Seeing the numbers in his account double every day.

Link was hesitating whether to give up boxing and switch to being a singer.

At the current rate of making money, it is not a problem to make 20 or 30 million a year, and it is possible to make more with a little effort.

But boxing may not necessarily make this amount.

After thinking about it, of course, he did not give up.

Continuous training, continuous improvement of physical fitness, and continuous exploration of one's own potential are his strong capital and foundation.

Since it is the foundation, it must not be shaken.

Therefore, every time he holds a book signing event or concert in other places, he will take time to exercise for a few hours. Although the effect of training in the gym is not as good as that in the boxing ring, it is still effective.

"Why is he still exercising after a busy day? Isn't he tired?"

At the Temple Hotel in Las Vegas, Eva Ka heard that Link was holding a concert and book signing event in Las Vegas, so she flew from New York to see the situation.

After arriving at the hotel, I saw Link with his bare back lifting a barbell in the gym. He gritted his teeth and lifted the 200-pound barbell again and again. He was sweating profusely, and his muscles were slowly engorged with blood, becoming more solid and tough.

Ivaka looked at him through the glass window.

Today, this guy first held a concert in the hotel square and signed 11,000 albums on the spot.

With this amount of activity, even a person with a good body would be exhausted after a day, and might not be able to get up the next day.

But after doing all this work, Link still had the strength to lift a barbell in the gym. He is really a self-disciplined and hardworking guy.

Ms. Mandy said: "Link exercises every day, gets up early to run in the morning, and spends time in the gym in the afternoon. This is what he does every day. He doesn't seem to know how to get tired."

Evaka blinked her eyes, looked at his sexy figure in the gym, and felt a heat flow in her lower abdomen. She covered her pounding chest, turned around and said calmly, "Mandy, let him continue to exercise, and we will discuss the work."


Ms. Mandy nodded.


With the joint efforts of Link Music and local distributors, the sales of "The Fighter" in the third week not only did not fall, but also exceeded 350,000 copies, successfully surpassing Kanye West's "808's \u0026 Heartbreak" and topping the US Billboard 200 album chart.

This album was released three weeks ago, with a cumulative sales of 780,000 copies, almost breaking 800,000 copies, causing quite a stir in the American music scene.

A boxer who crossed over to sing, and sold so many copies of his first album, which is stronger than many first-line singers, is too exaggerated.

Professional music critics came out one after another and expressed their opinions through the media, some good and some bad.

Positive reviews believe that the album "The Fighter" is of high quality and very powerful, especially the seven songs written by Link himself. Whether it is lyrics or tunes, as well as music production, they are all first-class, which is the basis for the album to sell well.

The second reason is that Link is famous, an Olympic champion, an inspirational idol, with a good image and great talent. He is a positive and perfect idol. For such a person, people from the age of ninety-nine to children who have just learned to walk may become his fans.

His album has a very wide audience.

"Don't forget another point."

The famous music critic Robert Sherman commented in "Rolling Stone" magazine that the social reasons behind the explosion of "The Fighter" must not be ignored.

Since the end of 2007, a financial crisis caused by the real estate subprime mortgage crisis has swept the United States and the world, causing the U.S. stock market to evaporate 7.3 trillion US dollars, hundreds of banks to go bankrupt, countless companies to close down, and many American families to suffer a major financial crisis.

Both public opinion and the thoughts of ordinary people are relatively negative.

"At this time, we need a voice to tell everyone loudly that the disaster is over and we are about to welcome the light.

This role should have been played by the Federal Reserve or the government, but the Federal Reserve Chairman and our new president were also full of pessimism and dared not speak out.

At this time, Link spoke out.

He used an album to tell everyone that we should bravely face the disaster, fight against the disaster, and successfully overcome the disaster and welcome the light together. This album is great and timely. It is not only an album, but also an inspiring cry."

Mr. Robert Sherman introduced and recommended the songs in Link's album in detail in the article, and gave the album a 4.5-star rating.

Mr. Fred Kirschnett, the music critic of The Sun, also recommended Link's new album in the newspaper.

"I am not a fan of boxing, and I didn't know who Link was before, but after listening to the songs in this album, I was surprised by his singing. I wondered what kind of person could make such a powerful and positive voice?

With a strong curiosity, I searched for his information everywhere, and then I knew what kind of person he was. He was born in poverty, made mistakes when he was young, and was imprisoned, but later he turned over a new leaf and became an Olympic champion and world boxing champion, a young man who truly realized the American dream.

However, what is more valuable is that after realizing the American dream, he did not lie in a mansion and count money like many nouveau riche.

He took the initiative to sing and create, and conveyed his successful experience and insights to everyone through his singing. I think everyone should listen to his singing, because in his voice, you can get the strength to keep moving forward. "

Mr. Fred Kirschnatter used more than 8,000 words in the latest issue of the literary section of "The Sun" to explain Link's album in detail and strongly recommend several songs in this album.

In addition to the above two gentlemen, dozens of pop music critics have made relatively positive comments in the media.

"The Fighter" received a professional rating of 3.8 out of 5 on Rolling Stone Music Magazine.

3.8 may not seem high, but Rolling Stone is famous for its strict attitude towards music. A new artist's first album can get a score of 3.8, which is a very high evaluation.

On Amazon Digital Music Store and iTunes Music Store, the album has a score of 4.2 and 4.1, with more than 20,000 people rating it.

However, some people criticized Link's album.

Those who criticized Link's album were mainly rappers and gangster singers in black music, such as Cannes. Ye West, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and others.

They said that this album was a product to cater to the market, the songs were too rubbish, too clichéd, too conventional, like a success speaker selling his success experience, constantly filling everyone with chicken soup, but in fact it was useless.

They called Link a "pastor's son", who liked to preach, a "light-skinned good baby", and not cool at all.

Link didn't care about the criticism from these people. His album had surpassed black singers such as Kanye West in weekly sales, so he would definitely be envied by others, and it was normal to be criticized.

On the 27th day of its release in the United States, "The Fighter" sold 1 million copies. It was certified by the Recording Industry Association of America and became a platinum record. It was also the second record released in the American music scene in 2009 to exceed 1 million copies in sales.

The first was Kanye West, who sold more than 1 million albums in just ten days.

Link can't match this data for the time being.

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