Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 168: Box office premiere

Bang bang bang!

When the movie screening ended, there was a burst of lively applause.

Link saw everyone applauding and thought this movie should do well at the box office.

"Link, congratulations, you acted in a great movie."

Actress Lindsay Lohan came over and congratulated Link with warm eyes.


Link laughed.

The other party was once a Hollywood first-line actress, with representative works such as "Mean Girls" and "Made in Heaven". In recent years, her reputation has declined rapidly due to alcoholism and drug abuse. Last year, she won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for "Boss". Protagonist Award.

"Hey Link, let me introduce you."

Paul Walker put his arm around his shoulders and said to a girl with a hot figure and tan skin, "Jessica Alba, I think you don't know her."

"Of course, Miss Alba, I'm your fan."

Link shook hands with Jessica Alba, who was once one of the top skins in Hollywood and became famous with movies such as "Dark Angel", "Sin City" and "Fantastic Four". Unfortunately, they got married two years ago. Married and had children early.

"Mr. Link Baker, congratulations on a good movie. I hope it will sell well at the box office."

Jessica Alba smiled sweetly.


After saying hello, Jessica left.

Paul Walker put his arm around his shoulders, looked at Jessica's back and said, "How's it going? Isn't she very beautiful? I've filmed a kissing scene with her, are you envious?"

"Why didn't you date her in the first place?" Link asked.

"Are you crazy? I am from the industry. If I find a girlfriend from the industry, life will definitely be a mess. Oh~ I'm sorry, I forgot that Taylor is also from the industry, but you are different. I believe in your love. It will definitely last for a long time.”

Paul Walker quickly added.

Link shook his head, thinking it would be better if he didn't explain.

"Let's go, I'll buy you a drink!"


On its first day of release, "Blue Sea 2" took in a box office of US$8.85 million in 2,605 theaters in North America, slightly lower than the expected 10 million US dollars.

The evaluation of this movie in the media has been more criticism than praise, saying that it is a very rough commercial movie with big flaws in the script design. The second male lead, Link, obviously has too many roles, resulting in incoherent plots. The quality of the first part was much worse and not worth watching.

On the Rotten Tomatoes movie website, the film's freshness rating is only 65%, with 24,127 reviews and a score of 6.7 on the imdb website.

But there are also many media reports that this is a qualified summer movie, with sun and beach, sea, cruise ships, bikini beauties, action scenes and explosion scenes are also very exciting.

The addition of world boxing champion and popular singer Link makes this movie even more exciting and is well worth watching.

The film distributor took the opportunity to launch a third promotional video, which mostly showed Link and the male and female protagonists walking on the beach in swimsuits and swimming in the sea. The footage looked very good.

Judging from the movie reviews on the movie website, female audiences have obviously higher evaluations of this movie than male audiences.

In the first three days of its release, the film took in a box office of US$16.72 million in North America, and the box office is expected to be around US$40 million.

Compared with the production cost of 12 million and the publicity and distribution fund of 10 million, this movie will not lose money, but will make a small profit.

From this point of view, this movie is passable.

However, film critics are still mostly negative about the movie, and their evaluation of Link is even harsher. They think that Link is a vase actor who only poses handsomely for the camera and uses his handsome appearance and strong muscles as selling points. Not good at acting.

"The Hollywood Reporter" commented that Link is highly talented in boxing and music, but has little talent in acting. It advised him to spend more time on boxing and music and not think about getting involved in other fields all day long,' Baker Sir, you are not an all-around superman, and you cannot be so good in every line of work.'

"The New Yorker" magazine directly called Link back to class in its comments, advising him not to waste time in the entertainment industry and be careful about failing the class!

"Look at this, I am a new actor, but they want me to show the acting skills of an Oscar winner. The requirements for me are too high."

In a cafe on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, Link put down the newspaper and said.

"Link, don't pay attention to those comments. You are a star. Only by criticizing you can the media cause controversy and attract readers' attention. If it is news that praises you, how many people do you think will buy their news?"

Director Woody Allen persuaded.

Link nodded, feeling that what he said was right. 'Praise first and then criticize' is a common tactic used by the media for hype, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it.

