Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 194: Strong Counterattack

At night, Kevin Merida, executive editor of the Los Angeles Times, took off his glasses and lay down to sleep. A loud phone ring came from outside.

His wife slapped him beside him, blaming him for not turning off his phone and asking him to get out and answer the phone.

Kevin Merida sighed and could only put on his thick glasses again to answer the phone outside.

The call was from James, a reporter from the entertainment section of the newspaper. James told him that just now, Link sent a tweet to respond to Lil Wayne and the rumors on the Internet in the past two days.

James thought that this tweet had high news value and was likely to become a major news tomorrow. He suggested that he take a look and see if he should write a report tomorrow.

Mr. Merida sighed helplessly. In the past, when there was no Internet, hot news came every few days or months.

Sometimes, because there was no good news, fake news was created.

After the Internet, there are one or more hot spots a day. In order to deal with these news, the workload of these journalists will also increase exponentially.

In the past, there were several days off every month, but now weekends and leisure time after get off work are not guaranteed, and they spend every day in a busy schedule, but they cannot help but accept this change.

With the advent of the Internet era, the survival of traditional media such as newspapers has encountered unprecedented challenges.

If they cannot adapt to this change, they will be eliminated sooner or later, and being eliminated means unemployment, and unemployment means bankruptcy, which is too bad.

Mr. Merida opened the Twitter software on his computer. He also followed Link, so he quickly found the tweet posted by Link ten minutes ago.

Link wrote in the tweet: ‘I give a positive response to the recent news that Lil Wayne and others accused me of being good at hype.

Yes, I am good at hyping myself. For this reason, I went to China once and won an Olympic gold medal. I participated in the WBA Super Middleweight Boxing Championship and won the world boxing title. I participated in the World University Games, broke four swimming records, won eight gold medals, and won seven gold medals in the World Championships.

Yes, I am good at hype. For this reason, I wrote an album to realize my dream of becoming a singer. Thanks to the support of my fans, "The Fighter" has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.

With the encouragement of my fans, I wrote my second album.

At present, the album has sold more than 1.9 million copies in North America. Two singles from the two albums have topped the singles chart, and 16 have entered the singles chart hot100. By the way, "I'm The One" has won the first place on the rap chart.

Yes, I am good at hype, but I am better at speaking with strength. ’

Mr. Merida read it and felt that Link had something to say, but Twitter can only send 280 characters, so he can only write these.

However, these few paragraphs can also convey Link's attitude towards recent rumors, which is a kind of disdain.

With his achievements in boxing and sports, any one of them can make him a sports star, not to mention that he is a popular singer with two best-selling records.

Does someone like him need hype?

Yes, he does! But it's not him, but the media and America that need it.

The media industry needs to use his news to attract the attention of the audience and sell news products.

America also needs to use his story to sell American culture and image, and tell the story of the American dream to people all over the world, so as to attract more talents to pursue their dreams in America.

The recent news that hypes up Link's black material in the media and the Internet is also driven by interests.

Because Link has become very famous recently, whether it is criticizing him or praising him, there are people who pay for it. As long as the news is linked to him, it will sell well, so the media cannot not report it.

Including large newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, they also pretended to be objective and neutral in yesterday's news.

Commented on the conversation between Lil Wayne and others on the CBS TV program.

Neither said that Lil Wayne and others were talking nonsense, nor did they say that Link did not hype.

Only write some comments that fans of both Link and Lil Wayne can accept.

Doing so will not offend the parties involved and their fans, and will not cause legal disputes.

On the other hand, if the two want to continue the war of public opinion, they need to spend money on public relations, and the Los Angeles Times will also be a beneficiary.

So Mr. Merida and all media practitioners hope that this dispute will continue.

They can sell more newspapers by reporting these news.

It's just that the times are different.

Mr. Merida put down his mobile phone and wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.

Since the establishment of social networking sites such as blogs, Facebook, and Twitter, the media's right to speak has been largely deprived.

Public figures can use social platforms to express their opinions directly to specific groups of people without the need for traditional media.

Just like this tweet from Link.

