"The View", a talk show owned by ABC, is a midday talk show.

It has been on the air since 2007. The program design is similar to the Oprah talk show, focusing on celebrity interviews and discussing some recent hot topics.

The difference is that this program has five female hosts with different skin colors, black, white, red, yellow and brown, making racial issues clear.

The five female hosts are also middle-aged and elderly women over 30 years old, and they often discuss some gender topics.

"The View" has a fixed audience of more than 10 million in the United States, mainly women. This is the main reason why Ivaca arranged for him to participate in this show.

Just the thought of facing the siege of five middle-aged and elderly women gave Link a headache.

"Good afternoon, Link, welcome to the view."

Host and Oscar-winning actress Whoopi Goldberg, 54, once won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her wonderful performance in "The Last Days".

She also received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for "The Color Purple" and a Grammy Music Award. She is a relatively famous black woman.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Goldberg!"

Link smiled, hugged the eldest Whoopi Goldberg, and greeted the other four female hosts, Alyssa Farah, Sonny Hostin and others.

"Wow, Link is so handsome. He's even more handsome in person than in the photo."

Alyssa Farah, a blonde host in her thirties, looked at Link and praised in an exaggerated voice, "It's really hard to imagine that a handsome boy like him could be a super strong boxer and singer. He sounds so nice, and the most important thing is that he is only 20 years and 8 months old. Does anyone want to date such a cool man?”


Hundreds of female spectators in the audience responded enthusiastically.

Link smiled softly and waved to the audience.

"I'd like to, too. Link, can you sit next to me?"

Ms. Alyssa invited warmly.

"Alyssa, stop being so arrogant. If you get married early, your children will be older than Link."

Whoopi Goldberg laughed and cursed.

"Link, do you think I'm old?"

Ms. Alyssa asked.

Link smiled and said: "Ms. Alyssa has the wisdom and charm of an older woman. I think this must be related to her age."

"Haha, Link's answer is great, but next time you can tell her directly that she is very old without being so tactful."

laughed fellow host Sonny Hostin.

Others also applauded Link's answer.

Link sat down with the five hosts, between Whoopi Goldberg and Alyssa.

"Link, I heard that you just took the SAT exam?" Goldberg asked.


"How did you do on the test? Oh, I remember that more than 20 years ago, after my son Johnson took the SAT, I also asked this question. Now when I ask Link, I always feel very friendly."

Goldberg laughed.

"I feel pretty good. I did all the questions I know how to do."

"Won't you do much?"

Ms. Alyssa asked.

Link smiled softly at the camera, "I can only say that I tried my best."

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, Link is too busy. We all know his arrangements last year. He participated in the Olympics in August and won a gold medal. In September and October, he participated in the WBA Champion Challenge and won a world boxing championship belt. He also won a gold medal in Atlantic City. Defeat Tyson, release an album in January, hold concerts and book signings all over the United States, it can be said that you are open all year round, Link, do you have time to read and study when you are so busy?”

Ms. Goldberg asked.

Link spread his hands and said, "The time is squeezed out. For example, before the competition with Tyson, I will do a few seventh-grade math problems in the lounge."



The whole audience burst into laughter.

When everyone thought that he was a world boxing champion and had to do math problems before the game, everyone laughed one after another.

"Link, which one do you think is harder, doing math problems or defeating Tyson?"

Ms. Alyssa asked, holding back her laughter.

Link thought for a moment and sighed: "I defeated Tyson, but there are a few seventh-grade geometry questions that I still haven't understood."

Many viewers felt the same way, and there was another round of applause and laughter.

"Link, you are an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, and a popular singer. You are already very successful. Why do you think of taking the SAT exam? Some media think you are hyping up. How do you deal with such doubts?"

Ms. Goldberg asked.

Link said: "I have received a lot of doubts, and I will also be questioned when taking the SAT exam, which I did not expect.

The reason why I took the SAT exam is relatively simple. I think the SAT exam and the ACT exam are one of the important events that most Americans will experience, and they are also a node in life.

I had a not-so-good childhood, a relatively chaotic teenage period, and almost deviated from the main path of life. This is also one of my regrets. Now that I am successful and still young, I have the opportunity to make up for this regret, so I did this thing. "

Bang bang bang!

Ms. Goldberg and others led the applause.

Link smiled and added: "I think taking the SAT test is also a way of socializing. I had chatted with Paul Walker and James Franco before, and they would talk about taking the SAT test or going to college. Every time The first time they spoke, I could only be a spectator, but now I have the opportunity to chime in. ”

The crowd burst into laughter of approval.

After asking about the SAT test, the interview entered the formal questioning session.

