After training ended in the afternoon, Link drove to the Rooftop Music Bar on Third Avenue in Manhattan.

The last time he met Director Darren, he made an appointment here. Later he found that the environment here was good and the transportation was convenient. He had been here four or five times and it was considered a relatively familiar place.

But today Ivaca also chose this place to meet, which surprised him a little, and he felt that the other party might be staring at him.

When we arrived on the second floor, there were not many people. There were only five seats in the sixteen booths with guests. Link glanced at the aisle and saw Iwaka's figure.

She was sitting on the reading shelf in the corner, wearing a moon-white dress, revealing her slender white arms, and her long golden brown hair was tied up at the back.

She doesn't have much jewelry on her body, just an exquisite diamond-encrusted watch, and a thin platinum necklace hanging from her swan neck.

Her location was originally relatively remote and the light was dimmer, but when she sat there, the light seemed to suddenly light up, glowing with white mist.

When Link passed by, Ivaca was flipping through a magazine, and there was a young man wearing designer clothes standing next to her. I don’t know what Ivaca said when she lowered her head, but the man walked away with a sad face and slumped shoulders.

"Eva, what did you just say to him?"

Link sat down opposite and smiled.

Ivaca glanced at him, straightened her graceful waist, folded her calves on her knees, and said calmly: "I told him that my boyfriend is here."

"So I acted as a shield again?"

"you are not willing?"

"Of course not, it's my pleasure."

Link smiled softly, called the waiter, and ordered a cup of scented tea.

"This is a bar, why don't you order a drink?"

Ivaca asked gracefully as she swung her wine glass.

"I'm only 20, not the legal age to drink."

Link shrugged his shoulders. The legal drinking age in the United States was 21, which was still a little short of him. Of course, if he wanted to drink, no one would come to catch him. This was just an excuse for him not to touch alcohol.

The corner of Ivaca's lips moved, but she quickly regained her composure. She flipped through the magazine and said, "The news said that you sang a new song at the country music festival and showed your love to Taylor Swift in a high-profile way. It's quite romantic."

"Yeah, I learned it from movies."

Link smiled slightly proudly.

"Huh, I told you last time not to sing the songs in the album casually in public before the album is released, but you didn't do it."

Ivaca stared at him with her delicate eyebrows furrowed, and her aura became sharper.

Link laughed dryly. He sang the song "All of me" at the music festival last time. Afterwards, the media took the opportunity to hype up his and Taylor's love, saying that the two were the most well-matched couple in the entertainment industry.

That song has also experienced a huge increase in exposure and has been sought after by many people. It is considered the most classic love song in recent years.

Many fans left messages on his Twitter, asking him to release the studio version as soon as possible. Everyone wants to hear it as soon as possible.

It’s just that this is a song from the third album and it hasn’t been released yet.

"Eva, it was my fault. I promise I won't do it again next time."

Link said holding the tea cup.

Iwaka shook her head and glanced at her watch: "Graeme and I have discussed that since this song has been released, the third album should be put on the schedule earlier. The second album will be released in June, and the third album will be released in January next year. Do you have any opinion?"

"No problem. Regarding work matters, I will follow your arrangements."

Link nodded and smiled.


On the first floor of Rooftop Music Bar, a tall girl with heavy makeup came in from outside carrying a guitar.

Lily, the bartender, saw her and immediately approached her and said, "Lana, Link is here, at the corner of the second floor."

The girl with heavy makeup glanced upstairs and immediately cheered up, but shrugged her shoulders the next second and said, "Forget it. I sang several times but couldn't attract his attention. He must not have noticed it." I."

"Lana, don't give up. You sing so beautifully. Why don't you try again?"

Lily encouraged.

She was friends with Lana and knew that Lana wanted to be a professional singer.

By chance, she saw Link sitting at a bar, so she gave Lana advice, sang to Link, and tried to find a way to impress him.

Link is not only a singer, but also has a music company. If he can be impressed, he will have the opportunity to become a singer.

"Okay, let's try again."

