In the living room, Mrs. Andrea was sitting on the sofa, staring closely at Link, "Do you know what's going on outside? What are the countermeasures?"

Link thought for a moment, "Stay unchanged to cope with all changes."

This sentence sounded a bit profound. Mrs. Andrea thought about it and suddenly frowned, "Do you mean to do nothing?"

Link nodded.

Mrs. Andrea was immediately angry, her fists clenched together involuntarily. The public opinion outside was about to explode. They were all criticizing him, but he still said so calmly about using the same to cope with ever-changing changes. This was obviously his own fault. Abandon yourself.

It doesn't matter if he gives up on himself, but not Taylor. Taylor's career is on the rise and he must not be affected by him.

Seeing that Mrs. Andrea was about to get angry, Link quickly said: "It's not like we don't do anything, it's that a lot of things have been done. We have to look at the situation first before taking action."

It’s like you didn’t say anything!

Mrs. Andrea snorted and looked at Taylor who was yawning, looking nonchalant, and suddenly became very angry.

"Tyler, if he's like this, why don't you try to persuade him?"

"Persuade him? What to do?"

Taylor asked confused.

"Didn't you watch the news? Many people are criticizing him and asking him to come out and apologize to Kanye. Those people also say that he is slandering the newly elected man and want him to stand up and confess, otherwise he will be banned. Don't you know? "

cried Lady Andrea, slapping her legs.

Taylor scratched his hair and said sheepishly: "Is this serious? I was writing songs in the house, and I didn't watch TV. I saw Link being so leisurely, so I thought it was okay."

"It's alright. Just write songs and don't worry about anything else."

Link said while holding Taylor's waist.

Taylor raised her elbow and hit him in the stomach, asking him to let go and stop acting like a hooligan in public.

When Mrs. Andrea saw that the two of them were still arguing at this time, she felt tired.

When something happens, two tall men who are 1.8 meters tall don't care about anything. Instead, they want a woman who is 1.6 meters tall to stand up to them. It's really tiring.

She saw Link's aunt and manager drinking coffee leisurely again, and thought to herself, forget it, let's destroy it. When Link collapses, she might be able to take the opportunity to persuade Taylor to break up with him.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Andrea's mood instantly improved. Link's bad things were her own good things, so why should she worry about him?

When Link invited her to have breakfast, she did not refuse and happily walked to the restaurant.


After several famous African-American actors and popular singers spoke out, and after a day of spreading the word, more people asked Link to stand up and apologize.

At first, they accused Link of disrespecting Kanye as an excuse, but later it gradually evolved into alleged discrimination and hurting the dignity of dark-skinned groups.

Since Link never made any allegedly discriminatory remarks, those who accused Link of discrimination had little actual evidence.

Until someone posted a video on YouTube, saying that when Link met dark-skinned opponents in tournaments, he would hit them hard and beat them until they couldn't stand up. However, when he met white boxers, he would often let them go easily.

For example, he used heavy punches to knock out Andre Berto, Morales, Peters, Aragorn, etc. in the game. These were all dark-skinned and suffered miserably at his hands. There are many in the video Bloody images.

When Anderszej and other white people met him, they often received preferential treatment.

This is also evidence of Link's alleged discrimination.

After seeing this video, Link's attacker was ecstatic and took the video as evidence, preparing to completely label Link as a 'discriminator'.

Singers Lear, 50 Cent and others also used their personal accounts to repost the video, urging Lincoln to come forward and apologize, and asking the Sports Commission to revoke Link's boxing license and ban him from participating in boxing matches.

Singer T.I., who claims to be the 'King of South Shore Rap', also re-edited the video, paired it with a rather silly rap, and posted it on YouTube to poke fun at Link. In just two days, it received over one million views.

Suddenly the situation became more serious.

"Link, have you touched someone else's cake? Otherwise, you should stop being a singer. Competition in the entertainment industry is more fierce than in boxing, and you might lose your reputation."

Franco Duva said on the phone.

Link smiled and said: "Is it possible that the Boxing Association will really revoke my boxing license?"

