"How do you like my outfit?"

In the celebrity image management studio on Hollywood Boulevard, Link spread his hands and asked Taylor.

He wore a Dior slim-fit twill suit, a black thin-striped tie, and a platinum watch on his wrist. With his angular cheeks and slender and upright figure, he looked fashionable, dignified and precious.

"Too handsome, dear, you are definitely the most handsome man in the world."

Taylor wore a chiffon dress and sat in front of the mirror, letting the makeup artist apply makeup on her face. She looked at Link's figure through the mirror and praised him.

"Haha, dear, you are also very, very beautiful today. I bet no one at the Grammy Awards can compare to you."

Link looked in the mirror. Taylor's delicate cheeks were rosy and tender, crystal clear, like ripe cherries, even without makeup, making people want to eat a bite.


Taylor raised his hand and blew Link a kiss.

"That's enough, both of you!"

Mrs. Andrea looked at the two with dissatisfaction, "The awards ceremony is about to begin, can you be more serious? Do you want to be late for the Grammy ceremony?"

"Mom, don't worry, we are the performing guests, we don't go to receive the award, it doesn't matter if we are late for a while."

Taylor waved her hand carelessly, because she was in a good mood, she always had a sweet smile on her face.

Mrs. Andrea sighed helplessly, thinking that her daughter was led astray by Link. Last year, when she heard that she was going to attend the Grammy Awards, she was so happy that she couldn't sleep and started preparing three days in advance. And today?

One hour before the awards ceremony began.

She called her assistant Emily and asked if Taylor had left. The answer she got was no. The two were still doing shameful things in the bedroom and completely forgot that they had to attend the ceremony in the afternoon.

She almost fainted at the time. It was daytime now, how could they

Too shameless.

Taylor used to be so ladylike

It's Link's fault!

Mrs. Andrea glanced at Link, the culprit, and thought she should find time to talk to him.

"Are you ready?"

Ms. Mandy pushed open the door and walked in, "The car is here."

"Wait a little longer, the two of them don't care about the Grammy at all."

Ms. Andrea snorted.

"This also shows that they have a good mentality."

Ms. Mandy joked.


In early March, the 51st Grammy Awards ceremony was held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, USA.

The Grammy Awards, the Oscars for movies, the Emmys for television, and the Tony Awards for drama are collectively known as the four major entertainment awards in the United States.

The Grammy Awards are selected for all records released in the United States from October of the previous year to the end of September of the following year. Artists or record companies register. After successful registration, the organizing committee classifies and organizes the genres according to the musical attributes of the works.

After two rounds of voting by the selection committee, the final "Annual Award" and the winners of various small awards were selected from the five nominees for each award.

Link released his album at the beginning of this year, but he didn't make it in time for this year's Grammy Awards. Taylor's second album also didn't make it in time, so they didn't get nominated. However, both of them were invited by the organizers to attend this year's Grammy Awards as guest performers.

At the ceremony, Link sang the popular song "Despacito".

Before going on stage, he didn't feel anything. He had rehearsed before and everything went smoothly.

When he actually went on stage to perform, he sang and danced with the dancers, and suddenly his eyes noticed the audience.

Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Linkin Park members, Coldplay members, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Adele, Britney, Lady Gaga, etc., four or five hundred top singers in the current world music scene.

Being stared at by these people, Link almost performed abnormally, but fortunately there were not many people who knew Spanish at the scene, and he quickly adjusted after singing two wrong words.

After returning to the backstage, Link thanked his dancers and met Taylor who was about to go on stage. The two chatted for a few more words before he returned to the audience seats in the front.

He was a singer invited to attend the awards ceremony, but he was not nominated. His seat was in the middle and back.

"Hey! Link, you just sang two words wrong."

Hearing someone greet him in Spanish, he took a look and saw that it was Shakira, the Latin music queen, who is currently the Latin singer with the highest album sales in the world. The 2010 South Africa World Cup theme song "Waka Waka" made her famous all over the world.

This woman is Colombian and her mother tongue is Spanish.

Link didn't expect the other party to point it out to him in person, and said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, I was a little nervous just now."

"It's okay, you sang very well."

Shakira showed a signature smile, with red lips and white teeth, and the enthusiasm and heartiness of a Latin woman.

Link thought that his song was more popular in the Latin region than the other party's new song "Female Pervert", and felt that the other party was probably playing a trick on him, so he nodded and continued to move forward.


He heard another "Hey!", but compared to Shakira's voice, this one sounded very rough and impolite. Link didn't intend to respond, and continued walking down the steps in the aisle.

"Hey! Link Baker, you should apologize to Kanye."

Someone shouted.

Link took a quick look. The light was not good there. Except for a few pairs of big white eyes and a few big white teeth, everything else was black. It was impossible to tell who was talking.

This was the seating area for rap groups and rappers, all of whom were black.

The air was also filled with the smell of spices from black people. Link touched his nose.

"Sorry, who are you?"

"Fuck! Lille, this guy said he didn't know you?"

"This guy must be trying to cause trouble?"

"Do you want to beat him up?"

Several black singers rolled up their sleeves and cursed.

"Shut up!"

A white man in front turned around and persuaded, "Are you guys idiots? He is the world boxing champion, and Tyson can't beat him. You want to fight him?"

The blacks immediately quieted down, staring at each other with big white eyes.

Link saw that the person who was talking was the famous rapper Eminem, nodded at him, and sat down in the front row of seats.

He looked at his seat. In the front row was Coldplay, which received seven nominations. In front of him were the presenters Celine Dion, Justin Timberlake, and Amy Winehouse. In the back were Eminem and 50 Cent.

On the left was Lady Gaga, with long silver hair and big red lips. Next to Lady Gaga was Katy Perry, who was wearing a busty outfit and a green sequined dress.

To his right was Taylor's seat. To the right was a fat female singer with thick hair, the future British singer Adele Adkins.

This row was almost full of new singers who performed well in the world music scene last year.

Sitting with these people, Link felt very stressed.

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