Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 193 It’s not dark yet

After getting rid of the outspoken Christine, Link drove back to the beach house.

Before it got dark, he turned on the computer to discuss the recent work arrangements with Evaka, Ms. Mandy, and Graeme.

In the fifth week after the release of "Go Forward", a lot of negative information about Link suddenly broke out in the media and on the Internet.

The cause of these negative information was related to a talk show.

On Wednesday, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, T.I. and others participated in a night show interview on CBS TV.

During the show, the host talked about Jay-Z and Link's competition for the charts and asked several people for their opinions.

Lil Wayne said that Jay-Z won a big victory in this competition.

When they competed with Link for the charts, they only competed for the Billboard Rap Chart Champion, and never competed for the album chart.

After the release of "The Blueprint 3", all the songs on the album entered the Rap Chart Hot 40, and Link's rap songs did not have a single one.

There is no doubt that Jay-Z won.

T.I. also publicly said that he wanted to tell everyone a joke, and his joke was, "Link said he can rap."

Neither the host nor the audience understood the funny part of this sentence.

But after T.I. finished speaking, 50 Cent and several other rappers all laughed.

Then T.I. explained that Link was a pop singer and could not rap at all. Link was only responsible for the singing part of the song "I'm The One", so strictly speaking, Link was not a rapper.

He suddenly released a rap song in May and claimed that he would compete with rappers for the charts. It was just a publicity method to increase the exposure of the second album.

50 Cent also shared the experience of one of his fans in the interview. After hearing the song "I'm The One", his fans liked it very much and thought that Link's second album would be a rap album.

But when he bought the record back, he found that there was no rap in the whole album. His fans were very angry and burned the record immediately, saying that Link was a liar.

50 Cent joked that Link's approach was misleading consumers.

Lil Wayne also mentioned Link's participation in amateur boxing competitions in the interview.

He said that Link was a master of hype. Before the semi-finals of the Golden Gloves Amateur Championship, he promoted himself by dragging down boxing stars such as Chris Byrd, Bernard Hopkins, and the monster Valuev, and was called "Mr. Mouth Cannon" by netizens.

After entering the music scene, he continued to use his "mouth cannon" skills to continue to promote and hype by attacking top star Kanye, his sex life with actress Amber, sports games, and competing for the rap charts.

In less than half a year, he gained extremely high popularity in the music scene.

Lil Wayne and 50 Cent said that they admired Link's hype very much, saying that he was more suitable to be a media reporter than a singer.

When a singer needs to have strength and good music works, a singer who only relies on hype to become popular is definitely not a good singer.

Lil Wayne claimed that Link's current fame far exceeded his ability, and in the tone of a senior, he advised him to calm down and focus on music creation, and not to think about becoming popular all day long. The fame that comes from hype is just a bubble and useless.

After the show was broadcast on CBS TV, it caused a lot of controversy in the music industry.

First of all, the rumors that Link and the East Coast rapper were not in harmony were just speculations of the media and fans before, and neither party involved had publicly admitted it.

In this show, Lil Wayne and others publicly admitted that they had competed with Link for the rap chart championship.

Lil and others also mocked Link in public, using obscene words such as "Mr. Mouth Cannon" to attack Link, turning commercial competition into verbal attacks and making the contradictions between the two sides public.

This behavior does not conform to the competition rules within the industry.

Secondly, Lil Wayne and others accused Link of liking hype, saying that he had become famous through various means since he was a boxer, and believed that he was a person who would do anything to become famous.

These attacks sound nonsensical, but they will also mislead the public and fans, and have a great negative impact on Link's reputation.

Many people on the Internet are discussing whether he is a star who became popular by hype?

On the Yahoo Sports Entertainment Forum, there is a popular post titled "Celebrities Stepped on by Link in the Past Two Years".

The poster listed dozens of sports and entertainment stars in detail in the post.

Including more than 20 boxing stars such as Roy Jones Jr., Tyson, and Hopkins.

There are also singers, actors, and stars such as Kanye, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Emma Watson, Miss Thompson, Lady Gaga, Taylor, and Amber.

Although this post was suspected of infringement and was deleted half a day later, it also caused a great deal of heated discussion on the Internet.

More people believe that Link started his career by hyping up the news and riding on the popularity of celebrities. He is a celebrity who does not deserve the name, and is not a glamorous youth idol.

For a time, a lot of negative information about Link emerged on the Internet.

Link discriminated against black people, used performance-enhancing drugs in competitions, plagiarized other people's songs, took drugs, held adult parties, and killed people when he was in his teens.

Someone also posted a picture of an adult party online. In the picture, there was a man who looked very similar to Link, more than a dozen women who were not wearing much clothes, and a group of people were messing around. The scene was very exciting.

Although professionals later confirmed that the picture was photoshopped.

Link often fights shirtless in the boxing ring. Such material is not difficult to find. Someone used such pictures to frame Link.

