"Mr. Baker, the SAT test results are out, have you checked?"

When he came out of Link Music, a young man dressed as a reporter ran out of the cafe opposite with a camera and blocked his way.

Link held the car door and asked, "Are the SAT results out?"

"Yes, it came out yesterday, Mr. Baker, why don't you check it now?" the young man said with a smile.

Link smiled softly. He was busy filming these days and forgot about the exam. He took out his mobile phone and called Anna and asked her to check it on the computer.

"Link, guess what score you got on the test?"

Anna asked in a brisk tone.

"Do you have 1,000 points? If not, don't talk about it. I have reporters here."

"1360 points!"

"1360 points? How could I get such a high score?"

Link said in surprise.

Anna smiled and explained to him that he had almost full marks in reading and grammar, and almost full marks in the third part of mathematics using a calculator. Only the last part had a larger deduction.

Link was very satisfied with this score. Although it was not a perfect score, it was still pretty good. The more than twenty sets of simulated exams were not in vain.

"Mr. Baker, you got a score of 1360?"

the reporter asked quickly.


"Mr. Baker, congratulations, will you continue to study in college?"

"It's still under consideration. Once confirmed, I will arrange for the brokerage company to issue an announcement."

Link responded, waved and got into the car.

Before he returned to his Yorkville apartment, there was a report on his SAT score on Yahoo News, saying that he was able to score 1360 points while working and studying. He was a hidden academic master and suggested that all teenagers should learn from him. .

Then Link's phone number was inundated with calls. The first person to call was Taylor, asking him if he really got a score of 1360?

"Of course, as a public figure, I can't just make up a score and fool the public."

Link opened the door while talking on the phone.

"My dear, you are so amazing. You can test so many tests even if you just do a few sets of questions. What do you think I can get by taking the SAT?"

Taylor asked.

"You must be taller than me. You are so smart. The SAT test is so easy for you!"

"Humph, you have such a sweet mouth, are you eating outside behind my back?"

"Haha, how is that possible? I just got off the plane. What did I eat secretly?"

Link sweated and secretly praised Taylor for her sharp mind and perhaps a sixth sense. It would be best not to have something like Amy Adams happen again in the future.

"That's not necessarily the case. Last time I just went shopping once, and you shot a popular MV. It took me half a day to go to New York and ten dates."

"Stop joking, why don't you come to New York too? I just entered the apartment and it's so lonely all alone."

"Let's go in a few days. I have a lot of work these days."

"All right!"

Link asked about work matters again. Big Machine Records was still promoting Taylor's second album "Fearless".

In March, as Mercedes-Benz designated "Dream it possible" as its advertising song, UNICEF also made the song its official promotional song. The song once again topped the Billboard singles chart. , staying on the list for 22 consecutive weeks.

There is also the third promotional single "You Belong with Me", which also became the number one song on the US Billboard Radio Music Chart with a record of 117 million listeners last week, and has been number one for two consecutive weeks.

Taylor is also the first female singer to have a number one hit on the Billboard radio chart with a country music single.

The album "Fearless" has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide and is expected to exceed 10 million copies this year.

The album continues to sell well, and Taylor's work schedule has expanded and she's now in Nashville performing at a country music festival.

After chatting for a while, I just hung up the phone when Ivaca called again and asked about exam questions.

"Link, did you cheat?"

Ivaca asked bluntly.

"Do you cheat on the SAT? I could score more than 1,300 on those questions with my eyes closed. In fact, I admire some people who have studied in school for seven or eight years and took the exam very seriously, but only scored more than 1,000. This one is more difficult than mine.”

"Link Baker! What are you talking about?!"

On the phone, Miss Iwaka's voice was cold, as if she was speaking through gritted teeth.

Link felt a chill go down his spine. Thinking of the methods she used to deal with Kanye and others last time, he thought it would be better not to offend her.

"Eva, I was kidding."

"Humph, Graeme just called and said that you have written more than ten good songs. The genre is similar to Give Me Reason. You can make another album. Since you have so many good songs, why didn't you come up with them before? Do you want me to keep urging you?”

"Eva, writing songs takes time. It's not that I finish writing and leave it there without giving it to you."

Link explained quickly.

"One more thing, I have recently taken a liking to two singers. If you have time, you can come over and take a look."

"Really? If you like it, sign it. You have great vision. I believe you."

"Come when you are asked, don't be nagging."

"All right!"

When Link heard that she hadn't hung up the phone yet, he asked again: "Eva, you seem to be in a bad mood. What happened?"

Eva snorted softly in the microphone and said in a soft voice: "There is a man who is pursuing me, but I don't want to get involved with him anymore. What do you think I should do?"

Link thought of the many wealthy children at that cocktail party, "Do you need me to be a shield?"

Ivaca was silent for a while, "Forget it, I can handle this matter. You should do your job first and don't mess around outside. If you need a woman, I can arrange it for you."

"Uh, I didn't mess around."

"You better be."

Ivaca hung up the phone first rudely.

Link wiped his forehead, feeling helpless, thinking that he was an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a popular singer, and a quasi-billionaire, but he would still sweat nervously while talking on the phone with a woman.

This woman is too domineering.

Hanging up the phone, the phone showed twelve missed calls and more than fifty text messages and MSN messages, including Selena, Ms. Mandy, Dino, Gadot, Franco, Paul Walker, and Michelle Rodri. Getz, Lady Gaga, Amber and more.

Most of the text messages were in a joking tone, congratulating him on his good grades, congratulating him on becoming a college student, and calling him a top student.

Just as he was about to reply to the message, a delicate little round face appeared on the screen, which was Selena's phone number.

"Selena, do you want to congratulate me? Thank you, I received it."


Selena said with a nasal voice, very dissatisfied, "Bad guy, who asked you to take such a high score? You are so busy and you still take so many scores. What do you want me to do? Wuwu, Link, you must write to me again. One, no, three songs can coax me."

Link smiled softly, "You will also take the SAT test next year, right? If your score is higher than mine, I will write three poems for you."

"Higher than 1360 points? This is too difficult."

Selina said in a soft and embarrassed voice.

"Don't you want to beat me? You definitely can't fight, and you can't sing either. The only place where you can beat me is the SAT exam, so come on, little girl!"

Link laughed.

"Okay, I accept this challenge. I will definitely defeat you on the SAT exam."

Selena said confidently.

Selina asked him a few more questions about the exam before transferring the phone to Catherine.

Catherine asked him which university he was going to attend and what major he was going to.

Link thought about it. He didn't have time to study in school, and he couldn't earn enough credits in school like other students, so it was easier to apply for a sports major. As long as he got good results in sports events, it wouldn't be difficult to graduate.

Therefore, you can major in sports as an undergraduate, and study for a double degree when you have free time to recharge your batteries. If you want to learn more, you can apply for graduate studies in other majors after graduation and strive to get a doctorate.

Hearing that he would study for a Ph.D. in the future, Selina screamed, "You're crazy!"

Catherine agreed with his opinion and thought his idea was very good. She wanted Selina to study for a Ph.D. in the future.

Amid Selina's protests, Link hung up the phone with satisfaction, and unexpectedly discovered that the fourth call that came in was from 'Mario'.

"Mario, you also saw my SAT scores? Thank you, I received your congratulations."

"SAT? What?"

Mario muttered, "Link, you said you would come to watch my game last time. Now that I have entered the semi-finals, when will you come?"

It turned out that this was the matter. He said he knew about it and would definitely be there tomorrow.

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