Bang bang bang!

Los Angeles, Muscle Beach Boxing Club, Link is wearing a blue training vest and shorts, sweating profusely in front of the punching bag.

"Go Forward" continues to be a hit, the competition with East Coast rappers has come to an end, and the pre-production of "Valentine's Day" has been completed. He can spend more time in the training gym, exercising and improving his boxing strength.

While training, Katherine and Emma Stone walked in.

Katherine is now the President of Palm Bay Agency, where she manages the day-to-day operations of the agency, as well as managing Selena and Emma Stone.

For a gold medal agent, having a few celebrities under his command can completely cope with it.

Catherine is wearing a gray women's business suit, wearing glasses, and is tall, like a professional elite.

In terms of appearance, Link's appearance is 70% from her and 30% from his acquired training.

Emma Stone followed her obediently, with over a foot long brown-blonde hair hanging on her shoulders. She was wearing a blue sweater, a skirt, and blue high heels. She looked very ladylike.

Just looking at the figure who was punching the sandbag, there was a bit of uneasiness in her blue-gray eyes, and her fingers were holding the hem of her skirt tightly.

"Don't worry, Link isn't that stingy."

Catherine comforted.


Emma Stone asked uncertainly.

When she was filming the MV a few days ago, she didn't know that Link was the boss of the company. She only regarded him as a big star and wanted to show off in front of him. So when she was performing, she was full of energy and often overwhelmed Lin in her acting skills. Gram, let Link eat NG many times.

Being able to crush a big star felt very good at the time, and I was in a good mood every day.

Afterwards, she even showed off to her colleagues in the company, saying that the acting skills of the famous star Link were average.

Only later, after listening to other people in the company talking, did I find out that Link was the company's majority shareholder and the boss behind the scenes, and that Catherine was Link's mother.

At that time, she wanted to die and was so embarrassed that she felt ashamed.

Today I heard that Catherine said that she wanted to come to Link to discuss the movie project. After she found out, she took the initiative and apologized to Link in person.

"Hi ~ Catherine Emma, ​​you are here!"

Seeing the two people coming, Link stopped training, picked up a towel to wipe his sweat, and came to the rest area on the sidelines.

"Mr. Baker, I'm sorry!"

Emma Stone quickly stepped forward and apologized to him sincerely.

"I'm sorry? Why are you sorry?"

Link looked at her confused.

Emma Stone blinked her eyes and wanted to say that I shouldn't have suppressed your scene during the filming, but she just said this, as if it was a secondary injury to him.

Catherine smiled slightly, stepped forward and hugged her shoulders and said, "Okay, everything is over, and Link never took it to heart."

Emma Stone looked at Link uncertainly.

"Oh, I remembered."

Link looked at Miss Emma Stone and smiled and said, "I remember one time when we were filming a breakup scene, I got NG 12 times. Afterwards, you clenched your fists and whispered yeah, so you did it on purpose?"

Emma Stone's face turned red instantly.

When she played the breakup scene in the MV, she performed it very well and never let Link down once, causing Link to get NG 12 times.

Link's face turned dark at that time. The thought of making a big star look bad made her very excited, and she couldn't help but secretly shout "yeah".

But I didn't expect that Link would hear it and bring it up to his face.

If she hadn't signed a contract with the Palm Bay agent and the company's treatment and resources were very good, she would have considered quitting the industry immediately.

"Good performance! As expected of an actor that Catherine likes, keep up the good work."

Link laughed.

"Mr. Baker, don't you blame me?"

"It doesn't matter, don't mention it, and don't tell others, otherwise I will be embarrassed."

Emma Stone nodded repeatedly, but she felt a little uneasy when she thought that she had told her colleagues in the company about crushing Link.

"Link, this is the script of "Scandal Project", take a look."

Catherine sat on the bench and took out a script and handed it over.

Link opened it and read it. The name of the script was "Scandal Project". It was about a high school girl who, in order to be unique, deliberately created a scandal for herself, saying that she had slept with boys and was not a virgin.

