failed.

Nigeria’s ‘Nightmare’ Samuel Pitt VS Ukrainian champion Vitali Klitschko. Klitschko used eight rounds of TKO to Samuel Pitt and regained the WBC heavyweight championship title.

The two brothers continued to hold three heavyweight gold belts of the four major organizations.

Another WBA heavyweight gold belt belongs to ‘Giant’ Valuev, who is Russian.

The media exclaimed that the heavyweight field of the world boxing has been occupied by Slavs.

There are also some reports about Link in the news, mainly discussing his match with Tyson, who will win or lose?

Although Tyson has retired for more than three years and his condition has declined a lot, he is also a former heavyweight champion, the king of heavy punches, and a boxing legend.

There are great differences in media opinion about who will win the match between the two.

Some support Link because he is young and his punch weight is not much worse than Tyson, but his speed is faster than Tyson. As long as he is more flexible in the ring, he can tire Tyson to death in twelve rounds.

There are also many people who support Tyson to win. In boxing, a heavy body means great strength. Tyson weighs more than 60 pounds more than Link, and has advantages in terms of resistance to blows.

Boxing experts believe that as long as Tyson can play 30% of his level in his heyday, it will not be difficult to defeat Link.

Some of these news and controversies are planned by Thompson Entertainment and Dynasty Promotion. They are warming up for the boxing match between the two and trying to attract more people to pay attention to the match in this way.

It’s just that the time and place of the match have not been determined, and Thompson Entertainment has not officially made efforts in publicity and promotion, and the relevant discussions are not heated enough.

After returning to New York, Link put aside his distractions and reinvested his time and energy in boxing training to prepare for the next game.

In the next six months, in addition to the match with Tyson, he will also compete for the WBC-WBO-IBF super middleweight gold belt. At the same time, after becoming the WBA boxing champion, he will have to accept 2-3 challenges every year, so now is not the time to slack off.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the boxing ring, Link continuously swung his fists, exerting his speed and strength to the extreme.

In the past few games, the reason why he was able to defeat his opponents and win the game in a short time was, on the one hand, the experience of amateur competitions, which accumulated a lot of prestige and courage for him in boxing. This is the growth of his mind and he has become stronger psychologically.

On the other hand, it also benefits from his physique. Through uninterrupted physical training, his boxing qualities such as strength, speed, and reaction ability are also constantly improving and breaking through. His 100-meter speed has exceeded 11 seconds, and his movements are more flexible. With a weight of 76 kilograms, he can burst out a heavyweight punch.

He completely crushes his opponents of the same weight in terms of speed and strength, and his boxing techniques and tactics are also relatively advanced.

It is equivalent to having all the best horses in his hands during the competition, and it is difficult to lose the game.

But this does not mean that he can just rest on his laurels. What Bernard Hopkins said in the interview that day is also true.

Although he is powerful and his fists are fierce, which is a great advantage in the super middleweight field, there are many boxers with more than 1,000 pounds of fists after rising to the light heavyweight class.

When he encounters those strong opponents, Link's fist weight advantage is gone.

If Link wants to continue to impact the light heavyweight, junior heavyweight, and heavyweight gold belts after unifying the super middleweight class, he needs to prepare from now on.

Bang bang bang! Link continued to swing his fists and hit the fist shield hard.

"Hey, Link, does it feel better to practice boxing with me?"

Mario put down the fist shield and grinned.

"Be careful, don't talk during training."

Link continued to punch the fist shield in Mario's hand. This target is movable, so it is more effective when fighting.

"Haha, I said I am the best sparring partner, Morales..."

Bang! Before Mario finished speaking, Link's fist went through the fist shield and hit him on the forehead. Mario took a few steps back and lay on his back on the boxing ring with dull eyes.

Morales shook his head and asked someone to drag Mario down. He went on stage and picked up the fist shield to continue training with Link.

Mario came voluntarily and said he wanted to come to New York to continue to be Link's sparring partner. Coach West said that Mario had made a lot of progress recently and was going to switch to professional boxing next year, so he also asked Link to take care of him.

Considering that Coach West and Mario were a little related, Link did not refuse. Anyway, after Mario came, he would not be responsible for his food, clothing, housing and transportation, and it was also a good idea to have an extra mobile boxing target.


"Hey, Link! Wait for me!"

After the afternoon training, Link walked out with his bag on his back. Dino Duva ran over from the aisle, panting, and put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Come on, I bought two sports cars, and I'll give you one."

"Why are you giving me a sports car?"

Link shook off the arm on his shoulder and continued walking forward.

"Haha, guess how much I made from the last game betting?"

Dino asked excitedly.

"10 million?"

"Uh, not that much, 870,000 US dollars."

"It's so little, guess how much I earn?"

"Did you place a bet too? How much?"

Dino asked curiously.

"A little more than you."

Link chuckled.

In the past, he would bet on himself to win every game within 100 seconds. The bet was not much, 100,000 for each game. Except for the last game, where he lost 100,000, he won the first few games, and the bet he earned was about just over 1 million.

However, plus the bonus of 200,000 for the Intercontinental Boxing Champion and the bonus of 800,000 for the World Boxing Champion, these are competition rewards issued by the WBA Association, as well as internal rewards from Dynasty Promotion. According to the contract, each Intercontinental Boxing Champion belt is 200,000, and the World Boxing Champion belt is 200,000. 1000000.

He earned more than three million in this competition.

"You are so awesome. Next time you play a game, how do you plan to win? In which round you will win, remember to inform me in advance, and we can make a lot of money together."

Dino shouted, waving his colorful arms.

When they came to the parking lot, Dino wanted to take him to see a sports car, but Link refused. He also owned a sports car and a yacht. He was not very interested in those things. Now he was more interested in luxury homes in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles.

