[Wednesday, "Billboard" magazine interview! Exclusive interview with a reporter from Vanity Fair! 】

Swish! A colored pen crossed over the form, leaving a bright red cross.

Link smiled softly. Perhaps only a busy person like himself could understand the joy of killing music. He straightened his tie in front of the mirror, put on his sunglasses and left the apartment.

At noon, a silver-gray Porsche commercial vehicle was parked on the driveway in front of Yorkville Apartments.

Seeing Link coming out, the driver Bob got down and opened the door. After Link got in the car, he drove towards the Metropolitan Cinema.

"Boss, Eminem called just now and said he wanted to talk to you about the new song and asked you when you would be free."

Assistant Anna said.

Link pinched his forehead. There is an awards ceremony and a company reception tomorrow, and there is no time the day after tomorrow.

"Ask Eminem if he has time on the weekend?"


Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Metropolitan Cinema, where the premiere of "Blue Sea 2" was held today.

This film was invested and produced by Columbia Pictures with a cost of less than 12 million US dollars. It was originally a small production that was not taken seriously.

However, as Link's album became a hit and his popularity grew, the film studio directly used the title of Link's first film when promoting it.

In the trailer released in March, he had as many roles as the male lead, changing from the third male lead to one of the leading actors.

On the movie theater poster, he and the hero were shirtless, with the heroine standing in the middle, like a love triangle.

Because of his participation, the media and fans have also paid great attention to this movie. Want to see what his first movie is like?

When the car arrived in front of the cinema, thousands of spectators and fans came to the scene, and a group of media reporters were waiting outside the red carpet area, taking photos and interviewing several celebrities who were invited to attend the premiere ceremony.

Including the male and female protagonists of "Blue Ocean 1" Paul Walker and Jessica Alba, as well as several more famous stars, Lindsay Lohan, Ashton Kutcher, etc.

They were invited by the distributor to come and show their support. They were working for money and had little to do with the movie.

Link opened the door and got out of the car. After waiting for a while, he saw Paul Walker driving over in a sports car. He was wearing a gray suit and looked very handsome.

"Hey Link, didn't you bring your girlfriend?"

Paul Walker greeted.

"I didn't invite her, she was very busy with work."

"I'm asking about the other girlfriends, are they all busy?"

Paul Walker winked and smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not as carefree as you."

Link patted him on the shoulder and pushed him onto the red carpet.

One of the two was wearing a blue suit, the other was wearing a gray suit, one had black hair, and the other had blond hair. They were both tall and straight, with handsome looks.

When the audience saw the two coming, they immediately burst into cheers and shouted their names.

Photographers kept pressing their shutters to take photos of the two handsome men walking side by side on the red carpet.

"Mr. Link Baker, can I interview you?"

several reporters shouted.

Link nodded and came to the edge of the red carpet for an interview.

"Mr. Baker, "Blue Sea 2" is your first movie starring in it. How did it feel during filming? Were there any difficulties?"

"Variety" entertainment magazine reporter asked.

"Yes, before filming this movie, I was a completely new actor and had no acting training. I did encounter many difficulties at the beginning of filming, but director Stephen Herrick is a very capable person. He taught me a lot on the set and we got through it together.”

Link talks in front of the camera.

"Mr. Baker, is participating in "Blue Sea 2" a temporary interest or do you plan to become a professional actor?"

asked a reporter from the New York Daily News.

"I like movies and acting. If there is a good script, I will consider playing more roles."

Link responded.

"Mr. Baker, I heard that you have entered New York University. We all know that you work a lot, including boxing, music, and movies. How do you usually arrange your time for work and study? Are you worried about failing the class?"

"American Express" reporter asked.

Link chuckled and said, "Yes, I am a little worried. I heard that if you fail a class, you will have to make up the exam, which will also affect your graduation. I don't want to be everyone's joke, so I will go to school as much as possible when I have time. "

"Mr. Baker, how is the recording of your second album going? When will it be released?"

"Baltimore Sun" reporter asked.

"It is being recorded. The specific release time depends on the company's arrangements."

Link answered a few more questions, waved goodbye to reporters and fans, and followed Paul Walker into the cinema.

The plot of "Blue Sea Tracking 2" is similar to the first one. It tells the story of a couple of divers who are hired by a big shot to find the legendary wealth lost by Columbus on the bottom of the sea.

During the search, they discovered the secret of their employer. It turned out that the employer was looking for two nuclear warheads.

In order to save the world and catch the mastermind behind the scenes, the hero and heroine battled wits and courage with the big shots. Finally, with the help of the police, they caught the mastermind behind the scenes. The two also found the treasure of Columbus, became rich men, and lived together happily.

Link plays the role of an assistant to a big shot in the play. He hires the male and female protagonists and goes to the sea with them to look for treasures, but secretly he is looking for nuclear warheads.

In the original script, his role is the confidant of the big shot, who leaks the situation of the male protagonist to the big shot and is finally caught by the police, but in the movie, he and the protagonist become friends and fight against the mastermind together.

Link watched it once and had to admire the skills of the film editor. They are obviously two unrelated plots, but they can be connected together by editing to express different meanings.

"Link, what do you think?"

Director Stephen Herrick asked sideways.

"It looks good."

He hasn't seen the original version, but considering that the movie is not well-known, he also thought it was a bad movie.

I just watched it for a while and found that the plot is more exciting than I imagined, and there are many highlights. The actresses are all very hot, and Link and several male actors are also handsome.

There are also sports cars, yachts, fighting, and explosions, which are more exciting than ordinary low-cost commercial films.

In addition, his original role was a villain, but now it has been changed to a decent one, and his role has been increased by more than ten minutes. He is not dissatisfied with it.

The only thing he is dissatisfied with is the salary. When he received this movie, he was the champion of the Golden Glove Championship, and his salary was only 100,000 US dollars. Including the publicity fee in the later stage, it was only 500,000 US dollars, which is not as much as a small advertisement endorsement.

"Link, you are very suitable for action movies, and now among Hollywood actors, most of the male stars who are good at action movies are old, and the new generation has not yet grown up. If you want to achieve something in the film industry, you can consider becoming an action actor."

Director Stephen said.

Link nodded. Being an action actor is indeed a suitable development direction, but he knows that Hollywood will be dominated by Marvel movies in the next ten years. If he wants to enter the top action actor sequence, he can only play a superhero.

"Link, I can't stand it."

Paul Walker supported his forehead and said with an uncomfortable expression.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Link asked puzzledly.

Paul Walker pointed at the big screen, "Look for yourself, in a few minutes you will come out naked and show your muscles and body. If I were a woman, I could still watch it, but I'm a man, do you think I would like this kind of movie?"

"In the first movie, you exposed as much as I did. Oh, I see, you are jealous of my better body."

"Bullshit, would I be jealous of you? Well, even if your muscles are better, my acting skills are definitely better than yours. If you don't believe me, you will see tomorrow that there will be film critics criticizing your poor acting skills and saying that you are a vase." Paul Walker teased.

Link smiled lightly, not caring about being criticized for his bad acting skills.

Let them see how bad their acting skills are first. After "The Fighter" is released, they will see how much they have improved, and they will also know how hard they have worked.

It is a good thing that I performed a little worse in "Into the Blue 2".

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