Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 113 Reverse Recruitment

"Link, let's continue talking about the previous topic."

Ivaca turned to look at him and said.

"Join Tangpu Entertainment?"

"Yes, join Tangpu Entertainment and let's join forces to break into the music world. With the strength of our Tangpu Entertainment, we will definitely make you a music superstar. Do you agree?"

Ivaca took a step closer to him and said with her eyes fixed on him.

Link glanced at her and realized that the other person was as tall as himself.

Ivaca wore a pair of pointed silver-gray high heels, which made her taller by more than five centimeters, which also made her figure even more crazy, with slender and straight thighs, a flat belly, and a thrilling arc further up.

Because he was so close, there was always an alluring smell lingering in Link's nose.

Link shook his head, "Sorry, I refuse."


Ivaca looked at him puzzled.

Link picked up the glass, shook it, and said, "I'm a serious person. If I want to be a singer, I won't just play for tickets. My goal is to become a regular guest at the Grammy Awards and a world-influential music scene." Superstar, and Tompu Entertainment’s goal is just to make money, and your company doesn’t have any outstanding music producers who can promote my growth, so joining you is not a good choice.”

Iwaka frowned, pursed her lips and said, "We can recruit a few music producers. You should know that this is not a difficult problem for us at Tompu Entertainment."

"It's also a good idea, but I have a better idea. Do you want to hear it?"

Link held up the wine glass, looked at Ivaca and smiled.

Ivaca looked into his deep eyes, as if she saw a touch of deep greed, which disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his eyes became clean and bright again, like the blue sky washed by water.

Ivaca felt that this kind of man was dangerous and instinctively wanted to reject him, but her strong curiosity still made her suppress the idea of ​​rejection and quietly listen to Link's idea.


After a while, Link left the box. Iwaka looked at his back with a flash of thought in her eyes, when her cell phone rang.

"Evaca, how was your chat with Link?"

Mr. Thompson's high-pitched voice came from the phone.

"He refused!"

"If you invite him personally, he will refuse?"

"Yeah, I couldn't convince him."

"How is it possible? That guy likes you. How could he refuse your solicitation?"

exclaimed Mr. Thompson in surprise.

Ivaca shrugged her shoulders, leaned on the sofa and crossed her long legs.

"Dad, don't forget what the media said about him. He never relies on his fists to compete, but also on his head. You asked me to invite him to join Tompu Entertainment, and you just wanted to use the popularity of that song to make Tompu Entertainment's The book looks better and can be resold at a better price. He must have read the relevant reports and will not easily board our sinking ship. "

"This kid disappoints me so much. I praised him in public, but he repaid me like this. I will never praise him again next time."

said Mr. Tomp angrily.

Ivaca smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "He didn't agree to cooperate with us, which just proves that he is a smart man. Dad, you are right to praise him."

"Ivaca, don't kid me. The hole in Tompu Entertainment is so big that I'm going to be driven crazy by the bank, and that damn bastard Carl Inkan wants to buy my Tompu Entertainment for only $80 million. Entertainment company, you know, I invested over half a billion dollars in that company.”

Mr. Tomp cursed again on the phone.

Ivaca was a little helpless.

In recent years, Tompu Real Estate has expanded too fast, and many investments require borrowing from banks. Now the financial crisis has come, and problems with loan mortgages have caused problems for many companies under the Tompu Group. Tompu Entertainment, which has the biggest problem, is also the first to face it. collapse.

The reason why Tompu Entertainment is willing to host the match between Link and Tyson is because it wants to recover some losses in this way and make more money in the transaction. The same reason why it signed the record contract with Link is also based on the same consideration.

Link is currently popular, both in the sports world and in the entertainment industry. He is very popular. The sudden explosion of "Despacito" has undoubtedly taken his fame to a higher level.

If we can sign him and get the distribution rights of this song, Tompu Entertainment will look better on its books, and it will also have a good asset during the transaction.

It's just that Link doesn't want to get on the boat, and there's nothing she can do about it.

"Dad, although Link rejected Tompu Entertainment, he did not reject me. He wanted to cooperate with me."

Iwaka thought about Link's suggestion before leaving, and decided to tell her father about it and ask him to take some money to sponsor it.

"Oh, he wants to cooperate with you? How?"

"Link didn't want to cooperate with a big record company, and the small size of a small record company would limit his development, so he wanted to start a record company and become an independent label, but he was busy training and had no time to manage the company, so he asked I extended an invitation to be the president of the record company and also to participate in investment.”

"This bastard is dreaming, I know what he's planning."

said Mr. Tomp angrily.