Because of this incident, she became a celebrity in school and became a popular figure in the school. However, because she was not a virgin, she was ridiculed and isolated by her classmates, and some even hung broken shoes on her door.

Link has seen this movie. When he first saw the plot, he felt a little strange. He heard that American girls have been messing around since they were young, like the plot in "American Pie".

But in this movie, after a high school girl announces that she is not a virgin, she will be isolated by her classmates and given broken shoes. It doesn't feel like something that would happen in the United States.

However, after living in the United States for more than a year, I realized that there are 50 states in the United States, and the situation in each state is different.

Some states have liberal sexual concepts, and losing virginity before marriage is very common, mainly in the eastern and western coastal states. In conservative areas, many women still keep their virginity before their wedding night. This kind of thing is very common, especially among some religious people. woman.

The story of "Scandal Project" takes place in a conservative area.

"The script is good, what's the situation with the producers?"

Link asked.

"Screen Treasure Pictures originally agreed to invest in the production of this movie, but when it came to the heroine selection, they hoped to use a more popular female star instead of Emma. Now the producer Mr. Will Gurler is considering changing the role. "

Will Gurler is the producer and director of this film. He filmed "Cheerleading Camp" and "Scandal Project" is his second film.

Due to the mediocre box office performance of his debut film, Will Gurler failed to find an investor after half a year of preparation. It was not until last month that Sony's Screen Treasure Pictures agreed to invest.

The film has just been officially approved and casting has begun.

Emma Stone had previously performed well in several school comedy movies such as "King of Rock" and "Bunny Girl". She also received an audition invitation and won three rounds of auditions, gaining recognition from Will Gulle.

It's just that the producer sent by Screen Treasure Pictures was not satisfied and hoped that a more famous actress would be replaced to play the heroine, which would be more secure at the box office.

Now Wilguler faces a dilemma, whether to change an investor or a heroine. There is no doubt that it is easier to change the heroine.

After Catherine learned about this situation, she took the initiative to contact Will Gulle and Screen Treasures for public relations, but the progress was not smooth.

After Link learned about this through Ms. Mandy, he called Catherine and asked her to bring the script for a look. He wanted to know if this "Scandal Project" was the original movie.

It turns out that "Scandal Project" was Emma Stone's famous work, and it was a box office hit. Sister Shitou also relied on this movie to become a second-tier Hollywood star.

This shows that the "Scandal Project" project has investment value.

After reading the script, he confirmed that it was the original script.

"Catherine, what's the budget for this movie from director Will Guler?"

Link asked as he closed the script.

"The initial budget is 8 million!"

"Only 8 million? Catherine, you contact director Wil Gulle and say that Palm Beach Pictures is willing to invest in this movie."

"Link, do you want to invest all of it? It's too risky. The competition in the film industry is very fierce. Four to five hundred films are produced every year, and most of them are losing money. Don't be too impulsive. I think it's good to participate in investment production."

Catherine advised.

"I understand, Catherine, you don't have to worry. I'll leave it to you to contact the crew and leave the investment to me."

Link said.

Seeing his persistence, Catherine stopped trying to persuade him. The script of this movie was good and the investment was not too high. Link had already planned to invest in the movie, so it was appropriate to use this project to test the waters.

Emma Stone sat nearby and listened to the conversation between the two.

When I heard Link say 'only 8 million', I looked at him in surprise.

8 million US dollars is not a small amount for anyone, but Link said easily that it was only 8 million, which was too rich.

What shocked her even more was that Link was one year younger than her, and all the money he had was earned by himself.

How could this person be so powerful?

Emma Stone stared at Link in fascination until Link looked over. She blinked and looked down at the water bottle in her hand.

"Come on Emma, ​​I'm optimistic about you!"

Link clenched his fists and smiled.

"Yes, I will."

Emma gave him a nervous fist bump.

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