At around six o'clock in the afternoon, when it was time to get off work, a steady stream of people started to arrive at the door of Roortop Bar.

More than ten booths on the second floor were also occupied by drinkers.

In the booth next to the reading shelf, Link crossed his legs and listened to the conversation between Ivaca and the female singer opposite.

The female singer is in her twenties, wearing a small red leather jacket and jeans. She is tall and over 170 cm tall in sneakers.

From the face shape, she looks pretty good, but she wears black eye shadow, long false eyelashes, red lips, and the makeup is too heavy.

Wearing makeup is a normal thing. The women around Link all wear makeup, but Taylor usually only wears light makeup at home. Sometimes she is too lazy and simply wears makeup.

Ivaca's eyebrows, lips, cheeks, nails and other parts have all been carefully repaired to make them look so delicate and beautiful. It's just that her makeup skills are high, and it looks like light makeup.

In comparison, Link prefers light makeup. He feels that women who like heavy makeup use their faces and figures as their selling points, which also means they don’t have much to show, so they won’t pay much attention to them.

"Miss Grant, I saw there are many names on your video, Liz Grant, Finumono, Lana Del Rey, which one is your real name?"

Ivaca asked sideways.

"No, my real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, the others are all stage names."

Lana said as she glanced at Link, because she found that Link's expression was a little strange, and he was staring at her face, as if there was something dirty on her face.

When Link heard her stage name, he was actually a little surprised. "Sister Da Lei" seemed to be called Lana Del Rey.

She has sung the theme songs of "The Great Gatsby", "Young and Beautiful", "Video Games", "Summertime Sadness", etc.

He also collaborated with Taylor on "Snow on the Beach", won several Grammy Awards, and is quite famous in the international music scene.

Link had seen the poster of the other party. She was a brown-haired beauty with a classic charm. I don't know if it was because of plastic surgery or makeup. Her current appearance was not as outstanding as on the poster.

"Lana Del Rey? Does this stage name have any special meaning?"

Link asked.

"Yes, after Ms. Lana Turner and Mr. Ford Dre, who I consider my musical mentors."

Lana explained.

Link smiled softly. Lana Turner was a Hollywood female movie star in the 1950s and 1960s. She was nominated for an Oscar for the leading actress and was very beautiful.

Ford Dre is a Broadway theater actor. Link has only heard his name but has never seen his works. He is said to be handsome and charming.

Lana using this stage name is like someone named Monroe Edison.

Seeing that he stopped asking questions, Lana told some more about her situation. She was also from Manhattan, New York, and majored in philosophy at Fordham University.

In order to pursue her music dream, she chose to drop out of school in her sophomore year to become a singer. Last year she released a mini album, five of which were composed by her herself.

"Drop out of school to become a singer? Do your parents support your idea?"

Ivaca asked.

Lana shrugged her shoulders and said nonchalantly: "Pursuing my dreams is my personal matter and has nothing to do with them."


An inexplicable smile flashed in Iwaka's eyes, and she looked at Link, "Do you have anything else?"

Link thought for a moment, took a pen and wrote the lyrics and music score of "Young and Beautiful" on the paper, and pushed it in front of the other party.

From the name alone, he couldn't be sure whether the other party was Sister Da Lei, but he had heard this song, and the sound was very distinctive and unforgettable.

"Miss Dre, please try singing!"

Lana read it over and felt that the lyrics and melody were very ordinary. It was neither pop nor rock, nor country music style. It was a bit like the baroque pop of the 1960s, which was not her favorite type.

Because it was Link's request, she could only hold the guitar and play the intro according to the score above.

After playing it, it felt pretty good. She looked at Link in surprise. Did he just write this down?

I've seen the world

I have seen all the prosperity in the world

Done it all, had my cake now

After many vicissitudes, enjoy the sweet fruits

Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now

Nowadays, there are diamonds and jewelry, a great reputation, and a mansion.


After singing only a short section, Lana suddenly covered her mouth. She never knew that her voice would sound so good when paired with this kind of melody.

Ivaca also looked at Link in surprise. When Lana sang on stage just now, her voice had some characteristics, but it was completely incomparable to what she was singing now.

Now her voice is like that of a magnificent French opera singer, singing softly while lying on the velvet carpet of the Louvre. It is lazy, charming, gorgeous, and very ear-catching.

From this point of view, signing her is a good idea.

Link nodded as he listened. The singing voice was very similar. The other person should be Sister Da Lei.

"Ms. Del Rey, your voice is very unique. If you plan to be a singer, you can consider joining Link Music for development. We are confident that we can turn you into a real singer."

Link said.