The picture was later deleted by the platform, but it still caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Because everyone knows that Link is very strong in that aspect, and Link has publicly admitted it. Everyone privately speculates that the scene in the picture may be true, but it has not been exposed.

For a time, there were more negative rumors and negative rumors about Link on the Internet.

The many dazzling halos on Link were also greatly weakened, and this weakening was also directly reflected in the album sales.

Offline sales cannot be counted for the time being.

The sales of various online digital music platforms fell by more than 25% on the same day compared with the previous day.

"Link, put down the lollipop, we are in a meeting."

In the video, Evaka was wearing a women's suit, with her hands on the desk, staring at him with a serious expression.

"I know, you continue, I'm listening."

In the study, Link said while eating a lollipop.

Evaka shook her head. "It's obvious that Jay-Z and his group know that they can't beat us in album sales, so they started to throw dirty water on you and destroy your reputation. Next, we will clarify some rumors through the media and use legal means to protect our legitimate interests. Link, you will be very busy in the next few days, so you must make good arrangements."

"Got it. Can we also dig up their dirty stuff? For example, Jay-Z used to be a drug dealer, so there should be a lot of dirty stuff like this."

"It's useless. He changed his career more than ten years ago. It won't have much impact on him if it's brought up again now. In addition, don't forget that he is a man in his forties, worth hundreds of millions. Even if there is dirty stuff, it doesn't matter much."

Evaka said.

Link nodded, it seems to be like this. This is also one of the reasons why many elderly people become bad. They lack moral constraints and start to let themselves go.

"Hey! Evaka, I don't think people in their forties are old people, they can only be considered middle-aged people."

Ms. Mandy reminded.

Ivaka smiled and said, "Yes, it's a young and middle-aged man, Mandy, you should keep an eye on Link for the next few days and urge him to complete various tasks."

"Don't worry, I won't let Link drive around again."

Ms. Mandy nodded with a smile.

"Encourage? This makes me feel like you are an overseer sent by Eva."

"Link, the songs for Lana's first album have been recorded. When can you come back to listen to them, or we can send the sound source over."

Mr. Graham said.

"Wait until I go over to listen to them. There will be the MTV Music Video Awards next month."


After the video chat ended, Link closed his laptop, stood up and stretched, and suddenly saw Taylor appear quietly at the door.

With a golden ponytail, a purple polka dot dress, and a pair of silver high-heeled sandals under her white calves, her figure became more slender and tall.

"When did you come back?"

Seeing him suddenly looking over, Taylor was also startled, patting her chest and said, "Don't look at me like that. I just came back and saw you in a video conference. I was hesitating whether to go out, and I heard you finish. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I'm not interested in your work."

"I know, I didn't misunderstand, you don't have to explain so much."

Link laughed.

"Who knows, the way you looked at me just now, you must think I'm a very stingy woman, often hiding beside you to listen to your conversation with that big ass, right?"

"I didn't think so, I heard the sound of the car, and can you please not say big ass, it will sound weird."

"I'm telling the truth."

Taylor walked back to the bedroom, took off her dress, untied the straps of her bra, and prepared to change into a loose T-shirt.

Link walked over and hugged her thin waist from behind and kissed her neck.

With a warm fragrance and delicate touch.

Although they are an old couple, they still feel wonderful.

"Stop it! I'm all sweaty. I'm going to take a shower first."

Taylor untied his belt and bumped him with his arm.

"Don't worry, sweat a little more and we'll take a shower together later."

"No! It's not dark yet, don't move."

More than an hour later, it was dark, and Link came out of the bathroom in shorts, feeling refreshed.

Just thinking about the negative news, he took out his phone and opened Twitter.

After registering a Twitter account in March, after several months of operation and accumulation, there are currently 8.013 million users following him. Although it is not the celebrity account with the most followers, it is also among the top 100.

He doesn't tweet often, only 12 times in total, all of which are promoting songs, boxing matches, and gold medal lottery numbers, and do not involve politics and other social news.

Due to the large amount of negative information online these two days, many black fans came to attack him under the previous gold medal lottery tweet.

They said he can't rap, and he went to the rap world to provoke Jay-Z, Kanye and others. He was just trying to attract attention and sell albums. They said he was the king of hype in the music industry.

Some haters asked him to release another rap song. Why hasn't he released any rap works since May?

The album he released is not a rap album. He is misleading consumers and suspected of commercial fraud.

In addition to the comments from haters, there are more comments from fans in the comment area, refuting the comments of haters one by one, resolutely defending Link's reputation, and urging Link to sue Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and others in court.

As for suing several people, Link and the legal team have discussed that although the conversation between Lille and others on the show was somewhat offensive, it did not constitute defamation. If you want to sue them for this matter, the probability of success is not high.

If Link wants to win this public opinion war, it is better to use the media channels and the power of public opinion.

Link leaned on the sofa and thought for a while, edited a tweet and sent it.


Taylor shouted in the bathroom.

"I'm here!"

"You forgot to apply skin cream for me."


Link shrugged his shoulders, put down his phone and went back to the bathroom.

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