Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 148 Domestic Violence (fourth update, wishing everyone a happy Lantern Festival)

"So Link, what Amber said about fainting, and the hourly measurement, are all true?"

Ms. Alyssa asked during the show.

Link smiled and said, "If you don't change the subject, I'm worried that Taylor will get into trouble with me if he hears it."

Everyone laughed.

"Link, during the Grammy Awards, in addition to what happened between you and Kanye and Lil, there was another big thing happening in the music world. Rihanna and her boyfriend Chris Brown were fighting on the street. Did you see it? Is this news?"

Whoopi Goldberg asked.

Link was a little impressed when he heard her question. This question not only pointed to the matter between him and Kanye, but also did not deviate from the theme of this interview. It was a good question.

Naturally, he had also seen the news about the fight between Rihanna and her boyfriend.

Rihanna is a Barbadian singer who debuted in 2005. She has released three albums, sold more than 10 million albums, and won two Grammy Awards. She is very famous.

Her boyfriend Chris Brown is a famous black rapper and a first-line star in the music industry.

The two had a fight on the side of the road on the eve of the Grammy Awards. Rihanna was beaten so badly that her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She was unable to go out to see people and was absent from this Grammy Awards ceremony.

Before the Grammy Awards, the fight between the two was the biggest news in the entertainment industry, and Chris Brown was also criticized by many people.

Until Link and Kanye and others had a dispute, the attention of the public and the media shifted to Link.

Sometimes Link suspected that the behavior of Leal and others was to protect Chris Brown from thunder, because the two of them had a good relationship and often collaborated on records.

"Yes, that news was sensational, and I also paid attention to it."

Link said.

"Link, as a boy, what do you think about Chris Brown's violence against his girlfriend Rihanna?"

Ms. Goldberg asked.

Link said: "My opinion is consistent with the mainstream public opinion. No matter what the reason is, it is definitely wrong to hit someone, and it is even more inappropriate to hit someone you love.

I suggest here that all people with violent tendencies, including men and women, can try to practice boxing. Boxing training involves hitting a sandbag every day. During the practice, the violent factors and impulsive personality in the body will also be polished away bit by bit. "

"Really? Why do I hear that people who practice boxing are very violent and often hit people." Host Sonny Hostin said.

"This is absolutely not true. You see boxers often hitting people because they compete in the ring. The stereotype of them is that they are a profession that beats people. In fact, the temper of most boxers is worse than Ordinary people are gentler and more tolerant.

On the one hand, various boxing organizations and sports committees have express regulations that boxers are not allowed to fight with ordinary people. Regardless of the reason, if they fight, their license may be revoked or even banned from competing.

On the other hand, boxers often train, often play games, and are often beaten. The violence factor and character in them will also be tempered in every game.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the older the boxers are, the gentler their personalities are. For them, violent tendencies are a rare quality. "

"I can attest to that."

Ms. Goldberg said, "I know some old guys like George Foreman, Larry Holmes, and Holyfield. They are like Santa Claus all day long. They laugh at everyone they meet. According to their wives, No matter how much I annoy them, they won’t lose their temper. They feel like a few castrated old cows.”

The audience burst into laughter.

Link smiled helplessly. He just wanted to use the show to restore the image of his fellow boxers, but when Whoopi Goldberg described it like this, it was a bit over the top.

"Boxing is a very good sport. It can not only keep fit and lose excess fat, but also exercise willpower and improve personal character flaws. I recommend that anyone who is interested give it a try."

Link said.


"Blake, I'm going to go practice boxing, what do you think?"

In the big villa in Beverly Hills, Emma Roberts looked at the TV and turned back to ask Blake Lively on the sofa.

"You want to practice boxing?"

Blake Lively saw her small figure of just over 1.5 meters and didn't want to offend her. "It's okay, but I think badminton and tennis are more suitable for us girls."

"Link said that practicing boxing can strengthen your willpower and make up for your character flaws. I want to try boxing."

Emma Roberts said, clenching her little fists.

"Okay, I support you mentally."

"Thank you. I will go to Link to learn boxing in a few days."

Emma Roberts said.

"You want to learn boxing from Link?"

"Of course, if you want to learn boxing, learn from the best."

Emma said matter-of-factly.

"You want to pick up Link!"

Kristen said while playing with her phone without looking up.

Emma's face turned red and she stared at her, "Nonsense, I didn't!"

Blake Lively looked at her and thought that Link was good at 'critical strikes', and couldn't help but feel worried for her.


"Link, we all know that you are dating Ms. Taylor Swift. Have you ever had any conflicts or conflicts? Have you ever taken action?"

Ms. Alyssa asked during the show.

Link shook his head slightly: "Of course we have small conflicts between lovers, but when we encounter conflicts, we will sit down and talk seriously. Whoever is wrong will take the initiative to admit his mistakes. I usually admit more mistakes because Taylor is very good at writing songs, one after another. If I don't admit my mistakes, she will write me into the song, and those songs will make me sweat."


