Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 112 Invitation for Cooperation

"Link, look, this is the match schedule between you and Tyson."

Ivaca took out a piece of information and pushed it over.

Link opened it and looked at it. The match between him and Tyson was scheduled for December 15th at the Towne Plaza Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

This casino features retro buildings such as the Taj Mahal and the Pyramid. It has a large internal space and can accommodate more than 10,000 people. It has also hosted boxing matches many times and was one of the famous entertainment venues in Atlantic City in the past.

However, Atlantic City's attractiveness to tourists has dropped significantly in recent years, and the gap with entertainment cities such as Las Vegas and Los Angeles has gradually widened.

The large casinos owned by Tompu Entertainment also began to be deserted. When the financial crisis came this year, the real estate and tourism industry suffered heavy losses and debts increased.

The news that this casino is going bankrupt will only break out in the media.

"no problem!"

Link is a boxer, so he doesn't actually need to see these things. As long as Ivaca negotiates with Franco and Tyson, he can follow Simon to participate in the competition.

As for how to divide the 10 million competition prize money, that is a matter between him and Tyson, and Ivaca does not need to talk about it.

So he felt that Ivaca didn't ask him out to watch the boxing match just to read this information.

Ivaca shook her wine glass and said casually, "Link, when I heard the song "Despacito", I just thought it sounded good. I didn't expect it to be so popular. It's been played on the radio every day recently, and even my father has heard it. ”

"Oh, what do you think Mr. Tomp?"

Link asked.

"My father did not comment on this song, he just said that you are an outstanding young man and he admires you very much. I have heard him comment on many young people over the years, and no one has been praised by him as many times in a row as you. "

"Haha, this is my honor, thank you Mr. Tom!"

Link said, holding up the goblet.

Iwaka clinked glasses with him and glanced at him, "Link, many people have commented that you have great potential in music. Have you ever considered signing a contract with a record company and becoming a singer?"

Link nodded, "I have thought about this. Boxing is a relatively niche sport. If you want to promote boxing and yourself, it is difficult to rely on boxing alone. I have thought about becoming an actor, but I am a boxer. It’s too difficult to find a role that suits me, and singers don’t have such high requirements for body shape, and their working hours are more flexible. Currently, several major record companies are contacting me, and I’m considering it.”

Ivaca leaned on the sofa, crossed her long legs, listened to his words quietly, and nodded her chin after he finished speaking.

"It's not a bad idea to join a big record company. They have a lot of resources and can help you become famous quickly. However, there are also many artists under big companies, so the competition for resources is tight. You are a part-time singer. After a song becomes popular, there is no guarantee that subsequent songs will also be popular. It can continue to be popular, so they won’t support you too much, and it won’t last long.”

Ivaca's words were similar to what Catherine said, saying that big companies are like a press. After they are squeezed out, one is replaced with another. Except for the big star singers who have their own traffic, everyone else just fills up after entering.

Link understood this, but he didn't quite understand the other party's purpose in talking about this.

Iwaka blinked her charming eyes, her eyelashes curved like hooks, "Link, I think a small record company is more suitable for your development, preferably one with no other singers under it, just you." The company, after you join the company, they will focus all their resources on you. If you make money, the company will also make money. Your interests are related, and the company will not and dare not give up on you easily. "

Link glanced at Evaka and said: "It sounds very good, but there are very few record companies like this. Eva, you entered the entertainment industry earlier than me. Do you have any good recommendations?"

Iwaka rubbed the wine glass with her fingers and smiled slightly: "What do you think of Tompu Entertainment?"

"Tomp Entertainment?"

Link raised his eyebrows, and the puzzle he had been pondering for a long time was finally solved. After talking for a long time, Ivaca also came to sign a contract with him.

"Yes, Tompu Entertainment mainly operates hotels, casinos, reality shows, models, music and other businesses. We have released albums and photos for previous Miss Americas, with the number of releases exceeding 100,000. We are no stranger to this field."

Ivaca straightened her waist and hips, raised a finger, and said confidently like Mr. Tom, "Link, if you are willing to join the music company of Tom Pu Entertainment, we will mobilize all the resources of Tom Pu Entertainment. To promote you and your album, I guarantee you that the investment will not be less than 5 million, and we will strive to make you a first-line or even a superstar."

Link said: "It sounds very good, but I don't understand one thing. If Tompu Entertainment wants to get involved in the music industry, it would undoubtedly be more suitable to cooperate with professional singers. Why would they choose me, an amateur singer, to cooperate?"

