Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 198: Photographing Valentine's Day

"Why are you watching videos again? Are you watching girls dancing?"

On the set of "Valentine's Day", Link was sitting under the awning, watching training videos posted by several boxing enthusiasts.

Taylor came over from the front and took a look. When he saw it was a boxing video, he shrugged and said, "Don't watch short videos all day long. The doctor said that the screen is too small and is not good for the eyes."

"Okay, I just had nothing to do, so I watched two. Hi, Emma, ​​have you finished filming your scenes?"

Link put away his phone and said hello to Emma Roberts beside Taylor.

Emma Roberts is 18 years old this year and is less than 160 centimeters tall. Standing next to Taylor, who is 180 meters tall, she looks even more petite and delicate.

He thought of the other two Emmas again, and he found that the girls named Emma were not tall, but they looked very delicate, like little princesses.

"Hi, Link, I don't have many scenes with Tyler, we filmed them very quickly."

Emma Roberts smiled sweetly.

"Emma, ​​it's not that there aren't many scenes, it's that the two of us have very good acting skills. We only passed it three times."

Taylor put his hand on Emma's shoulder and smiled slightly.

Link smiled softly, Taylor was one of those crazy people with a strong desire to perform.

As long as there is an audience and a camera to shoot, she will immediately pose and prepare to perform. Because of this, her performance on the stage is very passionate. Her concerts, whether singing or dancing, are highly enjoyable to watch. .

However, her shortcomings are also obvious. She is very lazy when there is no audience, too lazy to get up, too lazy to put on makeup, too lazy to change clothes, too lazy to cook, and too lazy to go shopping.

Even when she was ML, she didn't bother to stand up. Her passion for life seemed to be on the stage and in music, and she was a bit boring in private.

"Well done. I usually need two or three for filming. You guys are almost catching up with me."

Link joked.

Taylor rolled her eyes at him, "Why are you pretending to be an old actor? You have only made one movie, and you haven't made many more than Emma."

Emma smiled and said: "Link's acting skills are very good. He did a great job in "Blue Sea Tracking"."

Link smiled proudly and thanked Emma.

Taylor looked at Emma in surprise: "You can watch such an ugly movie? You must have been misled by the movie's promotion."

Emma covered her mouth and laughed.

"Mr. Baker, Miss Swift, it's your turn."

Assistant Director Jason yelled.

Link and Tyler arrived on the set and began filming their scenes.

The film was set at the University of California, Los Angeles. He played a swim team athlete named Link. On Valentine's Day, he gave his girlfriend Taylor a white bear doll. Taylor carried it around and showed off her Valentine's Day. Gift.

The character he plays is muscular, simple in personality, dotes on his girlfriend, and is obedient to her.

His character only has thirteen scenes, and the filming was faster than the music video.

"The first time in three scenes in Scene 35, Action!"

Director Garry Marshall shouted from behind the monitor.

Director Marshall is an old director, 75 years old, born in New York.

He has directed the famous "Pretty Woman", "Princess Diaries", "Runaway Bride", etc. He is good at shooting female-themed movies, and the plot of Valentine's Day is mainly based on female characters. Taylor's role in the drama is larger than his Much.


Before Link could speak in front of the camera, Director Marshall shouted, "Link, cheer up. I heard Director Allen say that your goal is to become an Oscar winner. With your current performance, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to achieve it." The goal."


When Director Marshall broke the news, the staff on site made a sound of surprise.

Everyone looked at Link strangely. He was a boxing champion and a singer, but he didn't expect to want to become an Oscar winner.

The ambition is too great.

Link was helpless. He had impulsively dug a big hole for himself in front of Director Woody Allen. He wanted to wait until Director Allen forgot about it and then secretly erase the target.

After all, it is too difficult to become an Oscar winner.

In the past, most of those who won the Oscar for Best Actor became fatter, thinner, ugly, transgender, or abnormal. It was similar to a self-destructive performance method, sacrificing their health and body to the Oscar.

Link thought he couldn't do it and was hesitant about this goal.

Well now, Director Marshall knew about it and it was exposed in front of the crew. He couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.

"Dear, do you want to be an Oscar winner? Do you want to get a statuette back and give it to fans as a lottery, hahaha!"

Taylor laughed heartlessly.

Link shrugged his shoulders, looked at old Marshall and said, "I understand, Director Marshall, please hold me to the standards of an Oscar winner."

Director Marshall couldn't help but trembling with bags under his eyes when he heard his words.

Link's acting skills can only be said to be average. If we ask him to meet the standards of an Oscar-winning actor, he would not be able to pass this scene in a hundred shots, and this kind of commercial film does not require such high acting skills.

"Okay! Start!"

"The 2nd of 3 shots in Scene 35, Action!"

Field recorder.

Link and Taylor began to perform. Taylor came over with the big white bear in her arms and placed it on the railing. She had a blonde ponytail, a plaid shirt and blue jeans, just like she usually wore.

"Have you been holding it?"

Link is wearing a white lapel shirt and jeans. He is handsome and sunny. He is very attractive in the camera.

Director Marshall saw his profile and secretly sighed that Director Woody Allen had a very accurate eye for people.

Link's face was very handsome, and there were no obvious flaws from any angle, like a work of art.

His face and eyes had some literary temperament, which made people feel that the person behind this face was full of stories.

It was this temperament that made his handsomeness more profound and more intriguing.

It was a pity that he didn't have a suitable role recently, otherwise he would have to compete with Director Allen for the leading role.


Taylor patted the doll and asked, leaning against the railing, "Do you like this gift?"

"I haven't opened it yet."

Link picked up the pink box in his hand, which was a Valentine's Day gift from Taylor.

"Open it quickly."

Taylor waved and urged.

Link smiled and was about to open the box when he heard Director Marshall shout:


"Link, don't show your usual expression when you perform. Your expression just now will tell the audience that you know what's inside without opening it, and what I need is a little curiosity and expectation. Can you do it?"

"Sorry, I can!"

Link said.

"Double NG!"

Taylor raised two fingers and teased, "Mr. Future Oscar winner, do you want me to teach you how to act? With your current performance, when will you get an Oscar?"

"Don't be complacent, I will perform seriously next time, be careful not to be crushed by me."

"Humph, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Taylor wrinkled his nose carelessly.

"35th scene, 3rd take, 3rd time, Action!"

The script supervisor hit the board again.

Link picked up the box and unwrapped the ribbon. There was a sports T-shirt in the box.

"This is my training suit."

"Yes, but I printed your lucky number on the back."

Taylor picked up the T-shirt and unfolded it, revealing the number on the back, a red '13'.

"This is your lucky number."

Link said helplessly.

"You don't like it?!"

Taylor frowned in dissatisfaction.

"No, no, I like it very much, and I can't wait to wear it."

Link explained quickly.

Taylor hugged him happily, "Then put it on now."

"Now? This is a public place, it's not good to take off clothes, right?"

Link said hesitantly.

Taylor immediately pulled down his face, looking unhappy.

"Hey, I promise to wear it in a while, okay?"


Taylor laughed again.


"One more, Link, I hope you can perform better in this one."

Director Marshall shouted.

Link responded helplessly with an OK.

"3 NGs, is this what you call crushing me?"

Taylor couldn't help laughing.

"I mean the evening."

"Hate it!"

Taylor hit him with the white bear, Link stretched out his hand to block it, and when he heard the clerk hitting the board, he started to perform seriously again.

"35th scene, 2nd time, Action!"

Thank you for the reward support from Yue Hua, thank you^_^!

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