"Dad, isn't this a good idea? Link's songs are very popular, and you will definitely make money by working with him." Iwaka asked doubtfully.

"Damn Link, I wanted him to join Tompu Entertainment, but he refused, and instead invited you to join his company. I know he is trying to figure you out. That beach boy wants to pursue you in this way. He dreams of marrying our Tang Pu family and inheriting our Tang Pu family’s property!”

snapped Mr. Tomp.

Iwaka recalled her several encounters with Link. He was strong, confident, shrewd and steady, and much better than the flamboyant heirs of plutocrats in the upper class.

"Dad, he is an Olympic champion and a multimillionaire. If he is willing to marry our family, wouldn't he be a good candidate? Dad, don't get excited. I didn't say I wanted to marry him. I was talking about Tiffany. She Now sixteen years old, Link is a good candidate.”

"That's impossible. He is a beach boy, a descendant of a fisherman. Our Thompson family must not have such a son-in-law, otherwise we will become a joke in the upper class."

Mr. Tomp said in a fierce voice.

"But I think it's a very good idea to collaborate with him. Link said that he started writing songs very early, and "Despacito" is just one of them. He also has many good songs in his notes.

Dad, can you imagine how much money his record company will make in the future if he can continuously create songs like this? The Tomps need money, and if we go bankrupt it will be an even bigger joke. "

Ivaca said.

Mr. Tomp was silent for a few seconds, "He can write so many good songs? I don't believe it."

"Dad, Link says he never lies. Although he has publicly boasted countless times, he has never failed once."

"He beat Mikkel Kessler in 101 seconds."

"It's 100.65 seconds! Dad, let's not argue about these boring things. Since Link is so confident, why don't we try to believe him once. If it is true, this may not be a good investment."

Mr. Thompson hesitated on the other end of the phone and agreed.

However, Iwaka was told to be careful about Link. That boy had evil plans and ulterior motives. The toad wanted to eat swan meat. The descendant of a fisherman actually wanted to marry a wealthy family in New York. It was a wishful thinking.

Ivaca was asked to be careful when in contact with him and take safety measures to prevent him from controlling her mentally or physically and forcing her to marry him. Mr. Thompson said that he had seen this kind of thing too many times.

After listening to Mr. Thompson's nagging, Ivaca shook her head helplessly. Dad was good at everything, but he was too nagging.

Putting away her phone, she stretched her lazy waist and looked at her own reflection in the floor-length mirror. Her delicate and beautiful makeup, tall and plump figure, far surpassed the temperament of ordinary people.

If she cooperates with Link, she is confident that she can conquer Link with her intelligence and appearance instead of being controlled by Link.


When Link returned to the audience, he happened to encounter people from the main event company leaving the stage. Old Dua and Nora Dua were also there, but everyone looked not so good.

"Link, where did you just go?"

Dino shouted.

"I met an acquaintance and chatted for a while."

Link said hello to Old Dua and Nora.

"Did you watch the match between Evander and Valuev? In terms of points, Evander had an absolute advantage, but they ended up with two losses and one draw. It must be that old guy Bob Arum. Make trouble."

Dino said angrily.

Link just listened, but didn't express any opinions.

First, whoever wins the WBA heavyweight belt has little impact on me.

Second, in the previous game, although Lao Huo played very actively and hit Valuev more times, overall, he was obviously tired in the second half and did not show much advantage.

Therefore, the result of this game is that Lao Huo wins, Valuev wins, or the two draw, both are acceptable.

In this situation where the outcome is not obvious, the key to deciding who wins and who loses is not on them, but on the promotion company behind both parties. Who has stronger network resources, who gives more, and who has a higher probability of winning. big.

Although the WBA and other boxing organizations say they will remain neutral and ensure fair competition, they are also profit-making organizations and will use some hidden rules to make money without violating the rules.

This is a normal phenomenon in the boxing world. Both Lao Dua and the main event companies are the beneficiaries of the unspoken rules. However, with the retirement of Lao Dua and the decline of the main event companies, the benefits they provide to several major organizations have decreased, and their influence has also declined. Continuously decaying.

On the contrary, Top Promotions is the largest promotion company in boxing. Bob Arum still controls the company and can deliver more benefits to several major organizations. Their boxers will naturally receive extra care.

This game is not so much that Lao Huo lost to Valuev, but that the main event was lost to Top Promotions.

"Shut up! Let's go!"

Old Duva glared at Dino, nodded at Link, and took the lead to move forward.

