The video was taken in a boxing ring with dim lighting.

A thumping sound could be heard in the distance, like a heart beating.

The camera slowly advanced, showing a slender man with a bare and strong back, hitting the sandbag continuously. He was very powerful and his movements were flexible. One punch after another was very rhythmic.

Even people who don’t understand boxing will find it wonderful to watch.

"Link, let's begin."

someone shouted from behind the camera.

The man in front of the sandbag stopped and turned around. It was Link. He had exquisite short hair, angular cheeks, and eyes that were like the deep blue sky, slightly shining.

Link wiped his sweat, looked at the camera and asked:

"Everyone, are you ready?"


Then a melodious violin and piano accompaniment sounded in the boxing ring.

The camera slowly moved forward, and in the training area on the left, a band was playing.

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me

I remember the sky was full of dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder everywhere

I remembered each flash as time began to blur

I recall every moment, and the years pass by in a blur

Like a starting sign that fate had finally found me

Link stood in front of the microphone and sang in a low voice.

His voice is very powerful, full of emotions and sincere, with a hint of hoarseness, and is very contagious. Listening to his songs gives people a very 'burning' feeling, which is why his first song "The Fighter" can be so big One of the reasons for selling.

After a relatively low-pitched narrative, the tone of the song gradually becomes high-pitched and passionate.

And your voice was all I heard

I can only hear you talking

That I get what I deserve

I deserve it

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this clean memory

I saw Link standing under the dim light, clenching his fists tightly, and all the muscles in his body were tense.

And his voice, like his muscles, is tough and powerful, and can directly touch the depths of people's hearts.

When hearing this song, people can't help but tense up and want to shout loudly.

Taylor saw Link yelling loudly, with an angry look on his face, and he seemed to be two different people from his usual calm smile, and his heart was touched.

Seeing Link's nonchalant look in the past few days, she didn't take that matter to heart. Now thinking about it, it was probably because Link didn't want to worry about it, so he pretended to be relaxed and endured the pressure behind his back.

Thinking of this, Taylor's eyes couldn't help but heat up, and his vision gradually blurred.

Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between

Give me a reason to fill this gap and pave this broken road

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

I hope this effort is enough for us to find the truth behind the lies

Across this new divide

across this new divide

Across this new divide

across this new divide

Across this new divide

across this new divide

As Link chanted repeatedly, the screen gradually dimmed, Link's tall and strong back gradually disappeared, the music ended, and the video played.

"This song is great."

"Link sang so well."

People on the terrace couldn't help but applaud and cheer, and the eyes of Blake Lively and Emma Roberts, the girls who were more easily moved, were even red-eyed.

"Your boyfriend is awesome!"

Kristen held the lollipop and praised Taylor.

Taylor blinked her wet eyelashes. She wanted to laugh and cry. She looked at the sky and suddenly couldn't wait to see Link.

"I'm going back first, and we'll make an appointment next time."

Taylor said hello, picked up her small satchel and left the terrace.

"Tyler, tell Link we support him!"

The girls on the terrace watched her leave and then continued chatting and drinking coffee.

"Hey, have you noticed that Taylor's butt seems to be more perky."

Katy Perry gestured with her hands and said with a smile, "Seeing her butt, I can guess what position Link usually likes to use. Do you want to take a gamble?"


Blake Lively and Emma looked at each other, why are they talking about that kind of thing again?

"What position?"

Christine asked.

Hearing her speak, several girls all turned their attention to her again. Seeing that she still had a cold face and seemed indifferent to everything, they all became even more angry. They rushed over to her and pushed her down on the sofa.


I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me

I remembered each flash as time began to blur

I remembered every moment, the years passed by in a trance

"Hey, whose song is this? It's pretty nice."

In New York, when Miss Gaga walked out of the recording studio, she saw her assistant playing with a laptop on the sofa and asked curiously.

"Link's new song, posted on YouTube, has more than 1 million hits in just three hours."

The assistant turned the computer screen.


Miss Gaga immediately sat over and took a look. It was the video account where Link posted "Despacito" last time. The previous video had been played more than 11 million times, and the second video "Give me reason" was currently playing.

