"Link, you just performed very well, the show must be very good."

After leaving the ABC TV building, Ms. Mandy praised.

"I hope you are right."

Link exhaled and got into the car.

After the ABC interview, there are CBS Tonight Show, NBC "Saturday Night Live", TBS "Conan Show", "Jamie Kimmel Live" and so on. It is also a big challenge to deal with different types of hosts.

Link suddenly realized that being a celebrity is not an easy thing. If public figures want to get enough exposure, they need to deal with the media more. The media is a double-edged sword. When exposing their own advantages, their shortcomings will also be exposed and magnified.

Sometimes, if you accidentally say the wrong thing, your personal reputation and career prospects will be affected.

This situation is similar to walking on a tightrope. It is best not to make any mistakes.


"The View" will be broadcast at noon on Saturday. Before the broadcast, ABC TV station promoted in advance that the guest invited this time is Link Baker, a controversial figure in recent times.

Because Link is famous enough, this program is also quite popular.

After the program was broadcast, the average ratings ranged from 14 million to 18 million users, and the highest reached 17.88 million, setting the highest ratings record of the view in 2009.

The program effect is indeed good. Link has gained a large number of female fans with his handsome and healthy image and good conversation. They think he is the best date of the year and a popular lover.

Eva Ka also called to tease him, saying that when she went to the party, many wealthy socialites came to her to ask for his contact information and wanted to date him, asking him if he wanted to meet him?

Link was naturally not interested. In terms of wealthy families, Eva Ka and Taylor are the wealthy families, one is born and the other is acquired.

With these two wealthy beauties around, he is not very interested in other wealthy socialites.

In addition to the good aspects, this program also brought some negative effects.

In order to increase traffic, some online media intercepted a sentence of Link in the interview and published some controversial news.

For example, "Link said that violent tendencies are a rare quality", "Link was a guest on the view, boasting about his sexual ability and claiming to be one of the most powerful men in the world", and "Link mentioned Kanye on the show, apparently dissatisfied with Kanye's failure to apologize".

Thanks to the hype of these topics, Link's name stayed in the media for another half a month, and his album sold tens of thousands more copies.

In March, Link was busy in Los Angeles for a whole month, doing program interviews, shooting commercials, shooting MVs, etc. In the middle, he returned to Miami to participate in Lady Gaga's tour concert held at the Hard Rock Stadium.

There were 68,000 spectators at the concert, and it was the first time for Link to sing in front of so many people.

When he was on the stage, singing "Despacito" and "Unstoppable", tens of thousands of people in the audience waved and sang together. The scene was very shocking, completely different from the shouting in a boxing match.

Fortunately, he performed well, and after the concert, his performance was also praised by many media.

Fans also left messages on his Twitter, urging him to start the tour as soon as possible, otherwise every time they want to see his concert, they have to go to other people's concerts.

After a busy March, Link ushered in an even busier April in the "Fighter" crew.


"Link Link, have you seen the news? I'm in the finals."

During the break in the filming of the "Fighter" crew, Link received a call from Mario, who told him in a very excited tone that he had successfully made it to the finals of the United States Amateur Championships.

The United States Amateur Championships is one of the three major amateur boxing events in the United States. It is held by the American Amateur Boxing Association. Every year in March and April, the contestants are recommended by the amateur boxing associations of each state, with three places in each level in each region, and then go to the championship venue to participate.

The first round of elimination, the second round of qualifying, the third round of finals, and the finals are divided into 1/8, 1/4, and 2/1.

With Mario's level, it is not bad to be able to make it to the top eight of the light heavyweight class.

"Link, our boxing gym is going to have another champion. Do you want to come and watch my match? My performance is definitely not worse than yours."

Mario shouted with a little pride.

Link raised his eyebrows. This guy is still that kind of person. He can't help but show off when he has a little achievement.

"Really? What's your KO rate?"

"This amateur competition mainly depends on skills, and KO rate is not important."

Mario said hesitantly.

"Okay, if you can make it to the semifinals, I will come to watch your match."

"Okay, wait and see, the light heavyweight champion of this tournament must be mine."

Mario shouted confidently.

Link smiled, hung up the phone, and called Coach West again.

He asked about Reggie and other boxers' results.

This year, West Boxing Gym is more lively than last year. There are more than 20 adult boxers, a large group of boxing apprentices, and more than a dozen boxing coaches and assistant coaches. It has become a large boxing club.

Coach West told him that Reggie participated in the super middleweight competition and also entered the third round of the finals.

Reggie has not lost a single match in this competition and is ranked in the top three in the super middleweight division, giving him a chance to challenge for the championship.

Mario lost one game in the second round and is currently ranked eighth, with a chance to enter the top five.

However, it is also good news that both of them can enter the finals.

"Link, start shooting."

Assistant Anna came over to remind him.

Link nodded, handed the phone to Anna, walked into the set and started performing.

In the movie "The Fighter", he played Mickey Ward, who was a second-rate boxer in the early stage. Later, with the help of his girlfriend, brother and family, he became the champion of a small boxing organization.

The story is not very inspirational, at least not as inspirational as Link's story, but the main selling point of this movie is brotherhood, family and career.

Today's shooting of "The Fighter" Act 6, Scene 34, 3 shots.


In a busy bar, Link, wearing a dirty cotton T-shirt, stared blankly at the girl who was busy at the counter. It was the heroine Karin played by Amy Adams.

Amy Adams, wearing a red sling, with cold white skin, long curly blond hair, denim hot pants, and a plump butt, was skillfully mixing cocktails at the counter. She looked very sexy.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at my butt?"

Amy Adams asked without looking back.

This was the first scene where the hero and heroine met. Link heard her words, scratched his head, and looked back at coach Mike and brother Dick in the booth.

"Go ahead, be brave!"

Coach Mike urged.

Link took another step forward, but still didn't have the courage to speak.

"Your dad often stares at my butt, but he will talk to me."

Amy Adams dealt with a few drunks, turned around and looked at him and said.

"He, he said you are the hottest girl here."

Link approached the counter and said with his head slightly lowered.

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