Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 199 Video exposure (two in one)

"They look really in love."

On the sidelines, Emma Roberts licked ice cream and looked at Link and Taylor who were filming on the set, with a little envy in her eyes.

Link is a sports star or a big singer. He is so handsome and strong, and is considered by many girls to be the best date. Taylor is also good, a best-selling singer, and has a good boyfriend.

Many people in the circle now envy them.

"False, they definitely don't love each other as much as you see."

Kristen sat on the solid wood railing, holding her mobile phone in her hand, looked up at the set, and said expressionlessly.

"How do you know? You talked to Link privately, and he told you?"

Emma Roberts asked curiously.

Kristen was playing a mobile game and ignored her. Emma was so angry that she snatched the phone and put it in her back pocket.

"Give me!"

Kristen reached out to grab it back, but her body swayed and she almost fell off the railing.

Emma quickly held her knees and smiled: "You tell me the reason first, and then I will return your phone."

Kristen shrugged her shoulders and looked at Link and Taylor on the set, "It's not difficult to guess this. They are both busy people and have no time to fall in love. Give me your phone quickly."

"It turned out to be a guess."

Emma shrugged in disappointment and handed the phone back to her.

Kristen looked at her, "What's this expression? You really want to see the two of them break up."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. You, Katie, Lively, and Doutzen all want to steal Taylor's boyfriend. It's shameless."

"Shut up! They're coming."

Emma poked Kristen.

Kristine glanced at Link who was coming from the opposite side, lowered her head and said in Emma's ear: "Link said he likes to see it from the front, can you accept this position?"

When Emma heard this, her ears and cheeks instantly turned red, and she quietly pinched her calf.

"Hi! Chris, are you still on vacation?"

Link greeted.

After filming in the afternoon, Taylor made an appointment with Emma and Kristen, who had nothing to do, and went shopping on Beverly Rodeo Drive. Link was invited to accompany them.

The three girls were drinking cold drinks, walking around in front, talking and laughing.

Link walked behind carrying several shopping bags, feeling like a bag carrier.

He originally wanted to hand the shopping bag to the bodyguard Wallace, but Wallace refused him on the spot, saying that he was a bodyguard and was holding something in his hand, which would affect the speed of drawing the gun.

Link thought he had a point.

"Link, hurry up."

Taylor shouted from the front.

"Taylor, Link doesn't want to go shopping with you."

Christine put her jeans in her pockets and looked at Link expressionlessly.

"is that so?"

Taylor asked dissatisfiedly.

"Of course not, I just think you walked too fast and missed a lot of scenery."

"That's pretty much it!"

Taylor smiled slightly, kissed him on the face, and took the two friends to continue shopping.

Emma said she could help him carry two shopping bags, but he refused. Emma was too petite and didn't seem to have much strength, unless Kristen was willing to help, but Kristen had an indifferent face, pursed her lips, and said nothing. Don't say anything either.

Just as he was walking to the LV boutique, several people who looked like reporters suddenly rushed towards Link.

Wallace and Bob immediately stepped forward to stop them, preventing anyone from getting close to Link. The patrolmen on the street also came over.

"Mr. Baker, is the content of the video on YouTube true? Are you really a fan of Kanye?"

shouted a reporter with a microphone.


Link looked at the other person in confusion.

"Mr. Baker, stop hiding it. Now everyone knows you are a Kanye fan."

"Yes, your friends also confirmed this."

Several reporters and paparazzi were arguing.

Link shook his head, "Gentlemen, please be quiet for a moment. Someone tell me what happened."

Then a few people who looked like reporters started talking nonsense.

Two hours ago, a video suddenly appeared on YouTube with the title ‘Horrifying! Pop king Link claims to be a fan of Kanye, and here’s the hard evidence! ’

Once the video was released, it was viewed more than 1 million times in less than two hours.

After hearing the explanations of several reporters, Link took out his mobile phone and opened YouTube. As expected, there was such a video on the homepage. It was posted at around 3 p.m. and has been played more than 3 million times.

The video is only twelve minutes long.

He opened it and looked at it again, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

In the video, a pale young man sang Kanye's "Stronger" on a bar stage with a microphone.

‘Do it, let it do, make us longer, better, faster, stronger, that won’t kill us, it will just make me stronger’.

That young man is Link Baker.

In the video, reporters also interviewed the staff of Pink Lover Bar, asking Link what songs he liked. Those people all replied that Link often came to the bar and asked to play "Stronger".

