Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 126: Breaking up with kindness

"Link, come on, the game is about to start!"

On the beach, a girl in a bikini waved at him. She was blonde, white, hot, and with a beautiful face, she could be called a top beauty.

Amber Hilton, who was also Link's new female companion, was a 22-year-old actress who had appeared in the TV series "The O.C. Boys" and the movie "Northern Wind and Rain". She was considered a third-tier actress in Hollywood.

He met her at Paul Walker's party once.

This woman was young and beautiful, with a good figure and appearance. However, after meeting Taylor, Eva Ka, and Gadot, he found that top beauties were also divided into many grades.

Taylor was a talented woman, smart and beautiful, with the temperament of an artistic young woman. Except for being too busy, she didn't have any major shortcomings.

Eva Ka was born into a wealthy family, with a face value of 80 or 90 points, a figure of 99 points, good upbringing, knowledge, and ability, except that she was a little domineering, everything else was okay.

Gadot has a good personality and is quite straightforward, but she also values ​​marriage. Link can't give her what she wants, and he doesn't want to delay her any longer.

And the new Amber is also a top beauty, but she has many problems, has little education, has no connotation, and uses dirty words when speaking, which is a bit of a waste of her top looks.

"Link, what are you looking at?"

Amber stepped on the sand pile, wearing a blue bikini, showing off her hot body, with a protruding front and a curved back.

Link walked over, patted her perky buttocks, and pulled her to continue playing.


In the afternoon, back to the sea view villa on Santa Monica Beach, Ms. Mandy walked up to him and handed him a folder.

"Link, I'm going upstairs to take a shower first, you come up quickly."

Amber kissed him on the face and hummed a song to the room on the second floor.

Ms. Mandy glanced at her and wanted to remind Link to be careful of this woman. Amber looked very scheming.

Just thinking that Link is not a fool and has not made any mistakes in dealing with women, I did not speak.

After Link got the folder, he opened it and looked at it. Suddenly, his scalp was numb. There were more than 30 event invitations at the front.

Including the Grammy Awards performance in February, the American Music Awards, the Latin Music Awards ceremony, MTV music programs, etc.

There are more than 20 concert invitations, most of which are guest singers.

There are also autograph sessions in dozens of cities, more than ten advertisements to be selected, etc. It will take half a year to complete all these tasks. It's too busy.

Link shook his head, "Mandy, I have training schedules every day, so I don't have time to travel to so many places. I will cut my activities and concerts by half, and I won't accept any advertising endorsements that cost less than 5 million."

Ms. Mandy hesitated and said, "Link, "The Fighter" is on sale. Do more promotional activities and hold more autograph sessions to increase album sales."

"I understand, but I have other work arrangements, boxing and acting, and I don't have much time to promote the album."

Link thought for a while and said, "You can contact Dynasty Promotions to see how they arrange the games. Maybe we can arrange boxing matches in various cities, and hold album signings and promotional activities before and after the boxing matches."

Selling albums during boxing matches?

Ms. Mandy thought about it seriously, and suddenly felt that this proposal was very feasible.

Link is a world boxing champion, with a large number of boxing fans all over the United States and the world. After the release of "The Fighter", he has many more fans.

If he goes to a city to participate in a boxing match, boxing fans will go to participate after hearing about it, and fans will also go to participate after hearing about it. When boxing fans and fans are combined, Link will have more die-hard fans, not only will the album sell well, but more people will be willing to pay to watch the boxing match.

"We can also sell it in bundles, buy tickets and give away albums, buy albums and give away tickets to the match."

Link thought for a while and said.

Ms. Mandy nodded and wrote down his suggestion.

"Mandy, there is one more thing. I have saved five songs for the second album, all of which are about love. If everything goes well, I can release another album in the second half of the year. Please continue to collect songs from Mr. Greo."

Considering that he has no time to promote, in order to make up for this shortcoming, Link plans to release more albums and singles to maintain his popularity in the music industry in this way.

After releasing seven or eight best-selling albums in a row, he doesn't believe that he can't become a first-line singer.

After seeing off Ms. Mandy, he returned to the bedroom upstairs and saw Amber sleeping on the bed, covered only with a towel, exposing her fair and slender figure. She really looks like a stunner.

Link shook his head, covered her with a blanket, and went to the gym to exercise.

The next day, Link held a small concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. He only sang ten songs and there were only more than 10,000 spectators. Afterwards, he held a signing event on the spot and sold 12,000 albums.

This data surprised the head of the Los Angeles distribution company.

"The Fighter" sold 97,000 copies in the first week, and now only in Los Angeles, 12,000 copies were sold in half a day. How much will the sales performance be in the second week?