"Director Allen, can you objectively evaluate my performance in "Blue Sea Tracking"?"

"It's great, maybe you have a chance to win a movie award."

Director Woody Allen praised with a thumbs up.


"Yes, I think you have a chance to win the 2009 Golden Raspberry Award for Best Actor, hahaha~"

Director Woody Allen burst into laughter, laughing so hard that his glasses fell to the table. He hurriedly grabbed them, put them back on, and continued laughing.

Link looked at this seventy-year-old man with a dark face, and walked around in a circle just to make fun of himself. It was too tasteless.

"Haha, just kidding, don't take it seriously, but you do have a good chance of being nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award this year."

Director Woody Allen laughed.

Link shook his head and stirred the coffee cup twice with a spoon.

"The Golden Raspberry Award is also good. If you dare to give it to me, I will accept it."

If you want to win the Golden Raspberry Award, in addition to bad acting skills, you must also be famous enough, including Reagan, Stallone, Madonna, Thompson, Brooke Shields, Marlon Brando, Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, etc. Take it.

"The mentality is good. Now let's get to the topic. This is my new script. Take a look."

Woody Allen came up with a script and pitched it.

Link opened it and looked at it, and saw a familiar name "Midnight in Paris", which is a companion volume to "Midnight in Barcelona".

It is about an American writer with dreams who travels to Paris with his fiancée and his family, and accidentally travels to Paris in the past, where he meets Hemingway, Picasso, Dalimo and other celebrities, and sees the style of Paris in history. , the story of finally finding true love.

The script is not long, only about 8,000 words in total. It took him half an hour to read the entire script, like reading a reading comprehension article.

"Director Allen, why isn't it the story about the boxer you mentioned?"

Link asked, putting down the script.

Director Allen smoked a cigarette and waved his hand and said: "That script is still being conceived. I wrote about a top boxer who accidentally killed his girlfriend when he was at the peak of his career. He was sentenced to three years in prison. After he was released from prison, he A story about becoming an ordinary person, finding his true self in ordinary life, finding love, and becoming a strong person in life again.

Although the script has been designed, you are too young and your acting skills are too poor. You can't act with depth now, so I decided to shoot this movie first and wait a few years for that movie. "

"Sounds good, but is it appropriate for me, a boxer, to play a writer?" Link hesitated.

Director Allen glanced at him and smiled: "Is it possible to find a writer to play the writer? A good director will use the plot to construct the identity of the protagonist, and a good actor will try his best to bring himself into the performance during the performance. You're in the role, so it's not a big problem to be a boxer. In addition, you are also a singer-songwriter and a writer."

Link listened and thought it made sense.

"When will filming start?"

"Don't worry, it's still in preparation. Making a movie is not a simple matter. You still need to attract investment, make a budget, build a studio, props, cast, etc. Do you think you can start shooting once you have a script?"

Director Allen shook his head, "I'm just showing you the script. I want you to read more books and get into the role as soon as possible."

Link didn't know much about this aspect, so he simply didn't comment.

He talked to Director Allen about the script again, and mentioned by the way that he also had a film company. If investment was needed, his film company could participate.

"Director Allen? I didn't expect to meet you here."

While chatting, a young man and woman came over and greeted Director Woody Allen.

Link looked up and saw that they were still familiar faces, movie star Ryan Reynolds and his wife Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett is wearing a ponytail, a T-shirt and jeans, and is holding a shopping bag in her hand. She is probably here to go shopping. She has collaborated with director Allen on three films: "Match Point" in 2005 and "Scoop" in 2006. ", "Midnight in Barcelona" in 2008.

When meeting Director Allen, Scarlett Johansson was very enthusiastic and smiling.

Director Allen chatted with the two for a few words and introduced Link. Link also shook hands with the two of them politely and exchanged pleasantries.

After the two said goodbye, Director Allen looked at the backs of the two and said with admiration: "Both of them are good actors, Link. If you want to win an Oscar, you should learn from them." , first make literary films to hone your acting skills, and then make commercial films.”

Link nodded. Although neither of these two actors won an Academy Award, their acting skills were indeed good.

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