After talking about the movie with Director Allen, Link drove to Brooklyn and talked about music with Eminem for a while.

When I drove back to my apartment in Yorkville, it was already past seven o'clock, the street lights on East 80th Street were all on, and mosquitoes were flying around.

When Link parked the car on the side of the road, his body was a little tired, but his mood was extremely relaxed. After a busy week, he finally marked all the work contents on the form with a red cross. It was really a fulfilling week.


Before he could go upstairs, a black Mercedes-Benz came from behind and stopped on the street.

"Hey, Link, did you just come back too?"

Leonardo, with his slicked back hair, got out of the car, followed by a blond model. The light was too dark, so I didn’t know if it was the original Bar Refaeli.

Leonardo had originally made an appointment to play bowling today. In his busy schedule, he specially took some time to play with Leonardo, but the other party suddenly broke the appointment and went on a date, which made him very unhappy.

"Hi! Leon! Bar!"

Link greeted.

"Ahem, Link, Ba'er and I broke up, this is Anika!"

Leonardo glanced at him, pointed at the woman next to him, and said, this is also a blond and long-legged model, but she is a little thinner and a very skinny model.

"Sorry, I made a mistake. Hi, Miss Anika, your hair is so beautiful!"

Link smiled and said hello to Anika.

Entering the elevator, Leonardo looked at Link and smiled: "Link, why are you alone every time I see you and your girlfriend is busy working? Oh, poor Link, tonight I’m going to sleep alone again.”

Link glanced at him, "Last time we played tennis, you said your kidneys hurt? Are you okay?"

Leonardo's face darkened, and he frowned and said, "Bullshit, it's my waist pain, a muscle strain in my waist, not kidney pain."

"All right!"

Link smiled softly. The last time they made an appointment to play tennis, they played three sets. Leonardo was so tired that he was out of breath and his back ached. Then he stopped asking him to play tennis and started playing bowling instead.

"Link, I heard that the box office of the movie you starred in exceeded 10 million in three days, and the reputation is also good. Congratulations!"

Leonardo smiled.

Link shook his head. This guy knew that he had been criticized by the group of film critics recently, yet he still brought up the movie in person. He really didn't mention anything.

He wanted to counterattack with the news that Leonardo's ex-girlfriend Gisele Bundchen got married, but before he could say anything, the elevator reached the seventh floor.

Returning to the eighth-floor apartment, as soon as I opened the door, a warm light poured out from the house, and the lights in the entrance and living room were on.

The vinyl record player on the counter was slowly spinning, and Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" came from the speaker. The sound was rich and beautiful, like a massage for the ears.

Link was stunned for a moment and called "Taylor", but no one responded.

When she came to the cloakroom to change clothes, there were two silver leather suitcases on the floor, which were Taylor's suitcases. Her jeans were randomly thrown on the carpet, and her leather shoes were not placed on the shoe rack.

"Honey, where are you?"


A familiar voice came from the kitchen.

Link walked through the small living room and saw Miss Taylor making matcha snacks on the counter. She had a blonde ponytail, a blue camisole, and tight-fitting shorts, showing off her tall figure and long white legs.

Link walked over, held her waist from behind, and smelled her fragrance: "When will you come back? You should call me in advance and I will pick you up at the airport."

"It's about three o'clock in the afternoon. I want to give you a surprise."

Taylor turned back and smiled with his lips raised.

"It's indeed a surprise. I met Leonardo when I first came back. He teased me that I would sleep alone tonight. If I had known you were here, I would have told him that you would cook at home and wait for me to come back." Link washed his hands. said.

Taylor smiled slightly, holding a snack and said, "Leonardo changes his girlfriend every year, and there is never a shortage of women around him. Do you envy him?"

"of course not!"

It would be a mistake to hesitate on this issue. Link said without hesitation, "Although he never lacks female companions, he should be lonelier than me, because when I am lonely, I can miss you, and when he is lonely, Who should I think of? I think the women he loved have become other people’s wives. I feel a little pitiful for him.”

"That's a good answer. I'll reward you with one."

Taylor smiled happily, picked up a warm egg tart and put it into his mouth.

Link laughed, hugged her and helped make snacks on the counter.


After Taylor came back, Link's life became a little easier. He got up every day to exercise, went to the recording studio to practice singing, and put aside all other work. He tried to make time to spend time at home with Taylor.

Taylor proposed writing a love song about a man and a woman, which he thought was a good idea. Maybe they could jointly release an album.

Jingle Bell!