In addition, Link wrote Link Baker more than 12,000 times in a row at the signing event. This hand speed is also very amazing.

Ordinary singers will get stiff and swollen after writing two or three thousand times in a row. Link wrote 12,000 times in a row, signing more than 30 times per minute on average, without stopping.

It's amazing.

Subsequently, the news was reported by many media. First, Link's album was a hit in Los Angeles, selling 12,000 albums in half a day.

Second, he signed more than 12,000 autographs in half a day, which is almost a new Guinness World Record.

Both pieces of news are very attractive and have successfully attracted the attention of many people.

But some people didn't believe that Link's hand speed was that fast, so the next day, the distribution company held a book signing at the Los Angeles Museum exhibition hall.

On that day, more than 30,000 people came to watch, and more than 20,000 people bought albums for Link to sign. Some were boxing fans, some fans, and some reporters watching the excitement.

I saw Link sitting on the stool without moving. Except for lunch, from morning to afternoon, he signed another 18,000 albums.

After the data was released, it aroused heated discussion in the media. Selling 18,000 albums in one day is nothing. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Britney and others have sold hundreds of thousands of albums in one city in one day.

But a singer like Link, who sits still and signs 18,000 copies a day, does not.

The media all marveled that other singers rely on their voice to sell records, but Link relies on his hand speed. He is worthy of being a world boxing champion, and his strength and endurance are very unparalleled.

Link was also speechless. As a singer, he hoped that the media would focus on the songs in the album rather than his hand speed.

Jingle Bell!

Just after a book signing, during the break, Link received a call from Taylor.

After the last time they broke up over the phone, they had no contact for almost a week. When Taylor called, he didn't want to answer it. After all, breaking up over the phone was not a good habit.

"Hey Taylor, still in the UK?"

Link asked.

"I saw the news in the newspaper."

Taylor said in a flat voice, making it impossible to clearly feel her emotions.

"The news of signing 18,000 records in one day? Even the British media reported it? These media people are too boring."

"No, it's news about your new girlfriend."

Taylor said the word 'new girlfriend' very strongly, as if she was very angry.

Link covered his forehead. The reason why he immediately found a female companion after breaking up with Taylor on the phone was because he wanted to cut through the mess quickly and prevent things from getting too messy.

"You mean Amber? Yes, we are dating."

"I disagree!"

Taylor said.


Link asked confused.

"I said I don't agree. I don't agree with the breakup you proposed last time, and I don't agree with you dating other women. You are my boyfriend. You must be my boyfriend until I agree to break up with you. friend."

Taylor's voice was firm, and Link was a little surprised.

In the past, it was reported in the news that Taylor would break up once or twice a year. After breaking up, she would write songs for her ex-boyfriend without delay. That approach was very similar to that of poets and writers in the past, who fell in love for the sake of creation and accumulated material for songwriting. .

After Link broke up with Taylor on the phone, he was prepared to be written into her song. However, Taylor's sudden change of temperament and unwillingness to break up caught him off guard.

I don’t know what to do, not only to sort out this relationship, but also to avoid hurting the other party.

"Taylor, we're both too busy and it's not appropriate to be boyfriend and girlfriend, you should understand that."

Link said.

The two of them are not only busy, they also live in two places when they are not busy. Having Taylor as a girlfriend is just like not having one.

After repeated consideration, Link called Taylor, who was in a foreign country, to propose the decision to break up. In fact, he also wanted to break up in person, but Taylor had to go on tour and would not return in half a year.

"I don't understand. I don't think being busy is the main reason. Don't you love me? Aren't we happy together?"

Taylor said.

Link dug in his pocket, took out a lollipop and held it in his mouth, "The time we lived together was really great, but it was too short. After you left, I was at home alone every day. It felt very good. Oops, do you understand?”

Taylor said nothing.

Link sighed: "I could have secretly dated another girl after you left, and waited for you to come back to continue the relationship with you, but that approach would be more harmful to you. I thought about it for a long time before I decided to make that call. Telephone."

There was still no response from Taylor.

Link saw Ms. Mandy reminding him at the door of the lounge that the autograph session was about to begin.

He said to Taylor: "Taylor, you are a great singer. You will become a big star and an international superstar in the future, or even higher achievements. Keep working hard for your goal. Well, I have another autograph signing here. Yes, let’s talk when we have time.”

"I disagree!"

Just when he was about to hang up, Taylor suddenly said loudly, "I don't agree to break up. You are still my boyfriend. I will finish my work abroad as soon as possible and come back to be with you. Just wait."

Link was a little helpless. Why didn't he agree even though he was talking about it?

Is she willing to give up her career and return to her family?

He didn't think Taylor would give up, and he didn't want her to, so what was the point of hanging on?

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