"The reason is very simple. My father admires you very much, and I am also very optimistic about you. We all think that you have the potential to become a superstar, and we want to shape you. Of course, more importantly, you can also help the company create profits. Let's work together. Win and create more brilliant achievements in the music industry together, what do you think?”

Ivaca said with excitement.

Link also looked at the other person's face, his beautiful eyes and smiling red lips, and felt a little regretful.

I thought I had sung songs and danced with the other person, so they could be considered friends, but I still overestimated my own charm. Ivaca didn't think that way at all.

The other party only regards him as a tool to make money.

Because he knew that the news that Thompson Entertainment was about to go bankrupt was true, and Thompson Entertainment would be taken over by another billionaire, Carl Icahn, next year.

Joining Thompson Entertainment at this time, with an album, would not help the company revive, but would only become a bargaining chip for the other party in the transaction.

This date was indeed a trap, and this woman was not a simple character.

"Come on, Evander!"

Just as he was thinking about how to decline her proposal, a loud shout came from outside the French window. Link got up and came to the French window, and the match between Holyfield and Valuev began.

Holyfield, wearing a red cape, walked onto the boxing ring from the east passage.

He is 46 years old, 189 cm tall, weighs 214 pounds, is strong and muscular, like a chimpanzee.

But compared with his opponent Valuev, he is much worse.

Valuev is 35 years old, 213 cm tall, weighs 310 pounds, has a hairy upper body, and looks very similar to the giant in the movie.

The two have a big difference in age, height and weight, and the media has promoted it as an "unequal" duel.

The match was hosted by Gilberto Mendoza, president of the WBA Association.

After the match started, Valuev swung his giant fist and launched a strong attack on Holyfield. Although this guy is huge, he is not slow in his movements. His 215-centimeter-long arms are like the claws of the Titan beast in the game, waving around and destroying all nearby life.

Because of the big height difference and because Holyfield is 46 years old and has limited physical strength, it is difficult to KO Valuev. He can only use superb boxing skills to constantly attack Valuev's chest, abdomen and chin, hoping to win by points in this way.

"Who do you think will win?"

Ivaka asked standing next to him.

"Valuev, Holyfield is too old, and his physical strength and speed are seriously lacking. Ten years earlier, he would definitely win."

Link commented objectively.

"When you said you could beat Valuev in three rounds, were you serious?"

Ivaka turned her head and looked at him and asked.

The corners of Link's mouth moved. When the reporter interviewed him, he threw those people out together. He didn't care whether the opponent was the small Bernard Hopkins or the giant Valuev. He sprayed them all together.

Now seeing the 310-pound giant Valuev with his own eyes, the visual impact is relatively large. The opponent's game style is also wilder, more fierce and faster than expected.

He is confident that he can beat the opponent by points within 12 rounds, but the probability of winning within three rounds is extremely small.

"It's very difficult, but if I face him, I am confident that I can beat him within three rounds."

Link said confidently.

Ivaka looked at him suspiciously, with an inexplicable smile on the corners of her sexy lips.

"Don't believe it?"

Link looked at her and asked.

Ivaka shrugged, touched the hair of the trophy and said, "You are so different in height and weight that it is hard to believe that you can knock him out in three rounds."

"How about a bet? In the next three years, I will challenge Valuev. If I win in three rounds, you write on paper a hundred times that Link is the most powerful boxer in the world. How about that?"

"What if I win?"

"You can't win because I won't lose."

Link looked at the ring and said confidently.

"No, since it's a bet, there must be wins and losses. If I win, you tell a hundred people that Ivaka is the most beautiful woman in the world, a queen. Do you dare to bet?"

Ivaka raised her chin, stretched out her palm, and said with a hint of provocation in her brown pupils.

Link looked at her and smiled, raised his hand and high-fived her to make an agreement.

On the ring, after 12 rounds of hard competition, the game was over. The referee held the arms of the two and stood on the ring, facing the referee's seat.

The three referees handed over the scores of the two players, which were 114:114, 114:115, and 112:115.

Valuev won the game by a narrow margin and successfully defended the WBA heavyweight gold belt.

Seeing this score, Link shook his head.

This is the United States. Old Huo is a famous American boxing champion, and Valuev is a Russian boxing champion. Unless the gap between the two sides is very large, according to normal operations, the winner of this game should be Old Huo.

Favoring domestic boxers in the game is a common operation in international competitions, not even an unspoken rule. This is also one of the reasons why many boxers are reluctant to go abroad to compete.

But this time Old Huo lost, and the points of both sides were so close. The things behind it will not be too simple.

Happy Year of the Dragon, I wish you all good luck and prosperity overnight.

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