As soon as they reached the corner, a group of people came towards them. The leader was Bob Arum, who had a hooked nose, swollen eye bags, and a bit of baldness on his head. He was wearing a black woolen suit and holding a cigar in his hand. He looked very handsome. Very stylish, this person is the Bob Arum that Dino just scolded.

Alongside him are Greg Cohen, Dmitry Salita and seven or eight other promoters and boxers.

"Haha, Louis, I heard that you were hospitalized last week. I originally planned to visit you in the hospital after the game. It's great to see you here now." Bob Arum greeted Lao Dewar warmly. .

Old Duval shook hands with the other party and thanked him expressionlessly.

Bob Arum laughed and said, "Louis, Ivander played well in this match, but it's a pity that he is too old. If he was ten years younger, it would be difficult for Valuev to win."

"Humph, if someone hadn't manipulated the match, Ivander would have won." Dino said with a curled mouth.

Old Duval glanced at Dino and said to Arum, "Young people are ignorant, don't be surprised."

Bob Arum laughed and said he was not surprised, and his eyes fell on Link next to Dino.

Link also looked at Bob Arum and Duval, the two old men in the boxing world.

In the North American professional boxing world, Duval, Don King, and Arum are three major players. The three are both partners and competitors.

When they worked together, they promoted many classic boxing matches, such as the boxing match ‘African Jungle Drums’ Ali vs. George Foreman, ‘Manila Thrill’ Ali vs. Joe Frazier, the Super Middleweight Four Kings Round Robin, the second match between Tyson and Holyfield, etc., all of which were jointly created and promoted by the three of them.

But the three of them often dug holes for each other, trying to destroy their opponents and become the overlords of the American boxing industry. The three of them fought for more than 30 years, with wins and losses.

In recent years, with the retirement of Old Duva and Don King due to health reasons, Bob Arum has no opponent in the American boxing world, which is also one of the important reasons why the top promotion company can rise strongly.

When Link saw the other party looking at him, he also nodded politely to show respect.

Even if he did not agree with the other party's business philosophy, the other party did make a great contribution to promoting the sport of boxing.

For ordinary people, the meaning of boxing is not the fairness, justice, racial equality, and cultural fashion that he told Emma Watson, but a way for the lower class to achieve class transition.

For example, boxers Pacquiao and Klitschko announced their participation in the presidential election after becoming famous. In particular, Pacquiao went from a child laborer sleeping under a bridge to a billionaire, a seven-level world boxing champion, and a presidential candidate through boxing. His life experience is more inspiring than Link's.

Also because boxing is a road, Link will continue to promote boxing after becoming a boxer, so that more people will pay attention to this sport and more interests will be gathered. This road will become wider and wider, and it will attract countless people like him and Pacquiao to join.

"Link, I often hear your name recently. You are a very powerful boxer."

Bob Arum laughed.

"Thank you Mr. Arum for the compliment."

Link responded politely.

"Link, I heard that your goal is to become Mayweather? Haha, it's a really ambitious goal, but to become Mayweather, you can't just rely on your fists, and you can't do it with the operation of a promotion company. I think you should understand this."

"Yes, but Mayweather is not my goal."


Arum frowned and laughed, "Link, what is your goal?"

Link thought for a while, "I'm not sure, but I have a plan to surpass Mayweather within five years. Do you think I can do it, Mr. Arum?"

"Surpass Mayweather within five years?!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked by his words and looked at him in disbelief.

Mayweather has been a professional boxer since 1996. He currently has a record of 39 wins in 39 fights and has won four world boxing titles. He is currently the most successful boxer in the boxing world, with an appearance fee of more than 20 million US dollars. He is a legend in the boxing world.

Link actually wants to surpass him within five years. This guy is worthy of being a mouth cannon.

"Haha, Link, you won't come up with another 5 years and 1000 months, right?"

Greg Cohen teased.

Everyone laughed. Greg was teasing Link for saying that he would defeat all super middleweight opponents within 100 seconds, but it took more than 100 seconds to fight Mikkel.

"Please wait and see."

Link smiled lightly, said goodbye to Old Duval and Ms. Nora, and drove away from the Garden Arena.

"This kid is a talent."

Looking at his back, Old Duval and Arum suddenly said in unison.

After that, the two looked at each other, snorted coldly, and walked away with their people.

Nora Duval smiled and said, "Father, how about we acquire Dynasty Promotion?"

Old Duval thought for a while, "Forget it, the main event is my business, Dynasty Promotion is Franco and Link's business, let them do it."

Thanks to the book friend Yue Hua for the reward, I wish you a happy Year of the Dragon and peace every year.

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