"Of course not. If your license is revoked because of this, the entire boxing industry will be ruined. This is something no one wants to see. The video is okay. I'm just worried that these things will affect the next competition. ”

Franco said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, this little thing won't affect me."

After chatting for a while, Link hung up the phone and exercised in the training room while listening to music.

After that video went viral, several more boxing match videos appeared on YouTube.

Including white boxing champions Rocky Marciano, Tommy Morrison, Klitschko and others, they have defeated black boxers many times in boxing matches and used violent means to take away their gold belts, so they also Alleged discrimination.

These videos seem very nonsensical, more like irony of the previous video, but they are still supported by some dark-skinned people, calling boxing champion Rocky and others racists and demanding that they be removed from the Boxing Hall of Fame.

Things had gone too far.

Yunus Moussa, Chairman of the U.S. Amateur Boxing Association, Gilberto Mendoza, Chairman of the WBA Association, Jose Suleiman, Chairman of the WBC Association, and others who were originally prepared to wait a few days before expressing their opinions, successively stood up and expressed their opinions. Opinion.

He said that whether it is Link's match or the match between light-skinned boxers such as Rocky Marciano, Tommy Morrison, and Klitschko, it is absolutely normal competition behavior and absolutely does not involve ZZ discrimination. .

Famous boxing promoters Lou Duvall, Don King, and Bob Arum, as well as boxing champions Ali, Mike Tyson, Holyfield, Knox Lewis and other black people all came forward to be interviewed by the media.

He said that boxing is a game for the brave and has never involved political discrimination. It has never happened before and will never happen in the future.

Because once this kind of thing is considered to be racial discrimination, no one will be willing to compete with dark-skinned boxers. Those boxers will be isolated from the boxing world. The greatest impact will be on the interests of dark-skinned boxers, and then the entire boxing industry.

This kind of talk that is ruining people's jobs must not be allowed to spread.

The charge of 'ZZ discrimination' was not found guilty, and those people found other excuses to attack Link.

"Link, we just got a call from Washington. I hope you can stand up and express your willingness to reconcile. They will also persuade Kanye, Lear and others to stop all unfriendly actions and reconcile with you. What do you think? Sample?"

Miss Eva called and said.

"What do you think? You are the president and I will listen to you."

Link said.

"Do you really listen to me in everything?"

Miss Eva asked with a half-smile.

"things related to work."

"Of course it's work, do you think I would ask you to do something else?"

Miss Eva snorted coldly, "The White House still needs to give some face. Most of the shareholders behind the major companies in the entertainment industry are donkey party members, and they are also Obama's financial backers. We cannot ignore their opinions.

But just reconciliation cannot restore our losses. They have been throwing dirty water on you these days, which has seriously damaged your public image and the operation of our company. We need Kanye and others to stand up and apologize, and give you a clean slate. . "

"Will they say yes?"

"You can try, I have a plan."

Link listened to Miss Eva's plan for a while, and the more he listened, the more frightened he became, and a chill ran down his back.

He secretly told himself not to provoke this woman in the future. If he really angered her, he would die without knowing how.

"Eva's call again?"

After hanging up the phone, Taylor came downstairs carrying a small satchel, staring at him with a cold, delicate face and unkind eyes.

"things related to work."

Link was worried that she was overthinking it, so he added, "There was a call from Washington, asking me to reconcile with Kanye. You see, I told you that they are more anxious than us, so you don't have to worry anymore. Things are very serious." It will pass soon."

Taylor nodded slightly, hummed a tune and walked out.

Link suddenly noticed that she was wearing makeup, a printed short lining, a blue denim skirt, and black loafers. She was very fashionable and beautiful.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"A date with a handsome guy."

Taylor said without looking back.

Link shook his head, thinking about Miss Eva's suggestion just now, and wanted to do what she said, but when he was editing the text on Twitter, he suddenly remembered a song, which was very suitable for his current situation.

After calling for consultation, he found that it was not available yet and decided to give it a try.

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