In the morning, Link was practicing piano in the piano room when the phone rang, and the caller ID was Eminem.

"Good morning, Eminem, are you ready to come over and record a song?"

He and Eminem had a chat in a bar two days ago. After Eminem watched "Lighters", he praised it highly and agreed to cooperate with him and serve as the producer of this rap song.

"Emm, Link, I want to apologize to you. I probably won't be able to cooperate with you anymore."

On the other end of the phone, Eminem said hesitantly, not at all like a fast-talking singer who can speak five words per second.

"Oh why?"

"I'm also working on a new album recently. I don't have time to make excuses. Link, you know, I'm friends with Kanye and Lil. Some people say that you are deliberately provoking Kanye by becoming a rapper. Yeah them, so it’s not convenient for me to cooperate with you.”

Eminem said.

"I didn't mean that. Besides, I talked to Kanye about this last time and he said he would not interfere with our cooperation."

"I know, but...sorry, it's still inconvenient."

"alright, I got it."

Link shrugged and was about to hang up the phone when Eminem said there was a person who was very suitable to be the producer of this song. He was not a member of the East Coast rap gang, but he was very talented and asked him if he wanted to meet him. .

Link had no interest at first, but when he heard the man's name was Bruno Mars, he hesitated.

Bruno Mars is Brother Mars, a singer-songwriter and talented producer who has won more than ten Grammy Awards and has nine number one songs on the Billboard. The song "Uptown Funk" made him even more popular. Globally, become the top singer in the world music scene.

Moreover, Brother Martian is also one of the original singers of "Lighters", so it seems good to find him to collaborate with.

Link thanked Eminem and expressed his desire to meet Brother Martian.

"What's wrong?"

Taylor asked coming out of the piano room.

"It's okay, let's continue practicing."

"Don't lie to me, you don't look happy, tell me quickly!"

Taylor blinked her beautiful fox eyes and stared at him quietly.

Link shrugged and briefly talked about Eminem's regret.

In order to persuade Eminem to cooperate that day, he showed off his darts skills in the bar and had a drink with the other party. However, the other party broke the appointment, which made him very disappointed.

However, Eminem made up for it by introducing Brother Martian.

"How could they do this? They agreed to reconcile and then target you behind your back."

Taylor said angrily with a cold face.

"It doesn't matter. They are targeting me, which shows that they value me and that I am very powerful."

"Yes, you are the most powerful, then you should find a way to defeat them and don't let them get too proud."

"Listen to you."

Link put his arm around Taylor's shoulders and continued back to the piano room to practice.


"Fake! I hate people who break their promises. Are you satisfied now?"

In a music club in Brooklyn, Eminem dropped his cell phone and cursed with an unhappy look on his face.

"Amu, you misunderstood us. We didn't ask you to reject Link. We just think Link is not a good partner and advise you to be cautious."

50 Cent shouted with the microphone.

"Yes, Link doesn't know how to rap at all. It's a complete waste of your time to collaborate with him."

T.I. said with his arm around Eminem.

Eminem shook his head. He had heard that Link and Kanye had reached a reconciliation before. When Link proposed cooperation, he saw that the song was good and did not refuse.

But after he agreed to cooperate, he could clearly feel that people in the circle were rejecting him. Some people said that he was a traitor and helped Link deal with Kanye and Leal.

After careful consideration, Eminem chose to give up cooperating with Link because he was a rapper with roots in the black music field, and it was not cost-effective to fall out with East Coast rap.

"Eminem, drink! I'm treating you today!"

Lil Wayne put down the phone and called Kanye to tell him Eminem turned down Link.

In fact, they didn't care about the collaboration between Eminem and Link at first. Link was an outsider who came to make rap music, and the possibility of success was too low.

But after watching that rap song, they discovered that its lyrics and music were great.

If Link and Eminem collaborated, the song would have a good chance of breaking into the Billboard singles chart.

Having Link's song appear on the singles chart and the rap song chart, ranking ahead of their songs, is equivalent to stepping on their faces.

How could such a thing be allowed to happen?

They secretly put pressure on Eminem and persuaded him to give up. Fortunately, Eminem paid more attention to the relationship with everyone and decisively refused to cooperate with Link.

As for Bruno Mars, the brown boy, Lille didn't care.

Bruno Mars was signed to Atlantic Records in 2006, but he was short and had an average image, so he was not valued by the record company. He has not released a single song yet.

Leal doesn’t think his collaboration with Link can compare to Eminem.

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