
In London, in the Hilton Garden Inn room, Taylor angrily threw her phone to the floor.

Mrs. Andrea's eyes jumped when she saw it, and she stepped forward to hold her shoulders to comfort her.

"Dear, it's okay, don't be sad. When we women grow up, we will always meet a few bad men. Now that you have met one, it means you have overcome a big difficulty in life. You will be better emotionally in the future. It’s a good thing to become more mature, you don’t have to be sad, the weather is nice in London today, how about we go shopping?”

Lady Andrea smiled pretending to be relaxed.

Taylor wiped the tears from his eyes and rolled his eyes at Mrs. Andrea, "Don't say that, okay, Link is not a bad man."

"Isn't it?"

Mrs. Andrea looked at Taylor, not quite understanding what she was thinking, "He kicked you with a phone call, and found a new love less than a week after breaking up with you. Isn't he a bad man?"

Taylor sighed softly, lying on his back on the sofa, blinking his wet eyelashes.

"Mom, you said before that Link is an energetic man. You are right. Link is very energetic. When we are together, he...he is like a tireless beast, very, very Fierce, every time I’m with him, the feeling is amazing.”

Taylor bit her lower lip, a blush gradually forming on her ears and cheeks.

Mrs. Andrea sounded a little embarrassed, "Be careful, you are a lady, don't say such things to others, and neither can I."

Taylor said: "He is full of energy and needs a woman by his side, but I work too much and have no time to spend with him. I have only gone back once in the past few months. I did not fulfill my responsibility as a girlfriend. This is my fault. I don't blame him.

And he is different from me. I have you, my father, and my brothers by my side. He is the only one in his family, so he needs a woman who can always be by his side, and I can't do that, so he has to I completely understand him and don't blame him for breaking up with me. "

Mrs. Andrea looked at her daughter, touched her long hair, and said happily: "You can understand him and see your own problems, which means you have really grown up. I am proud of you."

Taylor shook his head, lay on Mrs. Andrea's knees, and groaned sadly.

"But I still don't want to break up with him."

"Why? You are busy with work and cannot stay with him for a long time. He needs a woman, which means you are not suitable. It will not be good for either of you to continue dating." Mrs. Andrea said softly.

"I do not want to!"

Taylor said, "Link is a great, great man. He is so strong, handsome, and talented. But for such a man, when he comes home, he will cook for me, massage me, and listen to me quietly. He talks about the troubles he encounters every day, plays guitar and piano with me, talks about music with me, and creates music together.

He is not only my best partner in life and body, but also my best partner in soul.

He can satisfy all my needs for a man and is more perfect than the life partner I have ever imagined. Mom, have you ever met a man like him? How many good men do you think there are in the world like him? "

Mrs. Andrea was a little surprised. She knew that Link was an excellent young man, but she didn't expect that in Taylor's eyes, he would be so outstanding and a perfect man.

Mrs. Andrea doesn't believe that there are perfect people in the world. Every human being has flaws, and Link is no exception. Taylor sees him as too perfect, which only shows that she doesn't understand him well enough.

Mrs. Andrea said: "Tyler, there are many good men in the world. As long as you love him, he is perfect, just like your dad. He has many bad habits, but in my eyes, he is also a perfect man." ”

"It's completely different. Dad goes to and from get off work every day, reading newspapers and sleeping. It's extremely boring. The reason why you think he's good is because he's tolerant, but Link is the kind of man who doesn't need to be tolerant and is perfect in his own right. This kind of man, I don’t think there are many in the world, and now that I have finally met one, I will never let it go easily.”

Taylor said, clenching his fists.

Mrs. Andrea was helpless, "Then what do you say? You can't become two people, one person realizes his dream, and the other person stays with him."

Taylor thought for a while, but couldn't come up with any good ideas. He kicked the sofa with his foot irritably and kicked the pillow to the ground.

"I don't care. I won't let you go unless I can. Link must be my boyfriend."

Mrs. Andrea sighed helplessly, feeling a little regretful.

She shouldn't have taken Taylor to the music festival in Miami, and she shouldn't have let her run around on the beach. If she didn't know Link, she wouldn't have the troubles she has now.

"Mom, go tell Scott to speed up the tour. I want to go back early. Those bitches don't want to take Link away from me."

Taylor straightened his long hair and stood up, saying firmly.


While Taylor was touring in Europe, Link also held several concerts and more than a dozen album signings in San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas and other places.

He has sold more than 80,000 records and signed autographs more than 10,000 times a day on average. This speed is not only astonishing to the media, but also to fans.

There are some very mean-spirited guys who are not his fans, but they deliberately come to buy his albums and ask for his autographs, just to see how many albums he can sign every day and to see where his limit is.

This led to his book signings being packed, with half of the people buying albums and half just watching.

Link signed until his wrists ached every day, but fortunately he had a strong ability to recover. After a good night's sleep, all the symptoms disappeared and he was able to recover fully the next day and continue signing.

He became more and more skilled and faster.

With the unremitting efforts of him and his fans, 327,000 copies were sold in the United States in the second week. On the US Top 200 Albums Chart, the weekly sales exceeded Taylor and Britney, and only 41,000 copies were less than Kanye West, who ranked first.

"Unstoppable" also won the singles chart for the second consecutive week, "chasing the sun" moved up one place to fifth place, and "Fire" ranked seventh.

Among the seven songs that entered the Billboard Top 100, "never say never" had the biggest change in position, from 97th in the first week to 19th in the second week, which is one of the songs with the largest jump in position on the Billboard.

The album sales were booming.

Distributors from all over the country called and asked Link to hold concerts and book signings there, offering high prices.

Link could only cheer up and try to go to more cities and sell more records in a limited time.

Each hardcover record is priced at $32, and the regular record is priced at $18. Link and Link Music can get 45-60% of the royalties, which is equivalent to earning more than ten dollars per record, just like picking up money.

There are also concerts. Depending on the scale of the concert, the appearance fee for each concert ranges from 500,000 to 2 million, which is not lower than the share of boxing matches.

In just two weeks, the amount in his account increased by 3.5 million US dollars.

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