"Link! Link! Where are you?"

Taylor returned to the villa and shouted several times into the house.


Link's voice came from across the pool.

Taylor strode towards the pool and saw Link swimming in the pool. He stretched his arms and stroked back and forth in a very skillful manner.

"Didn't you go on a date with a handsome guy? Why are you back so early?"

Link held his hands on the edge of the pool and chuckled.

Taylor saw the smile on his face and thought of the angry boy in the video. It felt like two people. When she watched the video, she was very moved and wanted to come back and hug him and kiss him hard.

Just seeing him in person, seeing him so leisurely and comfortable, I don't know why, the previous touch suddenly disappeared again.

Taylor hummed softly, put down his small satchel, sat down on the bench, took out his phone and clicked a few times, then clicked on the video again.

"Is this guy you?"

Link pushed himself ashore, wiped his hair with a towel, put it on his shoulders and took a look.

"So handsome, it must be me."

"When was this song written?"

"I was inspired to write this after reading the news these past two days. What do you think?"

Link laughed.

After remembering that song, he made several calls to inquire about the progress of the theme song for the Transformers 2 crew.

I remember that this song was the theme song tailor-made for the movie "Transformers 2" by the band Linkin Park after watching it.

He only came up with the song after hearing that the film was only finished filming in mid-February and was in the late stages of production. The theme song had not been finalized yet and Linkin Park was still holding a concert in the UK.

Taylor rolled her eyes at him. When she was writing songs, the house was full of manuscript papers, and she had to prepare all the violins, guitars, and pianos. Even so, she couldn't write a song in ten days.

But this guy in front of me couldn't see how hard he worked on his creations. One good song after another made people jealous.

"Every time I finish writing a song, I show it to you. Why don't you show it to me when you write a song? Do you think I'm not good enough to give you advice?"

Taylor curled her red lips and asked pretending to be angry.

"Of course not. You taught me how to play guitar and piano. How can I think you are not good enough? It's just that you are usually too busy and act like a bomb when you create. You will get angry at anyone who disturbs you. I don't dare to get close to you. ”

Link said with a shrug.

Taylor thought about the last time when she was creating, Link came to ask her to eat. At that time, she was thinking of the key point and didn't want to be disturbed. She couldn't help shouting "Get out" at him.

Now that I think about it, I feel very, very guilty.

She sat in Link's arms, put her hands around his neck, and said softly: "My dear, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time."

"It doesn't matter. Listen to your mother, you only get angry at people close to you, and I won't mind."

Link asked, stroking her hair.

Taylor hugged his neck tightly and leaned against his chest and said: "I just watched some news. The public opinion outside is very unfriendly to you. Are you under a lot of pressure? I am your girlfriend. You can put your troubles aside." Tell me and we’ll share.”

"There's not much pressure, really. I'm a world boxing champion, so no pressure can bother me."

Link clenched his fists and smiled.

Taylor looked up at him and saw his confident face, his whole body was shining, and he couldn't help but smile: "My dear, I find that you seem to be getting more and more handsome."

"Eh? Did you see it too? So Miss Taylor, please be gentle to me. With a super and invincible handsome guy like me as your boyfriend, you must have saved the earth in your previous life."

Link tapped the tip of her nose.


Taylor curled up her lips and smiled, couldn't help hugging him tightly and kissing him closely.


"I just asked you to make a statement and you wrote a song?"

Miss Eva called and asked.

"Is not it good?"

Link asked, putting down the textbook in his hand.

"Okay, very good, but with such a good song, why not release a single record? It would be a waste to post it on YouTube."

Miss Eva said regretfully.

Mandy called before and said that Link's Twitter was posted, along with a new song.

She clicked on it and listened. When she heard the sentence 'So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean', she was shocked and froze on the chair for more than ten seconds before she came back to her senses.

The task she gave Link was to give him a reason to apologize to everyone who blamed him.

Then Link wrote a song based on the phrase "Give me a reason". It was still such a powerful and exciting song.

Ivaca also had to admire, this bastard was so talented, so handsome, so powerful, and so talented, such a man

"It doesn't matter. I still have many good songs here, so don't worry about these one or two."

Link said nonchalantly.

"That's what you said. Next time I want a song, don't tell me I don't have one."


After chatting for a while, Link hung up the phone and continued reading high school textbooks.


Within 48 hours after Link opened Twitter, the number of people following him soared from 1 to 2 million, and the number is still growing.

After he posted on Twitter asking for a reason, Kanye's fans flooded the comments section with hundreds of different mistakes for Link to make.

But under the premise of freedom of speech, no one can give a definite ‘crime’.

Then many netizens commented that even if Link did nothing wrong, he should stand up and apologize. If he doesn't apologize, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the United States.

Many Internet celebrities also joined in, claiming that 'even if Link is not wrong, he must stand up and apologize, because everyone thinks he is wrong. If he does not stand up and apologize, he is arrogant and disrespectful, and this is wrong.'

The rhetoric online and in the media is increasingly going too far.

