Ivaca thought to herself that she was unlucky, turned around, smiled slightly, and said hello to the two guests.

"Eva, I heard that you are in Los Angeles. When did you return to New York?"

Little Kunas asked.

"just came back!"

Ivaca moved her lips and said with a smile.

Little Kunas looked at her mature and full curves, his eyes became hot, and he went further and said: "Last time I heard that you like to watch operas, "Jersey Boys" premieres at the Belasco Theater tonight, I have Two tickets, how about we go and see them together?”

Ivaca smelled the perfume on his body, took a half step back, and declined his proposal politely, saying that she had just returned to New York and had work to do later.

"Eva, let's go to the musical. You can put down your work first."

said Mr. Tomp.

Ivaca glanced at Mr. Tomp, raised the folder in her hand, and said with a smile on her face: "Reed, there is too much work. I will invite you to a concert by Mr. Placido Domingo another day. ”

"Mr. Domingo? That's great. I like his opera the most. Eva. I'm waiting for your call."

Little Kunas raised his hand and made a phone call gesture.

Ivaca smiled reluctantly and said a few more words.

Send away Kunas and his son.

"Eva, little Kunas is a very good young man, you shouldn't be so cold to him."

Back in the office, Mr. Tomp pursed his lips and said unhappily.

Ivaca shrugged, sat on the chair across from the desk, and pushed the folder across from Mr. Tomp.

"What's this?"

Mr. Tomp asked, frowning his unkempt eyebrows.

"Link's first album sales, and Link Music's first quarter estimated revenue."

Ivaca picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

Mr. Tom opened the file and looked at it, "Globally sold 2.94 million copies? Is Link's album so popular?"


Ivaca crossed her legs and responded through her nose, feeling a little proud.

"Estimated revenue in the first quarter is 50 million U.S. dollars? Are you kidding me? Tompu International has assets of more than 1 billion, and its annual revenue is only more than 200 million. Your small studio's revenue in the first quarter can reach 5,000. Ten thousand dollars? Do you think I’m an old fool?”

When Mr. Thompson saw the numbers above, he glared at Ivaca dissatisfied.

If the person in front of him hadn't been his own daughter, he would have smashed the document in the other person's face. A small company with only 5 million investment and less than half a year of establishment would have achieved 50 million in revenue in the first quarter.

This is so exaggerated that even homeless people on the street don’t believe it, let alone a big entrepreneur.

Evaka sipped her coffee and said, "Dad, there are various sources of income on it. Why don't you read it first before talking about it?"

Mr. Tom snorted and looked at it patiently. It contained album income, concert income, music website download income share, streaming media playback share, advertising income, etc.

Each project and income are listed in great detail.

If the sales volume of 2.94 million copies is true, the other sales cannot be faked, and the global sales data is audited by professional institutions, and there are media reports, and Evaka cannot fake it.

But Mr. Tomp still couldn't believe it, "What the hell, the record industry is so profitable?"


Ivaca was very satisfied with Mr. Tom's reaction and smiled, "This is just the money earned from selling records and advertisements. In fact, in the music industry, concerts and world tours make money the fastest. Michael Jackson and others make money the fastest." The concert revenue is more than 100 million US dollars, and the world tour revenue of other top singers is also in the tens of millions per show.

In addition, Link's world tour has not yet started. Our company's revenue in the first quarter exceeded 50 million. When the tour starts, the annual revenue will be no less than that of Tomb International. "

"Haha, don't brag to me. The reason why your company was able to earn 50 million in such a short period of time is because you were lucky enough to produce a big-selling record, not how good you are. If the next album If it’s unsalable, you’ll lose whatever you make now, so don’t be too happy too early.”

Mr. Tomp picked up a cigar and smiled, with an expression like "I'm an amateur, but don't try to lie to me."

Ivaca blinked, rubbed the hem of her skirt with her white fingers and said: "Dad, you are assuming and pessimistic. Why not be more positive? If our next album continues to sell well, even if our annual income cannot be as high as that of Tompu International It’s not too far behind.”

"It's difficult. The record industry has greater risks than real estate. The five major record companies can't guarantee that every record will be a hit. Why do you do that?"

Mr. Tompu shook his head. He quite recognized his daughter's abilities. Her daughter graduated from a prestigious school with a master's degree in economics. In recent years, she has founded several companies and helped manage Tompu International. She has done well. .

It's just a matter of business, which is very risky. Being capable does not guarantee that the company will be profitable all year round. Otherwise, Fortune 500 companies such as Lehman Brothers would not have gone bankrupt during the financial crisis.

"Dad, I have this confidence."

Ivaca looked at Mr. Tomp and said firmly, "If Link Music can make a big-selling album, it can make a second, third, or even more. Dad, give me five years, and I will We are confident that Link Music will become a large company with a market value of over US$500 million.”

"Give you five years?"

Mr. Thompson was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said "oh", pointed at the folder on the table, and asked dissatisfiedly, "You brought these things to me, are you trying to tell me that you are very powerful now and don't want to listen to my arrangement to get married?"

"Dad, I don't want to get married, I just don't want to marry someone I don't love, I want to choose my own marriage partner."

Ivaka said.

Mr. Thompson snorted, puffed on a cigar and said, "I gave you so much time before, why didn't you find someone? Now you tell me to find someone you like?"

Ivaka shrugged embarrassedly, "I was too busy with work before, and I didn't meet the right one."

"Meet now? Don't tell me it's Link? Although that guy is good, your living environment is very different, and your interests and hobbies are also very different. Is Cinderella marrying into the palace a tragedy or a comedy? I don't need to tell you, right?"

Mr. Thompson snorted coldly.

"Dad, it may not be Link, I just want to do something in these five years to prove myself."

Ivaka looked at him boldly.

Mr. Thompson frowned and thought for a while, "I'll give you one year. If Link Music's market value is less than 200 million US dollars in one year, you must leave there and listen to my arrangements."

Evaka blinked her eyelashes and thought for a while, "Dad, how about 300 million in two years?"

"No, I said one year, so it's one year. Don't tell me here. Ah, it hurts!"

Mr. Thompson covered his chest, slumped in the chair, and gasped.

"Dad, are you okay? I'll call a doctor now." Evaka hurriedly got up and said.

"No, no!"

Mr. Thompson held her and said breathlessly, "Evaka, our family situation is very bad, and my health is not good either. In the future, the family needs you to support it. Can you listen to me once and stop fighting with me?"

Evaka nodded repeatedly, "Okay, Dad, don't talk, I'll arrange for a doctor to come now."

"No, I just feel a little uncomfortable. I'll be fine after drinking some coffee."

Mr. Thompson sat up, took a sip from the cup, patted his chest, and said that he was fine.

Ivaka rolled her eyes helplessly. She was acting again. She just felt some pressure when she thought about making Link Music worth 200 million in the next year.


After leaving the office, she called Link and urged him to write songs quickly. He must hand in two good songs within this month.

After transferring the pressure to Link, she felt relieved.

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