Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 170 Running in Both Directions

The next day, before Link arrived at the company, Anna called and said that someone named Bruno Mars came to see him.

When he arrived at the company, he saw the legendary Mars in the office.

He was Latino, with a brown complexion and afro. He was shorter than in the MV, about 165 cm, and had two dimples on his face.

Compared to the playful and playful look in "Uptown Funk", the Mars in front of him looked a little immature, like a little potato.

"Good morning, Mr. Baker!"

Seeing him come in, Mars immediately stood up and greeted him.

Link also greeted him, "Just call me Link. Have you seen the score of "Lighters"? "

"Yes, I have, it's great!" Mars praised.

Link smiled and looked at the other party. "I heard that you are mainly responsible for creation and music production at Atlantic Records. You have two years of work experience in this area. I want to hire you as the producer of this song. Are you willing to accept this job?"

Mars was stunned and said in a unique South American voice: "Mr. Baker, you have never heard the music I made, and you dare to give the song to me to produce?"

After Anna put down the coffee, Link smiled and said: "Although I don't know you, I know Eminem. He is a very proud and even unruly person. You can get his recommendation. There is no need to doubt your strength."

Mars hesitated and took out a silver Apple music player from his pocket.

"Mr. Baker, I am happy to accept this job, but I would like to ask you to listen to my songs first."


Link turned on the music player and spent half an hour listening to more than ten songs of Martian Brother. One of them was "Nothin' On You", which sounded very familiar, like a hot song.

"Bruno, are these all your works?"

Link turned off the player and looked up at the other party and asked.

"Yes, it's a song I wrote during my time at Atlantic Records. I also wrote six songs for other singers. Those songs have been released, including Miss Brandy Norwood's Long Distance." Brother Mars said with his hands spread out.

Brandy Norwood is a famous rhythm and blues female singer. Last year, she released her fifth studio album "Human", which ranked 15th on the album 200 list.

Link had also heard that song, "These songs are very good, especially this "Nothin' On You" which I like the most. Are these songs for your next album?" Link asked.

Brother Mars scratched his hair and said, "No, the company has no plans to release a record for me for the time being. They think I am more suitable for writing and producing."

Link nodded and understood what he meant. The other party wanted to change jobs, and he happened to have the intention of poaching.

This is a two-way rush.

He called Mr. Graham, introduced Brother Mars, and hired Brother Mars as the producer of his single, giving him a short-term employment contract.

After Brother Mars left, Link thought for a moment and called Miss Ivaka to ask her to help recruit people.

Link Music has a cooperative relationship with Atlantic Records. With Ivaka's means, it is not difficult to recruit an unimportant producer.

"No problem, leave the recruitment to me. How is the recording of "Keep On Movin" going?" Ivaka asked.

"Keep On Movin" is the name of the second album, also known as "Go Forward", with a total of 16 songs, 10 of which Link wrote and 6 were collected from other channels.

The songs in this album include "Give me reason", "Believer", "Trouble I'm In", "Keep On Movin'", "This Is Me", "Rainbow", etc., which are pop and rock styles.

Originally, he planned to put two rap songs "Lighters" and "I'm the One" into this album.

Several producers, including Graeme and David Kahn, thought it was inappropriate. There were too many styles of songs in one album, which seemed a bit messy.

Graeme suggested releasing the two raps separately. Success or failure would not affect the performance of the second album.

Link thought their suggestion made sense, so he took out the two rap songs and prepared to let Mars brother be responsible for producing these two rap songs.

"The first version of the second album songs has been recorded. Graeme and his team are currently working on the post-production sound effects. It will be almost completed before May."

"Not bad, very efficient."

Ivaka praised, with a female CEO tone.

Link smiled lightly, "Of course, I have been working overtime in the studio every day during this period, sometimes leaving in the middle of the night. For this album, I have spent too much time and effort. Remember to give me a bonus at the end of the year."

"No problem!"

Ivaka asked again: "Have you seen any news about me recently?"

