Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 197: Gift of a gold belt?

It’s the sixth week since the release of “Go Forward”.

Link was first attacked by many black fans, and the album sales dropped significantly due to the black material.

But after the release of “See You Again”, the album sales rose again.

On the sales statistics chart, a big ‘√’ appeared, a strong reversal.

In the sixth week, “Go Forward” sold 259,000 copies, and won the Billboard album chart for three consecutive weeks.

The runner-up was Grizzly Bear’s album “Veckatimest”, with first-week sales of 136,000 copies.

The third place was Maxwell’s “BLACKsummers’night”, with second-week sales of 107,000 copies.

“The Blueprint 3” dropped to fourth place, with sales of 74,000 copies.

“Go Forward” has accumulated sales of 2.25 million copies in the United States, becoming the sixth album in the United States to exceed two million copies in 2009.

Link also became the fastest singer in the American music scene to achieve double platinum albums, which took nine months.

In addition, in the sixth week of release, the album's overseas sales were also summarized, with a total overseas sales of 2.757 million copies in the first month, 910,000 more than the first album.

Among them, Asia contributed the most, with 1.35 million copies sold in countries and regions such as China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and New Zealand, doubling the first album.

Also because of the high sales in Asia, in the fifth week of the Olympic gold medal giveaway event, he drew an album number that was sold to China, and the gold medal was also given to the Chinese fan.

It is said that when the Olympic gold medal was sent back to China, it caused a great sensation in the local area.

Many media reported that the gold medal was originally produced in China, and now it was sent back to China by chance, like the "return of the jade intact to Zhao" in history books.

In addition, this Olympic gold medal originally belonged to Phelps, was won by Link, and was returned to China through a lottery event.

The story behind this gold medal is very interesting, and its market price will not be less than 100,000 US dollars.

It is said that many collectors have shown great interest in this Olympic gold medal and want to collect it at a high price, but the fan is not short of money and said that he would keep it for himself and would never sell it.

The news of giving away the Olympic gold medal was also hyped up by major media around the world.

Fans from all over the world flocked to Link's Twitter to leave messages, asking him to be more diligent, participate in more sports games and championships, and win more gold medals.

Some fans also asked him to apply for more events in the next Olympics and win more Olympic gold medals, so that everyone has a chance.

This message received more than 100,000 likes within 24 hours.

In addition, there are fans who are more imaginative, saying that Link is not only a swimmer, but also a world boxing champion, and it is entirely possible to take out the boxing champion's gold belt for lottery.

This message also received support from many people.

Link called Evaka and Franco to discuss it, and the two said it was okay.

The world boxing champion's gold belt is a leather gold-plated craft, not pure gold.

In each organization, there is more than one gold belt in each weight class.

As long as a boxer can get the title of boxing champion, he can get one by paying $2,000.

After being defeated by an opponent, he can still keep one as a souvenir.

In terms of its own value, it is not even as good as a World Championship gold medal.

For the boxing champion himself, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning.

But for boxing fans, having an authentic gold belt engraved with the name of the boxing champion would be an incredible gift.

Link replied to the fans and said yes.

Tell all fans who want to get the WBA world boxing champion gold belt, regardless of nationality, age, or gender.

Before December 20, record a boxing training video of more than 30 seconds, regardless of the training method, regardless of the equipment, as long as it is boxing training.

He will draw a lucky fan from the top 300 boxing videos by video number on the day before Christmas.

At the same time, he also said that he will participate in two boxing championship title merger matches this year, and he is sure to get more than four boxing champion gold belts.

The remaining few will also be sent out by lottery numbers one after another.

After seeing his reply, fans reacted enthusiastically.

Everyone was just joking, but he really agreed and was ready to give away all his boxing gold belts.

Within an hour, the comment area had more than 60,000 messages and more than 150,000 reposts.

There were also fans of other singers who forwarded his reply to other singers, asking them to learn from Link, participate in sports games and boxing competitions, and win a few gold medals and gold belts to please their fans.

Other singers said they really couldn't do it.

Taylor, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and other familiar singers saw it and warned him in different ways, asking him not to go too far, that he was engaging in unfair competition and be careful not to cause public outrage.

Among them, Taylor reacted most strongly. Every time she saw fans asking her to learn from her boyfriend, she would punch Link with her fist to vent her anger.

After Dynasty Promotions communicated with the operations department of YouTube Technology Company, Link officially announced a new lottery on Twitter:

Shoot a boxing training video and have a chance to win the genuine WBA world boxing champion gold belt and other gold belts.

After the tweet was published, more and more messages appeared in the comment section.

The biggest change is that on the YouTube website, YouTube staff has opened a separate section in the sports category.

All fans who want to participate in the lottery can upload the videos they shot to this section.

The first video in this section is Link's boxing training video, which is 50 minutes long.

In the video, he introduced his training methods, fitness methods, equipment usage methods, boxing training precautions, boxing competition rules, etc. in detail.

The video was played more than 2 million times on the first day of upload, and the number of likes exceeded 1.3 million. Many people left messages saying that the video was too long and collected it first and watched it later.

After he uploaded the video, more than 200 boxing training videos were uploaded to this section.

Judging from the training venues and equipment in the video, most of those people are amateur boxers, boxing enthusiasts, and even professional boxers.

Because the boxing section opened by Link gave boxers a lot of exposure, some boxers expressed their tribute to Link online.

"Boxing Ring" also praised Link in a new article, believing that Link's method greatly increased the interest and attention of ordinary people in the sport of boxing, and it is a great way to promote boxing.

He also said that actively promoting boxing is also what a boxing champion should do, and giving away the gold belt is the best way to preserve it.

Mr. Fisher Doug, editor-in-chief of "Ring" magazine, praised Link as a true boxing champion.

Special commentator Mr. Raphael Varane also said in the article that he was very happy to see that Link could still actively promote boxing matches with such a passionate attitude after becoming a big star, saying that he would always be the pride of Miami.

The "Ring", "KO" and "World Boxing" boxing magazines under De La Hoya also reported the news that YouTube opened a boxing unit, giving great affirmation and support.

De La Hoya also uploaded a boxing training video in the unit and said that he would not participate in the lottery.

Tyson, Holyfield, Mario, Reggie, Morales, Andre Berto, Anderzej and others also uploaded training videos to show their support and said that they would not participate in the lottery.

Because these videos are too messy, some are professional boxing champions, some are amateurs, and some are ordinary people.

YouTube's technical department proposed to separate the videos into three categories: professional, amateur and boxing enthusiasts.

Link thought this was a good idea and agreed to the proposal, saying that for the sake of fairness, the draw would only be conducted among amateur and boxing enthusiasts’ videos.

This proposal was well received by many fans.

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