Since the five hosts of this program are married women, and the main audience is also a female group, the interviews often involve issues such as gender relations, family, children's education, growth, and the workplace.

Before the interview, the program team of "The View" gave Link a program plan, including an interview outline, main questions, and the theme of the program - gender relations and domestic violence.

After seeing this topic, Link could probably guess a few people's questions and made some preparations in advance, but the other person asked as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Link, last time Ms. Amber came to our show as a guest and mentioned some personal matters between the two of you. She said that you are very good at that, and every time you count it in hours, is it true?"

Ms. Alyssa asked with a smile.

Link was stunned for a moment and looked at the camera, "Can we talk about this kind of issue on the show?"

Ms. Goldberg laughed: "You must rarely watch our show. In the last show, Alyssa said that in order not to hurt her husband's self-esteem, she often pretended to be high-spirited."

"Whoopi revealed on a show last year that she and her boyfriend had sex in the sea, saying that she felt very bad." Ms. Alyssa countered.

The remaining three female hosts also revealed many bold topics they had discussed on the show. In short, the matter between him and Amber was not a big topic in the view.

I heard five middle-aged and elderly women chatting about pornographic jokes.

Link couldn't help but feel his face heat up. The scale of this show was too big, and with his level of shame, there was no way he could continue talking about it.

"Timeout ladies, Link is getting shy."

Ms. Goldberg intervened.

"Wow, even a world boxing champion can be shy?"

"Haha, I almost forgot, Link is still a young man who has just grown up."

"Link, welcome to the adult world."

Several women laughed.

"Link, if you're embarrassed, we can move on to the next question," Ms. Goldberg asked.

Link wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "It doesn't matter if we chat. I am a boxer. Everyone knows that boxers exercise regularly and are stronger than ordinary people. Their strength, endurance, and rhythm are all better than ordinary people." Strong, so boxers generally perform better than ordinary people in that aspect, and I am stronger than all boxers.”

"Oh, you mean you are the best in the world at that?" Ms. Alyssa smiled.

Link shrugged his shoulders and said: "Even if he is not the most powerful, he is still among the most powerful people."

Bang bang bang!

The female hosts took the lead in applauding, and the audience also applauded and cheered. Just when Link thought he had answered well, Ms. Goldberg asked:

"Link, our topic this time is about sexual relations and domestic violence. Amber said that when having intimate sex with her, she would often faint, as if she was being knocked out by you. I think this is also a kind of domestic violence. Do you agree? ?"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became deserted. Everyone looked at Link. This question was difficult to answer. If he admitted it was domestic violence, Link would become a perpetrator. If he did not admit it, Amber said she had fainted before.

Link glanced at the other party. There was no such question in the interview outline. He was a little suspicious that the other party was causing trouble for African Americans because of what he said last time, "America is not a world for African Americans."

"Link, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer this question," Ms. Goldberg added.

Link said: "No, I was thinking about fainting. Last year at the Hanking Olympics, when I won the championship and wore the gold medal, I almost fainted from excitement.

If I can get more than 1500 points in this SAT test, I think I will faint with joy.

Ms. Goldberg, when you were at the Oscars, you heard the award presenter shouting that the actress who won the Best Supporting Actress was - Ms. Whoopi Goldberg. Did you feel excited and dizzy? "

Ms. Goldberg thought about it for a moment, then smiled and said, “It definitely feels like that.”

Link smiled and said: "I think fainting is what Amber said. It feels like this. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing, let alone violence. If it is violence, it should be a happy critical hit."

"Wow, Link said it so well. I really want to experience the critical hit of happiness."

Ms. Alyssa shouted dramatically.

The audience in the audience also clapped and cheered.


"Wow! I also want to experience Link's critical attack."

In front of the TV, Miss Katy Perry leaned on the sofa, watching Link on the TV, her legs tightly together.

"There is nothing good about men."

Sitting on the sofa opposite was a black beauty, pop singer Rihanna. At this time, her face was bruised and her expression was full of resentment.

Rihanna and Katy Perry are both singers, both of Mexican descent, and their relationship in the industry is closer.

"You were beaten by your boyfriend and you think all men are bad. Link is definitely a good man, so handsome, so strong, and his voice is so sexy. Ah, it's not working anymore. I don't know why. When I saw him, I heard His voice makes my whole body itch."

Katy Perry said, rubbing her legs.

"Stop being so naughty."

Rihanna rolled her eyes at her and said, "He is Taylor Swift's boyfriend. No matter how hungry you are, you can't get enough."

"So what? No couple in the entertainment industry can last long. The two of them are so young. They will break up sooner or later. I won't have a chance to see you then. Honey, wait for me!"

Katy Perry looked at Link on the TV, kissed her fingers, and threw them towards Link.

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