"It's so late, who called you?"

In the bedroom, the light was bright. Taylor was wearing a nightgown with blond curly hair. She was leaning on the bed, holding a music magazine in her hand. When she heard him come in, she asked without raising her head.


"Evaca Tump?"

Taylor raised his head, his blue eyes flashing.

"It was her. She heard about the Grammy incident and called me to criticize me."

Link lifted the blanket and lay down next to Taylor, preparing to read a magazine with her.

Taylor flipped through the magazine and said nonchalantly: "Ivaca's figure is really sexy, her breasts are so big, and her butt is so big. How does it feel when you go to bed with her?"

Link was stunned for a moment, "How do I know? I haven't slept with her."


Taylor stared at his face, the corners of her lips turning up in a suspicious expression.

Link smiled softly and rubbed her shoulders, "Of course it's true. She is my business partner, not a lover. How could I sleep with her? I don't have to lie to you about this kind of thing."

Taylor nodded slightly, as if he believed what he said.

"Where's Emma Watson?"


Link thought of Emma and felt like it happened a long time ago. He said helplessly, "It's all in the past. Why are you talking about this?"

"Just talk. The magazine said that we are a couple. Talking about some private things will make our relationship more intimate. Just say it, I won't care. Just like you and Amber sleeping together, I have never I cared about the same thing.”

Taylor brushed his hair and smiled lightly.

"Okay, we dated. We weren't dating at that time. It's not considered cheating if I dated her."

Link looked at Taylor's face and said carefully.

Taylor nodded, "Where's Gal Gadot?"

"Do you know Gale?"

Link asked in surprise, but thinking that Gale had been to Baker's shop and played on the yacht several times, James, Michael and others all knew it and couldn't hide it even if they wanted to.

"Yes! But that's also the past tense."

Link put his arm around Taylor's shoulders and kissed her hair.

"Where's Laura Vandervoort?"

Taylor continued to ask.

"Who is this?"

"The heroine of Pursuit of the Blue Sea 2? Did you forget about her so quickly?"

Tyler asked looking at him.

Link covered his forehead and said helplessly: "You don't think I see one after another, do you? Am I that horny?"


Tyler dropped the magazine on him, lay down, rolled the blanket around him, and turned his back to him, a foot away from him.

"Hey, you said you didn't care, are you lying to me?"

"Stop making noise and go to sleep!"

Taylor hummed under the blanket.

Link shook his head, turned off the light, and reached out to pull her into his arms. Taylor struggled a few times, but before she could get away, he hit his chest with his fist.

The two of them fought under the blanket for a long time, until Taylor was exhausted and the undulating blanket gradually calmed down.


Like Miami, Los Angeles by the sea dawned very early. Link came back from jogging on a road covered with palm trees. The T-shirt on his body became wet with sweat several times and clung tightly to his body.

When we returned to the villa, the sun was just shining on the lawn, and the roses in the rose garden were blooming brightly, with large areas of bright red and pink. Vanessa, the servant, was carrying a bamboo basket and cutting flower branches to decorate the living room.

Meridian and Olivia were walking on the platform by the swimming pool, one behind the other. The two kittens were both Scottish Fold cats with floppy ears. They were weak and walked slowly. They looked very aristocratic. Fan.

Link was worried that they would fall into the water and told Vanessa to keep an eye on them.

"Link, this is today's newspaper. Fans had a heated debate online last night. I compiled some main points for you to take a look at."

Assistant Anna came in with a stack of newspapers and information. Even with glasses and makeup, she couldn't hide the dark circles under her eyes.

Link smiled softly and said, "Anna, don't be too nervous. You go back and take a nap first. We'll talk when you wake up."

"Link, Kanye, and Leal have many fans, and the current online public opinion is very unfavorable to you."

Ana became even more nervous when she saw that he didn't care.

"I understand, it's all expected. Don't worry, I won't collapse the house."

Link laughed.

