Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 162 Little Assistant (Additional chapter 210 for the leader)

"Link, the agency has opened and currently has twelve employees, including three managers and five assistants. The next step is to sign artists. Do you want to recommend anyone?"

At the dinner table, Catherine and Mandy talked about the agency.

Last time, Link proposed setting up a brokerage company, signing several potential artists, and training them in the company. In the future, he could also place actor brokers in this company.

After Catherine and Mandy discussed it, they thought it was a good idea.

After negotiation, the two of them each contributed 50,000 US dollars, and Link invested 1 million to establish an artist management company called "Palm Island". The headquarters was first located in New York and there was a studio in Los Angeles.

Link thought for a moment and said: "Not yet. You sign the candidates you like first. I will make recommendations in the future."


Ms. Mandy nodded, thought for a while and said, "I talked to Gal Gadot a few days ago. She has joined the WME agency, and the resources there are pretty good."

WME is the William Morris Agency, one of the five major agencies in Hollywood, and is relatively powerful.

After hearing Mandy's words, Link said, "Forget it." When he mentioned Gadot, he mentioned it casually.

If Taylor really knew about signing Gadot to the agency he invested in, it would be a deliberate attempt to cause trouble for Taylor, and Taylor is a sharp-minded person, so it would be better to have fewer misunderstandings like this.

Gal Gadot?

Upon hearing the name, Selina, who was eating a salad, immediately stopped her fork and pricked up her ears.

It's a pity that Mandy and Link only talked about this and ended the topic.

Selina glared at him, thinking that this woman named Gale must be one of his secret lovers.

Hum! Link, now that I have a handle on you, let’s see how you bully me in the future.


After dinner, everyone talked about Link going to college.

After the SAT test results came out, dozens of prestigious schools in the United States sent people to invite him, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton and other top schools.

Considering that he will be busy with work in the future and will not have time to travel between places, he decided to join the sports management major at New York University nearby, mainly studying sports management, sports economics, sports law, sports communication, etc.

The conditions offered by New York University are also very generous, providing full scholarships and training funds of no less than US$30,000 each year.

The school's request is that he can join the New York University swimming team and arrange a team of professional swimming coaches for him to help him improve his swimming skills.

There will be additional rewards after winning the sports meeting.

The school also said that considering his limited time, it will arrange his courses flexibly to ensure that he can learn enough knowledge in college and graduate successfully.

In fact, Link received invitations from many universities at first, thinking that they were interested in his celebrity status.

After negotiating with several school representatives, I learned that they valued his swimming talent more and hoped that he could represent the school in competitions and help the school compete for honors.

After Link found out, he didn't mind. It was also one of his plans to participate in the sports meeting, continue to win gold medals, and continue to gain aura.

Representing your school has more benefits than participating as an individual.

"New York University is good and close to home. When you get tired from filming and performing concerts outside, you can go back to New York to rest. When you are free, you can go to school to study. When you graduate from college, you will only be 24 years old, which is the same age as other college students. Pretty much, it’s a good arrangement.”

Catherine smiled while drinking black tea.

"Link said that he will continue to study for a master's degree and a doctorate. If everything goes well, he will be less than thirty when he graduates. A thirty-year-old doctor, a world boxing champion, an Olympic champion, a singer, and a movie star. Link will definitely become a world entertainment star. The ultimate idol.”

Ms. Mandy said, clapping her hands.

Link smiled softly. There were indeed many of these haloes, and they were very dazzling. If you take any one of them, you can be called a high-quality human being.

Selena rolled her eyes. She used to be envious when she heard people say that there was a top-student brother in her family, but now she just feels so painful.

It felt like every word Catherine and Mandy said was meant to stimulate her, and maybe the next sentence would fall on her.


Selena secretly thought, "Sure enough," she forced a smile and asked, "Dear Mommy, why are you calling me?"

Ms. Mandy shook her head, "I don't have high requirements for you, just that you can finish college."

Selena drooped her round face and said "Oh". It will take four years to finish college. During these four years, she has to film, record albums and hold concerts, and go to school to read books. This requirement is still Not high?

She saw that Link was still smiling across from her, and she almost became angry. Old and new hatreds welled up in her heart. She screamed and rushed over to hug him. She opened her small mouth to bite his ear, but she just bit something. , a strong sour taste exploded in the mouth.

She opened her eyes and saw that Link was holding a piece of lemon in his hand, with teeth marks on it.


Selena covered her mouth, feeling so aggrieved that she wanted to cry.

Mandy and Catherine laughed.

Selina felt even more aggrieved, hugged Link and punched him several times angrily.

Jingle Bell!

It wasn't until the phone rang and Ms. Mandy told Selena to quiet down that Selina sat down with a pout and stared at Link angrily.

Ms. Mandy went to answer a phone call and came back to tell Link that it was MJ's agent who called and MJ arrived in New York today.

In order to prevent being exposed by the media, his schedule is still confidential.

MJ's agent asked Link when he would be free today or tomorrow to go to the Lincoln Cultural Arts Center to discuss the concert rehearsal.

"Michael Jackson?"

Selena didn't care about being angry and listened to Mandy's words attentively.

"Link, when are you going?"

Ms. Mandy asked.

Link looked at his watch, it was less than 12 o'clock noon.

"I'm free today, so I'll go now."

Mandy nodded and called again to discuss the meeting time with MJ's agent.

"Link, are you going to see MJ later?"

Selena asked with wide eyes.


Link nodded.

Selena blinked her wet eyelashes, "Katherine, I'm a fan of MJ, a die-hard fan, I like MJ very much."

"You can ask Link to bring you an autograph."

Katherine smiled.

Selena twisted her thin eyebrows, obviously this was not her purpose.

After Link changed his clothes and came out of the dressing room, he saw Selena looking at him expectantly. He smiled gently, "Anna has work to do, and I'm still short of an assistant. Do you want to try it?"


Selena jumped up happily and ran to the bathroom to wash her face and put on makeup.

"What cosmetics did you use? Remember to tell Taylor that it was you who used it."

"Got it!"

Selena muttered to herself, "Coward."

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