TP Building in Manhattan Center, link music office.

Miss Eva crossed her fingers and thought quietly for a moment.

Then he pressed the paging button on the landline, waited for the call to start, and told his assistant to contact multiple media outlets in a confidential manner to urge Link to stand up earlier and publicly apologize, so as to make the news as loud as possible.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the eldest lady meant, and asked her if she made a mistake.

She knew about the relationship between her boss and Link, and now she was following those people to put pressure on Link. Could it be another workplace struggle, where the two of them were only friends on the surface, stabbing each other in the back?

Miss Eva did not explain much and asked her assistant to convey a concept to the outside world through the media. Even if Link did not do anything wrong, he must stand up and apologize. If he does not apologize, he will have no place in the United States.

The assistant's scalp was numb after hearing this. She felt that workplace struggle was too scary. She didn't dare to ask any more questions and quickly contacted the media to arrange the matters assigned by the eldest lady.

"Link, let's see how you take your time next."

Miss Eva smiled faintly, put down the phone, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a coffee cup, and quietly looked at the people under the building.

Wearing a blue satin shirt, a black skirt, and high heels, her plump and graceful curves are reflected on the glass, which is more beautiful than the Empire State Building in the distance.


After Link's speech was reported by the media, Oscar-winning black actor Jamie Foxx, Forest Whitaker, famous actor Isaiah Washington and others publicly expressed their opinions and expressed disappointment with Link's speech.

Rapper Diddy, JAY-Z, Notorious Mr., Busta Rhymes and others also believed that Link should apologize through various forms.

Because these people are so famous and their voices are too loud, many people who originally supported Link did not dare to speak out anymore, and the media and the Internet were full of voices demanding an apology from Link.

For a time, Link became the target of public criticism.

"Link, I heard you got into big trouble."

Selena called and shouted.

"You seem excited?"

Link said while eating his breakfast.

"No, just a little bit. When you become a bad boy too, Catherine Mandy and the others won't force me to study."

Selina said happily.

Link shook his head, "How was practicing the song I wrote for you last time?"

"That song is a bit difficult. I'm still practicing. I'll probably release a single in June. When the single is released, I will be a singer too. You, me and Taylor will be able to sing on stage together. It's really great. "

Selena smiled.

Listening to her heartless laughter, Link couldn't help but feel better.

Then Catherine took the phone and talked for a while, asking him not to be too anxious. It had already happened and he should face it bravely. No matter what decision he made, everyone would support him.

Link said he was fine.

After hanging up the phone, I saw Taylor slowly coming down the stairs, wearing glasses, disheveled hair, wearing a pure cotton T-shirt, jeans, and slippers. He had no makeup at all. He lowered his head while walking, humming softly, with his fingers still on Beat the rhythm.

After Link saw her coming down, he did not come directly to the restaurant, but walked outside and asked: "Taylor, where are you going?"

Taylor stopped, looked back, and walked back into the restaurant.

Link handed the milk to her hand, "How's the song going?"

"Very good, I wrote two more songs."

Taylor picked up the milk cup and drank half of it in one go. There were white milk stains on his lips, and he licked it with his tongue.

"Is it a song that curses me?"

"You said you didn't care."

Taylor shrugged.

Link sweated. He was just guessing, but it turned out to be true.

"Am I that bad?"

"Isn't this true? Why do you use a questioning tone?"

Taylor blinked in confusion.

Link covered his forehead. It can be predicted that when these songs are released in the future, he will probably become the number one scumbag in the industry.

"Dear, there are some wonderful things between us, right? Why not write something good?"

Link said pushing Sweet Sauce to her hand.

"Really? Why don't I remember? I only remember that someone often bullied me. No matter how I resisted, it was of no use. I was like a princess in distress, falling into the hands of the devil. The devil bullied and humiliated me every day. I wanted to I was asked to obey, but I refused to do so. In the end, my soul turned into an angel and got rid of the devil. What do you think of this song?"

Tyler said as he ate his sandwich.

"I understand, wonderful things cannot inspire you to create, but terrible things can. In order to help you create, I don't mind turning into a devil and bullying you every day."

Link raised his hand and flicked her forehead.


Taylor covered his forehead and stared at him angrily, "Are you really hitting me?"

"Has inspiration come? Do you want me to play it again?"

"Asshole, I'll fight you."

Taylor picked up the fork on the table and rushed towards him.

Ms. Mandy hurried to the villa. There was a raging public opinion outside. She was worried that Link would be nervous and anxious, and wanted to come over to persuade him.

Just when I arrived at the door of the villa, I heard a burst of laughter and laughter coming from inside the house.

When I walked into the restaurant and took a look, I saw the two of them rolling on the carpet and kissing. They were having a great time while kissing and playing around.

Ms. Mandy shook her head, her worries were too much.

Just as I went out, I met Mrs. Andrea who came in and asked where Taylor and Link were. She pointed to the restaurant, and Mrs. Andrea went in to take a look and came out speechlessly.

"The situation is so bad, isn't your company worried at all?"

Mrs. Andrea asked.

"There's no use worrying about it. All we can do now is wait slowly."

Ms. Mandy sat down and poured a cup of black tea for Mrs. Andrea with a teapot.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Link didn't make any mistakes or break the law. He shouldn't be blamed. What we're waiting for is of course fairness."

Ms. Mandy smiled.

Mrs. Andrea shook her head. Although Link didn't make any racially discriminatory remarks when answering reporters' questions, he projected the arrogance and tyranny of Kanye and others onto the African-American president. This accusation was obviously a bit of an exaggeration.

The African-American community had just sent a fellow race member to the White House and was proud and proud. When they heard him say this, they would naturally be very dissatisfied.

Mrs. Andrea didn't think this matter would pass easily.


Taylor came out of the restaurant, tidying up her clothes and hair.

Mrs. Andrea was furious. Taylor had only lived with Link for half a month, and she had become a wild girl. If she had known, she should not have taken Taylor to Miami to participate in the music festival. If she had not gone to Miami, she would not have met Link, and she would not have so many troubles now.

She glared at Link who came out from behind, and always felt that this guy was a bit redundant.

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