After Anna left, he first opened the online public opinions compiled by Anna and took a look.

Compared with his fans, Kanye, Leal and others who have been in the industry for many years have obviously more fans, and their voices are louder on the Internet.

At first glance, their voices seemed to be the mainstream public opinion, which also led to many people who did not know the truth to temporarily maintain a wait-and-see attitude, or to join the larger party and criticize Link one after another.

I think Link’s first mistake was to attack Kanye’s condition.

Leaving the Grammy Awards early while Kanye was speaking was the second biggest mistake.

After leaving the field, attacking Kanye, Leal, and even Obama was even more wrong.

Link must stand up and apologize.

It can be said that public opinion is fierce.

In newspapers, large newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times and the Hollywood Reporter reported everything Link said during the interview, almost all in the form of front-page headlines.

‘Link criticized the Grammy Awards, saying the award should not be awarded to singers without quality’

'Link claims Kanye and Lil are sick and they're too arrogant'

‘During an interview at the Grammys, Link claimed that Kanye and Leal’s behavior was related to the new president, and was suspected of expressing dissatisfaction with the new president’

Just by looking at these headlines, you can tell how much impact these news will have after being exposed.

Link looked through it and didn't see anything new, so he stopped looking at it. As the focus of the storm of public opinion, the most important thing to do at this time was to stay calm.

Jingle Bell!

Ivaca called, "Have you read the newspaper?"

"Just finished watching it."

"how do you feel?"

"There was a lot of movement and it was a bit scary."

"Do you want to apologize? Someone called Link Music and I hope I can urge you to apologize."

Ivaca said.

Link thought for a moment, "Do you think I should apologize?"

Ivaca did not answer this question, but just analyzed the situation with him. California and the entertainment industry are the territory of the Donkey Party. Obama is the spokesperson of the Donkey Party. If he does not apologize, the public opinion will be more violent in the future.

But if he apologizes, it will do more damage to his image. He has done nothing wrong, but he is forced to bow his head and apologize. Fans will be very disappointed with him.

So the current situation is that whether we apologize or not, the situation is very serious.

"I think you should be able to hold on. After all, you brought this on yourself, right Mr. Boxing Champion?"

Ivaca said with some gloating.

Link smiled softly, "Have you ever asked Mr. Tomp if he had any suggestions?"

Iwaka didn't want to say it. She called Mr. Thompson in the morning and asked him about countermeasures. She found that Mr. Thompson's reaction was similar to what Link described. Mr. Thompson also thought that this was a trivial matter and there was no need to worry at all. .

This surprised her. Link seemed to know her father better than she did.

"I didn't ask him. It was just a small matter. I could handle it. I didn't need to ask him."

Ivaca said coldly.

"That's right. What do you think we should do next?"

"Next, I will urge the Manhattan District Court to hear in advance the case of Leal and others who publicly slandered our company for falsifying new album data, and demand a public apology from them."

Ivaca said with a firm voice.

"This is a good arrangement. I'm waiting for your good news."

Link nodded.

He dares to openly confront Kanye and Lear because he has confidence in Ivaca. With his identity and influence, as well as the connections behind Ivaca, under the current circumstances, it is unlikely that he will lose.

"Don't relax too much during this period. How many songs did you write last time I asked you to write them? If the sales of the second album are not as good as the first one, the company loses money, and I am forced to get married, what will be the consequences? You should know."

Iwaka said coldly.

"I understand, don't worry, they are all good songs. Also, can you not threaten me with your marriage? I am bold and not afraid of being scared. Instead, I will be curious about how you will take revenge on me after you are forced to marry?"

"Hmm, I bet you don't want to know."

Ivaca snorted coldly and hung up the phone decisively.

Link shook his head and saw two cute little pets coming over. He put down his phone, picked up the two little ones, put them on his knees, and stroked them gently.

"Where is your little master? Haven't you gotten up yet?"


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