Link thought for a while and smiled: "The New York Post reported that you are dating Little Kunas, guessing that you two wealthy families are preparing to get married. Is this true?"

"What do you think?"

Ivaka asked lightly.

Link shook his head. It was hard to guess. According to the original trajectory, the two should be engaged by now. It was hard to determine whether they were still dating now.

"It must be false, right? You said you don't want to get married for the time being. By the way, little Kunas was also at the Atlantic City reception last time. If you wanted to get married, you wouldn't go to him."

"not real!"

Ivaca snorted coldly and hung up the phone decisively.

Link smiled and sent a text message to Ivaca, saying that the company was in its infancy and he hoped she could focus on work and not think about falling in love all day long. That would be bad.

Ivaca replied that the company is planning to launch his global concert tour after the release of his second album. Because he has good physical strength, the first global tour will not be less than 100 shows, so he should be prepared.

Link's scalp went numb when he heard it, and he remembered what he had told himself before, never mess with this woman.

Why did you suddenly forget such a fatal thing?


"Mr. Graeme, is this the recording studio of Link Music? It looks great."

link Music Studio, Martian Brother looked at the decoration in the recording studio and praised it.

"Yes, it has just been renovated."

Graeme responded perfunctorily, looking at the young people around him as he walked.

Information shows that Mars is only 24 years old. He has never gone to college or music school, and has no representative works. He has only worked at Atlantic Records for more than two years.

Graeme didn't think the other party was qualified for the job of producer.

It's just that the other party was invited by Link, and the contract has been signed. Even if it can't be used, it must be used to try.

"Bruno, this is studio three. During the production of "Lighters", you can use all the equipment in the studio. If you need help, you can find it yourself or ask me to arrange it. All costs will be borne by the company. If there is any other If you need anything, come to me anytime.”

Graeme pointed to the recording studio No. 1 next door.


Mars thanked Graeme and excitedly touched around and took a look at the numerous equipment in Studio Three.

All of these equipment are new, mostly brand-name products. Even the humble piano in the corner is a customized version of Steinway, priced at more than half a million US dollars.

He had to lament that Link Music was really rich and more luxurious than the recording studio of Atlantic Records where he worked.

Atlantic Records is a subsidiary of Warner Music Group. It has a big business, but it has many signed artists and too many music producers. Every time you want to use the recording studio, you need to apply several weeks in advance.

Famous musicians can get a recording studio quickly, but less famous musicians like him sometimes can’t even apply for a job in a month.

Thinking about Atlantic Records, Mars is even more envious of the environment here at Link Music.

It would be great to work here.

Mars thought to himself.

He started out as a child actor. When he was 5 years old, he attracted media attention because he was good at imitating Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles. He also participated in the movie "Honeymoon in Vegas."

After graduating from high school, he went to Los Angeles alone to look for opportunities and signed with Motown Records in 2004. Just because he was too short and not handsome enough, he was characterized as a behind-the-scenes songwriter and did not even write a decent song.

After being unilaterally terminated by Motown Records in 2006, he wrote two songs and was hired by Atlantic Records, where he still worked behind the scenes, including soundtrack, songwriter, production assistant, etc.

But his dream is to be a singer.

While at Atlantic Records, he met many famous singers, including Philip Lawrence, B.O.B, and Eminem. His talent was gradually recognized, but the company still had no plans for him to debut as a singer.

This made him somewhat discouraged.

Until two days ago, Eminem called and said that Link was preparing to produce a rap song and needed help.

He recommended him to Link, and Link agreed to let him try it.

Mars was very excited to hear the news.

Link is one of the most famous pop singers in the current music scene. His first album sold more than 2 million copies in North America and nearly 5 million copies worldwide. It would be a big deal to cooperate with him and become the producer of his new single. Opportunity.

After getting the score of "Lighters", he immediately rushed over to make preparations to prevent others from taking it away.

The composition and lyrics of this song are very mature, and it is not difficult to produce. The only thing that needs to be considered now is how to make this song the best it can be, so that Link will be satisfied and appreciate himself, and it is best to become his long-term partner.

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