In mid-March, Link came to the New Testament College test center in Los Angeles to take the SAT exam, which is held by the College Board of the United States and can be taken in March, May, June, October, November and December every year.

This exam attracted a lot of media attention because of Link's participation. Everyone was curious about how many points he, a big star, could get.

At first, Link didn't care, but after getting the test paper and seeing a few math questions, he suddenly regretted taking this exam.

This question is too difficult.

Without a computer, he would have to spend a long time to calculate the addition of three-digit numbers.


"Mr. Baker, how did you do in the exam?"

When he walked out of the exam room, the paparazzi guarding outside the test center shouted.

"Not bad!"

Link answered a little unconfidently.

"How many points do you expect to get?"

A paparazzi asked.

"Not sure, 900 or 800 should be no problem."

Link answered twice, waved his hand, and got into the business car.

Ms. Mandy handed over a bottle of water. She and her assistant Anna couldn't hold back their smiles. Before the New Year, Link said he wanted to take the college entrance exam, a serious one.

According to the regulations of the American College Committee, everyone must pass the SAT or ACT before entering college, and apply for college based on their scores and bonus items.

He is an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a well-known singer, and a multi-millionaire. These are all items that can get additional points, which can add up to more than 100 points.

He only needs to pass the SAT score to go to any famous American university.

It's just that he is usually busy and has little time to read books and do questions. The vocabulary involved in the SAT exam is too large, so it's a bit difficult to pass the exam.

"Link, don't worry, it doesn't matter if you are a little bit short. I don't think any university will reject you as a famous alumnus."

Ms. Mandy smiled.

This is certain. Other high school students need celebrity recommendation letters to go to college, and he is a celebrity himself. Recruiting him can increase the school's exposure, add honor to the school, and perhaps bring some investment.

In fact, before the exam, many universities contacted him and invited him to take the easier ACT American college entrance exam. No matter how many points he scored, he would be admitted and given a full scholarship.

Link refused. He took the exam to go to college for the experience and enrichment of life experience, not to really go to college, and there was no need to use the back door.

"What are your work arrangements next?"

"I just finished the exam, why don't you go back and rest first?"

Ms. Mandy asked.

"It doesn't matter! I'm not tired."

"There's a lot of work."

Anna handed him a stack of information and asked him to select heroines for several MVs.

The album "The Fighter" has good sales. Several popular songs on the list need MVs to expand publicity and increase the popularity and exposure of the album. Including "Despacito", there are a total of eight, and six to ten actresses are needed.

Link heard that there was a beauty pageant, and he became interested. He opened the information and looked at it. There were more than 50 girls' information and swimsuit photos, a thick stack.

Link flipped through them, "Why are they all black girls?"

Ms. Mandy smiled and said, "The last incident still has some impact on your public image. Using dark-skinned girls to shoot MVs can remove the stigma of your suspected racial discrimination. So among these six actresses, we plan to use three black actresses, two Latinas, and one white girl. What do you think?"

Link thought about it and felt that it made sense. Just like Taylor's MVs, black men are often used as male protagonists. On the one hand, they expand the fans of the dark-skinned group, and on the other hand, they avoid being accused of racial discrimination.

He flipped through them hastily, and felt that everything was dark in front of him, and he couldn't tell who was more beautiful.

"You should choose. I can't see who is more suitable."

Link returned the information to Anna.

He looked at the recent work arrangements again.

First, shoot the MV, which will take about half a month.

Shoot the movie "The Fighter", which will take a month.

"Infinity 2" and "Fast and Furious 4" are about to be released, and he needs to participate in several activities.

The single "Give me reason" is about to be released, and promotional activities are also needed.

Attending Lady Gaga's concert in Miami, at least three days.

There is also the rehearsal for MJ's concert, which will take about a week.

Received 5 more advertising endorsements and also had to shoot commercials.

There are also talk shows on TV networks such as CBS, ABC, and NBC, photo shoots for fashion magazines such as Esquire, Cosmopolitan, and GQ, and interviews with Billboard and People magazines.

In addition, there are the World Swimming Championships, several boxing matches, and preparatory work for the second album.


The work schedule is really too full.

Link's scalp tingled.

"It's like this after you become famous in the entertainment industry. Sometimes you are so busy that you don't have time to sleep."

Ms. Mandy saw that his face was dark and couldn't help laughing.

Assistant Anna also laughed and said, "The more work you have, the more popular you are. Many stars can't even beg for it."

Link shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his chair, thinking of something.

"Mandy, have you been following Gal Gadot's news recently?"

Ms. Mandy was stunned for a moment, then smiled mischievously: "Yes, she just came back from Israel after celebrating the New Year. Do you want me to arrange a meeting with her?"

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

Link remembered that the other party seemed to have been engaged at the end of last year.

"No, she was auditioning for a new movie role recently, and it didn't go well. However, last year she filmed a movie called "Dragon Strikers." This movie was an A-level production, with several talented actors joining the cast, so the box office results shouldn't be too bad. , her resources will be better after it is released.”

Ms Mandy said.

Link nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Mandy, are you and Catherine interested in setting up an acting agency and signing a few potential actors to train? If there is a lack of funds, I can invest. With the agency, I will also hand over the actors' affairs in the future. You take care of it.”

"Katherine had this plan. She had worked at William Morris Agency for six years and had thought about setting up an artist studio. However, there were many artist management companies in Hollywood and the competition was fierce. She did not have sufficient resources and connections. It’s hard to survive.”

Ms Mandy said.

Link said: "Don't worry about this. I am now famous and have a lot of resources at my disposal. For example, MV casting, advertising and fashion blockbusters also need supporting actors. I also have a film company and a music company. In the future, I will have more resources to drive the five Six artists are not a big problem.”

Ms. Mandy thought about it and realized that it was indeed a good idea.

"I'll discuss it with Catherine."

After the car left the test center, he came to the ABC Television Broadcasting Company Production Center. Today he has a TV talk show here, which is the "The View" TV talk show that Lear and others participated in last time.

This is Miss Eva's arrangement.

She believes that his recent participation in TV talk shows and exclusive interviews with magazines and newspapers can help him expand his reputation, let the public and fans know him better, have a clearer understanding of him, and at the same time eliminate the remaining racial discrimination in him. 'Tag of.

Link thought she was right and did not refuse these cumbersome arrangements.

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