The 2009 National Amateur Boxing Championship was held in Louisville, Kentucky.

Kentucky is an ordinary state among the major states in the United States, but it is the hometown of Colonel Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Louisville may sound unremarkable, but it is the place where Muhammad Ali was born.

The championship is held at Cardinal John Stadium, a large comprehensive sports venue that can accommodate nearly 80,000 spectators.

At noon, when Link wore a baseball cap and walked into the stadium with Dino, Simon, and Morales, there were not many spectators, about 20,000, and the 48-kg weight class was held on the two rings in the middle. Semi-finals for the bantamweight and super heavyweight classes over 92kg.

The players on both sides wore red and blue protective gear and competition T-shirts and were attacking each other. Since the players on both sides of the super heavyweight competition were big men, there were more people watching.

"Amateur competitions are boring. I played for a long time and didn't get a single KO!"

Dino looked at the stage and complained.

"If you want to become a professional boxing agent, you should also watch boring matches carefully. Maybe among these boring boxers, there are future world boxing champions hidden in them."

Link said as he walked.

When Christmas was approaching last year, Mario and Morales were stimulated by him and set a small goal on the spot, one to participate in the amateur boxing championship and the other to participate in the Golden Gloves.

Dino also wanted to find something to do and asked Link what his opinion was.

Link advised him to inherit the family business and start as a broker.

Go around the world to search for some well-qualified boxers, sign them and train them.

He comes from a family of boxers and often watches top boxers train and compete. He has seen a lot and has a better vision than other agents.

If you are lucky, you can make a lot of money by signing a future boxing champion.

Dino thought it made sense. He traveled around Colombia, Mexico, Canada and other places at the beginning of the year and brought back three Latina women with very hot figures. He claimed that he would train them into boxers. Old Duva almost died after hearing this. So angry.

Later, Dino explained to Link that after looking around, he felt that none of the amateur boxers were good, and none of them could compare to him.

Link was helpless and told him directly that Deontay Wilder, Andy Ruiz Jr., Joe Smith Jr., Haitian Peters and others who participated in the Olympic qualifying competition last year were all good.

They have experienced competition and have the value of training.

Dino went to find a few more people to sign contracts, but unfortunately he arrived too late. After the Olympic series, those people also became famous and were signed one after another.

Only light heavyweight Joe Smith Jr. was left undecided, and Dino signed him with a promotion contract worth 1 million.

Link didn't know much about Joe Smith Jr.'s future. He only remembered that the opponent was the only one to KO Bernard Hopkins in the game, and he was pretty good.

After arriving at the game site, Link walked into the coaching area and met Coach West, Mario, Reggie and others. He had just met everyone last time when he returned to Miami for a concert, so it didn't take long for him to meet again. Small talk.

"Link, I want to win the championship today too."

The blond Reggie said excitedly when he saw him.

"Come on! I hope you are the second champion to come out of our boxing gym."

"Okay! I promise it is!"

Reggie fist-bumped him.

Mario said coolly to Link: "Link, be careful, this time I will KO my opponent and win."

"Stop bragging, protect your head first, be careful not to get KO'd by your opponent."

Coach West criticized with his eyes widened.

"Hmph! Of course not, I will win this one."

Mario said, beating his somewhat muscular chest muscles.

Since he was preparing to compete in the cruiserweight competition last year, he started a weight-loss plan. He lost more than ten pounds in more than three months, his belly was smaller, and he also gained some muscle lines, but his face full of flesh was still That look of needing a beating.

"Mario, I have a hunch that you will be knocked out by the opponent in this game."

"I was KOed? You're talking nonsense! I definitely won't."

Mario said angrily.

"Really, wait and see."

Link smiled softly and sat down on the front row of the coaching bench.

In the ring, the super heavyweight and bantamweight competitions ended one after another, and the boxers participating in the heavyweight and flyweight semi-finals took the stage.

Mario waved his fist at Link, told him to watch, and then strode onto the ring.

"Will Mario really lose?"

Dino asked from the side.

"I don't know. I need to compare to know."

Mario's opponent is a 25-year-old black man who is 188 centimeters tall and weighs 195 pounds. He has an amateur record of 68 fights and 55 wins. His strength is B+ and his technique is B-. His overall strength is about the same as Mario's.

After the game started, Mario chose to take the initiative to attack, and the opponent was not to be outdone. The two of them exchanged dozens of punches. In the first round, there was no winner.

Mario continued to attack in the second round, and his opponent also used the same tactics. The second round was also indecisive.

In the third round, both sides were exhausted and sweaty. Mario continued to attack, while his opponent chose to defend and counterattack.

It's just that the opponent's defense skills are very average. Mario often trains with Link and Morales, and he has good performance in technique and punch weight. In the third round, he hit the opponent's face with a jab, knocking him out. Got a stagger.

"Mario is going to win."

Morales said.

Link nodded. Mario was once a heavyweight boxer. His strength was not inferior to his opponent, and his skills were slightly better than his opponent. Mario also had an obvious advantage, which was better psychological quality.

This was related to Mario's experience in the main competition training ground. Training in a large training ground allowed him to meet many different types of boxers and have the opportunity to compete with many world boxing champions.

When a boxer has fought with a world boxing champion, he will have a more stable mentality and more skilled skills when fighting with ordinary boxers.

The two sides fought for five rounds, and finally Mario defeated his opponent with a score of 37:24.

"Link! Link! I won! Look at me with your eyes wide open, I won!"

Mario shouted at Link while pulling the rope.

Link deliberately showed a surprised expression and nodded slightly.

"Don't shout! It's just the semi-finals, not the finals. Don't be too happy too early."

Coach West shouted.

Mario shrugged his big nose and walked off the boxing ring unhappily.

After the heavyweight competition, after several rounds of competition, it was Reggie's turn to compete in the 69kg super middleweight class.

Reggie participated in the finals. His skills were very good. After Link and Mario left, Coach West treated him as a core disciple and gave him all his experience and training resources.

Reggie's performance on the stage was also good. He was well-mannered and skilled.

After five rounds of competition, Reggie won the game with a slight advantage of 21:18 and won the super middleweight gold medal.

Coach West was very excited to see Reggie win.

Strictly speaking, Reggie was the disciple he trained.

Link is a genius who will shine wherever he is placed. Mario is a stubborn stone who is more influenced by Link. Although Reggie is also influenced by Link, he still follows West's guidance in training.

Reggie won the championship, and Coach West made great contributions.

"Coach West, Link, Mario, I also have a gold medal."

Reggie came down with the gold medal and shouted excitedly.

"Reggie, you did a great job!"

Everyone congratulated Reggie.

"Reggie, don't be so excited, I'll have that medal soon."

Mario crossed his arms and looked at the gold medal on Reggie's body with a sidelong glance, with some envy on his face that he couldn't hide.

"Mario, you don't have to be too stressed. I won the gold medal last year, Reggie this year, you will win next year. It's not bad for our boxing gym to win one a year."

Link laughed.

"Why? I want to win it this year too. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

Mario turned his head and snorted coldly.

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