After the video started, there was a subtitle about Link's recent experience, being besieged, accused, and forced to apologize. Link asked all the accusers to give him a reason.

Miss Gaga had also heard about Link's affairs, sighed, and opened the video again.

When she saw a muscular man, her eyes lit up immediately. Link's body was amazing and very sexy. Even if there was no song, she could watch this video dozens of times.

But when Link started singing, her attention was instantly attracted by his voice. Link's voice was clean and powerful. In the music scene with many smoky voices and decadent music, this voice was very recognizable.

In this song, his voice was a little more hoarse and struggling, with more power and richer emotions, which was very contagious.

Miss Gaga listened to it three times, opened Twitter, clicked to forward it, and strongly recommended it.


Since Link has been very popular recently, his popularity is also very high.

After he opened his Twitter account, in less than half a day, the number of followers increased from 0 to 1 million, making him the fastest celebrity user to break through 1 million since Twitter went online in 2006, and also one of the celebrity users with the most Twitter followers at this stage.

The number of views on his new song "Give Me Reason" on YouTube has also soared. At 6 pm, the video playback volume officially exceeded 5 million.

The reason why it is so popular is not only because of the high quality of the song and Link's wonderful singing, but also because of the forwarding and recommendation of many stars.

Including popular singers Taylor, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Hollywood's popular young actress Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Emma Roberts, Paul Walker, Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Watson, Latin Queen Shakira, Amber Heard, etc.

After these big stars jointly recommended it, the song quickly spread from the entertainment industry to other walks of life and every corner of America like a virus.

Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me

This ominous sign appeared, and I could not escape this bad luck

And your voice was all I heard

I could only hear you say

That I get what I deserve

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Jeff Okalin, deputy director of the crew of "Transformers 2", walked into the Los Angeles subway drunkenly and found an empty seat to sit down.

There are many hip-hop youths in the carriage here, listening to music and dancing, talking and laughing in the carriage.

The carriage is messy, and his mind is also messy.

Recent work has been too unsuccessful.

After the filming of the movie was completed last month, it officially entered post-production, which includes editing, dubbing, soundtrack, rendering, etc. He is mainly responsible for finding suitable interludes, theme songs and soundtracks for the movie.

The interlude and soundtrack work is progressing smoothly, and most of it has been completed, but the selection of the theme song is progressing very unsuccessfully.

He found three famous musicians to write theme songs for the movie. The three musicians spent more than a month but failed to write a suitable song. Either director Michael Bay was not satisfied or producer Ian Bryce thought it was not suitable.

As the release date of the movie approached, the theme song had not been settled, which put a lot of pressure on him, the assistant director in charge of the soundtrack, and he was anxious and sleepless for several nights.


Jeff sighed and took out a business card. It was a business card given to him by a colleague, with the contact information of Guns N' Roses on it.

Guns N' Roses is one of the famous hard rock bands. Several members have good creative ability. I hope they can help this time.

"This song is great. I strongly recommend you to listen to it."

"What song?"

"Give me a reason!"

In the corner, several young men and women gathered together to chat, and their mobile phones were still on the external speakers, making a lot of noise.

Jeff glanced at a few people, shook his head helplessly, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep for a while.

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean

Then give me a reason to prove me wrong and wash all memories clean

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Suddenly, a fierce voice came from the mobile phone next to him. Jeff opened his eyes suddenly and his mind was instantly clear. He frowned and listened quietly for a few seconds. The more he listened, the faster his heart beat. This song was too contagious.

"This is the theme song I want!"

Jeff shouted in his heart.

"Hey, man, what song is this?"

Jeff shouted at the young man.

"Link's new song, Give me reason, there are resources on YouTube."

The young man who chewed gum shook the screen of his mobile phone, which was the picture of Link singing in the boxing gym.

Jeff took a look, took out his mobile phone quickly, clicked on Link's video, and listened to it seven times. After listening, he breathed a sigh of relief and sent the video link to director Michael Bay.

"Director, this song is great, I suggest using it as the theme song."

He was sure that director Michael Bay would be satisfied.

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