After buying a box of fresh Swiss matsutake and raw ham from the Walmart next door, Link went home and made four dishes and one soup. Just as he was about to send a message to Taylor to ask when she would get home, there was the sound of unlocking the door.

Taylor walked in carrying a guitar case, wearing a blond ponytail and a white color-blocked jacket, and walked lazily inside.

"It smells so good. What delicious food did you make?"

Taylor hung up her coat, walked into the kitchen, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Matsutake and pigeon soup. This is my first time making it. You can try it later and give me some comments."

Link opened the steamer, and a delicious aroma filled the air.

"Squab? Are they the pigeons in Times Square?"

"Maybe yes, do you eat it?"

"Of course I have to eat it. I used to play guitar in the square, and pigeons often pooped on the guitar case. I have long wanted to taste their taste."

Taylor said, pumping his fist.

Link smiled softly and served her a large bowl of soup. Because the pigeon meat was too tender and had been stewed for a long time, the meat was almost completely rotten. Only the delicious soup and a few matsutake ham pieces were left. The overall taste was Very good.

Every time Taylor took a sip, he would praise Link, saying that his cooking skills were no worse than those of chefs at Michelin restaurants, and that if he opened a restaurant on Fifth Avenue, he would definitely make millions a year.

Link knew his level of cooking skills, so he would not let her impress him, otherwise he would really be reduced to a housewife.

"How are you preparing for your second album?"

Link asked.

"It has been scheduled to be released in the middle of next month. Today I was in the studio shooting the album cover and promotional posters. I spent a whole day posing and I'm almost exhausted."

Taylor was lying on the table, holding his face with one hand and drinking soup with the other. His whole body was limp.

"Take a bath after eating, and I'll give you a full-body massage."


Listening to the massage, Taylor immediately cheered up and ate faster.


The day after Link chatted with Ivaca, Ivaca called and expressed her willingness to cooperate with him, provided she wanted to see if the song he had was really as good as he said.

Link didn't mind either. He just played and sang in the living room with his guitar. He recorded two short audio clips of the new song and sent them to Ivaca. Within half an hour, Ivaca called.

After discussion, Link invested 3 million and Iwaka invested 2 million to jointly acquire a small record company and renamed it Link Records to release "Despacito" and Link's future new songs.

In order to ensure the quality of the record, Iwaka used a headhunting company to recruit a gold medal music producer and three managers from the five major record companies.

The producer's name is Graeme Goodall, a 45-year-old Jamaican-American.

Graduated from Columbia University with a master's degree in music management. He has been a singer and a record producer for famous bands such as U2 and Bon Jovi. He has worked at Sony Records for 12 years and has rich work experience.

After joining Link Music, he received a basic annual salary of US$500,000 and a 3% album producer bonus. The other three managers received no worse treatment than him, with an annual salary of more than US$300,000 and a 3% dividend on company shares.

After meeting these people, Link felt that it was right to cooperate with Ivaca. The other party had many years of experience in the mall, and with the guidance of Old Tom, his skill and vision were much better than his own.

If you let yourself do it, there is absolutely no way you can find such elite talents in a short period of time.

In addition to these four people, Link also went through the back door and invited Selena's mother, Ms. Mandy Gomez, to be his singer manager.

Mandy also worked as Selena's agent for two years. Later, she founded a fashion chain store with her husband Adam Gomez. She did it for seven or eight years and made some money. Unfortunately, the financial crisis hit and the fashion chain store Business has also been affected, from 15 at the peak to only three this year.

Ms. Mandy plans to return to her old career as an artist manager.

After Link heard about her situation, he invited her to be his agent, and Ms. Mandy readily agreed.

"Link, you asked my mother to be your agent, do you know what this means?"

In the recording studio, Selena put her clothes in her pockets and said with a smile.


"Asking for trouble!"

Selina looked back at her mother and Catherine, took Link's arm, and whispered in his ear, "Tell you quietly, my mother is just as fierce as your mother. When I was in fourth grade, I secretly After drinking a small cocktail, she scolded me for a long time when she found out and almost beat me up. You are asking for trouble for yourself by asking her to be your agent. "

"You were scolded by your mother six or seven years ago. Do you still remember it?"

"Of course, I have a good memory."

Selena lifted her chin and hummed triumphantly.

"It's not that you have a good memory, it's that you get scolded too little."

Link smiled softly, said hello to Catherine who had just arrived, and walked into the recording studio to continue recording "Despacito". The last version recorded in Miami, because of the rush, the temporarily found producer was not professional enough. There are some issues with mixing and so on.

After the record company was established, Graeme Goodall led the creative team to modify and improve the mix, giving Link a more refined version.

After Link heard it, he felt it was closer to the original version, so he readily accepted this version.


I was so happy that I couldn't stop singing

Ten years later, I was still singing

In the studio, Link wore a headset and sang seriously into the microphone. Producer Graeme Goodall stood on the console pan, listening to Link's voice and giving suggestions for adjustments from time to time.

Outside the soundproof glass, Ms. Mandy looked at Link who was singing and smiled at Catherine: "It's really hard to imagine that someone like him would be a world boxing champion."

Catherine also looked at Link without blinking, "When I heard that he was participating in a boxing match and won the Golden Gloves Championship, I was more surprised than anyone else. When I saw him before, he was so rebellious, reckless, and doing nothing. I thought he was completely hopeless. But now he is better than any of his peers. Maybe boxing can really change a person."

"Why don't I practice boxing too?" Selena leaned over her round face and said between the two of them.

Ms. Mandy pushed her forehead and continued, "Link is too good. The only thing I'm worried about is that he will learn bad things. There are many people in the entertainment industry who become famous at a young age, but because of lack of self-control, they get into some bad habits and their careers start to go downhill. I'm worried that Link will be like this."

"Don't worry, Link doesn't smoke or drink, and doesn't touch drugs. He does fitness training every day. Basically, he doesn't have any bad habits. Moreover, he is more stable than his peers and has a strong will. He won't learn bad things." Catherine said.

"Catherine, your words are a bit absolute."

Selena leaned over and said, "Don't forget that Link is a playboy. He admitted it himself."

Catherine thought for a while and said to Mandy, "Link is still young and more playful. You should help him keep an eye on him more. When you meet women with ulterior motives, remember to remind him not to let him be deceived."

Ms. Mandy nodded.

Selena raised her palm and shook it, "Why can't Link learn well and become a loyal man?"

"Link is still young. Having more relationships can make him more mature and stable. He doesn't need to be controlled." Catherine said.

"I want to find boyfriends too, and find several boyfriends!"

Selena said stubbornly.

Ms. Mandy and Catherine looked at her with a faint look in their eyes. Selena was scared and stuck out her tongue, "I'm kidding, I'm not a bad guy like Link."

After two days of recording, the new version of "Despacito" was successfully released, including Spanish and English versions.

After two days of recording, the new version of "Despacito" was successfully released, including Spanish and English versions, and was re-released on Amazon Digital Music Store and ITunes Music Store.

In just one week, the new single's online download volume exceeded 200,000 times.

According to the sharing standards of independent musicians and platforms, each song costs 1.2k per download, and the music can be shared with uTube and other streaming media playback revenue.

With revenue exceeding US$200,000 in the first week, Link couldn't help but sigh that being a singer really makes money quickly.

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