After he came to New York, he originally wanted to buy a mansion near Central Park as a temporary residence. He found a real estate manager and asked about it. The starting prices for apartments and large villas with good locations and good surroundings were more than 10 million. The more luxurious ones. The price is tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

His little savings are still some distance from a mansion in New York, so he still needs to work hard.

Jingle Bell!

Before the car got home, the phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Selina's call. Before he could say hello, he heard Selina say quickly,

"Is this person you? Tell me quickly, is this person you?"

Selena's voice on the phone was very urgent and excited. Link looked around but didn't see Selena. "I was downstairs in my apartment. Where did you see me?"

"I'm talking about videos, YouTube videos. Is that handsome guy dancing on the beach you? It must be you. He looks exactly like you. How can you sing? Aren't you a boxer?"

As soon as he answered, Selena's little mouth crackled a lot, and Link thought she could be a rapper.

"Can't boxers sing? Ali, Tyson, and Mayweather have all released records, and Ali was nominated for a Grammy. Is it weird that I can sing?"

Link walked into the elevator with a bag of vegetables and beef. When the elevator door was about to close, Leonardo came in from the lobby. He put his mobile phone on his shoulder and opened the elevator door. Leonardo said "thanks" ', walked into the elevator.

"But how can you sing so beautifully? And who is the original singer of that song? It is not available in record stores or online. Netizens in Spain and South America also said they have never heard it. Where did you hear it? Can you Can’t you lend me the record of that song?”

"Yes, the studio version of that song has been uploaded to the iTunes Music Store and Amazon Digital Music Store. You can search for Despacito on both platforms to listen. If you want to buy the single record of this song, you still have to wait a while. , the record is being recorded, I will send you a copy when it is released.”

"Despacito? Okay, I'll try."

Click! Her call came in a hurry and hung up quickly. Link put away the phone and nodded to Leonardo.


Leonardo was wearing a suit and tie, and smelled of alcohol, as if he had just returned from a cocktail party.

"My sister!"

Link responded.

Leonardo said oh, stared at the floor numbers that kept jumping and said: "I heard that you won the world boxing championship gold belt, congratulations."

"Thank you! You haven't been out filming recently?"

"No, I filmed three movies last year and the first half of the year. I'm tired and ready to take a break."

Leonardo put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"It's not bad. We can play tennis together when we have time. I saw there is a tennis club next door."


When he reached the seventh floor, Leonardo said "goodbye" and walked out of the elevator.

Link returned home with the bag in hand and put the meat, poultry, eggs, milk, vegetables and fruits into categories in the compartments of the refrigerator. Before he could finish sorting, he heard the cell phone ringing on the table outside.

I gnawed on a green apple and came out to answer the phone. Sure enough, it was Selena's voice. She barked twice like a groundhog, and the background music was Despacito.

"Did your finger get caught in the door?"

Link asked.

"Link, how could it be your voice? How could the original singer be you? Tell me quickly? This is not true."

Selina asked with excitement in her voice.

“My song is not my voice, whose voice could it be?”

Link laughed.

"Your song? Are you the original singer? How is this possible? Wait, why are all the information about the songwriter and singer about you? Don't tell me that you wrote this song."

"Who do you think it is?"


Selena took a few breaths and asked in a clear voice, "Link, did you really write the song and the music score?"

"it's me!"

"Wow, you are so awesome, Link, you are my idol, I want to tell everyone, this song is my brother's new song, it's great, Link, I will come to you tomorrow, I want you to give me I sign."

Selena screamed excitedly and could be heard stomping her feet.

Before she hung up, Catherine took the phone and asked a few questions. Link briefly told her about recording in Miami, registering copyright, and posting it to the iTunes Music Store.

And the singing and dancing video was edited by Simon Curtis three days ago and posted on YouTube using his account. On the first day, there was no promotion and it received more than 30,000 hits.

Last night, NBC Entertainment News and FOX Evening Entertainment News, as well as several entertainment newspapers, reported the video of world boxing champion Link and Miss Thompson dancing closely on Miami Beach as news, speculating that the two might be dating.

Only one day later, the video received more than 1 million hits and more than 50,000 comments, instantly becoming the most viewed video on YouTube recently, with more hits than the video of Justin Bieber, a 14-year-old Canadian singer, covering the song of N’ Sync.

Catherine told him that there were many paparazzi in New York, so he should be careful when taking his girlfriend home for the night. He could call the police in case of emergency, but he must not take action.

Link said he understood.

After hanging up the phone, Link opened his computer and browsed YouTube videos. His video had been viewed over 2 million times. Many people in the comment area were asking who the original singer was. Was there any great person who could translate the lyrics into English? Was there a high-definition version of the MV?

Some people also lamented that Link was so handsome, Evaka had a sexy figure, and the fat guy was so funny.

There were also some replies below, which were links to Despacito's songs on iTunes and Amazon Music Store.

Some netizens also returned from the music store, saying that the original singer and songwriter of the song were all world boxing champion Link Baker, which was too explosive.

Many netizens expressed disbelief. How could a boxer like Link write a song? The original singer had to come forward.

Someone posted the copyright information registered by Link, and everyone exclaimed that the world boxing champion was too talented, and his cross-border level was too high. He was a king bomb at the first shot, leaving no room for singers.

Many netizens also expressed doubts. A boxer like Link could also write a song? They speculated that this song might have been bought by Link. Many celebrities do this.

Some people also retorted that such a good song would become popular if it was sung by anyone, and only a fool would be willing to sell it.

The Internet was arguing a lot. Link ate an apple while reading the comments, secretly sighing that "Despacito" was worthy of being the number one song on YouTube in the future. Even if it was released ten years in advance, the effect was still explosive.

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