Seeing that it was still early, Link took the time to go to the Great Falls Bar mentioned by Ivaca and met the second person she recommended.

A white rock singer named Orlando Nathan sang well and looked good, but he was thin and had a tired look on his face. He looked like a drug addict.

Link gave up his intention to sign with the other party. The other party may be a talent, but he is also a very troublesome talent. He hates trouble.


Ding dong! Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong!

"Here it comes, don't press it."

He was training in the gym in the morning, and there was a rapid ringing of the doorbell at the door. Just by the rhythm of ringing the doorbell, he could guess that the person coming was Selena.

Opening the door, there was the annoying Selina outside.

Wearing a loose braid and a blue printed dress, she stood on tiptoe and pressed the doorbell on the wall. She had an excited smile on her face. When she saw him opening the door, she curled her lips in disappointment.

"How old are you? Still playing such boring games?"

Link asked helplessly.


Selena wrinkled the bridge of her nose, with an expression of "I'm happy".

"Selena, I gave you the key, why did you ring the doorbell?"

Catherine and Ms. Mandy came from behind carrying several bags of ingredients.

Link was often away from New York, so he left a key to the two of them and asked them to arrange for someone to clean it regularly.

Selena trotted over, took a bag, and said confidently: "He is a grown man at home. What should I do if I suddenly open the door and he has no clothes on? That would be so embarrassing."

"What are you thinking about all day?"

Ms. Mandy rolled her eyes.

Link shook his head in amusement, took a few bags, and invited everyone into the house.

Today is the weekend. Everyone doesn't have to go to work. Catherine and Ms. Mandy said they would come to his house for a dinner and cook him some delicious food. Link happily agreed.

Catherine and Ms. Mandy were busy cooking in the kitchen.

Link was watching the news on TV on the sofa in the living room. Selina was swinging her braids and wandering around the room, unable to relax at all.

Link saw her fans online calling her little princess, saying she was quiet, cute, ladylike and very lovable.

If her fans knew that she was like this in private, I don't know if they would turn from fans to fans.

"Link, can you use all the equipment in the gym?"

Selena walked out of the gym clutching a pair of pink dumbbells, which were Taylor's fitness dumbbells, two twenty pounds.

"Of course! If you want to exercise, I recommend you to lift barbells and build muscles so that you can film "Charlie's Angels 3" in the future."

Link encouraged.

"No! Girls don't look good if they have too many muscles. Don't try to lie to me."

Selina put the dumbbell on his stomach, picked up a bag of potato chips and stuffed a lot of them into her mouth.

"It's time to eat soon."

Link grabbed it and put it on the counter together with the dumbbells, receiving a big eye roll from Selina.

Selena took the remote control and switched to the MTV music channel. The top ten hit song MVs of April were playing on the TV.

There are Taylor's "You Belong With Me", Britney Spears' "Womanizer", Lady Gaga's "LoveGame", U2's "Where The Streets Have No Name", George Michael's "Freedom", Emina Tom's "We Made You", and Link's two songs "Despacito" and "Unstoppable".

Link's "Despacito" was filmed in a Latino community in Los Angeles. The dancers participating in the shooting were all Latino, as well as several hot Latino models.

The dance is also directed by Mr. Glenn Hanks, a top Hollywood choreographer. He is good at Latin dance, modern dance, and ballet. He was the choreographer of the "High School Musical" series.

The total investment in filming this MV exceeded 1 million US dollars.

After it was uploaded, fans generally believed that although the artistry of this version of the MV was higher than the original, and the video and dubbing were clearer, it was not as lively and interesting as the original version.

There is still one big bright spot missing, which is Miss Tangpu with a hot figure.

This MV was released on YouTube a week ago and has only had over 1.1 million views, which is a lot less than the original version of 20 million views.

In comparison, the "unstoppable" MV received more positive reviews.

The MV tells the story of a low-level boxer who kept pumping his fists for his dream, and finally defeated an opponent that everyone thought he could not defeat, and won love.

The male protagonist of the MV is played by Link himself, and the female protagonist is supermodel Doutzen Kroes, a beautiful blonde.

Due to the good looks of the male and female protagonists and the touching storyline, it was rated as one of the top ten popular MVs by MTV in April.

"It's so fake. How can an underground boxer have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Selina pouted her lips and said.

"Why not, don't forget he is a very handsome boxer."

Link said.

Selena blinked her big eyes, crossed one of her legs on the sofa, turned around and took his arm and shook it: "Link, you told me that you are a big scumbag and have several girlfriends, but I I’ve only seen one Taylor, where are the others? Is this Doutzen Kroes?”

"Of course not Doutzen, she's Taylor's friend."

Link shrugged. When filming this MV, Taylor made a special trip to the crew and watched the two kissing scenes. The kissing scene took four takes. After returning home, Taylor teased him that it was intentional. of.

Link shouted that he was wronged. Even if someone did it on purpose, it couldn't be him. After all, Taylor was watching from the side, so how could he dare.

"Isn't that the busty girl Ivaca?"

Selena asked curiously.


"Who is that? Tell me quickly, I promise, I will never tell Taylor."

Selena pursed her lips and said seriously.

"Are you sure you can keep it a secret?"

"Really! I swear, please tell me."

Selena shouted excitedly.

"Yes, she is indeed my sister. We are both good at keeping secrets, so I won't tell you."


Selena's eyes were wide open and she was breathing heavily, as if you've annoyed me, please come and comfort me.

Link stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead.


Selina suddenly exploded, yelled, and rushed towards him waving her hands.

Link gnawed on the apple and calmly stretched out three fingers to press her forehead, blocking all attacks two feet away.

Selina couldn't hit him with her fists and kicks. She was so angry that she puffed out her fleshy cheeks while eating, like an inflated pufferfish.

"What's going on here?"

Catherine looked at Selina who was fighting with Link with a smile.

"he bullies me."

Selina said angrily.

Link smiled softly and concentrated on the Italian delicacies on the table, including assorted vegetable soup, Italian grilled lobster, barbecue beef elbow, Zamagron salad, macaroni milleste, egg mince sauce, and ham noodles. A table full of Mediterranean flavors.

There was so much sex and fragrance that he had no time to talk.

"Link, will eating these affect your weight?"

Ms. Mandy asked.

"No, it will be digested after two more hours of training."

Link was eating grilled lobster, and his fingers were covered in oil.

"Eat more if you like."

Catherine served him a bowl of hawthorn soup.

Selina twisted her thin eyebrows and looked at her mother and Catherine, "I just said Link bullied me, didn't you ask how he bullied me?"

"Eat quickly and don't talk so much."

Ms. Mandy stuffed a piece of shrimp meat into her mouth, "Even if Link bullies you, it's your fault. You should reflect on it instead of making noise here."

Selena was stunned and pointed her finger at the tip of her nose. I have been bullied and I still have to reflect on it? Is this what my mother said?

"This beef is not bad, you can try it."

Link stuffed another piece of beef into her mouth, blocking what Selina was about to say.

Selina chewed the fragrant shrimp and beef, stared at him angrily, and decided to eat first, and then seek revenge on him when she had the strength.

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