The girl with heavy makeup hesitated for a moment, nodded, and carried the guitar to the second floor. She immediately saw Link sitting in the corner.

Wearing a baseball shirt with a stand-up collar, short black hair, blue eyes, and an angular profile, it seemed as if it had been carefully carved by a sculpture artist, making it delicate and three-dimensional.

There were no acne marks or scars on his face, not even a single freckle. It was as clean and refreshing as the sky in Hawaii.

His raised sword eyebrows are dark and thick, symbolizing his strong and masculine character, while the slightly raised corners of his lips appear gentle and sensual.

The first time Lana saw him in person, she was amazed by his face. She felt that this kind of person didn't need any talent and could charm a large number of girls with just his face.

But he is also an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, a popular singer, and a youth idol.

Lana told Lily privately that people like Link were born to be envied and jealous.

In order to attract his attention, every time she heard Link coming to the bar, she would put on beautiful makeup, dress up carefully, and come to the bar to sing.

But she sang here three or four times, and Link didn't even look over, which made her very frustrated. She felt that she was doing useless work, and she also complained that Link had poor hearing and didn't know how to appreciate music.

She also saw the girl opposite Link, blonde, big-breasted, and tilted her swan neck when she spoke. She had a good temperament. It seemed to be Evaka.

Evaka was a socialite and often appeared in magazines and TV. She naturally knew her.

In addition, Evaka was also the co-founder of Link Music.

Are they dating or talking about work?

Lana glanced at the two of them, showing a wicked smile, holding a guitar and sitting in front of the microphone, singing "You Belong with Me" from Taylor's second album.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend

She's upset, she's going off about something that you said

Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

"What do you think of her singing?"

Evaka stopped talking and pointed in the direction of the stage.

Hearing someone singing Taylor's songs, Link turned his head and looked. It was the female singer with heavy makeup.

He had heard her sing several times in the bar.

She sang well, with a hoarse and lazy voice, similar to the psychedelic music and decadent Trip-Hop style of the United States in the 1960s, like a professionally trained singer.

It's just that there are too many such singers in bars and nightclubs in Los Angeles and New York, and there are many people whose strength is not worse than that of professional singers.

However, the resources in the music industry are limited and the competition is fierce. It is difficult to gain a foothold in the music industry without super singing ability, creative ability, or outstanding appearance.

For example, Taylor's singing ability and appearance are above A level, and his creative ability is S;

Link himself has an S-level appearance, an A-level singing ability, and his creative ability will be S-level in the next 20 years. He is also a celebrity with his own traffic and capital.

These are the capital for the two to gain a foothold in the music industry.

The girl on the stage has an average appearance, unknown creative ability, and an A-level singing ability. She can only be regarded as a singer with more potential and can be signed or not.

"Not bad, but her voice is a bit sad, not suitable for Taylor's cheerful songs."

Link suddenly remembered that Eva Ka said last time that she had taken a fancy to two good singers and asked him to go and see them together.

"Is she one of the two singers you took a fancy to?"

"Yes, I have seen the videos she posted on YouTube and think she has a certain value in training."

"Then talk to her, I believe in your vision."

Link nodded. He originally wanted to sign a contract with her, and now Eva Ka also had this idea, so he could sign her and try.

He called the waiter and took out a business card and handed it to the girl who was singing.

After Lana finished singing and was about to leave the stage with her guitar on her back, a waiter came over and gave her a business card and pointed to Link's position.

Lana glanced at the two people and her heart was pounding.

She had met a few scouts before and signed a record contract in 2005, but unfortunately the market response was average, so she was abandoned by the record company.

Last year, she released her first personal EP "Kill Kill" at her own expense, but it didn't make any waves.

But she didn't want to give up, so she posted a singing video on YouTube, hoping to attract the attention of the record company and become a signed singer. However, after several setbacks, she didn't have much confidence in signing.

Now Link and Evaka are here, and they also sent her a business card.

Is this because they think highly of me and want to sign a contract with me?

Lana walked towards the two people with trepidation.

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