Among these interviewees, there were even James and Michael.

The reporter asked James, what song does Link like?

James blinked and thought about it, and said "Stronger", which he listens to every time he goes to the bar. We think that song is difficult to listen to, but he likes it.

When Link saw James' answer, he suddenly remembered that Link Baker really liked this song and would listen to it every time he went to the Pink Lover Bar. So when he went to the bar later, the people in the bar took the initiative to play this song in order to entertain him.

Before, he was still wondering why he could hear this song every time he went there, but now he understood a little bit.

"Link, so you like Kanye's songs?"

Taylor laughed.

"Link, are you really a fan of Kanye? Then why did you two fight? It's very interesting."

Emma Roberts laughed.

Link was helpless. With videos and interviews as evidence, he couldn't deny it.

After sending away a few reporters, Anna and Mandy called him one after another to tell him about the YouTube video. Ivaca also knew about it, and the company was preparing for public relations.

Link told them not to worry, a video would have no impact, even if they were regarded as Kanye fans.

Kanye debuted early and is a top singer. He has sung his songs before. This is normal and does not need to be taken as a big trouble.

However, the number of reporters and paparazzi on the street gradually increased, and continuing to go shopping would block traffic. Link and Taylor had no choice but to say goodbye to Kristen and Emma and drive home early.

Since he has become so famous recently, everything related to him will become hot news.

In addition, his battle with East Coast Rap for the charts has not yet ended, and it suddenly emerged on the Internet that he is suspected of being a ‘fan’ of Kanye.

This news is not only fresh and curious, but also has a hint of cold humor.

After a night of fermentation, this news successfully attracted everyone's attention.

The next day there was more discussion about the news online in the media.

Most of them are teasing his relationship with Kanye, saying that the two enemies admire each other in private, and that the fans and the singer are in love with each other.

Many people are also curious about what caused Link, a fan, to suddenly turn from a fan to a fan and fight against Kanye, an idol.

By noon, there was a theory on the Internet that was recognized by many people.

It is said that when Link was a boy, he used to hang out on the streets, get into fights, and hang out in bars and dance clubs. Most of the rap songs were related to sex, crime, gunfights, murder, etc.

In that case, it's normal that he likes rap music.

As an adult, his thoughts gradually matured and his taste in music also changed, and he began to like pop, rock, country music and so on.

This change also illustrates his growth and maturity.

Netizens think this statement is very reliable. After all, everyone is young, and the explosive rhythm and exciting lyrics of rap music are very suitable for young people.

In addition to the above, there is another theory that is supported by many people.

It is said that Link is a fan of Kanye, but Kanye is too slow to release new songs. In order to hear Kanye's new songs earlier, he entered the music scene and personally competed with Kanye on the charts, forcing Kanye to release more songs.

Then Kanye released "Monster" early.

Except for Kanye, all East Coast rappers have released new songs this year, and they are releasing songs faster than before.

He also said that fans of Kanye, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z and others should thank Link.

If he hadn't crossed over into the rap field to compete for the charts, everyone wouldn't have been able to hear so many new songs in advance.

This statement is nonsensical and more like a joke, but some people accept it.

In the afternoon, many Kanye fans flooded his Twitter message, claiming that they had misunderstood and that he was in the same group as everyone else, and thanked him for helping to promote the song.

Some people also took the initiative to delete comments that had criticized him.

Link was confused. Even if he had sung Kanye's songs, how could he be considered his fan?

This kind of pulling is too far-fetched.

The people in East Coast rap really do whatever it takes to save face.

James also called and expressed that he did not know that he and Kanye were having conflicts. When a reporter asked about it, he casually mentioned the song "Stronger". James asked if it had caused him trouble.

Link said no, it was just a trivial matter and nothing to take too seriously.


James asked worriedly.

"Of course, I'm a big star now, so this little thing is nothing, just a little embarrassing."

Link laughed.

"Well, I hope I don't cause you any trouble. When will you go back to Miami? There are a lot of people on the beach now and it's very lively."

James said in an exaggerated tone.

Link thought about the scenery on Miami Beach and wanted to go back and take a rest, but there were too many things going on recently and he really didn't have time.

After hanging up the phone, he called Ivaca and asked Mandy and Graeme to hold an online video conference to discuss how to deal with the trouble at hand.

After discussion, everyone came up with three plans.

First, ignore the video, pretend that nothing happened, and don’t respond to reporters’ questions. After a few days, other news breaks out in the circle, and no one mentions it.