Ms. Alyssa laughed.

"Yes, you will know how good she is when she releases a new album. She is a musical genius and can write anything into songs. And those songs are very good. When I get along with her, I love her and respect her more. Of course, I won't hit her."

Link shrugged and said.

Papapapa! The audience applauded his answer.

"During the chat, we can also feel Link's personality, peaceful, humorous, and polite. I also believe that such a person will not use domestic violence, so Taylor's fans can rest assured."

Ms. Goldberg smiled at the camera.


"Taylor, has Link ever hit you?"

Mrs. Andrea asked at Swift's villa.

"He hit me? Of course not, I'll beat him up more or less."

Taylor took her brother Austin's homework in her hand and took a look, "You did it all wrong, go back and do your homework! No TV!"

Austin lowered his head in grievance.

"You hit Link?"

Mrs. Andrea frowned.

"Well, no, I just punched him occasionally, hitting his chest and shoulders. He has strong muscles, so it doesn't hurt at all."

Taylor gestured.

"That's not okay either. Link didn't hit you because he was letting you go. You can't be too strong."

"Got it."

Taylor shrugged her shoulders and blinked at the TV. The host asked Link that he heard he could cook. Link said yes, cooking is one of his hobbies. The host praised him as a good man and Taylor was very lucky to meet a boyfriend like him.

Link responded that he was the luckiest person in the world to have a girlfriend like Taylor.

"Hate it! Why are you saying this?"

Taylor covered her red cheeks and said shyly.

Mrs. Andrea looked at Link, who was dressed in a neat suit, handsome and with a gentle smile on TV, and then looked at Taylor, who had disheveled hair. "Why do I suddenly feel that you are not worthy of Link?"

Taylor was stunned for a moment and said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, how can you say that? I am also very good, okay?"

"I want you to be more careful. Men like Link are too rare. There are many women waiting to take over. You'd better be more careful."

Mrs. Andrea got up and went into the restaurant.

Taylor frowned and blinked his blue fox eyes.

"Taylor, is Link good at fighting?"

Austin asked.

Taylor realized that his brother was still watching TV. "He is the world boxing champion, of course he is good."

"Someone bullied me at school. Can I ask Link to beat them?" Austin asked.

"Someone bullied you? Why don't you tell Dad?"

"It's no use telling Dad. After the principal criticized them, they will still tease me."

Austin rubbed his nose and said weakly.

"You are useless!" Taylor tapped his forehead, "Go tell them that your brother-in-law is Link. If anyone dares to bully you, tell Link to beat him up in school next time."


Austin grinned happily.


On the TV show, the interview lasted for nearly an hour. When it was almost time to end, Link took a sip of water and heard the host Ms. Goldberg ask,

"Link, the last question is also a question that many people are concerned about. After the last Grammy incident, the conflict between you and Lil and others caused a big stir in the entertainment industry and attracted a lot of attention.

The last time Lil and 50 Cent came to our show for an interview, they fully realized their mistakes and made solemn apologies to all the singers participating in the Grammy Awards, all the fans, and you.

Afterwards, you tweeted "let it go". The media speculated that you were using this method to express reconciliation. Is that right?"

Link shrugged his shoulders. "I know that rappers are a group of people with more personality, including Kanye. It is difficult for people without personality to write those cool songs, so I understand their various behaviors and words. Now they have recognized their mistakes and apologized to me. I appreciate this and I will naturally not care about it anymore."

"When you mentioned Kanye, do you mean to forgive him together?" Ms. Goldberg asked.

Link chuckled and said, "Yes, if he needs to be forgiven."

"The great reconciliation of the century, a Hollywood ending, let's applaud Link together."

Ms. Goldberg took the lead.

There was a warm applause at the scene.

Link thanked everyone.

"Shit! I didn't do anything wrong, why should I ask him to forgive me, this damn bastard is riding on my popularity again, I will never forgive him."

Kanye picked up the bottle on the table and smashed the TV screen.

"Alright Kanye, Link is no less famous than you now, and he doesn't need to ride on your popularity."

Eminem laughed.

"Humph, that's because he succeeded in riding on my popularity. Before this incident, he definitely didn't have such a high reputation in the entertainment industry, this cunning guy."

Kanye cursed with a dark face.

Eminem shook his head. Ever since Kanye became famous, he often wore a baseball cap and big sunglasses when he went out, or wrapped his head with cloth to prevent people from recognizing him and taking advantage of his traffic. He seemed to have paranoia.

"Let's go to the bar. Lil and the others are here."

Eminem asked.

"No, I'm too angry these days. I wrote a few more songs. I want to get the new album out as soon as possible to let Link know that if you want to gain a foothold in the music industry, hype alone is useless. Strength is the most important thing."

Kanye picked up the glass and drank it in one gulp. He angrily went out and did not forget to put on his baseball cap before leaving.

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