Ten years ago, he needed to contact a TV station or newspaper, pay a public relations fee, and ask reporters to interview him, and use the media channels to express his views or attitudes.

But now Link just posts it casually.

Link has more than 8 million Twitter followers. Even if only one-tenth of them are active users, the communication effect is extremely amazing, comparable to a large newspaper.

Now Link has publicly expressed his doubts about recent public opinion. Although it is only 280 words, every sentence is full of gold. No one can question it, not even large media.

According to Mr. Merida's grasp of public opinion.

Due to Link's strong response, news questioning him will hardly have a market, and the doubts about Link in the media and on the Internet will gradually decrease.

Also because Lil Wayne and others publicly admitted to competing with Link for the list.

The media and the public will shift their attention back to the dispute between Link and the East Coast singer.

Mr. Merida thought about it and called his editors and reporters.

Asked them to remove the commentary article questioning Link in tomorrow's newspaper and replace it with an article commenting on Link's achievements, discussing in the article whether his current fame is due to hype or strength, and the conclusion is that he deserves the reputation.

After making several calls, Merida looked at the time. It was past nine o'clock in the evening, thinking that he had to send the manuscript tomorrow.

He really loves and hates Link. He loves him for sending news actively, and hates him for tweeting at this time, forcing people to work overtime.

In addition to Merida, after Link tweeted, many journalists had to get up to read the tweet and the comments below.

Just three hours after the tweet was sent, it received 1.04 million likes, 158,000 retweets, and 115,000 comments.

Many journalists were shocked by these data.

Link sent the tweet at around 8 o'clock, which was already evening, but within three hours, it still received more than one million likes and support. His fans are too active.

Most of the comments in the comment area are also supportive.

Some people marveled at his achievements and believed that people like him, who are good-looking, talented, and capable, do not need hype to become a big star.

Some people asked him to participate in more sports games, win more gold belts, write more albums, and hype openly to anger those black fans.

Some fans were more considerate and asked him to go to bed quickly and not be affected by those negative news. Anyway, no one would believe it and everyone would always support him.

In addition to these, there was a special comment with more than 30,000 likes.

Those comments suggested that Link should pay attention to the time when posting tweets in the future, and try not to post them in the morning and evening. These two time periods have the lowest user activity and the effect is not good.

Merida and other journalists saw this comment and liked it in support.

The next morning, Link got up and responded to this comment, saying that he knew it and apologized to everyone.

"When did you send this tweet?"

At the table, Taylor asked while swiping his phone.

"After the third time, during the break."

"I feel like you are bragging about yourself. To sum it up in one sentence, I am so good, do I need hype?"

Taylor teased with a curled lip.

"Isn't this true?"

Link stuffed the bread into his mouth, raised his hand to take Taylor's phone, and asked her to eat quickly. Taylor rolled her eyes at him and punched him again when he was not paying attention.

After dinner, he sent Taylor to the recording studio to practice singing, and then went to a nearby boxing gym for training.

In the past two months, he not only has to promote the album, shoot the album MV, and shoot the movie "Valentine's Day", but also a boxing match.

Link will face WBC super middleweight champion Carl France for a WBA-WBC world champion merger.

Carl Franche is a British boxer, 32 years old this year. He debuted in 2002. His current record is 26 fights, 1 loss, and 24 KO wins. The only defeat was to Mikkel Kessler in the WBA European Championship last year.

But in the WBC super middleweight championship title battle in the first half of this year, he defeated Polish fighter Albert Roybeko, Canadian champion Jean Pascal, and Jermaine Taylor.

And Mikkel Kessler, who once defeated him, won the WBC world champion gold belt.

Nicknamed "Cobra".

Known for his extremely fast and tricky jab.

Very strong.

Another important point is that when Franco negotiated with Carl Franche's agency, the other party agreed to the game, but the venue was to be in London, England.

The disadvantage of competing abroad is that if he cannot KO his opponent within 12 rounds, even if he has a clear advantage in the game, he is very likely to be judged as a loser.

So before the game, he must take time to train and maintain a good game state.

Thank you SwiftVwing for the reward, thank you for your support! Thank you for the review!

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