After the press conference, Link's answer in the media caused a lot of controversy.

First of all, it was about the topic that he called Kanye sick.

Kanye's fans were very dissatisfied with his answer, believing that his answer was suspected of discriminating against patients with "bipolar disorder" and demanded Link to apologize publicly in the media.

Link's fans and boxing fans also stood up to defend Link, saying that it was a fact that Kanye was sick. Link was talking about mental illness and did not use insulting words such as madman and mental illness.

In addition, Kanye was suppressed by Link in album sales, and he was dissatisfied. He first attacked Link publicly, saying that Link released an "inspirational" album to make money during the financial crisis.

This was unreasonable. Link did not call him a psychopath, which was very gentlemanly. It was Kanye who should apologize, not Link.

Kanye's fans did not care and insisted on Link's apology. They also flocked to several music websites to give bad reviews to the songs in the album "The Fighter".

Kanye is a top star in the music industry with many fans, millions or tens of millions.

In addition to Kanye's fans, there are also fans of black singers such as Lil Wade and 50 Cent. These guys are all top stars in the music industry. They not only have many fans, but are also very united.

In just three days, the scores of several of Link's songs on the website were lowered by 0.4-0.5 points, and the number of people who rated them exceeded 300,000.

In the end, the website had to temporarily close the scoring system.

Link did not stand up to make a positive response to this matter.

Kanye did not respond either, but only passed the message to the media through people around him, thinking that Link wanted to take advantage of his popularity, and he would never let Link succeed.

The second more controversial topic was not Link's answer to the boxing question, but a private question.

Amber Heard said on a TV show that Link was very strong and told the media how many times and how many times a night they had sex in bed, which immediately caused a sensation in the media.

The media and the public are far more interested in the privacy of celebrities than political news.

At that press conference, several reporters asked about it, but Link was shy and did not give a positive answer.

The reporters' curiosity was not satisfied, so they went to find Amber again. That woman was a big mouth and talked about some embarrassing topics for Link.

Link could only call her to warn her not to talk nonsense.

Amber did not go against his wishes, but she took advantage of this incident to become a popular actress in the entertainment industry and received four or five movie roles.

With a few more interesting topics, Link and his album also attracted more people's attention.

The sales volume in the fourth week was 380,000, an increase of 30,000 from last week.

The first month sales of "The Fighter" reached 1.12 million, which is also a first-class level among new singers. Only singers such as Mariah Carey, Britney, Kanye, and Justin Timberlake have achieved this level in their novice period.

However, Kanye's album sales also fell due to the quarrel between fans on both sides, from 280,000 last week to 420,000, returning to the top of the album sales list.

When Link saw this data, he had to sigh that the appeal of veteran singers is indeed strong.

In addition, the overseas sales results of "The Fighter" have also been released one after another.

When this album was released in the United States, it was also released in various countries and regions overseas.

Due to the lack of international distribution capabilities of Link Music, the overseas distribution of this album is still handed over to Universal Music and Atlantic Records.

The total overseas sales in the first month were 1.82 million copies.

Among them, the UK ranked first with 280,000 copies. "Fire" ranked 12th in the Top 40 of the UK Pop Music Singles Chart in the first week of its release. "Unstoppable" ranked 37th, and other songs did not make the list.

Canada's monthly sales ranked second, with 2ppable, "Fire" and "never say never" entering the top ten of the singles chart.

The sales in Europe were 420,000 copies, and six songs entered the top 100 of the singles charts in various countries.

The sales in Oceania and Asia were about 800,000 copies. "Never say never" was the most popular in these two regions. On the Korean pop music chart, it ranked fifth, and the highest in the Japanese singles chart was 9th. It entered the top 20 in New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other places.

The sales in Latin America were about 85,000 copies. The common languages ​​in Latin American countries are Spanish and Portuguese, and English songs are not very popular. The reason why his first album sold 85,000 copies is also due to the credit of "Despacito".

Three months after the release of the single "Despacito", 850,000 copies were sold in Latin America, becoming a hit song in many countries. The play rate on the radio reached an extremely high level, which was higher than the play rate of "She Wolf", the new song of Latin American queen Shakira.

Without launching a world tour, Link's first album sold nearly 2 million copies overseas in a month, which shocked the American music scene.

If Link's album sold well in the United States, it was because of the power of boxing fans and his relatively large reputation.

And the fact that it sold well overseas only shows one thing: the quality of this album is indeed very high, Link's songs have a good market overseas, and fans are willing to pay for it.

Seeing this situation, Link Music, Universal Records, and Atlantic Records proposed to hold a global tour and global signing event for Link, which might double the album's sales and turn it into a diamond record.

But Link refused.

He has many things on his hands now, including boxing matches, filming, going to school, shooting commercials, and shooting music videos. Every day he has to divide his time into dozens of small units, and each unit has something to do. He currently has no time to go abroad for a tour.

However, he did not refuse it completely. His plan was to release two more albums, with three albums as the foundation, and then start a world tour. He would have more fans and make more money.


I'm unstoppable

I'm unstoppable

I'm a Porsche with no brakes

I'm like a Porsche without brakes

I'm invincible

i am indestructible

Yeah I'll win every single game

In the Thompson Building in Manhattan, New York, Ivaca stepped on high heels and hummed to Mr. Thompson's office, and was told by the assistant that there were guests inside.

"Guest? Is there really a guest here, or are you messing around with some woman?"

Ivaca leaned on the solid wood desk, looked at the closed door opposite and smiled.

The female assistant smiled slightly, not surprised by Ivaca's tone of voice, and said softly: "They are the two gentlemen of the Kunas family. Do you want to meet them?"

Evaka's face changed slightly when she heard Kunas. The Kunas family is a tycoon in the pharmaceutical industry in New Jersey. The family's total assets exceed 3 billion US dollars. They are business partners of the Thompson family. Little Kunas is also Mr. Thompson's business partner. One of her chosen marriage partners.

"Annie, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Ivaca brushed her skirt and moved her long legs to leave.

After just two steps, the office door opened, and Mr. Thompson came out accompanied by two men, a bald middle-aged man and a thin-faced young man. Both of them were well-dressed in suits.

Ivaca quickened her pace and walked out.


Mr. Tomp shouted after him.

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