Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 134 You are not allowed to look

In the morning, Los Angeles had a nice day. The bright sunshine, blue sky and sea, beach and tall palm trees almost made Link think he was back in Miami Beach.

However, there are still some obvious differences in the geographical environment and climate between Los Angeles and Miami.

Miami has a tropical rainforest climate, with heavy rainfall and high humidity throughout the year.

Los Angeles has a Mediterranean climate, with mild and humid winters, dry and hot summers, less rainfall throughout the year, and relatively average temperatures throughout the year, around 20°C.

The air in Los Angeles is cooler and drier than Miami, with many sunny days throughout the year and less impact from weather changes, which is one of the reasons why major film companies have built factories here.

The population of Los Angeles is more than 4 million, more than twice that of Miami, and the city is more prosperous and lively than Miami. At a glance, all the buildings and street scenes that have appeared in Hollywood movies are there.

In the morning, Link wore a red Converse sportswear and ran more than 20 kilometers along Santa Monica Palm Boulevard. Later, he went to the Westside Boxing Club and practiced for two hours.

By the way, he gave Christian Bale, one of the protagonists of "The Fighter", some advice on boxing training.

The preparatory work for the "Fighter" crew has been completed, and the filming is scheduled to start next month. During this period, in addition to promoting the album and participating in the program recording, Link will also go to the Los Angeles School of Performing Arts to attend classes and learn some performance knowledge when he has time.

At two o'clock, he drove back to the villa area in the west of Santa Monica Beach.

This villa is temporarily rented. It is a single-family villa with average decoration conditions, but the surrounding scenery is good. You can see the sunny beach every day. It is also close to the city center and Hollywood.

When he lived alone before, he only used this place as a place to sleep, and often worked outside until the evening before returning. Now that Taylor is here, he will go home immediately after finishing his work every day.

The two have agreed to minimize work outside and spend more time together.

Taylor has performed well during this period, his daily workload has been reduced a lot, and the European concert has also been postponed. He stays at home more every day than him.

But he also knows that this is temporary. Taylor is still that workaholic, loves music career more than anything else, and will continue to be busy after a while, so Link will also take advantage of Taylor's still at home and try to stay at home as much as possible.

Back in the villa, the servants were busy in the kitchen, the gardener was mowing the lawn in the front yard, and his assistant Anna told him that the costumes for the performance were ready. He would leave for the image design studio at 3:20 to get his hair cut and makeup done, and go to Beverly at 4:30 to attend the Grammy Awards.

Link said he knew.

He came to the second floor of the villa and called Taylor, but got no response.

He heard two meows and saw two Scottish fold cats lying in the aisle. A silver-white tabby kitten named Meridian was using her paws to poke a fluffy ball, moving it back and forth.

The other little white cat was lying lazily on the carpet, letting the sun shine on her petite body. It was Olivia, both of whom were Taylor's favorites.

Link used to tell Taylor that in her heart, music career ranked first and he ranked second. After the two cats came, he found that he had overestimated his status.

Taylor was obviously more affectionate to the two cats than to him, and his ranking should still be after the two kittens.


Meridian saw him coming, greeted him, and continued to play with the plush ball.

Olivia looked at him lazily, closed her eyes and dozed off, looking very cool.

Link squatted down and scratched Olivia's belly with his hand. Olivia patted his fingers with her paws reservedly, telling him not to be a hooligan. Finally, she felt that she could not resist, so she closed her eyes and enjoyed it, and her belly made a humming sound.

Meridian looked at him, pushed the plush ball over, and meowed at him.

Link flicked it back with his fingers, Meridian flicked it again, Link flicked it back again, and when the little thing flicked it for the third time, Link flicked it on its head. He was a world boxing champion and a popular singer, so how could he have time to play football with you here.

Link stroked the two little ones twice and pushed open the door to enter the house.

On the sofa were guitars, violins, and dozens of scattered manuscripts. Taylor was lying on the wool carpet, wearing glasses, with messy long golden hair, writing and drawing on the manuscripts with a pen in her hand, humming as she wrote.

Link did not disturb her, but gently closed the door, picked up a few manuscripts, sat on the sofa and looked at them.

The first one was a song called Better Than Revenge, which was about her boyfriend cheating on her with an actor. She was very sad and wanted revenge, but in the end she chose to forgive him and lick her wounds alone.

The resentment was very strong.

The song on another manuscript had no name, but it was written "You are a heartless man who can only tell crappy lies. See how I light this match and burn the time I wasted in the past", which was even more resentful.

Link's forehead was sweating, and the inner drama of this literary young woman was too rich. They had agreed not to bring up the past and regard the breakup as a small episode in their relationship.

Now I write it all down in the song, and I write it so aggrieved.

What does it mean?

"Ahhh!! Don't look at it! Don't look at it!"

Just as he was about to look at the third picture, Taylor suddenly jumped up, stumbled over to him, snatched the manuscript from his hand, and hid it behind him.

"Link, don't think too much. This is creation, not diary writing. Some of the writing is exaggerated. Can you understand?"

Taylor asked, staring at him nervously.

"Understood, I won't think too much about it."

"Really? You promise?"

"I promise, I am also a creator. I understand what you mean. You are using your imagination based on some facts, just like a script adapted from news events, right?"

Link said as he combed her hair.

Taylor nodded repeatedly and blinked his blue eyes.

"Get up, we're going to attend the Grammy Awards ceremony later, we should prepare in advance."

Link said while holding her shoulders and standing up.

"You really don't care?"

Taylor asked, staring at his expression.

Link smiled softly, stopped and said, "If I cared, would you stop writing these songs?"

Taylor frowned slightly and pursed her lips.

"So, create boldly and stick to what you love to do. Don't let me affect your creative performance, and don't set boundaries for yourself mentally. Creation should be free, and I will not become your shackles. , Besides, I’m not that stingy, and I won’t be angry with you on this matter.”

Link said as he ruffled her hair.

Taylor glanced at him, hugged his waist tightly with her hands, pressed her cheek against his, and her breathing slowly became rapid and hot.

"I want to do it."


"I want ML!"

Taylor leaned against him and kissed his face and said.

"But I'm about to attend the Grammy Awards. There are only two hours left."

"Don't worry, now I just want to ML."

Tyler said passionately, biting his lower lip.

Link lowered his head to kiss her, held her waist and hips, pulled up the obstructive skirt, and sat on the balcony.

Meow meow meow!

The sound of a folded-eared cat came from the corridor.

Assistant Anna came up from the stairs, ready to remind the two of them that it was time to leave. When she heard a cat meowing, she knelt down and rubbed her hands. Only then did she realize that it was not a cat meowing, but a movement coming from the next room.

The sound was very similar to a cat's meow, but there were some differences. It was more like an orchestral sound. The sound was high and low, heavy and soft.

This made her, a married woman, blush.

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