Second, he publicly denied the video, saying that he once liked that song, but now his taste has changed and he doesn’t like Kanye’s songs.

He also took the opportunity to criticize East Coast rappers and advised them not to promote articles, sex, guns, etc. in their lyrics. These songs can easily mislead young people.

Third, he publicly admitted that he liked Kanye’s songs and expressed his appreciation for Kanye.

After a show of hands, everyone felt that Article 3 was better.

First of all, he is now as famous as Kanye and does not need to compete with Kanye in the ring to attract media attention.

Secondly, he is now a top star with many fans, and his attitude often represents the attitude of his fans.

The same is true for Kanye.

Taking the initiative to reconcile can not only avoid conflicts among fans, but also have the opportunity to win over fans of Kanye and others.

Finally, in the past period of time, the news that he and East Coast singers competed for the charts has been a hot topic, and many people know about it.

Now the sales of the album "Go Forward" have completely defeated Jay-Z's albums both in the United States and overseas.

"See You Again" has also topped the Billboard Singles Chart and Rap Chart for two consecutive weeks, and its sales continue to rise, suppressing all singles from rising.

In this music battle, he is the absolute winner.

A winner proposes reconciliation to the loser, which is a manifestation of magnanimity.

After he, the winner, expresses his willingness to reconcile, the pressure will be transferred to East Coast rap. If they do not agree to reconcile, the mainstream media and fans will have opinions about them.

Therefore, Link's initiative to release the signal of reconciliation has more benefits than disadvantages.

Link thinks their opinions make sense.

The day after the video broke, he wrote on Twitter: "Yes, that song "Stronger" is really great, Kanye and Eminem are also my favorite rappers."

After the tweet was sent, the comment area became very lively, and his fans and Kanye and Eminem's fans all came to leave messages.

More than 90% of the comments were positive, and only a small number of people expressed the hope that they would continue to fight, so that fans could hear those good songs earlier. If they don't compete for the charts, the rap charts will become boring.

There are also very few black fans who said that he lost to the East Coast singer and took the initiative to ask for peace, and then was sprayed into a mess by fans using the sales data of "Go Forward" and "See You Again".

More than an hour after he sent the tweet, Kanye also sent a tweet, "There is no doubt that "See You Again" is a great song, and Link is also a very promising new singer."

There is nothing wrong with the first half of this tweet. "See You Again" is too popular, and there are too many people who like it. There is nothing wrong with Kanye praising it.

But his later words caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Link already has two albums that have been awarded double platinum in the United States, and the sales of both albums have exceeded 10 million copies worldwide. Is this very promising? Is this a new singer?

Link's fans think Kanye is posturing.

In the past battles for the charts, Kanye and the East Coast rap gangs were defeated.

As a loser in the battle for the charts, facing the goodwill released by Link, he used a condescending attitude to comment on Link, which was a bit of a loss of favor.

Although Kanye's tweets were controversial, the mainstream media regarded this as a signal of reconciliation between the two parties and believed that the music scene would usher in a relatively calm period in the future.

"Go Forward" was released for the seventh week.

With sales of 368,000 copies, it continued to top the Billboard album chart for four consecutive weeks, and it was also the only album to win four consecutive championships in 2009.

The second place was the Grizzlies' album "Veckatimest", with sales of 146,000 copies in the second week, with little fluctuation.

Maxwell's "BLACKsummers'night" ranked third with sales of 114,000 copies.

"The Blueprint 3" dropped to No. 19, with sales of 34,000 copies.

According to media investigations and analysis, "Go Forward" continued to sell well, partly because of the popularity brought to Link by "See You Again".

Another part was the reason for the reconciliation between Link and Kanye.

According to media investigations, fans of Kanye, Jay-Z, Lil and others also publicly bought Link's albums and singles after the two sides reconciled, including many black fans.

Kanye, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly became depressed after seeing the news, feeling as if he was being hyped by Link again, and this time he took the initiative to deliver it.

He suddenly felt that it was not a good idea to reconcile with Link in that way.

"See You Again" still ranks first on the Billboard singles chart, and its online sales have exceeded 10 million copies.

According to Link's previous decision, all the singers will share the proceeds, 50% will be donated to the MJ Charity Foundation, and 50% will be donated to the International Red Cross.

According to media estimates, this donation will be no less than 2 million US dollars in 2009 alone, and the subsequent income will be more, no less than 10 million US dollars.

However, Link Music can also earn a considerable amount of income from songwriters, production, copyright, etc.

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