Lana was stunned for a moment. She was about to sign a contract. Can she really sign a contract with a record company?

Considering her previous experience of being signed by a record company and then giving up after one album, she suppressed her excitement and asked: "Mr. Baker, how many records are you going to sign with me?"

Link looked at Iwaka, who stretched out her hand to signal that he would make the decision.

"You are a singer with potential. We want to cultivate you. Naturally, there will not be just one song. My plan is to have more than five songs."

Lana was a little surprised. There were more than five albums at the beginning. This decision was too bold. If her album sold well after its release, it would be good. If the album failed to sell well, the company would lose money.

But with the contract, the company cannot give up on itself and needs to continue to cooperate until five records are produced.

Link proposed a five-album contract. He was very optimistic about her and was deeply bound to her.

Lana looked at him, a little embarrassed. She had sang in front of Link several times before, but Link always showed no interest. She also secretly complained that Link was blind and didn't know how to appreciate it.

Now Link comes to her with a big contract.

She decided to take back her previous words. Link had a very high level of musical appreciation and he was definitely a musical genius.

"Mr. Baker, thank you for your interest in me. I am willing to join Link Music."

Lana smiled.


Link reached out and shook hands with the other person.

"Mr. Baker, I have a request. Can you be the producer of my five albums?"

Lana asked.

Link raised his eyebrows. This request was too difficult for him.

When a music producer needs to know how to train singers, they need to know soundtracks, reverb, electronic sounds, and various musical instruments. They need to be involved in pop, rock, blues, rap and other types of music, which is similar to an all-round musician.

For example, Mr. Graeme Goodall has played in a band and worked at Sony Music for 12 years. He has a very high reserve of professional knowledge and rich music production experience to be a producer.

Link does not possess these skills.

"Ms. Del Rey, I have a lot of part-time jobs and don't have time to participate in album production, but I can promise you that I will participate in the creation of your album songs in the future."

Link said.

Lana was first disappointed and then pleasantly surprised after hearing this. Link did have a lot of part-time jobs, which she understood, but Link was indeed very capable in music creation. He had written many good songs, and had two number one songs on the singles chart.

With his help writing songs, Lana felt that her path in the music industry was stable.


"Did you just write that song?"

Outside the bar, the neon lights were bright, and Ivaca walked beside him on high heels and asked.

"How's it going? Do you think I'm awesome?"

Link put his hands in his pockets with a smug smile on his face.

Ivaca glanced at the man beside her who was slightly taller than herself. He was handsome, tall, strong, and talented. He had no shortcomings, but she must not tolerate this kind of man.

"Yes, you are very good and a musical genius, so I am going to make your second album a deluxe version, and you will write the rest of the songs. This should not be a problem for a creative genius, right? "

Ivaca asked calmly.

"Deluxe version? Is this necessary?"

Link said with a troubled expression.

The standard version of the record has more than ten songs, and the deluxe version has more than twenty songs, and the price is also more expensive, but it is too difficult for him to write more than ten songs.

"Yes, it is necessary, and with your ability, I believe you can do it, right?"

Ivaca stopped and looked at him with blue-grey eyes. Link looked at her, shook his head and looked at the street light.

"No, I'm too busy and don't have that much time to write songs."

"Time is squeezed out. You said that before you compete with Tyson, you will do math problems in the lounge. Why can't you write a song?"

An inexplicable smile flashed in Ivaca's eyes.

Link's lips twitched. Last time on "The View", he was just joking when he said he took time to study before the game, but now Iwaka used it to fight against him.

"Then it's settled."

Seeing his dark face, Ivaca felt inexplicably happy. She said 'goodbye', carried her satchel and walked to the car on high heels. Under the bright neon lights, her peach butt wrapped in a tube skirt looked sexy. charming.

"Hey, when will you take me to meet the second singer you like?"

After meeting Sister Dailei, he felt that Evaka had a good eye for selecting people, and the second candidate might also be a future big singer.

Eva stopped at the back door of the car. Her tall and graceful figure was reflected in the black car, making her whole person look even more dazzling.

"There is no second. That bastard has bad conduct and looks very rude. I will not cooperate with a rude and rude person."

Ivaca said calmly.

Link laughed dryly, spread his hands and said, "Why don't you give him a chance? Men are like this. If you put a million dollars and a stunning beauty together, he will definitely look at the beauty first. This is a genetically inherited habit. It’s hard to change.”

"Okay, I'll give you the address and you can go and have a look."

Ivaca gave a name and address, and disappeared into the dusk street in a car.

Link shook his head. This woman is so seductive, it would be better to have less contact with her.

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