Many dark-skinned celebrities also feel that something is wrong and want to suppress the dispute, but once the fire is burned, it is difficult to put it out.

Until March 8, a report in the Miami Herald made everyone feel that they could no longer let it go.

The Miami Herald reported in a report that on March 7, the Baker diving shop in Miami Beach was vandalized, smashed, and robbed by a group of black men, causing a loss of more than $5,000.

Four dark-skinned suspects were arrested afterwards. They claimed that they felt hurt by Link's arrogance after seeing those comments online, and that's why they took such drastic actions.

This news was immediately reprinted by newspapers such as the New York Post, USA Today, and American Express.

This news immediately caused a sensation across the United States, and also made many media calm down and start thinking about one thing.

Dark-skinned people have been suppressed for two to three hundred years, and now that their people have taken over in Washington, will there be a huge change in the psychology and mentality of African Americans?

Does Kanye and others’ criticism of Link have anything to do with this change?

They now dare to target even world boxing champions and Olympic champions. Will they take revenge on all light-skinned people in the future?

Many people began to think and many expressed concern.

Many celebrities also came forward to express support for Link, claiming that this incident is by no means a trivial matter, nor is it an exception, and must be taken seriously.

However, because this topic is too serious, too sensitive, and too heavy, once it is discussed, it will inevitably affect social stability, economic recovery and development.

Not only does Washington not want to see this happen, but the shareholders behind major media groups also don’t want to see it.

Several major media outlets in the United States have reached a consensus not to discuss this sensitive topic, but only to discuss the conflicts between Link, Kanye and others.

After several discussions, we found that neither Link nor Kanye had big problems.

Kanye suffers from bipolar disorder and often causes trouble at public events. He has publicly criticized many people and told reporters that Link was taking advantage of the financial crisis to make money. This was not the most outrageous statement he had ever made.

Link called Kanye sick, which is also true.

They have no problem, but the problem is Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and others. They made a big deal out of a small matter and pursued Link, which was obviously too much.

The New York Post believes that Lil Wayne's accusation on the Grammy podium that Link, who was invited to attend the ceremony, was very rude and should apologize.

On March 8, an article in the New York Daily News attracted widespread attention.

The article stated that singers Kanye, Lil, 50 Cent, JAY-Z, T.I. and others are all Tyson fans, and 50 Cent is a friend of former WBA intercontinental boxing champion Jermaine Taylor.

After Link defeated Jermaine and Tyson, they made some hostile comments on Link on the Internet.

Now that they see Link entering the music scene and surpassing Kanye and others in album sales, they are even more angry, and naturally they will not let Link go easily.

On March 9, seven days after the Grammy Awards, the Los Angeles Times and other reports published an investigation result in newspapers, providing a detailed analysis of Link's disputes with Kanye, Lear, 50 Cent and others.

They believe that the cause of the matter lies in the boxing world. Lille, 50 Cent and others because they admire Tyson and out of anger and jealousy, they will target Link instead of the new president.

Major newspapers such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and American Express retweeted it one after another, actively guiding public opinion.

"This is real?"

Link looked at the newspaper and asked Anna, the assistant next to him.

"It's true. After you defeated Tyson, Leal and others attacked you on MySpace. 50 Cent also wrote a rap, made it into a video and posted it on YouTube."

Anna turned on the computer and clicked on the video.

50 Cent and a few black singers, there were many words starting with F, and they scolded Link, saying that he bullied Tyson because he was too old. If Tyson was 10 years younger, he would definitely spank Link to the point where he would pee. They also said that no matter how powerful Link was, It can't stop a bullet either.

The video was released on December 10 last year and has received more than 200,000 views.

“So the reason they’re giving me trouble is not that I’m outselling their albums, but the boxing thing?”

"It should be a combination of two reasons. You defeated their idol in boxing, crossed over to become a singer, and surpassed the best Kanye in sales. They were even more angry, so they publicly belittled your first album."

Anna said.

Link shook his head helplessly, this was because there were so many popular people.

For a person who becomes famous, this kind of thing is very common. If you become famous and your album sells well, it is equivalent to sharing someone else's cake.

Maybe those who attack him are not just Kanye, but also other peers or companies, with the purpose of defeating him as a potential competitor.

On the same day, Lil, 50 Cent and others were guests on the ABC TV talk show "The View", publicly apologizing to all the singers participating in the Grammy Awards and Link.

Claiming that after winning the award, they were too excited and said some things they shouldn't have said, and they were sorry for the support of the fans. The two immediately said that they would donate 200,000 US dollars to UNICEF to fund the education of poor children.

After reading the news, Link had to admire that these big shots really knew how to play. They used a trick to replace the pillars, and eliminated a major event that almost caused turmoil.

Now, among the people who took the lead in making trouble, except Kanye, they have apologized and donated money for charity. Should I forgive them?

Link thought about it and seemed to have no choice. When he was thinking about how to "reconcile", Ms. Mandy called and said excitedly:

"Link, Michael Jackson's agent called and invited you to attend his comeback concert in New York, and you will have the opportunity to perform on the same stage with MJ."


Link stood up in surprise.

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